#i made one for meru so had to make one for my main gal as well
gaygryffindorgal · 2 years
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hphm; verna malinda, through the years
just stop your crying have the time of your life breaking through the atmosphere and things are pretty good from here remember everything will be alright we can meet again somewhere somewhere far away from here 
iman benson, laura harrier, and lauren ridloff as verna
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luckywolfsbane · 7 years
***I’m screaming inside this is a rare and special thing.***
I was tagged by @mermaid-hair-and-swords to name 10 girls from 10 different series that I like!
Thank you, Faith.
This could get bumpy, so hang on.
1. Tear Grants from Tales of the Abyss. On it’s own, Abyss isn’t a series, but it is a main entry in the Tales Series overall. Tear is tough, she’s no nonsense, and she’s got a soft spot for cute things. She’s smart, modest, and was actually the first character my friends ever really tied to me. Naturally, she has a special place in my heart.
2. Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson. She was honestly so cool to me when I was in middle school. Sure, she’s not perfect, but her ambitions are big – bigger than big. She kind of got me curious about architecture and, even though I didn’t stick with it, I’ve continued to think of it as pretty spectacular.
3. Ferris from Legend of the Legendary Heroes. This series was a bit of a tragedy for me because it was cut so short. Ferris, however, never failed to inspire me with her sense of humor and cunning. I mean, she was a swordmaiden with a sweet tooth. Sure, she could have a bit of temper – see poor Ryner’s head if you need proof – but she seemed to be just so many things. She was really well developed, especially considering the amount of mystery that the abrupt series end left around her childhood and family. We do know, however, that she’s very much a survivor.
4. Marinette for Miraculous Ladybug. I mean, I don’t think I need too much explanation on this one. I relate to her timid personality, especially when it comes to relationships. What’s cool about her is that, even though she is so shy, she goes out of her way to help others in and out of her Ladybug form. She just makes me feel less weird about my strange self.
5. Meru from Legend of the Dragoon. Dragoon isn’t technically a series, but I’m running out of stuff because I’m bad at this. I highly doubt anyone will know what I’m talking about here, so here goes: Meru is a vibrant, spunky, sassy, dancer with a giant hammer. You meet her in – I think – disk 2 of the 4 disk game. The first glimpse you get of this bad ass magical girl is her hitting a couple punks with her giant hammer. She’s also very clumsy and just overall fun. If her outfit wasn’t as showy as it is, I’d probably cosplay her, because it just makes my day to think about her antics. I mean, she threw a book at King Albert’s head because she thought he was the main character, Dart. She didn’t care. She was proud of herself.
6. Isabelle Lightwood from The Mortal Instruments. Now, I may not be deep into this fandom anymore, but Isabelle dealt with a lot of bull crap with beauty and grace, all while wearing killer heels. She said something about there being nothing a Shadowhunter couldn’t do in heels and I think that was really cool of her. I mean, maybe it’s because if I tried half the stuff she does in heels – like walking – I’d probably die, but still. Izzy was just a really cool gal overall, no matter what I may think of the fandom now or in the future.
7. Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Now, before you go off and say “she was kidnapped! You have to save her!” let me just tell you that for 7 years, this bad ass bitch kept an evil sorcerer king at bay by disguising herself as Sheik and, according to the manga, posing as a young Sheikah boy while hiding in plain sight! This version of Zelda is pretty much the Legend of Zelda equivalent of Mulan, if you look at her like that. Which I do. I have mad respect for this Princess Zelda.
8. Rapunzel from Disney’s Tangled. She’s just an awesome Renaissance woman overall. Listen to the first song “When Will My Life Begin” from the movie and you get the picture of who she is. She’s not a wimp. She didn’t count on a prince to save her, but rather saved a thief and made him a prince. She just gives me a lot of feelings. She’s a wonderful character.
9. Hiyori Iki from Noragami. Now, I could have choosen Bishamon, but I think Hiyori deserves some credit here. She has no idea what’s she’s doing about half the time, but she still does it. She makes hilarious mistakes, but she (or Yato) always manages to find a light in the mess and bring about a better end to various situations. She’s also every intelligent and just wants everyone to be safe and happy… and for her soul to stop slipping out.
10. Karigan G'ladheon from the Green Rider series. This lady is amazing. In the first book alone, she runs away from school and gets caught up with the magical royal messengers within the first day or two. This girl takes the job without a second thought and gets swept off on a dangerous adventure with a horse that knows more about what they’re doing than she does and a ghost rider of the man she took the horse and message from as he died. That’s not spoilers. I just told you vaguely what happens at the very beginning. This girl is confused and lost as hell but that doesn’t stop her from saving the kingdom and doing what she thinks is right. Also, she can turn invisible. Pretty freaking cool.
Okay, I’m in pain. I’m glad I’m done with this, but I’m just as glad I got to do it. Thanks so much, Faith. I really had fun with this. And I’m going to tag a few random humans, hopefully. If you’re not human, well, okay. Here goes: @mystictrashandwheretofindher @kaizo-kidd @dothackeryggdrasil @fandomsandanythingelse @animeluver812
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