#i made some pretty bad gifs back in the day but! i kept praticing and seeing what worked for me
One Night| Hunter
Note: Nsfw content,
Warnings: creampies, p in v, facials, squirting, name calling, rough, hair pulling, light choking, smoking 18+ content
Reader: Female
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"Thanks again." Y/n thanked the kessel burbon slid to her, sliding credits to Cid, "any more missions?"
"No,those clone boys took the last one I had." Cid spoke, "there won't be any more for a few cycles."
"Clones took my jobs?" Y/n questioned, sipping the hard liquor.
"Yeah! When wrecker through those KT troopers like it was nothing!" Omega cheered as the group walked down into the bar.
"Speak of the devil." Cid spoke, Y/n turning her head.
"Yes Wrecker's strength was acceptionally helpful this mission. Yet Omega's new tracking skills came in handy." Tech spoke.
"And Echo's climbing skills! How do you do that with one hand?!" Omega cheered.
"Pratice." Echo spoke.
Hunter chuckled at Omega's happiness.
"We did good boys-"
He stopped, seeing Y/n casually talking to Cid, sipping on her drink, her hair a mess, a few braids in her short hair making her hair uneven in both long and short length. In baggy black robes a belt tired tigh around her waist. Boots knee high with her baggy pants tucked in. Her eyeliner red and in sharp wings up towards her relaxed brows.
She turned her gaze towards hunter, her eyes a cybernetic white, then her head followed. Her gaze lingering on him as she smiled smally.
"Oh no no no! Watch your eyes dark and broody!" Cid argued, rushing around the counter.
"Don't mind me I'm also looking disrespectfully." Y/n teased getting up from her seat, following behind Cid.
"Uh," Hunter tried to speak, woah was his only thought process, "Your...new."
"Not knew. Just havent seen me before." Y/n smiled, standing next to Cid with a hand on her hip, "names Y/n's and Im presuming you all are the clones that have been taking my jobs?"
"Oh, we are?" Omega looked up at Hunter, who was still at a lost for words.
"What?" Hunter asked looking down at Omega.
Y/n chuckled, walking up to the longer haired male, "Listen, dark and broody, we can be friends. I just want my missions."
She leaned into his face, his face becoming red "Y-yeah..."
"Thanks then." Y/n smiled, his eyes gazing to his banana, "I'll take this as payment for taking my last missions."
With ease she pulled the headband off his head, turning her head half way to talk to Cid she smiled.
"I'll see you late then mom." Y/n chuckled, nudging Hunter as she passed, "Im off to collect some credits Im owed."
"Did she just call Cid Mom?" Wrecker questioned Y/n walking out the bar and up the steps.
"I believe she did." Tech responded.
Hunter was hit in the side with Cid's walking staff, "I'm docking your pay half!"
"What!?" Hunter argued.
"Thats what you get for lookin at my kid like that!" Cid defended, "watch it next time"
"Well if our pay has already been docked. She was quiet pretty. Her eyes especially." Tech repsonded as Hunter nudged him hard.
"Don't worry, Hunter if you marry her Cid's your new mom!" Wrecker laughed shoving the man.
"I don't even know her!" Hunter argued.
"And that'll never happen!" Cid defended, "now watch it before I dock all your pay! You won't be seeing her again."
"But she took Hunter's bandanna." Omega pointed out, Hunter feeling his head.
"She did?!"
"And I thought Wrecker had it bad for that twilek girl he helped at the market." Echo told.
So there Hunter was, left the whole day with no headband, atleast 3 standard hours he waited, rubbing his head feeling as if he was missing something, well he was missing something.
"Hey! Mom! You'll never guess the load I got this time!" Y/n called out walking down the steps and into the bar, "I beat fifteen of the finest warriors apparently! Yeah right!"
Y/n walked in, gym bag at her side, the boys turning to the girl, stripped down to a tank top and a diffrent set of black pants that were tucked into her boots, a certain red bandana around her thigh.
"Oh you're all still here." She spoke, "I was-"
Hunter stepped infront of her, "I'd like my bandana back."
"Hm? Yeah come on." Y/n spoke, walking around him, "follow me."
"Yeah no sorry- not happening-" Hunter argued grabbing her wrist, "just hand it over."
Y/n ripped her wrist from him, hurting his hand in the process, "well then take it off, its right there."
Hunter kept his gaze away from Y/n's thigh, her ahoulder looking interesting at the momment.
"Well its mine then." Y/n spoke going to walk away but her arm was grabbed, Hunter turning to her as he kept his gaze up, his hands feeling for the band,
She chuckled, "little higher and you'll be at my zipper-"
He sighed looking away as he felt his bandana, his hand reaching around and untying it from her thigh.
"You smell nice." Y/n teased
"I don't see how you're Cid's kid." Hunter commented.
"Not by blood sweetheart." Y/n commented.
There was a chuckle as Hunter turned his head, Tech and Echo going back to there silence Wrecker luckily out and about with Omega. Hunter removed the band finally as Y/n chuckled.
Y/n leaned over, kissing Hunter's cheek as he flushed, "rooms down the hall on your left, we should be lucky my mom's on the upper floors."
Hunter only nodded as Y/n walked away, waving to his two brothers who were playing sabbec at the bar.
Hunter turned around to follow her a few mintues later, "don't be too loud."
Hunter glared at the two but made his leave anyways, following Y/n's instructions. Making it to the last door he knocked the door sliding open as Y/n sat on the floor, a tray in her lap, neon fairy lights on the strung carelessly on the walls and ceiling, weapons littered on the floor, some things hanging on the walls, there was a mess of the bed.
"So you came." She spoke popping whatever she was rolling into a jar, setting it on her nightstand and pushing the tray into the drawer. Standing up zhe grabbed a box of matches, throwing herself into one of the large bean bag chairs, big enough for two people, "lock the door would you?"
He did as asked, "why call me in here?"
"Well...Dark and Broody." Y/n spoke, "sit, come on."
Patting the seat besides her he walked over, "I have a name."
"Okay? Tell me it."
"Okay Hunter." She spoke, "you seemed tense. So we. Me and you. Are gonna smoke-"
"Smoke? Smoke what-"
"One of these." Y/n spoke holding up the jar, "Kessel herb."
"Spice? Yeah no-"
"No. Herb." Y/n defended, "there's a big difference."
Hunter watched her swish the jar around in front of him, "you pick one for me atleast."
Mentally sighing he did as asked, Pulling out a joint for her she smiled, closing the jar and setting it aside, "atleast this doesn't smell bad, smells like flowers."
Hunter watched her open up the match box, the joint between her lips as she striked the first match, a complete dud, she moved onto the second one, also a dud, by the fourth one Hunter was wondering if she'd ever light the thing.
