#i may have gone a lil overboard with how many i put on
saetoru · 2 years
keep rolling ur eyes maybe u will find a brain back there
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letbenfuck2021 · 5 years
title: daddy issues LMFAOOOOOO
“go ahead and cry little girl…”
so I may have gone a lil overboard and just wrong a lil drabble for it instead ahahahah
His knuckles ache. From somewhere in the room, Five can hear Vanya sobbing. He can’t pinpoint exactly where she is; his is vision is tunneling and the room is beginning to tilt. And not for the first time does Five wonder if she’s doing this on purpose.
“Vanya,” he slurs feeling queasy all of a sudden. “C’mere.”
It’s shocking how weak he sounds considering he’s just beat another grown man nearly to death with his bare hands. It isn’t that he doesn’t have the stomach for violence. Five was raised on violence, weaned on it. Ever since he could remember, violence has always been an answer to a myriad of situations. His father taught him that. He reaches out blindly for her and he finally gets a good look at the bloody mess of his knuckles. Five blanches. His father also taught him to beat a man without cutting your fist on his teeth but Five had somehow forgotten that lesson today.
She’s still crying, the sound getting closer as Vanya slowly makes her way to him. 
“Vanya,” he says again when he spots her. 
She wails as soon as she hears her name, a sound like a wounded animal and rushes towards him. It’s easier to breathe as soon as he touches her. She’s such a mess, all tears and flushed cheeks. The flesh around her right eye is darkening and Five feels the fight flood back into him. He should have killed the bastard and he considers putting Vanya aside and finishing the job but as soon as he begins to extract himself from her, Vanya keens and grabs at him frantically. 
“Please, Five. Please,” she pleads incoherently but Five understands.
He’s always understood her, known her. Vanya is like a limb, like an internal organ. He’d know her in the dark with his hands tied behind his back. Vanya lifts her face, eyes closed and expression expectant. 
And Five has to admit, as much as his knuckles ache, as much as his stomach turns at the though of his own hands torn to ribbons, he’d endure it all for this chance. Without hesitation, Five meets her halfway and presses his lips to hers, tenderly at first but then she parts her lips to let loose a pathetic moan and Five can’t resist deepening the kiss. From there it only gets worse, violent, needy, desperate. He can’t help it. It’s only after he’s swooped in and saved the day that she lets him have her like this, dangling herself like a tasty morsel, a pretty prize for her knight in tarnished armor.
He’d bloody his hands on as many men as she likes to have her.
I guess it would just be an AU where Vanya, trying to deny their relationship for propriety’s sake (thanks to Reggie’s admonishments growing up), goes off and gets herself in trouble with a bunch of sleazy guys. And it’s only in the gory, confusing aftermath that she lets Five close, lets him kiss and hold and fuck her. It’s fucked up, a vicious cycle but Five is willing to play along if it means he gets to have her in some capacity. 
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icharchivist · 7 years
This might be a lil morbid of a question but if kurapika did end up going overboard with emperor time and ended up dying, what do think would happen? Like how would the other characters react I guess?
oh boy oh boy.
I  actually thought about it a lot, despite the fact I’m still in denial and refuse it to happen even if i’m also painfully aware if someone had to die it will probably be Kurapika. 
It’s a bit tricky to think about how others people would react because I think it would depend also of, if they knew about Emperor Time and that Kurapika died as a result of his slow self destruction, if they don’t know and just have to live in confusion as for how Kurapika died, or hell, if Kurapika dies in another way (like killed by the Prince or something). 
I ended up typing a whole damn lot (why am i like this) so more under the cut ;O
Considering Izanavi is around in that arc (and probably foremost) i’ll go ahead and assume that after Kurapika’s death, he would put two and two together knowing his student (If like, Kurapika mentioned it to him or even asked if i was possible). If anyone would know, it would be him. 
now how people would react…..
Izanavi, since I just mentioned him, would probably be shocked to learn that about his student. But on one hand too, not so surprised. He’d be upset at Kurapika for doing something that reckless, and while Kurapika had always been kind of irrespectful with him, i’m pretty sure Izanavi wouldn’t take his death well.
If Kurapika dies on the boat as a result of his mission of protecting Woble, Oito would likely feel devasted and blame herself. Considering how badly she reacted when she ended up being the witness of a murder, this is the kind of things that would especially shake her up. If she learns that Kurapika’s death is linked to the amount of time he spent, among other things, to protect her and her daugher, I think Oito might come out of it deeply traumatized. 
