#i may buy a bunch of small stickers and spray paint
pixie-broom · 2 years
Anyone have any tips for decorating a cane? I might be getting one to see if it’ll take some of the pressure off of my bunions and I want it to look as fruity as I am
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moonlightreal · 7 years
Alfea library- Magix Creativity Connection
The last of the books from the Alfea Library.  This was illustrated with quite a lot of how-to illustrations, which I wasn’t able to save in the text in any sensible way, so I just saved the text.
Magix Creativity Connection
Hello everyone and welcome to the Magix Creativity Connection. My name is Masha Stalwart and I'm a professional crafts person. I hope you enjoy these fun and easy to do crafts. I've also requested submissions from Alfea School for Fairies for some of the girls favorite crafts. Enjoy!
Create a Friendship Frame A friendship frame is a picture frame that you have taken time to decorate and add a personal touch to. The best part about the frame is that when you are finished, you can put your favorite picture of you and your friends inside. Besides adding a fashionable splash of color or character to your room, friendship frames can make great gift ideas! If you decide to give yours away as a gift, decorate the frame in a way that you know your friend or family member will certainly adore. Getting Started – Finding the Right Supplies The great thing about this craft is that there are endless options in decorating your frame. The supplies you will need no matter how you choose to beautify your frame are: 1.unpainted picture frame 2.glue (preferably not a glue stick) * Note: the heavier the decorations you apply, the stronger your glue will need to be. Items you can use for decorating are: 1.sea shells 2.stickers 3.buttons 4.uncooked pasta 5.old jewelry 6.glass marbles (make sure they are more flat than round) 7.sparkles, sequins, or glitter spray 8.magazine clippings 9.different colored acrylic paints 10.anything else you think would look great! Begin by deciding how you would like to decorate your frame. Would you like to paint it first, to have a touch of color showing through your decorations – or leave it plain? What objects, if any, would you like to decorate your frame with? I chose to decorate my Friendship Frame using a variety of colored flat marbles from my local craft store. I also picked up some spray-on silver glitter to give the frame a frosted, winter-like appearance. To make a picture frame like the one shown follow the simple directions below: Spread newspaper out to protect the table or floor from paint, glue and glitter. Set your frame on the newspaper, and protect or cover the middle section of the frame (where your picture goes).
Spray the edges of the frame with silver glitter. Allow to dry.
Empty out your bag of marbles and arrange them on the frame in a way you like (I prefer to have them as random as possible). Glue each of the marbles in place starting at a corner of the frame and working your way around – that way, you won’t miss gluing any marbles! Allow the glue to dry – depending on what type of glue you use, this could be 10 minutes or 2 hours. Test a marble to make sure the glue is dry. If it is, set your picture frame upright and have a look! If you like the way it looks, your decorating is complete. If you want to add some extra sparkle, apply a light dusting of glitter spray over the entire frame (just be sure to cover the glass part where your picture will go). Finish your Friendship Frame by inserting your favorite picture of you and a friend. Enjoy your masterpiece!
Submission from Flora
This is one of my favourite things to do with beautiful fall leaves. Find a few different sized leaves that have fallen from their trees. If it has been raining put the leaves somewhere inside overnight to let them dry out. Place the dried leaf under a piece of plain white paper. I grabbed a piece from Tecna’s printer. Using a crayon or pencil crayon, gently zig zag back and forth over the leaf. Adjust your pressure on the paper a bit to see what works best.
Once you have your leaf shape, you can add other colours or glitter glue to add some spice to your design. When you’re finished, carefully cut out the leaf shape. Try using shaped craft scissors for some, as it’s an easy way to add detail.
Every year, I would make a bunch of leaves and tape them in the kitchen window at home. This year, I’ve taped them up in our bedroom window and Bloom just loves them!!!