"Dropped them in water-"
"I can do it." Hunter cut off, Y/n gladly handing him the match box as she leaned over, he striking out on the first match but the second one he got working, the flame bright and prominet despite the red undertone of the lights, leaning over as well he lit the thing easy as pie.
He watched her take a deep inhale in bowing out through her nose she leaned back, muscles already calming and relaxing.
"Why did you really call me in here."
"I told you to smoke." Y/n spoke, "I know a stressed man when I see one. Shit half the time I am a stressed man."
Hunter watched her take in another puff, "Plus it would ruffle my moms scales."
Hunter chuckled Y/n was right about that much, "yet also wanted to see if you wanted to hook up for a night."
Hunter coughed, not because of the smoke but the abruptness, "I'm sorry?"
"Well I seen you look at me the way you did earlier," she told, "and you're pretty good looking, but you seem to atleast have a good head on your sholders, men I know that look at me usually make a comment right away, you kept them to yourself."
Hunter responded with silence, "it's just a suggestion, an idea." She told him turning to look at him.
Again silence and Y/n contuined to smoke as if it was no problem that he said no, he found it, hot, sexy even. She knew what she wanted and she asked if told no she was okay with that, carrying out through her day.
"Why me?"
"I just explained why, you." Y/n spoke, "its yes or no tense guy."
Hunter shifted, its been a while, he mentally sighed, Y/n returning to smoking casually. Was this a way of teasing? If it was, it was harsh, and it was working. Shifting once more there chlothed and armored touching one another.
Damn, Hunter thought, to have her strong thigh in his hand, his head between her thighs. He looked up seeing Y/n pull the joint away once more, feeling the stare Y/n turned her head
"Wanna try it after all?" Y/n questioned, bringing the joint infront of him, "if not more for me."
Fuck it, the empire rules the galaxy, the republic fell, his brother is trying to kill them, what could he possibly loose from having any fun.
He took it with gloved fingers bringing it to his lips, Y/n watched him take a deep inhale, Y/n impresssed.
"This isnt your first rodeo." She teased.
He leaned in closer to her, if even physically possible, removing the joint from his lips, he pushed closer to Y/n, his lips placed on her's softly, and only for a momment, then pulled away, strings of smoke coming from both there lips now as Hunter's mind felt clear, relaxed.
"Lets do it." Hunter responded, usuing his armor as an ash tray, pressing the ashes to death on his chest plate as the embers died.
"One puffs not gonna get you anywhere." Y/n teased.
"But you will..." he whispered against her lips, pressing furthur once more he kissed her.
The kiss much more passionate than the first, Y/n running her hands through his hair, his bandanna slipping off in the process as she tossed it away.
"Fuck you're so hot..." He whispered into the kiss, Y/n moaning softly, his hands untucking her white tank top from her pants.
"Don't tell Im sharing with someone, thats why you came back all undressed." He teased against her lips, his hands hiking up her t-shirt past her covered breast.
"If sharing means arena fights. Then yes." Y/n teased back causing Hunter to chuckle.
Hunter pulled away, unclapssing his armor as she watched, letting it be tossed to the floor he was stripped down to his blacks. Bitting her lip at the buldge in his blacks, he leaned back into her,kissing her lip's passionately, forcing his tongue into her mouth she groaned, his touange pressing against his as they fought.
The kiss ended in a tie, both pulling away panting, Hunter let his hand's find her bare skin in the mean time, traveling up her adoment and covered breast he found her shirt, pulling away he lifted it over her head and arms. About to kiss her again she stopped him, pulling on the edge of his blacks, she pulled his shirt up, he lifting his arms in the process, his gloves rolling off with his sleeves in the process. Tossing the article of chlothing somewhere random. He removing her black sports bra, he kissed her just above her breast.
She humming in pleasure as he did so, traveling up to her neck, kicking her boots and socks off in the process, her legs tensed squeezing together Hunter had found her sweet spot, the space just above her collar bone, where her muscle was tense.
"H-hunter..." she panted, kissing the side of his head as she let out a soft groan, her head rolling back as her fingers tugged on his hair.
"You drive me crazy doing that..." Hunter whispered against her skin, dragging his kisses down her chest, and to her breast, where he let himself take in one of her soft buds.
"Fuck..." he moaned, his hair being pulled once more.
"Maker you're mouths amazing-" Y/n spoke her legs squeeze together tighter, adding to her pleasure as she groaned.
Switching over to give the second one just as much attention his hand cupped her other breast, squeezing her battle scared flesh softly, his other hand slipping behind her waist band slipping into her panties.
Hunter pulled away from her bud with a intoxicated look, "Your soaked..."
Y/n chuckled, "and you're hard as a rock..."
Pulling his hands away from her, she watched him undo her pants, pulling them down as quick as he could, and with her help of kicking them off they were gone.
Y/n reached for the last of his blacks, pulling them off his hips he pulled at them as well, removing his boxers as well. His chlothes barely releasing his length, Y/n's hand wrapped around the base of his aching cock.
Y/n's face laced with warmth and a teasing smirk she let her thumb rub the strip under the base of his cock, he groaned watching her tease his cock. His hand pulling at her panties she raised her hips to help, and he loosely pulled them down enough to let his hand go between her legs.
His finger's teasing her clit softly as she meweled, "Fucking hell..." she whined softly.
Both messes under each other's touches Y/n picked up a pace, her hand starting to milk his cock as he moaned heavily, body both relaxed and tense he gripped her thigh.
"Easy- now..." Y/n whispered to him, planting a soft kiss on his lips, "Don't wanna finish just in my hand do we?"
Hunter shook his head no, "you better be on something...I'm gonna cum in you till you beg me to stop..." he moaned.
She chuckled, leaning into his ear, "yeah? Am I gonna be sitting in pools of your cum?"
"Fuck yeah you are." He told her, "f-from every fuckin hole, starting with you're mouth."
She was taken back both by comment. He stood up as she looked up at him, his cock in her face, she moved forward, her lips brushing against his cock as she licked his tip, the taste of Pre-Cum now on her touange.
"Salty..." she teased kissing down his shaft, her hand wrapping around his base. Looking up at him his face was flushed, yet still held a determined look of lust in his eye.
Pulling back to the tip of his cock she kissed the tip, opening her mouth she pushed his tip in, her hands resting on his hips.
Fuck does he feel so good down my throat, Y/n thought, her eyes closed as she moaned, bobbing her head almost instantly causing Hunter to groan.
"Easy doll. You don't wanna choke." He teased, watching her bobbing increase he moaned loudly, her pace only increasing, "Maker you know to suck cock- s-shit-"
Y/n pulled away jacking his siliva covered cock off, "H-hunter fill me with your cum please. I wanna be in a pool of your cum."