On the bigger scale, there’s the Mafia’s stuff too. Kurapika is a young boss from the Mafia after all. It will probably cause turmoil on the family he’s part of, the reorganization around it. And of course, the people he is eventually closer to in that middle will feel hurt. I think Basho for exemple, would see the waste of a young life and a comrade, but there’s also Melody, who’s Kurapika’s friend, and is aware of how far Kurapika was willing to go. In this middle, she would probably be the one affected the most, and will probably be in a lot of pain to see a friend die this way. After all, she was there, sad and worried, looking after Gon. She has a deeper bound with Kurapika than with Gon, I think it would hurt her a lot, especially since she already lost a friend over him doing something stupid (the Sonata).
And there will be the Zodiacs. Kurapika is rather distant with them, in fact, he even angered a few of them, he’s the closest to Mizai in the group. I think eventually they’ll feel some sort of heavy at the thought of losing a comrade, Mizai maybe a little more than the others, but to be honest, I hardly see any of them actually feel involved in his death.
But now we’re talking. 
If Kurapika came to die, it will be a huge blow on Leorio, Killua and Gon. That’s an understatement. 
Leorio will be the first one of the three to know. And he’s probably going to have one of the worst reaction.Leorio lost a dear friend while young, and always felt like if he hadn’t been moneyless, powerless, he could have helped. He had been thinking ever since that he doesn’t want anyone else to die while he can help. When Gon almost died, he was already panicked because he couldn’t do anything, and he wanted to put all the means to do something. Imo this is why he then wanted Kurapika to join the Zodiac - he knows Kurapika is the kind to push his limits and hurt himself, and after what happened to Gon, he wanted to at least keep an eye on Kurapika, make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. This would be the kind of stupid things only Kurapika would do right?
 Leorio would probably react violently to the news. Probably in denial at first, insisting on seeing his body, stubborningly refusing to believe in it. If Kurapika dies, especially on the boat while Leorio was around, Leorio would feel terrible. He would feel as if he couldn’t save him, that he failed another one of his friend once again. 
Once he would be sure about it, once there’s no other way to deny what’s happening, I’m pretty sure he’ll break down. For the reason I explained earlier. He would be desperate to know why, to know if anything could have been done.
And if he learns about Emperor Time and the stupid rule Kurapika set, he will be angry. So angry. He would be angry at Kurapika, so angry that he kept it for himself, so angry that Kurapika even set this stupid rule to begin with. Kurapika could have reach out to them, but he didn’t. There’s no way Leorio would be okay.
Eventually he would probably turn this anger against himself, thinking once again he couldn’t even prevent the red flags, that he couldn’t have helped his friend, that Kurapika didn’t even trust him with it. I can’t help but think he would think that eventually. Don’t know how long it’ll last, I think eventually he’ll still be angry at Kurapika. 
I think he would have a really hard time accepting his death. I can’t really see ahead of how he could rebuild himself. I trust him to be able to, eventually, to still carry on his dream to be a doctor, but the pain will never be gone truly.
As the news would reach Gon and Killua, I think they would both suffer a lot from it, Gon especially. 
Killua would be shocked. He may have not been as close to Kurapika than he is to Gon, but Kurapika (and Leorio) were still parts of his first friends and some of the peopel Killua is actually very close to. To think about Kurapika dying would shake him up a lot. It would be a first to have an actual friend actually dying, and I think the information would be really, really hard to process.
 If he learns about Emperor Time, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be surprised, but he would be frustrated. How many times are his friends going to throw their lives away like that? And this time, there is no undo button, he has to admit that he lost a friend for good. This would likely be quite traumatic for Killua.
I think he could reach out for Gon at this point, at least to check up on him. After the loss of Kite, just thinking about Gon’s reaction makes me chill. I think he might eventually break down.
Same as Leorio, and same as he did for Kite, he would first be in denial. But this time there is no way to actually believe in his denial and as he realizes Kurapika is truly gone, I think Gon would react pretty badly. He wasn’t there, he couldn’t do anything. He’s over there, powerless, nenless, while his friend risked his life. I wonder if he’ll see the irony of Kurapika throwing his own life away concerning of what he did, and if so, I think he would most likely have a breakdown.
 But there’s no one to be angry against, no one, not even himself, and he can’t bring himself to be angry at Kurapika. He wishes Kurapika would have reached out to them, but he also knows that he couldn’t have done anything. And it’s breaking his heart. Gon would be seriously hurt to learn the news though and I think it might make his mood worse.
I tend to believe he hadn’t recovered yet from everything that happened in the CA arc - even if Kite is alive, he feels responsbile for all that happened, for how he dragged Killua into it, and he was ready to die, and i’m pretty sure he didn’t make peace with himself yet, especially considering that, now, he has achieved the goal of his life and has no idea what to do, not to mention said goal wasn’t as satisfying as he thought. Gon is not at the best place right now, I want to believe he’s slowly recovering though, but such a news would seriously hurt him.
