#i may have accidentally written a whole ff in my head for the baekhyun one
dorkyungsoowrites · 5 years
Exo in "Game of Thrones" AU
Part of my crackhead saga in where I imagine the Exo members as characters in different universes they don't belong in for no reason other than fun.
Inspired by this post and this picture.
Minor spoiler warning if you haven't seen the show (obviously).
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
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Training to be a maester. From Lys. Doesn't understand why the other acolytes are so fascinated with his stories of home. Was going to be a concubine but got sponsored by a noble to study instead. "It would be a crime against the gods to waste such a sharp, discerning mind on the pleasure houses." Is not ashamed of his beauty, but always fighting to prove he's more than only an object. Sometimes finds himself longing for the gorgeous twilight hours of home; holding his palm behind the candle on his work desk beside a tome. Imagining the flickering flame receding is the setting sun across the isle.
A knight of Tarth. Trained with Brienne. Got his ass kicked whenever he sparred with her. Loved every second of it. The Lord of Tarth likes having him stand next to him during hearings to intimidate the defendants. Can often be found "patrolling" the gardens. Will compose his loved one horrible poetry as a way to get them to laugh.
Fled from Yi Ti after accidentally assassinating a merchant prince. It wasn't his fault the guy fell and broke his neck getting out of a carriage, but no one else would accept his word on it. So he took all his wealth with him and now lives in hiding as a gardener in Sunspear. It's a dry heat as opposed to the humidity of the jungles, but otherwise much the same. Finds joy and solace in his well-tended landscape. The Prince of Dorne complimented his calla lily and anemone arrangement one time for it's likeness to the country's flag. Was devastated when Marcella died. She used to always say her favorite place was the gardens. He planted marigolds in her honor.
Born in the North. The real North. Clanmates joke about how it's a miracle he's managed to stay alive with such little meat on his bones. "You couldn't even pick your teeth with 'im." One of their best archers. Somehow always finds ways to keep their spirits up, even in the most dire situations. Hot springs are his favorite thing in the world. He would spend every night sleeping in one if he wouldn't drown. When all the clans join forces a few find it strange that he doesn't have his own tent, but instead shares with a different person almost every night, until they find out it's because he cuddles them for warmth. He just has such a strong bond with everyone in his clan that it's a normal thing. When they go South of The Wall they're amazed at how many women fawn over him. Struggles with the decision to return with his clan or stay South after The Great War.
The oldest squire in Westeros. Idolizes knights. Often pretending to sword fight with the back half of a broken jousting staff in between rounds. Had a few chances to prove himself, but could never actually win a fight. Always ended up with major injuries, one of which was self-inflicted. Would've died years ago, but his knights protect him out of compassion and brotherly bond. Much like Podrick without the swordsmanship skills. Gets treated like a brother-in-arms at tourneys by almost all the knights because he's just that well liked. Makes a mean rabbit stew.
A noble in Essos. Known for his singing and harp playing at parties. Can't even drink a mouse under the table, but will try; resulting in exuberant dancing and laughter. Doesn't really understand the difference in times to be ridiculous versus serious, to the chagrin of his council. Once went undercover at a tourney in Westeros to test his musical skills against the finest minstrels. He lost, but losing to the Targaryean with the famed angelic voice wasn't so terrible. He's still yet to discover another voice so lovely that it moved him to tears. Loves lounging while eating peeled grapes on the balcony of his family's castle overlooking the grass plains that bleed into desert, and horseback riding. On quiet days he sits under the large tree in the garden that his childhood swing was tied to and composes songs about finding love one day.
Grew up on an unremarkable farm in the North part of Westeros. Went out at a young age to travel. Has made it as far East as Volantis, as South as The Summer Isles, and as North as Braavos. Would have gone to The Port of Ibben and Asshai if it weren't for the Dothraki, and the fear of becoming a slave. His Northern blood eventually brought him back home where hard work, honesty and loyalty are paramount in character. Settled down between Winterfell and Moat Cailin. Works as a cook for a tavern there. Using all his knowledge he gained from other places, turning it into the only place travelers will stop on their journeys up and down the Kingsroad there. Famed for his cuisine. After word of his food spread whispers of him using magic grew. Saying he learned some sort of spellcasting while in the East. The secret is his friends in The Reach and Braavos. He travels to White Harbor to trade the best ingredients no others in the North can claim naturally. His biggest import is the fruit from Highgarden that's impossible to farm in the North, and spices the Braavosi have traded from just about everywhere else.
A dancer that travels in a troupe with other performers. Wears veils to cover his hair, nose and mouth. Says he learned in the Summer Isles so he can be an "exotic" dancer. Actually never traveled outside Dorne before joining the troupe. Doesn't speak much, but is known for the dance with seven skirts where-in by the end of the song all the skirts are laying on the floor. Has performed it at many nobles' parties at the behest of their wives, or where the husband said as much, anyway. Can always find him after performances laughing with the rest of the troupe at the local tavern. Enjoying the merriment and freedom of life.
Probably pissed off someone who hired mercenaries. Was gone before he could even fully gasp.
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