He covered his mouth, what the fuck., but he wasnt complaining, watching her deep throat him again he groaned, his hips starting to pool back and thrust, and as soon as he knew it he was holding the back of her head, mouth fucking her hard.
"Yeah baby take it all...like a little slut take it all for me." He moaned, " hell- I'm-"
Hunter hit deep inside her mouth, cumming down her throat, mid way pulling out letting the rest coat her face.
"H-hunter!" She meweled, but he covered her mouth, not wanting anyone to hear.
She swallowed his cum, groaning into his hand as he pulled his hand away.
"They can't hear us..." she panted, cum covered her face and mixed with her drool as she tried to catch her breath, "t-the walls are solid concrete..."
"Well then...I suppose I will be making you scream..." he panted as she bit her lip, looking down at her he chuckled.
Face covered in cum, running down her lips and chin, her breast perky, marks already starting to form on her neck, her panties down to her knees as she sat waiting for him, flushed and horny.
"Maker I can not wait to put my cock in that tight pussy of your's." He told her, his thumb holding her chin.
"Then do it. Fuck me till you can't cum no more" she begged, watching him kneel down infront of her, causing him to chuckle.
"I want a taste of you first." He told her.
Pulling her panties off she bit her lip as he grabbed her legs roughly by the back of her knees, spreading them from one another, she shifted in her spot, allowing her legs to spread a bit wider and give him a better veiw. Hunter didn't bother teasing her, her pussy soaked and aching as he dived in, eating at her clit.
"F-fuck Hunter!" She cried, her back arching as she gripped onto his hair immediately.
Y/n was in heaven, Hunter between her legs completely devoring her.
"Baby so sweet..." he moaned into her cunt, licking up every bit of her fluid he could, shoving his touange deep inside her.
"Oh- maker! Fuck me! Please fuck me!" She begged, his fingers joining his touange deep inside her, as an incoherent mewel escaped her lips, his fingers thrusting deep inside her.
"Come on baby..squirt for me i wanna taste it." He whispered against her cunt.
"H-holy shit!" Y/n exclaimed, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, eating her raw her back arched and her legs squeezed together but he pulled away, spanking her on the back of the thigh.
"Do that again and I'll stop eating you out and fuck you until you're raw." Hunter deamnded, she nodded mindlessly, as he went back to devoring her.
Her pussy pulsating as he shoved his touange deep insider her, his fingers competing for space.
"H-hunter..." she whined, feeling like she was to snap, "H-Hunter- Hunter! Hunter!"
She squirted into his mouth, her legs squeezing together in pleasure.
"F-fuck!" She moaned, back arching as her legs shook, "F-fuck,"
He pulled away from her, flicking her clit with his fingers intesifiying her orgaism. Moaning loudly she watched him getting up to his knees he leaned over her grabbing her face.
"I told you if you closed your legs again I'd fuck you until your raw." He argued as Y/n blushed deeply.
"I'm sorry sir..." she apologized, pussy still pulsating, still completely soaked with a mix of her own cum and his siliva.
"What did you call me?"
"S-sorry daddy." She apologized.
"Atleast you know your place."
Holy fuck, where did this Hunter come from? Not that she knew Hunter at all, but it was still a shock to see the 'dark and broody' man become such a sex addict that liked to be called daddy.
"You either call me daddy or sarge," he demanded grabbing her chin, "understand?"
She nodded in response.
"I can't hear you."
"Yes daddy."
"Good girl..." he praised, "the better you are the more cum you'll get, understand?"
"Yes daddy."
He spred her legs open again, his knees resting on the bean bag below her as he lined himself up with her soaked entrence. Pushing his tip in her she moaned loudly, her feet resting on his hips, he chuckled, grabbing her hips tightly he shoved himself in her fully.
"F-fuck!" She cried out, "Oh maker yes!"
He started beating into her without warning, she crying out in pleasure as her body shook.
"D-daddy so rough! Oh-yes!" She shouted.
"Touch yourself While I fuck you," he demanded, her hand hand reaching between her legs,rubbing her clit while he fucked her senseless, "Good girl, looks like someone wants to be filled with cum."
She moaned nodding her head in the process as he beating balls deep into her, hearing his cum filled balls slapping against her soaked skin.
"F-fuck daddy please!" She begged, one of his hands finding the back of her hair as he gripped it, arching her over.
"Please what baby girl? Come on. Tell daddy what you want."
"P-please cum in me!" She cried drooling in pleasure, he groaned her tight pussy walls clenching around him, "H-Hunter!"
Moaning heavily he gripped her hair tighter, her free hand gripping his forearm as she bit her lip. The feeling built up in her stomach.
"Y-yeah! D-daddy! Daddy make me cum!" She begged, he watched her come unraveled, beating into her roughly her back arched, toes curling as she moaned loudly, soaking his cock as she squirted onto him, he pulled out of her, rubbing her clit intesifiying her orgaism.
"Oh- Shit!" She cried, the quicker he rubbing her clit more she squirted, slipping back into her he delievered a few hard thrust as she cried out, pulling out once more her orgaism intense as she held her legs open.
"Fuck daddy!" She cried.
"Come on baby let it all out." He praised, slipping into her again and fucking her roughly for a few more thrust, pulling out once more as she squirted the last she could.
"H-hunter- Hunter!"
"Shh baby. Shh." He spoke leaning kissing her roughly she kissed back, pulling away he looked down at her, "You still need my cum in you huh baby?"
"Mhmm, yes please." She begged.
"Good girl." He praised, kissing her sloppily as she groaned.
Pulling away she held onto his arm as he pushed his way back into her, causing her to mewel out his name.
"What a perfect little pussy." He told her, starting to thrust into her, his hand rest at the side of her throat as his thumb pulled her chin down, she wore a curled smile with a deep blush, her pupils dialted wide and pupils seemingly in the shape of hearts.
"H-hunter...daddy..." she meweled.
He grunted down a groan, feeling himself starting to become unraveled, "pussys still tight for me,fuck-"
His gripp tightned around her neck, causing her to choke slightly, as his thrust became sloppy, becoming increasingly rougher as her moans grew louder once more. Loosing rythem he pulled his hand away from her neck, his hands gripping her hips for leverage as he pulled them against his thrust, groaning loudly he still beat into her harshly, his cock pulsating in her. She begged for him to creampie her, her hands finding his hair as she tugged and pulled.
"Ah! Fuck! Yeah! Fuck!" He groaned, "Oh! OH!"
He shoved himself deep inside of her keeping her steady as her back arched, his own body arching into her's as he released a massive load of cum into her.
"Oh! Fuck yeah!" He groaned, completely loosing control, contuining his rough thrust.
"H-hunter! Hunter! Holy shit!" She cried out.
"Fuck Im cumming again!"