Eventually, I think one of them, maybe Killua, would ask for the three of them to met up again (maybe even asking Melody about it). They know better than anyone that Kurapika didn’t have anyone else left, and they were close to him. I think they would need some time together to talk about it. Not letting each other alone in that situation.
I think eventually it’s Gon or Killua who’d bring up the question about the eyes. Where were those Kurapika retrieved, and if there was a way to get back the last eyes of the Prince. If Gon, especially, learn that Kurapika pushed himself this far to find the eyes, while Gon is the one who encouraged him the most to get the eyes back, it would eventually bring him to feel guilty. But he’d probably ask, at least to honor him, to do something with that. To make sure the eyes are kept safe.
If they can retrieve Kurapika’s body, as painful as it is for all of them, I think they’ll at least make sure he rests with the eyes of his clans’s members. That it’s the last thing they can really do for him. Keeping all of this safe. 
I don’t think any of them would really recover from it. Even if Kurapika set his distances, he was their friends. He was someone they cared about. And he was someone who threw his life away, who didn’t ask for help, who isolated himself and carried that burden alone.
It could bring the other three to be more protective of each others. Making sure something like that doesn’t happen again, making sure they’re here for each other in grief.
But that’s not something either of them will be able to forget.
And that’s why I don’t like to think about Kurapika’s dying, but ye that’s. More or less my thoughts on the matter. And it’s really painful to think about. 
Hope you like it nonny!
Take care!
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gay-la-v · 7 years
Talk to me about how much Endymion sucked as a Prince and diplomat of his planet and how much better Beryl would have been for the role AND YEAH SHE TURNED EVIL BUT SHE WAS ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING AND SEEMED TO CARE ABOUT HER PEOPLE!
Oh my god, buddy, pal, friendo. “Prince” Endymion is the actual, legit woooooorst at being a prince. Here are his accomplishments:
1) Fell in love with princess from foreign kingdom that his people hate.
2) Spent 100% of his time with said princess.
3) Failed to notice his closest advisor/fucking fiance (like seriously dude, at least break off the engagement BEFORE running after someone else) and his own PERSONAL BODYGUARDS were being possessed by a fucking evil sunspot and conspiring against him.
5) Gets murdered by his own troops. What a guy.
8000 more words about this loser and Beryl below:
Like seriously, at best Endymion was a bad ruler because he was completely oblivious to the needs of his people cause he spent all his time on the gd moon. At worst, he is a HORRIBLE ruler because he DELIBERATELY FUCKING IGNORED THE NEEDS OF HIS PEOPLE SO HE COULD SPEND ALL HIS TIME ON THE GD MOON.
But oh my sweet, sweet, proper Queen of the Earth, Beryl. Note the title ‘Queen’ which is of higher fucking rank than Prince. Putting Endymion aside, literally Beryl just wants the moon kingdom to fuck off, and to make the Earth a great place to live. Yes she absolutely conspires against the ruling authority and seizes control of the earth away from the crown prince, but LET’S BE REAL AT LEAST THE MAJORITY (if not absolutely everyone) OF THE PLANET WAS MORE THAN HAPPY TO LET BERYL TAKE ENDYMION’S PLACE. Why could that be??????? Maybe, perhaps she’s a better ruler than Endymion???? While he’s a selfish lil love puppy, she’s actually worked politics and economics and leadership her whole fucking life, what a concept????? 
So okay, Endy isn’t doing his job, so Beryl starts doing it for him, and everyone on Earth is happy right? Except the Moon kingdom, ruler of EVERY OTHER PLANET IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM, HOME OF MAGICAL BADASS LADIES THAT CAN SHOOT FIRE OUT OF THEIR HANDS, RULED BY A GIANT DEMIGOD WITH A FUCKING OMNIPOTENT CRYSTAL, HAS NOT ONLY DISPLAYED MORE POWER THAN THE EARTH BUT HAS MORE OR LESS ‘BRAINWASHED’ THEIR OWN PRINCE AWAY FROM THEM. Like, I’m not gonna get in to what kind of ruler Serenity may have been, point is, when you can see Julius Caesar floating in the sky every night, you’re gonna be afraid of Roman invasion whether Rome intends to invade or not.
So what does Beryl do? She gets out her big guns and walks straight up to the moon kingdom to kick their ass. And let’s talk here about Metallia, because Metallia is super important re: Beryl going evil. Would Beryl still have attacked the moon kingdom without Metallia’s influence? I say absolutely. Would she have gone so far on the Total Annihilation side of things? Mmmmmm probably not, but oh well. Point is, this bitch has had her heart totally trampled by a dinkass prince who ABANDONED THE PLANET THAT SHE LOVES. Yes, she is attacking the moon for the sake of the Earth, but she is in equal parts attacking the moon for the sake of vengeance, and damn if I don’t love myself a vengeful, bitter woman. 