Submission from Stella
This is a super fabulous project that even makes writing your list of Things to Do fun! The first one I had was all the rage in Professor Palladium’s class, and since then, everyone has wanted to know how to make a Funky Flower pen! It takes a little bit of patience in the beginning, and it totally pays off. Here’s how! What You’ll Need A ballpoint pen that you can remove the top from A super pretty artificial flower Ribbon Floral tape Here’s How Remove the head of the flower from the stem. Discard the stem—you won’t need it. Remove the top of the pen. Place the base of the flower at the top of the pen and carefully secure it using the floral tape.
This is by far the trickiest part, so take your time to make sure the flower is attached to the top of the pen. I use several smaller pieces of tape to do this. If you’re still having trouble, get out the glue!
Once the flower is affixed, wrap the floral tape around the pen to cover it and make it look like the flower’s stem.
Once the stem is covered, wrap a pretty ribbon around the top of the pen and make a fabulous little bow, and Voila! A super funky flower pen! It will make taking notes for even the more boring class excellent! They also make a great gift. Make a few of them in all kinds of pretty colours and present them in a small clay pot! Your friends will adore you, and your study area will look fabulous!
Submission from Musa
Musa’s Rockin’ Bath Salts Making homemade bath salts is super easy and really rewarding. They make a great gift and be sure to keep some for yourself for a nice hot bath after a long exam! What You Will Need: One Cup of Sea Salts One Cup of Epsom Salts Food colouring Essential fragrance oil of your choice Mixing bowl Spoon Arm Muscles!!! How to Make Them: Mixing together these bath salts is a great little bit of exercise. To blend the color through (and be sure you don’t end up coloring yourself!!!), the colour needs to be really well blended. In a mixing bowl, mix up the sea salts and Epsom salts. Depending on the colour and fragrance you want, add those to the salts. Start out with less and add more if needed. I used five drops of lavender oil, one big drop of red, and one big drop of blue. You can always add more if you need it, but you can’t take it away. Now, use the back of a spoon to blend the salts while pressing them against the side of the bowl. The coloring needs to not only be blended, but absorbed into the salts as well. If the color is not absorbed, you will color your bath when you go to use the salts! And color yourself too! After pressing the salts for about five minutes, remove half a cup of salts. Add more color to these salts and blend through. Add these salts back to the rest. This will give some of the salts a darker colour, add depth to the mixture, and make them look really professional. You can package the bath salts any way you want, and I use resealable plastic bags and use my computer to make funky labels. Have fun and get creative!
Submission from Bloom
Candle Making Making candles this way is fairly simple, you don’t have to worry about burning yourself with hot wax, and the possibilities are endless! **Parental help may be required** You will need: Sheets of honeycomb bees’ wax Wick Pizza cutter Hair dryer Imagination!
Take a trip to your local craft store. The sheets of honeycomb wax come in many different colours. Which wick you buy will depend on the size of the candle you want to make. Number 2 wicks make candles up to 2 inches across. Look on the back of the package for more information. Basic Technique Using this technique, there are many different ways to make candles in all different shapes and sizes. There is more information about that below. For the basic technique, place the sheet of wax on a clean work surface. Use the pizza wheel to cut the wax to the desired shape. Be careful to keep your fingers out of the way! For this example, I cut the wax in half lengthways. With your hair dryer on low, begin to heat the wax up. This will make it softer and easier to roll. Place your wick on one edge and fold the wax over as seen below. This will fasten the wick in place so you can roll the candle.
Continue rolling the candle until you are done. If it is hard to roll or seems to crack at all, use your hair dryer to soften it again.
Sometimes, the length of wax is not long enough to make a candle as thick as I want. If this is the case, simple add another strip of wax and join them closely as you see below:
Once almost all rolled up, I cut the edge of the wax using my fancy craft scissors to give a shaped and decorative edge. Voila! A candle!
Candles for traditional candlestick holders are a great project for the holiday season and they make great lighting around the dining room table for dinner! Here is how to make beautiful spiral candles. Cut the wax sheet on the diagonal:
If you want super high candles, place your wick on the long side. If you want shorter and thicker candles, place the wick on the short side. Heat the wax with your hair dryer as before. Fold over the edge to secure the wick and roll! Placing one sheet on top of the other with one half-inch overlap made the double colored candle.