"H-hunter! Fuck!" A second smaller load was shot into her, filling her womb with his hot seed as he held her hips tight, rocking into her steadily as to make sure he stuffed her. He panted heavily, his ears seemingly ringing as he looked down at her.
Her mouth agape as she breathed heavily, her breast rising and falling with heavy pants.
"Good girl..." Hunter praised, slolwy pulling out of her, Y/n letting out the last of her soft moans.
He panted heavily, his hands spreading her legs as she ended up holding her legs open by her inner thighs, Hunter watches the thick cum leaked out of her, cum covering her pussy folds.
"Good girl." Hunter praised, a few of his fingers scooping up some of the cum as she opened her mouth, letting it sloppily leak from Hunter's hand to her mouth and face, "Now, turn over on all fours, Im not done with you yet."
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apocalypseornaw · 3 years
Always be Yours- 2
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Word Count 5,437 *not my gif*
Story Summary: Inspired by the 2 part I did of the same title. Follows Dean and Reader through season 9 into season 10
Chapter Summary: Adaddon is back and using two hunters to draw the boys into a trap so of course you're right there with them
Warnings: cursing, fights, minor character death
Dean could hear your laughter drifting down the hall the moment he stepped out of his room. You'd only been at the bunker a week or so but you'd always had a habit of making any place feel your presence. Hell even Crowley asked if he could see you when he found out you were there. Kevin was acting more normal than he'd ever seen the kid and it was a bit of a relief to know he wasn't the only one keeping a close eye on Sam should Ezekial decide to not hold up his end of the bargain.
He headed towards the kitchen and could hear music. The closer he got he made out the tune of "You give love a bad name" when he stepped around the corner he was met with the sight of Sam spinning you around while you sang along word for word. Kevin was sitting at the table working on a large stack of pancakes and laughing at the show of you and Sam dancing around the kitchen in your pajamas. The two of you had formed a close friendship back when you were both the youngest kids being pawned off on Bobby during hunts and Dean would be lying if he said he didn't wish you were as comfortable around him as you were Sam.
He could still remember the first case him and Sam worked solo with you. It was the Croatoan virus. You hadn't blinked an eye when you refused to leave Sam's side when he was exposed telling them both that if they were giving in so were you. Over the years you'd been in and out of their lives and the day he'd been dragged out of hell you showed up at Bobby's and had a blade to his neck before him or Bobby could explain. When they proved it was really him that was the first time you'd ever hugged him. You'd pratically squealed when you jumped into his arms "Dean! You're back!"
You always had a habit that no matter how long you went without seeing him or Sam you always treated them as if you'd just seen them the day before. When Sam was soulless you helped him to track down Death to get Sam's soul back. He'd never seen you back down from a fight especially if someone you cared about was fighting.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when you slid to a stop in front of him and held a hand out to him. "C'mon Dean" you pleaded and he shook his head "I haven't even had my coffee yet Y/N" you being the ever persistent woman you were rolled your eyes then looked over your shoulder at Sam "Be a good little brother and fix the man some coffee" Sam grinned as he moved to grab Dean's mug and you turned back around to Dean with a smile "So now what's your excuse?" the song switched to "Have you ever seen the rain" and your eyes lit up when he hummed the first couple bars before hesitantly taking your hand.
You slid your arms up around his neck and he put his hands at your waist careful not to catch the bare skin when your shirt rode up slightly. Normally he'd feel stupid as hell dancing in the kitchen? Especially with an audience but the smile on your face was worth it, most of the time you tried to keep up the front of a fearless hunter but since Bobby's death you'd started to let your guard fall more often and around more people than just Sam. When the song ended you winked at him and said "Who knew Dean Winchester can dance?" then moved to turn the player down. Sam cleared his throat and looked from you to Dean before holding the coffee out "Want your coffee Dean?" when you turned your back Sam raised his eyebrows and Dean shot him a glare "Thanks Sammy" you thankfully didn't see the look passed between them when you turned around to ask Kevin if he wanted orange juice.
The ease of the morning was interrupted by a phone call coming in about a busload of bodies found on a naval base. That mixed with the freaky storms and dead cattle circling that area screamed demon. You grabbed your duffel bag and the bag with your fed suit then stepped out of your room and met up with Kevin in the hallway. He glanced down towards the armory so you shot him a smile "Just stay away from him Kev. He'll try to get into your head and it's not worth it" he gave you a small smile in return "I'll stay away from him Y/N" he turned to head to the library so you headed for the map room where Sam and Dean stood waiting. Dean's eyes skimmed over you and your crossed your arms "Is there a problem Dean?" he met your eyes and smirked slightly "Naw, just you're gonna be a lot more fun to look at all day than Sammy here" you rolled your eyes and chunked your duffel bag to him considering they both already kept go bags in baby's trunk "Easy tiger, we got work to do"
You walked next to Sam up the stairs talking about the case and what could possibly be waiting.
When Dean rolled to a stop right outside the area that had been tapped off you slid your ID into your pocket then climbed out the backseat. You had stopped off about ten miles back for all of you to change into your suits. "This place reeks of sulphur" Sam muttered and you nodded "Between the stink and the storms.." "Mixed with the dead cattle I'll take demons for a thousand Alex" Dean finished holding the police tape up for you to walk underneath.
The MP noticed the three of you and headed your way so you pulled your badges out while Dean did the introduction "Agents Stark, Banner and Barnes. FBI. Just need to have a look around" She didn't hesitate to ask "Why? This is a military case, not a federal one" "Well that's not what our supervisor said" you interjected and if anything you speaking seemed to make her attitude that much worse "That so? Then maybe him and I ought to have a chat" Sam cut his eyes at you and Dean said "Ok" then pulled his phone out. You wondered what he was doing and leaned up slightly to see him hit Kevin's number.
"Hey boss, we got a little problem" poor Kevin you just hoped he knew to play along. After a beat Dean continued "Yeah just a local badge needs a little confirmation we're supposed to be here. How the word came down from FBI headquarters in D.C." you were glad you were used to situations like this because if not you probably would've laughed imagining how confused Kevin must be but nonetheless Dean said "Yeah" then held the phone out to the MP.
She looked between the three of you before saying "This is sergeant Miranda Bates. Who am I talking to?" She looked back at Dean who you knew by far wouldn't break before asking Kevin "How old are you?" you were started to get annoyed with her attitude when she said "Listen kid, I don't have to do anything and I don't take orders from the feebs so unless you can give me one good reason you got a couple of pretty boy agents and their handler poking around my crime scene" "Handler?" you scoffed and Sam reached a hand out to pull you back next to him as she kept ranting "I'm gonna put them in cuffs and spank your ass raw"
Her face fell at something Kevin said "What?..How did you find that?" You looked between the boys to see if they had any idea what Kevin was telling her but they both shrugged. She finally said "Yes sir" then handed Dean's phone back and walked away.