So she’s set on pulling a David v Goliath and is gonna attack this mega-empire, when along pops up a space blob that promises her enough power to not only take out the moon, but take back this shit-head prince too. Who in their right mind would possibly say no to that???????
Beryl makes a deal with the space devil, poofs on over to the moon kingdom, and ACTUALLY??? DESTROYS??? THEM?? Girl whipped their asses so hard they’re gonna be feeling it in Crystal Tokyo. And low-and-behold, Beryl’s victory is THROWN IN THE TRASH. Queen Serenity magics it all away, thanks all-powerful-space rock. 
Then everyone is reborn thousands of years in the future. What does Beryl do? Get right the fuck back to crushing the moon kingdom. It was personal before, but if they’re gonna null her flawless victory, then now it’s double personal. 
Of course, this time around Beryl doesn’t win because friendship or something. And I could talk a bit about how much I love the last few moments we get of Beryl in PGSM, but instead I’m gonna talk about Eien Densetsu. MYU SPOILERS INCOMING. 
My ideal endgame for Beryl is something akin to what ED does. After time, and time, and time again, of being brought back from death by the SHEER POWER OF HER OWN HATRED, just for her superior plotting to be thwarted by ginzuishos and teenagers, Beryl comes to a sort of redemption arc, not because Usagi reached out to her with the power of love or some bs, but because she is just so, SO tired. It has been actual thousands of years, and no matter what she does, she is never going to win this battle. And winning this battle isn’t about the Earth anymore, and is hardly about the moon, so much as it is about getting back at Usagi. But suddenly Galaxia is around, the fate of the Earth is in major peril, and Beryl puts the last of her energy into protecting the Earth, before going off to sleep or smthn for the rest of literally forever. She doesn’t do it to spite anyone, doesn’t do it for revenge, she does it for the Earth, After all this time she finally goes back to that girl she was so many centuries ago, who just wanted to make the Earth a great place to live.  
anyways idk if this is what you wanted, but I went way the fuck overboard with SOMETHING.
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sydneysmuses · 5 years
✘┇ ❛ it's like sweet serendipity
“Alright then, let’s get started. Welcome to Brooklyn, New York. Here’s the home of fuckboys and lames but I’m sure you can survive. Just steer clear from Anthony. He’ll fuck up your shit in a hot second. Anyway, who are you?”
Hello beautiful human beings of the internet, my name is Syd. I suppose the normal things to talk about in this part would be that my pronouns are she/her and that my time zone is PST (California), though at times I find myself staying up until the butt crack of morning so maybe I’m an honorary member of another time zone for my weird hours of ‘awakeness’. ALSO warning that this is a little long, I went a bit overboard and if anything please just check out the site linked down where I talk about Yos’ loft because I made something special. (Or at least it was special to me).
My activity level is completely dependent on the activity of others. Which may not be the exact answer you are looking for, so I will explain. I think it’s very obvious that groups have been dying lately and when the dash is slow I certainly don’t want to clog it – so I do my replies and try to post a starter (but not to much avail) and then wait it out. Conversely, when the dash is moving quickly I know it is my duty to keep up and be just as active with my responses (unless I’m showering or sleeping or shoving food inside of my body). It is not a lie that I am on my summer break and am itching for things to do and am desperate for a group that isn’t going to fizzle out (translation: i’ve got no life what so ever give me something to do i’m begging). Even when I’m not on summer break – I work in a creative field and constantly need a way to continue to write imaginatively, but not necessarily for anything regarding my actual work.
“Okay. I totally blacked out on whatever you were saying but whatever. Let’s pretend it was the twisted tea and not your boring synopsis on who you are. Have you ever been in Brooklyn before?”
I am nearly 700 years old and have been roleplaying since I was in grade 8. So I’ve been pretending to be people I’m not since I was like 13? 14? I lived a large chunk of my roleplay life on a completely different side of roleplay that is vile and includes no writing/paring what so ever so this side is just so refreshing now that I’m an ancient lady looking for peace. I’ve been roleplaying in groups for 5-6 years now. I’ve gone through the days of the large 500 gifs. I’ve also been an admin of a few groups, only one that was successful and managed to last a solid six months, so I praise you for putting in this work.
I’m currently in one and a half groups? The ‘half’ group referring to a group that is actually ‘closed’ where interactions are completely voluntary as not many of the members are active anymore. And the one being a group that I think will be shut down before you even accept apps … so what is the real answer?
While I have been in lots of groups and probably should link you to something more current, I figured I would link you to my most beloved little angel who has been revived MANY times in groups run by a nice lil’ fellow in the community named Nicholas. I’m particularly fond of this character because she was hands down the most developed (since it was a long lasting group) and because there were lots of things that I got to do in the group as her character.