Another way to spice up your candles is to add a different colored inset. To do this, you should ask an adult to help you cut out your design. I decided to add a purple heart to a cream candle. Place one on top of the other and trace your design. An adult can then cut out the shape for you using a knife.
Place the inset in your wax and roll. Once the candle is rolled, use the warmth of your finger to gentle blend the seams.
Another idea is to add colored stripes to the candle, for this, place the stripes under your wax sheet and then roll!
Use your imagination and see what you come up with! If you’re not happy, carefully unroll the wax and try again!
These are some of my ideas. Give me a shout on the message board about your ideas on how to roll candles!!! And remember to always be careful around lit candles and never leave them unattended.
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To make beaded snowflakes, you will need wire, wire cutters and pliers, and some pretty beads. How to Make Them: To begin, cut (or ask an adult to cut for you) 3 three inch long pieces of sturdy wire. This will create your foundation and base for the snowflakes. Shape the wire as seen below and using a more flexible wire, wrap the three sections together. Do this by wrapping in and around the arms until they are secure. Then, slide the beads down each arm in a pattern you find pretty. String each arm one at a time or you will have a terrible time keeping the beads on! Once one arm is decorated, use your pliers (or ask an adult for help with this part) to fold over the end of the wire securing the beads. If the wire is too long snip off the excess. String the other five arms this way as seen in photo number two below.
Using a lighter gauge of wire (one that is more flexible), string beads between the arms as seen in the third photo above. To secure the wire, wrap it three times around one arm, bead, wrap once around the next, bead and so on. Once you’re done, wrap three times again to secure it.
Ribbony ornament
What You’ll Need: Foam balls. I used a four-inch globe, but you can use any size you want! Lots of pretty ribbon Dressmakers’ pins How to Make One: First start by taking a ribbon and wrapping it around the globe. Cut the ribbon at the right length (the distance around the globe). Use this ribbon to cut a bunch more pieces to the same length. Starting with a thick ribbon to cover the foam, pin one end of the ribbon into the foam, wrap it around and fix the other end in place. All your pins will be placed in the same area of the ball (see the picture of the bottom of my Winx Globe below). Once the globe is entirely covered with the thick ribbon and you cannot see any of the foam any more, use more ribbons to create a pretty design. I varied the color, thickness, and sheerness of my ribbons. Once you are done wrapping the ribbons, make a hanger by looping a piece of ribbon and placing it in the top of the globe. Finish the globe by cutting a bunch of pieces of ribbon and putting a pin through the center and pinning it at the bottom of the globe. This will help to hide all the pins at the bottom and make a super pretty tassel draping from the bottom of the Winx Globe!
The finished Winx globe will look beautiful hung on a tree, in a window, or anywhere around the house.!!!
Submission from Bloom: pipe-cleaner candycanes
What you Need: Sparkly pipe cleaners How to Make Them: Take two pipe cleaners in complementary colours. I chose pretty pink and shiny silver. Fold the pipe cleaners in half.
Holding one end of the pipe cleaners firmly, slowly begin twisting at the other end. The spiral shape will start to show up. Keep twisting until it is as spirally as you want.
Fold over one end to form a candy cane!
These are fantastic, easy decorations that can easily be sassed up using beads or more pipe cleaners! Try wrapping three together!
(paper snowflakes cut for being too reliant on pictures)
Submission from Layla: felt magnets
What You Will Need: Felt Squares Pompoms Ribbon for the Snowman’s scarf A Cotton ball Wiggly eyes Peel and stick Magnetic strips How to Make Them: Making these cool holiday magnets is pretty simple if you follow the step-by-step instructions. First download the template for the shapes here. If you are not sure how to download the file, ask an adult to help you. Cut out the template shapes and place over the felt. Carefully trace around the shape. For the shape of the snowman and Santa’s face, cut out two pieces for each magnet. These will then be glued together to create a stiff back so they won’t slouch on the fridge!
Once your shapes are traced onto the felt, use your craft scissors to cut the shape out. I cut on the inside of my outline to be sure none of my felt tracing is on my shape.