Dean was barely holding back a smile when he said "Kevin, what the hell did you just do?" Sam motioned to the bus so Dean waved the two of you ahead.
You stepped on the bus behind Sam and went to the first body while Sam started looking over a different one. "Sam look" you pushed back the guy's shirt with a pen to show the bullet hole in his chest. All the bodies had fatal wounds but they were all also long dead.
Dean then stepped up on the bus and asked "Got anything?" Sam nodded to the body nearest you "This guy was shot in the heart" "That what killed him?" he asked and Sam looked at you so you shrugged "Maybe? but like ten or twenty years ago" Dean glanced at Sam who added "All these bodies have fatal wounds but they're all old" "So meatsuits?" Dean guessed so you nodded "Bodies took a licking but demons kept them ticking"
"And now they're riding the soldiers" Sam added. Dean looked behind Sam "Hey" you looked up to see sergeant Bates walking up onto the bus with a tablet in her hands "Excuse me agents. We pulled this off the security camera. You might want to take a look" Sam reached out for it so you moved to the side so Dean could see the screen as well. It clearly showed the soldiers walking away but Sam froze on one woman in particular. You knew they couldn't tell you why in front of Bates but the moment the three of you stepped off the bus Dean said "Abaddon? Seriously?" and you knew why Sam had frozen the screen. That was the demon that had attacked the men of letters and who killed their grandfather Henry after him and her jumped through a magical portal to recent time.
"I thought you kentucky fried that meatsuit?" Dean asked Sam who shrugged "I did Dean" "Then how did she get it back?" you asked and nodded to the cop that held the tape up for you to pass. "And why's she playing G.I. Joe?" Dean said and Sam responded "No clue. Why don't you ask her when we find her?"
You slid into the backseat and pulled your suit jacket off while Dean pulled out onto the road and said "Oh I will and then I'm gonna chop her freaking head off..again"
After stopping off long enough for all of you to change back into normal clothes you got back on the road to the bunker. It was already dark out and you were laid across the backseat when Sam's phone rang and you heard him say "Hold on Kevin..Wait..slow down" Sam cut his eyes back when you sat up then put the phone on speaker while Kevin repeated the coordinates he'd been given then said "And she gave me two names. Irv Franklin and Tracy Bell" "Irv's a friend, don't know Tracy" Dean cut in before Kevin continued "All right, the lady said they were hunters and that if you didn't go save them that she would kill them" "Yeah heard that song before" Dean grumbled but you were looking up the coordinates to see where you were all headed.
"Dean, who was she?" Kevin asked so you answered without looking up "The bad guy" Dean asked Kevin to dig up everything the men of letters had on the knights of hell. Abaddon was one although you didn't know exactly what that entailed. After Sam hung up with Kevin you leaned up between him and Dean "The numbers point to a spot on the outskirts of Eugene, Oregon" then glanced between the two of them "Are we gonna adknowledge this is a trap right?"
"Yup" Dean said matter of factly. You turned your head to look at Sam when he asked "And we're just gonna walk right into it?" "Guns blazing" you answered and saw Dean glance your way in the mirror. "Well Y/N's with me, Sam?" Sam of course said "You know it"
You drove through the night and stopped a few miles shy of where Abaddon wanted to meet so all of you could be as well prepared as possible. The place was completely abandoned. Dean gave voice to your thoughts when he asked "What the hell happened here?" "A local chemical plant sprang a leak years ago. They evacuated three square blocks. Guess it's still contaminated"
"Wait? So this whole place is poison?" you asked, a little worried. "Yeah" Sam replied and you laughed when you saw Dean's hand move to cover his crotch "That's not gonna help" Sam told him with a sigh. Dean realized you'd seen him and shrugged "It doesn't hurt"
One thing you'd gotten used to was that when you hunted with them both they had a habit of keeping you between them when they could. You weren't sure if it was on purpose or not. The three of you walked further into the town then heard a slam coming from an old diner that caused you and Sam to pull your guns. Dean nodded so you covered Sam while he kicked the door in.
"Clear" you and Dean went in behind him so you kept an eye on the kitchen to make sure there was no surprises while Dean untied Irv and who had to be Tracy. You glanced back when he said Abaddon had been torturing hunters to get information on Sam and Dean. If you hadn't been with them she might have gotten her claws on you.
Dean gave Irv a shot of holy water while Sam gave one to Tracy who rolled her eyes "Happy?" she was slinging more aggression towards Sam than you would've liked but now wasn't the time. Irv nodded to you when Dean untied him "Y/N, good to see ya" "Yeah" you said then once again Tracy got mouthy with Sam when he introduced himself. You knew the look you had when Irv quickly explained "She's new. We worked a shifter job in Sacramento together. Smart but got a mouth on her" She scoffed so you clicked your tongue "Honey we ain't got time for whatever you got going on. We need to gear up and clear out" Dean tilted his head towards you "What she said"
You were helping Dean lay out every weapon you'd grabbed. "We got jesus juice, devil's trap bullets shoot a demon with them and put em on lockdown" He explained and you spun an angel blade in your hand "Angel blades work"
Irv took a gun loaded with Devil's trap bullets about the time Sam said "They're coming" "Good" Dean said handing you a vial of holy water. "They've got assault rifles" Sam added and you cursed under your breath "Ok, less good"
Irv looked at Dean "So, what's the play?" Dean looked at you "Give me your phone" you handed it over without question and watched him record a voice memo of himself saying "COME AND GET IT YOU DICKS" and knew his plan. You grabbed one of the cake trays and drug it over in front of him "Prop it up here" he did as you said then looked between everyone else. "Let's go"
All of you made it out behind the cafe so Dean looked around "We got to flank seal team douche in there so uh Irv, you and me will go left. Sam, you Y/N and Tracy go right" "Ok let's move" Sam said and reached for Tracy's arm but she shoved him back "Don't touch me" "What is your problem?" you asked feeling Dean grab you around the waist with one arm to hold you in place while he repeated the question.