Links (the first link is about a year old hence hq/medium sized gifs): http://olliecoopz.tumblr.com/, http://olliescooper.tumblr.com/, http://olliepls.tumblr.com/ .
I figured I would also link another character that I played with a similar title to Yos’ (the activist) so I figured I should link that too: http://brynnism.tumblr.com/
“Hm, okay. So in other words, no. Well – why are you here?”
The character I would like to play is Yoseline and the primary reason is because of her title as “the activist”. I will admit that it’s absolutely frightening when the character you like the most has a popular face claim because I feel like that aspect alone lessens my chances – and it makes me want to pick someone else so the let down will be a lot easier. However, playing strong, female characters that care about philanthropy is what I’m all about. Obviously it helps that there are predetermined head cannons as well because it’s even more inspiring to me that even through a failed career Yos was able to flip the switch and find a useful purpose for her time. Switching gears back to her title, I can imagine that philanthropy and philanthropic groups in New York are just as in demand for help as they are here in Southern Calfornia, so what she does and why she doesn’t would be realistic and that much easier to portray even in this fictitious world. Being a mixed latina who is heavily involved in philanthropic groups that support school and college readiness as well as groups that support research study for Cystic Fibrosis naturally PULLED me towards this character. And in mentioning the connections, I like that the only real ‘enemy’ connections are with men (I know Xan is a frenemie, but for the sake of what I’m about to say..) because I feel as a female activist I would have to imagine that empowerment of females and female bonds/relationships would also be super important to Yos. So I’m grateful that the majority of her close-knit, predetermined relationships are with other powerful young women.
“O–dude, are you sweating? Seriously? It’s not that deep. Here’s a tissue. Yeah, good. Alright Sweaty McGee, why should I pick your lack of experience, weird, boring self over the other thousand cooler people that I meet daily? What makes you such an asset to me and my friends? Choose your words wisely because I’m being dead on serious.”
‘Bullet Point’ Biography //
**** Yos’ Loft **** // I wanted to do something a little different to make myself stand out. (Hopefully? Unless this is a thing people do and I’m just super behind.) I was really inspired while I was looking at the character’s homes when I realized that Yos lives on her own – with her dreams. At first I admired the fact she was so young and could afford it, then I realized that regardless of her show getting cancelled, it could have still provided her with a substantial bit of money as well as a following via social media and what not. So I wanted to play up this idea of her having her own space and come up with what the rooms might look like when her mind and imagination took over. It’s nothing too crazy and I’m sure I could have been a little more extreme with the idea, but I hope it’s kind of entertaining for a few clicks! It really helped me get inside of how she is or how I would write her by surrounding her in a comfortable living environment. http://718yos.tumblr.com/
Yos has become very independent ever since she made a huge life transition and found out what she wants to do / who she wants to be. It has always been easier on her to be on her own and away from her family. While she loves both of her parents, she knows they don’t love each other – haven’t for as long as she can remember. However, given their faith and religion they wouldn’t dare break their union after making a promise to the church.
Her view of romantic relationships is a bit warped. With her parents and with the relationships people tried to force upon her while she was in the industry, it seems as if real romance isn’t necessarily tangible. Which is why most of her relationships have never really made it do the next step or are full of lust / friends with benefits.
However, she does believe that love is real because she has an older brother who she loves with all of her heart. She is grateful that he lives near by, but misses him often when he is away for business.
Obviously it’s already predetermined that Yos tried her best to be a successful actress, but the show that was supposed to be her big break didn’t end up doing so well. However, I believe she would take that passion she used to have and combine it with her love for philanthropy and support programs such as Save The Arts. Surely the importance of the arts in school around where her and all her friends live is important so she is driven to help out that organization. I could also see her wanting to help young girls who are beginning to get into the industry and make sure that they are treated fairly, are fighting for equal pay, and aren’t being taken advantage of by older men.
Back to religion – self-discovery has become a huge revelation for her, especially in regards to the religion that her parents had forced upon her and her brother for so long. The views of the Catholic Church do not necessarily reflect Yos’ views. And while she is struggling to find ways to let her parents know, she is in the process of taking classes at a local university on Eastern Religions and their impact in the modern world. The idea of spirituality over organized religion is becoming more appealing as she gets older.
I have more ideas, but naturally I’ve already created a novel worthy application.
“Again, another boring answer. Cool. Do you have anything else to add or whatever?”
All I can say is thank you so much for creating a diverse group and putting so much detail in to making sure that all the roles weren’t just similar copies of each other. Regardless of what happens or who you choose I wish you all the best of luck with your group! Also i’m sorry if the formatting messed up – I had it open in microsoft word.