Glue to two body pieces together. You will need something stronger than a glue stick, so try your white craft glue. If the edges are uneven, carefully trim them so they match.
Now, glue on the Snowman’s hat and Santa’s hat and beard. They’re starting to come together!
With all the felt secured, now start to decorate the shapes. For Santa, I used a white pompom for the tip of his hat and unrolled a cotton ball to make the fuzzy brim of his hat. His nose is a small red pompom. For the Snowman, I glued on a pretty plaid ribbon is his scarf, two green pompoms are buttons on his belly, a small triangle of orange felt is his carrot nose, and I decorated his hat to have holly on it. This was done by cutting two small squares of green felt for the leaves and placing 3 red pompoms as holly berries.
Place a strip of magnet on the back of each so they’ll stick to the fridge.
Finally, pop on a set of wiggly eyes and they’re done!
These are a super fun craft to do on your next Winx Weekend and make great gifts for family and friends!
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I wanted to create a brand new section for a fun and fabulous holiday I just heard about. Valentines Day! It's all about love and friendship, which are two of my favorite things. So enjoy these crafts and give them to your Valentine.
Submission from Layla
Valentine’s Day Craft This is a great way to make a handmade Valentine for that special someone. This craft can be made with wood pieces, foam cut outs, or even pieces of paper! I made mine with wood shapes I bought at the Magix craft store, and I talked with Bloom and she says shapes like this are available pre-cut at most larger craft stores on Earth! If you cannot find the pre-cut wood shapes, sooo do not worry because you can use foam pieces or even construction paper to make a totally cool result. The only difference is you will have to cut your own shapes, and that means you get a little more creative control! Awesome! What You Will Need: You will need:
· 7 --1.5-inch hearts · 7 --3-inch hearts · 1 -- 6.75 inch circle (to act as a base to glue pieces to) You can totally vary the sizes and numbers of these. If you are working with pre-cut shapes, just place them out and get enough so it looks pretty. If you are making the shapes yourself, cut them out to the sizes you think will look good! You will also need: · Red paint · White paint · Glue · Decorations First step is to paint the wood pieces. If you are using paper or foam, you can skip this part and cut out your circle for a base and two different sizes of hearts. Paint the large circle and smallest hearts white and the larger hearts red. Depending on the wood pieces, you might need to use 1-3 coats of paint. Remember to let them dry in between. You know you need another coat if the color of the wood is still showing through. It depends on the wood they cut into the shapes. For example, my big hearts only need one coat, but the little ones needed 2-3 coats. Once they are painted, be sure they have dried entirely. Then, place the large circle in the center of your workspace and place the seven larger hearts around the edge of it pointy end in. Space them so they look good to you. Next, begin gluing the large red hearts in place. I used my white craft glue and it worked great! Once those are in place, leave it to dry for at least 25 minutes. Next, place the smaller hearts on to see how it will look and then begin gluing them in place. I pre-painted mine with an iridescent medium from my watercolor paint set to give them a bit of a glow. You could paint yours with a silver paint to give a similar look! Once the smaller hearts are glued in place, leave everything to dry. Once it is dry, it is time to decorate!
This is entirely up to you, your style, what you want to say to your Valentine, and frankly, what you might have around your house! So! Get creative!
I used four kinds of glittery glue on mine, and you can use whatever you want! Get creative with it! Now, all I have to do is decided who I want to give it to . . .
Submission by Flora: Valentine’s Bookmark **Parental Help will be Required** Here is a simple but pretty bookmark you can make. It will keep your place in your favorite adventure and makes a great gift, too! First, get some supplies. Here is a suggested list of supplies for you: Heavy cardstock – 1-2 sheets of your preferred Valentines colors Fancy paper – 1-2 sheets of complementary paper with great colors or patterns. Stickers – if you want to add some extra flash. Ribbon Exacto knife Scissors White glue
Cut out hearts of two different sizes so you can layer them on top of each other. I would suggest that the larger heart be about three to four inches high. That way it will be large enough to keep your place in your book really well.
Then glue the smaller heart on top of the larger sized heart.