Tracy's eyes never moved off of Sam "My family's dead because of him" "What?" Sam asked and in that moment you could've knocked Tracy flat just for the guilt in his eyes. She looked back at you then at Dean before saying "I watched a demon slaughter my parents and the whole time it talked about how it was celebrating how some dumb kid let Lucifer out of his cage" you looked over your shoulder at Dean and he slid his arm from around you. "Ok we got to move. Y/N you go with Sam and Irv, Tracy with me" you didn't really want to leave her with Dean in case it became a your brother did this to my people so I'm gonna do this to you type of thing but it wasn't like you were in a position to start an argument. You simply nodded and tapped Sam's shoulder "Let's go"
You were walking close to Sam gripping your gun and trying to keep an eye out, He had the demon blade in his hand and Irv was behind you. "Sam you copacetic?" Irv asked and Sam nodded "I'm good" Irv glanced at you then said "Good. Give me that toothpick, grab Y/N then you two get Dean and Tracy and get the hell out of here" "What?" you asked in shock and Irv explained "I'm going in there alone. I'll buy you as much time as I can"
"Irv, that's death" Sam glanced at you for help but you didn't know what to say at a friend basically asking for the two of you to be ok with him killing himself. Irv looked ashamed when he finally spoke "Yeah, well it's what I got coming..It's my fault. I was in some dive and I was sloppy and lonely" Sam glanced at you as Irv continued "And I met some girl and the next thing you know, I'm strapped to some bed and she's twisting things that ain't supposed to be twisted" "She who?" Sam questioned but you had a feeling you already knew the answer Irv saying "Abaddon" just confirmed you were right.
Irv's voice broke when he said "I gave em up. Pete,Tracy,even you Y/N. I gave em all up. So Sam you hand me that blade and you let me do what I got to do or so help me" but he had moved to the point his back wasn't blocked by any building and a shot rang out a second before Irv fell. Sam instinctively pushed you back and pulled his gun. You nodded that you were ok then you both leaned out to return fire then make a break for the diner that was across the street.
You fell in behind Sam and looked up to see one of the demon's holding you at gunpoint "Boo"
He snatched you to your feet and Sam dove for him with the demon blade but another demon popped up and knocked Sam sideways then both of you were thrown over the counter. You scrambled to your feet again about the time the third demon walked around the corner and smiled "Cool. I didn't miss the best part"
Safe to say you and Sam were getting your asses handed to you. He had his head slammed into a wall and you thought he was unconscious then suddenly his eyes glowed blue and he looked at "GET DOWN" "Bout time you pop up" you muttered diving back behind the counter and tucking yourself into the smallest ball possible as Ezekiel's wings shown on the wall of the diner.
You stayed in that position until the door of the diner opened and Dean called your name. He let out a visible breath when you popped up. "Fuck don't hide again!" "He told me to!" you argued pointing at Ezekiel who was stabbing the last demon in the head with the demon blade. "They were going to kill him and her Dean" "Ezekiel?" Dean asked and you nodded. "What the hell did you do?" Dean pushed and Ezekiel turned to face him "I was protecting your brother and Y/N. I thought that was what you wanted" "Yeah of course, Thank you we're just still getting used to all this" you cut in and Ezekiel looked around "As am I" "Sam's ok?' you asked and Ezekiel explained that he had been knocked unconscious and in a way still was and wouldn't remember what happened. "So what the hell am I supposed to tell him when he comes to?" Dean asked and Ezekiel held the demon blade out "Which was why I used the knife"
"Right, smart" Dean took the blade then looked at you when Ezekiel spoke "You are troubled still" Dean turned back towards him "Yeah it's just that uh. Yeah this is on me. I was the one who talked Sam out of boarding up hell so every demon deal, every person they kill you're looking at the person who let it happen" "Dean" you tried but he wouldn't even look at you. "You were protecting your brother" Ezekiel offered then continued "I am in Sam's head. Everything he knows I know. and I know that what you did you did out of love"
Dean scoffed "Look Zeke, I'm gonna call you Zeke. I'm not really with the whole uh love and well love" you were standing there looking between the two of them when Ezekiel said "but it is why I said yes" "Yeah and if that goes sideways that's on me too" you finally snapped at Dean "PLEASE STOP HATING YOURSELF FOR FIVE SECONDS"
They both looked a little startled so you took a breath and said "We're trusting you Ezekiel" Dean finally shook himself out the shock of you hollering at him to say "and I just hope you're one of the good guys" "I am" Ezekiel said then added "But I suppose that's what a bad guy would say...Dean Winchester you are going the right thing" you took a deep breath and look at Ezekiel "How about letting Sam take back control? me and Dean will clean up before he wakes up" Ezekiel nodded then walked over to where Sam had been knocked out and sat back.
Once his head drooped over you moved to help Dean load the weapons back into the bag. Neither of you spoke until Sam started to stir.
When he groaned you made it to his side first "Sam?" "Sammy?" Dean asked helping Sam to his feet. Sam looked at you "What the hell happened?" you shrugged "You took a shot to the head, I was about to be the pinata for these asshats before Dean decided to slide in and save our asses"
Sam looked at Dean "You killed three demons, alone?" Dean shrugged "Took them by surprise. Got a little messy, I got a little lucky oh and I'm awesome so there's that" Sam looked around and you smirked when he said "You are pretty damn awesome"
You heard an engine roll up and looked out the window to see Tracy roll up in baby and looked back at Dean "She gets to drive baby and I don't?" Dean tried to explain but you simply grabbed the weapons as the three of you headed outside.
Tracy looked at Sam "You good?" "Yeah, more or less" and you smiled when her reply was "Good." She chunked the keys to Dean "I got everything but guess I'm late to the party" "Lucky you" you muttered and walked around to get in behind Sam as Dean said "Let's blow this toxic dump. Burgers and silkwood showers on me"
After you dropped Tracy off at one of her friend's houses you and the boys got back on the road. You hadn't really said much to either of them. You were thinking about Ezekiel and if he truly was a good guy. Sam was used to the way you'd get quiet sometimes but Dean had looked in the mirror about a dozen times before you finally said "Speak Dean" he shrugged "You pissed at me?"
You knew you had to look as confused as you felt so he clarified "Tracy driving baby?" you laughed "Naw if you wanted to let me drive her you would" and shrugged he looked a bit hurt so you winked at him to let him know you weren't upset about that. 
Twenty miles from Lebanon Dean decided to stop to get Kevin some food. You were sitting in the backseat with your head leaned back while Sam checked his emails.
You glanced up when the door closest to you opened and was surprised to see Dean holding the car keys out to you "I really don't want you killing me in my sleep" you grinned and snatched them from him not risking him changing his mind.
When you pulled up to the bunker and killed the engine you looked back at Dean who was watching you and smiled "Thank you" he took the keys that you were holding out and nodded "Wait, you're still staying around right?" you didn't stop to think Sam hadn't heard that conversation between you and Dean before he said "What?" you shook your head and climbed out the car "Don't worry about it Sam I'm not going anywhere any time soon."
Kevin was nowhere to be found and considering Crowley killed his mom the three of you ran to the armory.
