#i make enough cj related posts a day already lol
jash-updates · 5 months
No song updates atm! [Unless a certain someone posts something today i stg if he does] But! Due to a request & of my own interest I also feel like posting the smaller things in the discord that happens. However i don't wanna clog the main tag so if that interests you then I'll be using "cj updates" as the main tag for em :}
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by karla-babyy
Who was the last person you were on the phone with? Can’t even remember. It’s got to be someone I got in touch with for a work-related thing, though.
Do you own any water bottles? I own a tumbler that I mainly use for water, if that counts. I’ve never called it a bottle per se, though.
What does your shirt look like? I’m currently wearing a black sleeveless top.
Can you trust anyone with your life? For sure.
When was the last time you talked to your mom? At like 6 AM earlier when she went downstairs and caught me already awake. She was lightly reprimanding me about how I left my brand new phone at the edge of the couch when I fell asleep, and how I never learn LOL. Then she told me about investing in one of those huge indestructible phone cases so that my phone can be protected enough.
What was the last thing you got yelled at for? For answering back, because Filipino family culture.
Have you ever been white water-rafting? No. I’m a little scared of the concept, but I’m always willing to try it out as long as I’m surrounded with people who already do it regularly.
Do you own any vehicles? I don’t have any of my own, no. But I mainly drive one of the cars that we have, which my dad got for me.
Are your nails currently painted? Nope.
When was the last time you updated your status box? On Facebook? I shared a post a day ago so I guess that counts as a status update - but if we’re talking about posts I made on my own, that would be two Fridays ago when I thanked my uncle and his small business for a meal I ordered from him.
Does it annoy you when people text you "you there?" No. That usually means they need help or are excited to share something, so I typically answer immediately.
Do you have unlimited texting? Not always, but sometimes I’ll avail of a promo that gives me such. I don’t text 24/7 so it would be a waste to keep paying for unlimited texting.
Do you know anyone with an "initial name", like CJ, JR, etc? Yeah, I know a PJ, an LA, several AJs, etc.
How many USB cables do you annoy? What does this even mean? Hahahaha.
Are there any tattoo parlors in your area? I’m sure there are a couple of lowkey ones in the area; I just don’t know where they would be.
Do you watch MTV? No. I barely watch TV these days.
Have you ever accidentally ripped your clothes? Never in the middle of wearing them, fortunately. I have some clothes that have gotten rips in them but they’re all from good old wear and tear over the years.
What do you think of the skinny jean fad? Whatever man, people can wear whatever they want. I personally find skinny jeans super uncomfortable and tight, though.
Do you know any alcoholics? Sure.
Are you wearing makeup? Nope.
Have you ever danced in the rain? Just once. I vividly remember being 11 and wanting to fuck around in the rain once, so I danced and ran and jumped around. Little did I know that that particular rain shower was going to end up being the shitshow that was Typhoon Ondoy, though :/ 
Do you think cheetah print is cool? Yeah I think any print has the capability to look nice.
Do you use words like tight, sick, wicked, etc? Not those words but I do throw around ‘cool’ and ‘awesome’ a lot hahaha if they count.
Do you own any brightly colored sunglasses? I do not.
How many different people have you kissed in 09? I can barely remember 2009 but I was 11 so no, I didn’t kiss anyone at that age.
Have you drank water today? Yep. The side effects of my Covid booster shot are kicking in, so I’m trying to drink a lot of water to lessen the discomfort I’m feeling.
Are you wearing any hair products? I guess you can say that. I have treatment on it at the moment, aside from having it dyed yesterday.
What's the weirdest thing you've licked today? Nothing out of the ordinary just yet.
Do you know the "Super Mario Bros" theme song? Yes. It makes me feel like a kid every time I hear it, haha.
Do you like KFC? Yesssss, it’s one of my favorite fast food places.
What's the most random country you can think of? I don’t think any country on its own is ‘random,’ lol. But if you mean to ask what’s the first country that pops into my head as I read this question...I honestly thought of Uzbekistan first.
Have you ever snuck out? No. I’d much rather ask permission and be allowed anyway.
Do you kill spiders? I’ve never killed a spider before, no. I squish other bugs though, especially when they are being a pain.
How many shoes do you own? Idk but I wanna say it’s at least over 10 pairs.
Do you like scented candles? Yep.
Is your screen dirty? It’s getting there again, but I do clean it once or twice a month.
Where is your phone? It’s right beside me, on my left.
Are the walls in your room all the same color? They are.
Do you use lipgloss? Rarely.
Who is your best buddy? Angela and Andi.
What version of Windows are you using? I have a Mac and the OS is currently on Sierra.
What mall do you usually go to? Feliz.
Can you do a handstand under water? I probably could if I tried, but I haven’t yet.
How many lights are on in your house? It’s 10 AM in the morning so none, except for my desk lamp which I prefer to have on 24/7.
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