Now is when you get your parents to help you out. Using the cutting knife, get your mom or dad to cut along the border between the two hearts, like this. You want them to cut right through the bottom layer of paper. Make sure you put a cutting board or a cardboard box under your project, so nothing underneath is damaged.
Then feel free to add decorations, stickers, and ribbons to personalize and add some extra sparkle to your bookmark.
When you are finished, your funky bookmark will be a work of art for you to enjoy!
Submission by Bloom: How to Make a Keepsake Box A keepsake box is something that you can store mementos, trinkets, jewelry, or other personal items in. A fantastic keepsake box can easily be made by decorating a wooden or cardboard box with items that you can find at home or at your local craft store. By decorating the box yourself, you add some of your own style and flair, thereby making it extra special. In honor of Valentines Day, I chose to make a heart-shaped keepsake box that is pretty enough to be given as a Valentines gift, and practical enough to use. If you choose to give your keepsake box away, it can either be a gift on its own, or you can fill it with goodies for those you love and care about. This craft is adorable; your friends and family will be sure to adore it! Getting Started – Finding the Right Supplies The great thing about this craft is that there are endless decorating options for your keepsake box. The supplies you will need no matter how you choose to beautify your craft are: 1. a cardboard box or unpainted wooden box that has a lid you can open and close 2. glue (preferably not a glue stick) * Note: the heavier the decorations you apply, the stronger your glue will need to be Items you can use for decorating are: 1. stickers 2. lace and pieces of fabric 3. paper doilies 4. small fake flowers 5. old jewelry 6. sparkles, sequins, or glitter spray 7. magazine clippings 8. pictures 9. different colored acrylic paints 10. anything else you think would look great! Begin by deciding how you would like to decorate the keepsake box. Would you like to paint it first, to have a touch of color showing through your decorations, or leave it plain? What objects, if any, would you like to decorate the box with? I chose to decorate my heart-shaped keepsake box by painting it with bright red acrylic paint and adding sequins. Because I also found the natural wood of the box to be beautiful, I decided to leave the inside of the box unpainted. To make a heart-shaped keepsake box like the one shown, follow the simple directions below: Step One: Spread newspaper out to protect the table or floor from paint, glue and glitter. Set your box on the newspaper.
Step Two: Using a medium-sized paintbrush, paint the top and sides of the box with red acrylic paint. Do not dilute the paint with water. Open the box and paint the inside edges. Allow to dry. Paint the bottom of the box and let it dry.
Step Three: When the box is completely dry, measure the length of sequined fabric you will need to decorate the top edge of the heart. Plan to have the ends of your fabric join where the two halves of the heart meet on top. Use scissors to cut the appropriate amount of fabric.
Step Four: Working in sections, apply strong glue to the top outer edge of the heart. Secure your fabric to the glue by pressing it in place. Allow the glue to dry (depending on what type of glue you use, this could be 10 minutes or 2 hours). Have a look! If you like the way your keepsake box looks, your decorating is complete. If you feel the box is too plain, keep decorating until you love it! Just be sure to keep the tastes of your friend or family member in mind if it is a gift.
When you have finished your craft, try filling it with delicious chocolates to make the perfect Valentines gift!
Submission by Musa: Magical Golden Nuggets
Bloom and I were talking about St. Patrick’s Day, and she said there is a tradition similar to one we have in the Harmonic Nebula. On Earth, rocks are collected and painted gold to represent the gold at the end of the Lephrechauns’ rainbow. At my home, we make the same thing, but that’s only half the fun! What You’ll Need: · A collection of rocks · Gold spray paint · An adult’s help What to Do: Ask an adult to help you spray paint the rocks gold. Always spray paint outside and make sure what you are spray painting is on an old piece of cardboard or newspaper so you don’t spray paint something by accident! Once the rocks are magically transformed into golden nuggets, that’s when the true fun begins! The Best Part: Back home, once the golden nuggets were made, I would create a fun story to go with them! One year, I hid them and made a treasure hunt for my friends to follow. Another year, we imagined they were magical golden nuggets that intensified our Winx (that was back before I came to Alfea and wasn’t as connected to it as I am now). That’s the best part! So create some golden nuggets and get together with friends and create a super story to go with them! Have fun!!!
