#i may have a slight bit of an itty bitty caffine addiction
dawnthefluffyduck · 9 months
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First assignment of the semester is done ☃️ we only spent two days on it, and we didn't take it home or anything. We're just reviewing stuff from Drawing 1 right now, this was meant to refresh on contour drawing and measuring by sight. The grid lines were new though. We did the outer contours on Monday (I didn't finish so I had to wrap it up fast today lol) and the grids today.
So um, I had a pepsi, monster, and three headache medicine tables with caffeine in them all before class. Apparently that's enough caffeine to make your hands start to tremor 🤭 not a damn one of those lines were drawn in one attempt, and a few of them still ended up a bit goofy (looking at the vase on the left). My prof said he thought it was complete though and I didn't bring my portfolio to carry the drawing home so I decided to leave it instead of messing with it over the weekend.
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