Crowley was beat up but at least not dead and neither was Kevin. "Who worked you over?" Sam asked. Crowley looked at you then said "Martin Hayward and Brandon Favors" "They did this?" you asked but he shook his head "No they're demons. Your boys wanted names, I'm giving names. They're underperformers. Spike them, You're doing me a favor"
Dean smirked "Wow, you break easy" Crowley rolled his eyes "Please,your little plan to have me stir in my own delicious juices? Pathetic. You want intel, I want things too. Maybe we can come to some kind of arrangement. Quid pro quo gentlemen" "So these names are freebies?" you asked and Crowley smiled at you "Not at all sweets.You can consider them fair trade for the enjoyment Kevin gave me" "What the hell's that supposed to mean?" You and Dean asked in unison and Crowley quirked an eyebrow at that before saying "He's my new favorite toy. Wind him up and watch him go" You glared at him "You red eyed bastard" then spun around to walk out the armory and find Kevin. You heard Dean tell Sam "Check the names, I'll help Y/N find the kid"
You found him packed up and trying to leave "Where are you going?" Dean asked but Kevin kept walking so you stepped in his path. "Y/N you can't keep me locked up here. I'm leaving" "Like hell" Dean said and you cut your eyes at him "Kev we told you not to talk to Crowley he messes with your head" "He said my mom was alive, that if I let him go he'd give her back"
"And you believed him?" Dean asked with a scoff. "He's still in there isn't he?" you moved to put yourself between Dean and Kevin before saying "Kev, Crowley's lying" "And if he's not?" he asked and you were glad for once that Dean answered "Than she's dead, in every way that matters anyways. We're sorry Kevin"
"I know you're dying to bolt. I get it but out that door it's angels and demons and they'd all love to get their hands on a prophet so even with Crowley here..It's still the safest place for you" you took a breath hoping you'd gotten through to the kid. "and we need you" Dean added.
It hurt your heart when Kevin assumed "Because I'm useful?" but you couldn't help but smile when Dean answered "No,because you're family. Same as Y/N. If you don't think after all we've been through together we all wouldn't die for each other man I don't know what to tell you. We're all we got but hey if none of that matters to you then I won't stop you and I won't let Y/N"
Kevin looked at you then slowly nodded "Ok" you cut your eyes at Dean "I'm gonna get him to his room then I'll come find you and Sam" 
You walked into the library and heard Dean telling Sam "You have helped a lot more people than you've hurt" and guessed it was due to what Tracy said so you stepped further in and Dean waved you over and sat a glass of whiskey in front of you. 
You took it then sat down next to Sam. Dean looked back at him then said "All of that was then" he held up his glass so you did the same and bumped Sam's shoulder so he'd join in when Dean said "Here's to now"
You clicked your glasses against theirs then took a sip. "You both ready for it?" Sam asked so you looked at Dean who questioned "Ready for what?" "Fallens angels, Abaddon. Cas losing his halo, Crowley living in our basement"
You half laughed "Dean you invited me to move into a freakin sitcom" Dean shrugged "At least you have company?" Then turned his attention to Sam "What about you? How's the engine running?" 
Sam looked between the two of you before saying "Honestly? I feel better than I have in a long time. I know it's crazy out there but I look around here and I see friends and family. I'm happier than I've been in forever. It's just things are good" Dean met your eyes and nodded "Never better" 
Sam had already headed to bed and Dean went to check in on Kevin. You knew you wouldn't wind down for a while so you collected the books Kevin had pulled about the knights of hell and laid them out across one of the tables in the library. 
You poured yourself another glass of whiskey then sat down. You were halfway through the first book when Dean cleared his throat and you glanced up to see him leaning against the doorway "I figured you went to bed" you said and held the bottle out. He took it then sat across from you "I figured you did too"
He poured a glass then reached for one of the books so you slid it across to him. The two of you read in silence for a few minutes before he called your name. You glanced up "Yeah?" "What was that about?" You weren't exactly sure what he meant so you asked "What was what about?"
He closed the book and for once there was no humor in his face when he asked "You yelling at me about not hating myself for five minutes?" Oh that was what he meant. You finally answered "You're very self deprecating Dean even worse than Sam. I can't stand it" he nodded but still pushed "Why?"
You sighed and laid the book down pulling your bottom lip between your teeth and trying to get the words right before you spoke them "You're a good man Dean. You damn near raised Sam, you have saved so many people. You have a good heart and even when you fuck up it's due to good intentions and don't start about the road to hell being paved with good intentions you know what I mean. When it comes down to it there's no one else I'd rather have to back me in a fight or as a friend" the corner of his lips ticked up in a small smirk "um thanks?" You shrugged "It's the truth. Now let's finish with these books we're currently on then I think we should head to bed" "Yours or mine?" He teased with a smirk but you knew the best way to handle Dean was to give his own medicine right back to him so you quickly fired back "Oh honey I just don't think you could handle me"  and laughed at the look on his face "Yeah I can definitely see why Sam likes having you around" "oh and you don't like having me around not even in the least?" You asked and and he rolled his eyes then pushed the book you'd been reading back at you "Read your book Y/N" 
You turned your attention back to the book but noticed the way he kept glancing your way for the next half hour. When you finally closed your book to head to bed you stood and stretched "See you in the morning?" He nodded "I'll be the best looking one" you shook your head with a smile then headed to your room.
Tags: @akshi8278 @facadeformyrealblog
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justash02 · 4 years
Bts reaction;
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-> to them crying
Warning; some of those may have some depressing content
Find all my k-pop work here -> masterlist
Hope y’all enjoy!
-> Seokjin;
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Jin was having a hard time with you being so hard on yourself, when you told him you didn’t think you were pretty enough to even look at him something just broke him.
He felt his heart ache as he stared at you with his glossy eyes, he hates that you thought that about yourself and the fact that he couldn’t do one single thing about it made it even worse.
He covered his eyes with his hands and silently let the tears fall without you knowing, you yourself were on the edge of tears and for too busy worrying about yourself at the moment.
You suddenly heard a sob making you break yourself.
“Why can’t you just see yourself the way that I see you? It’s frustrating me so much to know that I can’t even make you feel good about yourself.”
You felt bad for even saying it to him now, you turned around and instantly wrapped your arms around the man, you softly played with his head as tears ran down your face.
“You make me feel loved, Jin. I’m just so used to hating myself that it’s hard to see myself any other way.”
He looked up before softly cupping your cheek, he leaned down a little before pecking your lips; “you’re beautiful.”
-> Yoongi;
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Yoongi knew that he wasn’t going to get rid of it that easy, he felt happy for a while but as soon as things started to go back those thought came back.
He felt like he could do better with his music, he felt like he didn’t deserve all of the fame he worked so hard for. He didn’t think he was as handsome and you claimed him to be.
He felt like he was holding you back from having a good life, with a boyfriend who was happy to show you affection. Someone you truly loved you.
Not that yoongi didn’t love you- no, yoongi loved you too much, he was scared. He was never good with emotions so this hit him quite hard.
He started distancing himself from you at first, that turned into him ignoring the boys and skipping practice to the point where they had to reschedule their new album.
