#i made an old theory post ab that but i dont believe it anymore
pinkeoni · 1 year
The thing is… I think Will still loves and misses his dad.
And don’t get me wrong, Lonnie does NOT deserve Will’s love or forgiveness, but I think it’s a bit more complicated than that.
Joyce and Jonathan both have moments that display the detest they both have for Lonnie, but for Will we don’t get a lot of his feelings on the matter, only “it’s fun to go with him sometimes” regarding Lonnie’s visits. The rest we have to imply through Will’s character.
Will is EXTREMELY loving and forgiving. And yes there is a line to this, but it’s not unrealistic for victims of abuse to still hold strong feelings of love for their abusers. I think there is also a chance that Will may not have clear memories of his past experiences with Lonnie, but that’s a post for another day. Honestly, if Lonnie reappeared in Will’s life during season 5, I think he would accept him with open arms. It’s just the kind of person Will is.
That’s not to say that Will doesn’t hate what Lonnie did to Joyce and Jonathan, he probably does, but he may not necessarily hate how Lonnie treated him. Again, feelings towards abusers can be complicated. Will also wasn’t there for the whole debacle where Lonnie tried to use his death for money. I also doubt Joyce or Jonathan would want to tell Will this either, it would just make him feel bad.
Will also does not think very highly of himself, unfortunately. There are moments where he sticks up for himself, like the rain fight and the Rink-O-Mania fight, but then later he usually retracts it. Such as when Lucas was trying to apologize and Will said it didn’t matter, or when Will said he “deserved it” after Rink-O-Mania.
This is why though an important part of Will’s arc next season is going to be about acting selfishly and realizing that he does deserves much better than the hand he’s been dealt, especially when it comes to Lonnie. However, Will can’t go through this arc if he already feels this way.
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kaypeace21 · 2 years
did u say u wanted will byers to be a prostitute and get aids? bc someone on twitter is saying u did but never posted proof so we don’t know what to believe…
They show no proof for their claims - cause it never happened. They're lying.
They've made up at least 3 lies about me. Including the one you mentioned...
It's a blatant lie- which I already adressed was false , previously (here) . This fabrication is linked to their own homophobia and hate towards Will, as a character. It's really disgusting how they continuous peddle this lie over and over about me . Also , think about it... what gay "Will stan" would want that to happen to Will? Like really????
No hate to you anon. But how could I be a fan of Will + a "delusional byler stan" + want that?? It makes no sense-
Full transparency: they're using an old post from years ago as "proof "that isnt even proof. I regret and don't believe in that post anymore . I stated as such in the past. But the post said I thought maybe Will would be implied to be a player like billy? Given all the parallels of Will/billy and how the s4 films corelate that behavior to queer csa vicitms . But I went back to believing my 1st theory: Will is too traumatized to be with anyone romantically at the moment. And I was embarrassed of that post and theory,and regret it . But again never mentioned Will getting h*v/a*ds ever!!! or Will becoming a prost*tute. The only thing I've ever said about Will is he's possibly a csa victim because of lonnie's ab*se . Regardless of his past ,he wouldn't be a "pr*stitute" but a child and v*ctim!
The h*v one is the most offensive to me - as a gay women who was also a csa vicitm . The fact I'm open about these 2 facts: makes alot of bullies try to lie and claim I said things I never did: mostly they smear me using things they think will tr*gger me... knowing how I relate to these subjects. It's like how I get hate messages about being autistic. Sad but true.
Old Link addressing their lies here- cause I already discussed their smears more elequently there. And frankly ,discussing this bully is tiring. I'd rather not give her my attention . Last time i adressed their h*v lies- they just posted multiple NEW posts trying to spread that lie further. They even made up 2 new lies too, after I adressed the 1st h*v lie . 🙄
There's also a huge chance me saying this: will cause them to fabricate even more lies.
But since we're here
I guess I should adress the other lies too...
( they falsely claimed I "ignored Jonathan's tra*ma with lonnie and claimedmed I said jonathan would be ab*sive like lonnie" ).
I never said that. I even did multiple analyses about jonathan's tra*ma in relation to lonnie and never once implied he'd be like lonnie. If anything i said the opposite of what they're claiming. I said that jonathan wouldn't be like lonnie ,despite the ab*se (and break the cycle). *But they know that- so they claim i said the opposite ...to try and get under my skin.
Despite me ignoring them ( never talking to or about them), and not even having a Twitter. Heck , I don't mention their name, cause unlike them- I don't like inciting hate mobs. I'm just not the bullying type... and won't resort to their level.
Also ,not a big deal but i never did say stuff about jargyle ... like I honestly just laugh that accusation off.
There's probably more lies I missed ... but you get it.
Have a good day anon. Sorry , if I came across as aggressive. I just dont want to waste my time anymore addressing or thinking about this bully. I'm not the only one they smeared or attacked- prob won't be the last . I'd rather ignore this person and all the drama they cause .Just because I live "rent free in their head" doesn't mean I should waste my energy on them. We should all just stop giving them attention, honestly.
Update: shock so I've been told minutes after this post - she's bringing up old posts from like 3 years ago ,I guess? That i've already said i dont believe anymore. And she's saying stuff about really old posts completely out of context , to distort the meaning, and twist it to smear me as a horrible person. Similar to what I said she's already done. Don't even want to look. This just proved my point . This is why I ignore her- she's obsessed with me . So I won't be addressing questions about her again. She's not worth any of our time -_-
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