“I think I remember who you are now. I think you’re my brothers friend…right? Oh yeah, you owe me ten dollars for even taking the time to talk and give you the proper city welcome. My brother said you would pay because you were desperate for friends or whatever. Ten dollars isn’t much and I want Panera so–c'mon.”
Can we talk about the fact that as I was reading the rules I was like, “oh god, oh no they are asking for real money!” And as I continued to read and sweat bullets over the fact that I’m a fucking broke ass loser my whole mind cleared when I saw that all I had to do is agree to the ten dollar fee. So I agree. (And I feel blessed that it’s not really real because I would have had to act fast to send this in when I wanted.)
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Okay, Billy was salty as hell after he got voted out, and for some reason it was towards me? He said my attitude is intolerable or whatever, and that I have no room to talk about him getting pissy when he gets voted out.
1: I know, and therefore I didn't? Like I actually said nothing to him other than the fact that he's going home, which he wanted to hear in the first place (I think).
2: I... don't call out the entire tribe and call everyone cowards when I know I'm going home. Like, when I'm salty, it's because of a blindside, not an obvious vote. He can't really act like he deserved to stay when he did nothing in either of the last two challenges.
On a separate note, we merged now! So that's pretty nifty, I would say. I'm trying to get the merge tribe named Sappho because gay, and I think everyone's on board. thats real fuckin neato
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AAAAAA i got a black lantern ring and idk what it does and i cant tell jordan or lily about it so im stuck lying to them and im bad god i hope this item is good
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So we merged hey hey hey
Toph is pissed at me for choosing Kai over him for reward and I explained the situation to him and I feel bad because I had no intention of picking Toph like if I didn't pick Kai I was gonna pick Logan and then probably Ruthie next tbh jdlkfjlasd like this MESS I feel so bad but I lied to keep him happy. I feel shitty but anyways
I'm getting closer and closer with Jordan and it's both good and bad I think JD is disappointed in me
Madeline hasn't been responding much to my messages and I'm worried she a. hates me b. has better allies than me bc we've been separated for so long c. maybe i'm overreacting and she's just not seeing my messages
Kai is already throwing Jordan's name to RHONE and logan and IM FDKJFKLAS KAI STOP IM TRYING TO SAVE YOU i think i made this harder for him though i kinda went overboard with the distance myself from my closest ally thing so now my "closest" ally does not like my closest ally and wants him out fdjfajslkd I'm making things harder for my friends and I this isn't good
I also think Jordan thinks he has me around his finger and that's not... true? I don't think so at least. I'm thinking about trying to make a thing with Toph, Kai, Logan, Madeline, and Ian? I don't know. That's the ideal squad. And Jordan can give me info from the other side of Lily, Jack, and Nicholas. And then I can blindside him... soonish. I gotta decide when my metaphorical d-day is. Is it bad that I'm comparing Jordan's tribal to d-day? I hope not because I'm Garbo I gotta keep with this WWII metaphor for this persona to work out.
Also our tribe name is Sappho and if that doesn't perfectly describe our tribe then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also update on Madeline and I we're talking more now I don't think she hates me she was just like away from her computer whew we're in the clear bois
Also, Jordan found whatever the fuck was in the bedroom and I know it. I just do. Kai sent me this:
On 11/1/17, at 10:41 PM, Kai . wrote:
> On 11/1/17, at 10:41 PM, LA {Themyscira Host} wrote:
> > You run into the room and look around but there is nothing to be found. You have a nagging suspicion you missed out on something but what? Who knows! Sorry, better luck next time.
And I popped over to Jordan, who claims I am his "closest ally," and said
On 11/1/17, at 10:42 PM, Emily wrote:
> so what was in the room
> lmao
> I’m kidding I’m just sssuming
On 11/1/17, at 10:43 PM, Jordan Pines wrote:
On 11/1/17, at 10:43 PM, Emily wrote:
To quote Jordan: hosts, this is called lying! This boy got an advantage and he wants to keep it a secret from me and thinks that because he's called me his "closest ally" that I won't fall for it. I think the heck not, you trick ass Jordan.
Sorry this is all over the fuckin place but now I'm talking to Logan and Madeline. Logan has told me that he has been open with Jordan and calling with him, like I have been. Which is INCH RESTING. Because Jordan told me he wouldn't call with someone unless he wanted to work with them hella long term. (That's paraphrasing.) OH MY GOOOOOOD I love catching this boy in his lies....... I love comparing notes. I love when people unknowingly give me the info I need. Also Madeline is the sweetest human being on earth look
On 11/1/17, at 11:56 PM, Emily wrote:
> i just wanna find something
> i feel lame
On 11/2/17, at 12:00 AM, Madeline wrote:
> You can find my heart
I love her wtf I want to work with her forever. Honestly why is everyone in this damn game my bff someone make me hate them QUICK!!!