Festive Crown What You Will Need: · Foam sheets · Ribbon · Glue · A hole punch · Various decorations This is a fun and easy way to make a crown for any occasion. First, measure the distance around your head. This will let you know how long to make your crown. Once that is measured, mark this distance on your foam sheet. I used the light green for my crown base. Then, outline the shape of the crown. This picture shows how I shaped mine:
You could do your differently! Make a few sketches on scrap paper to see what you might like. Here’s a good tip: Once you have cut out one half of the crown, fold it over and sketch the other side using the cut portion as a template. That way, you’ll be certain the two sides match! Next, hole punch the ends to fit ribbon through to fasten your crown to your head. If you want, you can use a few different colors of ribbon and make the tails long so they stream down your back and look pretty in a bit of a breeze. Finally, decorate your crown! Here is how I decorated mine:
I used a piece of black velvet ribbon at the bottom of it. I glued it on at the bottom to create a solid grounding for my crown. Next, I glued on the three shamrocks to recognize St. Patrick’s Day. I’m still not sure if I’m entirely done yet. I think I might add an accent with some glittery glue and make the ribbons longer. Here’s what it looks like now!
Make yours however you want and have fun with it!
Caterpillar Card This is a super cute and totally easy way to make an original and funky card for anyone on any occasion. First, grab some supplies, and the next thing you know, you’ll want to make a dozen of them! What You Will Need: Sheets of Foam Pompoms Ribbon Glue Card stock or plain paper
First, take one color of foam sheet. This is going to be your background or the basis for your card. I chose yellow, but you can use any color you want (or that you have around the house!) Then, cut out the front and back of your card. I made mine 4 inches wide and 6 inches tall. You need two pieces this size; one is for the front and the other is for the back. I had a little trouble making the sides of mine straight, so I cut them with a bit of a zigzag pattern. I think it looks really funky, too! Next, cut out the shape of a leaf. This can be any leaf shape you like. If you’re having trouble, take a peek outside and see what leaf you see first and make yours that shape! Just make sure it is small enough to fit on the card and big enough to fit your caterpillar on it. The leaf shape can be super simple, because it’s really just a backdrop. Select a few pompoms to create the body of the caterpillar. I chose six in pink and purple, and you can choose any number and colors you want! If you’re handy with a needle and thread, string the pompoms together with a thread. This will help to keep them together and makes the body of the caterpillar look better. If you’ve never sewn before, ask a parent, guardian, or older sibling to show you how so next time you might know! Next, punch two holes in the two card pieces. This is how you will fasten them together with ribbon. This is something like what you should have now:
Now, it’s just a matter of putting it all together. String ribbon through your holes and tie to fasten. Glue your leaf to the front page and glue your caterpillar to that. Finally, decorate. I added a couple floral touches and some super huge eyes simply because they make me smile!!! If you have a marker that will write on the foam sheets, use that to personalize your card. I don’t, so I glued in a piece of card stock inside that I wrote my greeting on.
These cards are super simple to make and make a huge impact on any friend!
Dragonfly Pin I made these dragon fly pins once at a birthday party, and I’ve been making them for friends ever since. Sometimes I make them with a pin backing on them and sometimes with a hair clip accessory.
What You Will Need: Foam sheets Glue Ribbon A pin or hairclip backing To begin, I cut out a basic shape to glue my dragonfly onto. This will give it some structure and impact. Next, cut out the dragonfly shape. Try making a few practice shapes on scrap paper before you design the real thing. I placed some ribbon ends on my basic shape and glued the dragonfly over that. I think the ribbons add a lovely fluttery feel to the pin and look fantastic as a hair clip. They stream through the hair and just look beautiful! Once the ribbon and dragonfly are fastened, decorate to what you think looks nice. Finally, glue the pin into the back. Use a good strong white glue and plenty of it!
Voila! A super snazzy pin sure to dazzle anyone!
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