But enough was enough, one day you just went to his place and knocked on the door, as soon as he opened it he wanted to close it.
You put your foot between his door making his eyes widened, “Y/n. Just go away.”
You shook your head and stepped inside, yoongi decided that it wouldn’t do anything if he tried to stop you so he just lets you do your thing.
“Yoongi, listen I don’t know what the hell is going on but I’m worried, I’m so so so worried, baby. You’ve being ignored me and the boys for so long-“
“You’re gonna think it’s a stupid reason anyways, I’m so sick of people telling me that everything will be alright or that they fucking know what the fuck I’m feeling.”
You kept your mouth shut in hope he would talk some more, but from the way his eyes glister in the light you knew there was a lot more that he wasn’t telling me.
“I fucking love you, Y/n. I love you so fucking much and I can’t even say it most of the time because I’m so afraid that I’ll be trying too hard.” Now he was gasping for air as tears ran down his face, you stared at him shocked.
“That’s the fucking reason I’ve been pushing you and the boys away, I’m afraid that if I start to love you too much it will hurt even more when you leave like the rest.”
“Pl-please just hold me.” He whines as he makes grabby hands to you.
You softly smiled as you felt tears coming in your eyes, you vision was blurry and you grabbed his shoulders pulling him into you.
-> Hoseok;
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He was practicing for the new dance, the rest of the boys had left to get home a little sooner than that he did. He just couldn’t get one of the dance moves right which rarely happens.
He felt frustrated as he did the move once again wrong, he lets out a loud annoyed sigh and drops to the ground.
Jin called you to tell you that Hoseok probably would be home late tonight, when you asked him if they were all still together and he said no you decided to just go and see him.
From what Jin told you Hoseok was feeling stressed out and frustrated because of that one dance move. Jin said that that dance wasn’t that crucial but- you know Hoseok...
You got into the car and drove to big hit, you got inside of the building and got to the big pratice door that they shared with other groups.
You softly knocked on the door, you opened shortly after seeing a burned out Heoseok. You felt your heart tighened from the state he was in but still got closer.
He looked up seeing you sad eyes, “Baby- What- how-“
“Jin called me, love, what are doing to yourself?” He looked down avoiding my glance as he felt tears burn his eyes, he blinked a few times and the tears soon came running down.
You sighed and sat behind him, you throw your legs over his and hugged him around his waist.
“Hobi, you’re such a good dance. So what if you make one wrong dance more? You think army is gonna love you less just because of that one dance move.”
He cupped his hands over yours and rubs his eyes roughly trying to get rid of the tears.
“I don’t know what I would do without you, baby.”
-> Namjoon;
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Namjoon was feeling down, he felt like he was a burden to the rest of the boys because he always took the lead in English interviews and when he saw jimin playfully roll his eyes he took it serious.
He fell silent immediately and didn’t speak unless spoken too, you saw it all happening in the back room where the live interview was being shown.
You saw the pain in his eyes as he kept looking around the room trying not to cry, when they were done and Namjoon came into the room alone he couldn’t stop himself from crying.
“Joonie..” you whispered as you pulled him onto you on the couch, you softly kissed his forehead as he cried onto your shoulder.
“Joonie, jimin didnt mean it that way, he was just joking around, baby.”
His cries turned into hiccups and soon it was over, he fell asleep onto your shoulder snuggling in your shoulder.
Soon the boys came back in and saw the state their leader was in, “Y/n-ah what happened?” Jimin asked as he sat beside you softly playing with Namjoons hair.
“It’s nothing, jiminie, He’s just a little bit sad.” The younger male nodded and softly smiled.
-> Jimin;
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“Did park jimin from bts gain weight once again?”
“Does park jimin not suit korean beauty standards anymore?-“
You turned off the tv as you saw your boyfriend walk down, his eyes burned into the back of your head as he went and stood in front of you.
“Jagi? Did I gain weight?” He asked as he lifted his shirt and softly poked his lean stomach, you shook you.
“Jiminie, you shouldn’t even worry about what those assholes say about you. I think you look even better with a bit flesh on your bones. Fuck- I mean look at that fine ass.”
You kept rumbling on and he didn’t notice the broke hearted boy in front of you, but as soon as you heard a sob coming from you boyfriend your head shot up to look at him.
He didn’t know why he started crying, but it was probably because he has a habit to hide his problems and put them as deep as possible and tries not to think about it too much but eventually he will break and he would be a big mess.
“Jiminie-“ suddenly he lets himself drop onto you wrapping his arms around you body holding you close. You softly rubs his back as whispered sweet nothings into his ear, relaxing him.
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He was missing Tannie so much, he wouldn’t show it he would only “jokingly” tell you how empty the place felt without the doggo.
Tannie was with his family for a few weeks since you two wanted to go to Paris but big hit needed the boys to stay in Korea for the new album.
Tae at first wanted to ask Tan back but you insisted it would be good for the pup to be with other people and not to clench onto Tae if someone wanted to pick him up like he would always do.
You two laid in the bed as you were fast asleep, Tae beside you wasn’t. He was tossing and turning and couldn’t get the idea of tannie not being beside him.
He felt silly to feel that home sick about a dog when he probably didn’t give a second thought on Tae when his family gave him all the cookies he needed.
He felt his heart ache, his eyes started to hurt and a headache started to form from keeping the tears in.
You turned around in your sleep and hugged the boy close, gently laying your head onto his chest. Mindlessly stroking his bare chest.
Tae instantly felt the weight fall off of his shoulder as he stared down at your peaceful state.
He maybe not have tannie with him right now but at least he had you.
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Jungkook had bad home sickness when he moved to Seoul to proceed his dream of becoming a idol, as soon as bts started to get bigger and bigger he eventually forgot about his home sickness as he was surrounded by his chosen family.
But as soon as he moved out into a new apartment the thoughts started coming back, he hated being alone because then he had too much time to think by himself.
He tossed and turned in his king sized bed, he sighed and grabbed onto his phone. 3 am.
He scrolled through his phone and came across yours, you have been his friend Even since he came here and started working for big hit.
He quickly rang your phone as he didn’t put second thought into it, soon he heard your raspy voice; “kookie? Why aren’t you asleep it’s 3..”
“I know but it’s back again, could you maybe come over again?” He heard you sigh before saying yes, you lived in the same complex as him so you didn’t have to get there with a car or anything.
Soon he heard a knock on his door, he made his way over to the door opening it for you, there you were.
A plushie in your arms, hugging it tightly against you as you had a big blanket wrapped around you tiny form. Jungkook smiled softly before wrapping you into a hug. The plushie squeezed against his chest as he did so, he refused to cry with you around because he was afraid you would never like him if he did.
“You promised me you would tell me-“
“Shh, I’m happy your here now.”
If someone has requested pls let me know ;)
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