Now I want to work with Lily and Madeline but I'm worried bc Lily is close with Jack and Jordan. Jordan has mentioned many times that he can get Jack and Lily to vote how he wants them to. And so that's major hinting at how he is close with her. And if Lily is close with Jordan and she gets put in an all girls alliance with Madeline and I, she might tell Jordan. And if I don't tell Jordan about the all girls alliance, he won't trust me. And I need him to trust me. I'm breaking my english teacher's heart by starting all those sentences with and but anyways! Merge happened and everything is a little okay. Also I don't proof read my confessionals so like if this is a mess it's a mess I'm sorry nobody's perfect I gotta work it.
Anyways, here are my goals: congradoritos, you made merge, now the goal is to not be merge boot. Maybe try to make it past seventh. Use Kai's idol to your advantage. Vote Jordan out soon. Get in some alliances. Win something good in the auction. Something GOOOOOOOD. Please Survivior gods help me out
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Y'all. This is just a confession with another example of why I love Madeline.
On 11/2/17, at 12:02 AM, Madeline wrote:
> do you choose chest, candy box, or oven
On 11/2/17, at 12:03 AM, Emily wrote:
> im
> i think oven
On 11/2/17, at 12:04 AM, Madeline wrote:
> You open the oven and see two trays of treats the top row has muffins and the bottom row is a tray of sugar cookies
On 11/2/17, at 12:06 AM, Emily wrote:
> oh shit
> i want the muffins
On 11/2/17, at 12:07 AM, Madeline wrote:
> You choose the muffins from the oven be careful they’re still hot! You see there’s several types of muffins to choose from, blueberry, chocolate chip, and banana nut
On 11/2/17, at 12:08 AM, Emily wrote:
On 11/2/17, at 12:10 AM, Madeline wrote:
> You choose the blueberry muffins do you wait to enjoy it in the morning for breakfast or dive right into the warm treat?
On 11/2/17, at 12:12 AM, Emily wrote:
> dive right in
On 11/2/17, at 12:14 AM, Madeline wrote:
> You choose to dive right in because you can’t resist the temptation of having a blueberry muffin crafted by Madeline who not only loves to cook but’s favorite muffin also is blueberry and have thus won her heart.
> (heart)
On 11/2/17, at 12:15 AM, Emily wrote:
> omg
> i did it
On 11/2/17, at 12:15 AM, Madeline wrote:
> You may redeem this idol at any point when you’re feeling sad or lonely or bored OR WANT TO BEAT OUT THESE BOYS RUNNING THIS THING
On 11/2/17, at 12:15 AM, Emily wrote:
> tbh I’m redeeming it now we better vote out these boys
This pure girl I want to be her best friends
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Organizing my thoughts for these merge folk:
Ian: Uneasy about him for some reason. Seems very nice but we haven't talked much game.
Jack: Tbh if I want anyone gone the most, it's him. I really don't vibe with him and it's very obvious he and Jordan are close. If I want to make a move on Jack, I need to do it secretly or in a close vote.
Jordan: My "closest" ally. I'm blindsiding him when I get the chance. I love him as a person, but as a player he's scary as fuck. I don't want that in late merge. And I'm also trying to protect Duncan's record because I love Duncan.
Kai: My closest ally.  I stan him and his idol. Time zones put a damper on things sometimes but we still talk a lot and we are very close. I wouldn't mind taking him to the end based on his social game.
Lily: I really haven't talked to her much but, to quote Rhone, she's a legend. She's really funny and I want to make an ally girls alliance with her so bad wtf but I know she's close with Jordan and so I need to tread lightly.
Logan: I love him so much wtf! He's a great ally and I think Kai and I got closer bc Logan and I were separated but now that we're all back on one tribe it's fucking lit and New Skype Who Dis? can maybe do some damage
Madeline: I literally want to be her best friend I am SUCH stan. She's such a sweet heart and I want to work with her even though she's a little cracked
Nicholas: cracked idol playing king. He's so nice! Like so nice. We had a good convo and I'm happy. I want to work with him but we need to talk more.
Rhone: I LOVE RHONE so much wtf. They're so nice and I just stan so much. And they've been talking to me a good amount which makes me think they still wanna work with me and that makes me happy I love having allies
Toph: cracked messy king. hoping I don't ruin his game but tbh in the other games I've played, people that are closer with me than I are with them always end up ruining their game to my benefit so rip toph probably. But I'm proud of him for making merge love him
Anyways those are my thots for now. It's one am and I have class in eight hours. I also have a stance on this question:
"If your homie sends you a dick pic and you screenshot it, who gay?"
OBVIOUSLY both of them are bi. I just make everyone bi actually u know ignore me but that's my answer
Also, 100 duck sized horses is my answer. I was absent for the tribal so I feel left out not getting to answer the questions.
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WHEW this past round was messy and weird! We had no idea what was really going on w this tribal for us until the actual vote so I was being a lil snake trying to get Andreas out when I didn't even need to bc Hippolyta did it for me. :) But Antiope and Hippolyta are NO MORE because I made the merge!!!!!!!! I'm dumb shook bc I honestly tend to go premerge but I think with the premerge boot order shaking out the way I did I'm in a really good position right now.
Love the tribe name, love lesbians, love women in general, love this season. Lily really is an awesome kid and I want to talk to her more because she's so funny and insightful. And I hate to say it but I do feel like I could beat her at FTC because she's a little less cool under pressure than me so she's someone I'm definitely looking at long-term. Like I think her and Jordan would be my ideal final 3 so I have to get them to trust me the most. I really think having Emily around towards the end would be good too and give me options, and Nicholas is tight with me. So basically I fuck with the swapped Antiope crew + Nicholas, but not really Jack if I can be totally honest. I just don't think he really trusts me and he'll totally beat me at the end.
Kai on the other hand is legit coked out of his head, he came to me right after we merged and started shitting all over Jordan/Lily/Jack to me and I was like...uhhhh take a look at the wiki bruh, I was on that tribe too! So I told Jordan everything because I have a feeling he's nervous that I'm gonna try to blinside him and not gonna lie I considered it, I just think my odds long-term are better with him. Ian and Madeline are also kind of in trouble I think. They're both so social and nice it's a little disturbing and I know from Jordan that they're a pretty tight pair. I accidentally made a deal with Madeline to just never vote her out lmfao so I'm gonna have to maneuver to see if I can keep that deal while still getting Madeline out. To quote strategic god JP of Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers fame, I guess we'll see what happens.
I want to prove myself in this game so bad. I really feel like if I maneuver effectively through this merge I can get to FTC with limited blood on my hands and the respect of the majority of the jury. So often people see me as like a goat or a follower and I need people to realize that I am actively involved in strategy and am paving my own way to the end. I'm the one using people! It's not the other way around!
Last thing -- I suck at finding idols and advantages. WE BEEN KNEW. I'm so shook that there are so many fucking advantages and idols out there in this game and I have none of them. Idols and advantages tend to be the reason I'm voted out in games, too, which is the worst fucking feeling. That's probably the biggest thing scaring me in the game right now. The people are fine, it's these magic sticks or w/e the fuck you weirdos are handing out that are the real threats.
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While walking into school I got smashed in between closing automated doors and I think that’s a good metaphor for me and how I play
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I'm so happy to be back on a tribe with Madeline I just love her. She's the nicest person in the whole wide world and that is a FACT
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[11/3/17, 11:14:12 PM] Toph Estroy: emilys
[11/3/17, 11:14:31 PM] Toph Estroy: what u gonna buy?
[11/3/17, 11:14:45 PM] Emily: i dont even know the items hon
TOPH chill the fuck out
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I HATE THIS GAME. Honestly it's going to be so hard to vote some people out like Emily or Toph or Kai. I don't know how I'm going to do that when the time comes for it. IF THE TIME COMES.
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I also wish Ian would've just given me all his money, like it would've been fishy BUT at least then I could've won us all the good stuff. MAYBE GOOD STUFF? I DON'T KNOW.
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I’m trying to decide who to tell about my advantage. If I tell anyone, I’ll tell Kai. You know, since he told me about his idol and all. But Jordan has been asking me to tell him and I’m just not opening the messages and ignoring them until I can make up a message to send him saying the shield doesn’t do anything. Or maybe it’s just a weak power. And I mean, I’m not sure how to use this shield correctly, so I gotta figure out what to do with it before I even think about telling people. I don’t know what to do so I’m just going to, ya know, avoid it. I’m also 81% sure I won’t be able to do this challenge unless it’s super late tonight when all my actors are asleep. We finished the script just now so my part is basically done for our 24 hour play-a-thon thing. Anyways, I have not been very active recently so let’s hope it doesn’t get me booted! LOL
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Fuck stairway to hell I literally never want to see that fucking challenge again my mood is ruined I am pissed off I'm so bad at it and I just !!!!!!!! FUCK OFF I AM SO FUCKING MAD I just... god. I'm so upset. My social game has been lacking quite a bit lately. I need to #work #on #that. But now I'm going to work on my IRL social game and go play board games with my friends that are still awake at 3 am goodbye
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I’m screaming how did I get third on a challenge I started at 1:30AM mid writing a script for a 24 hour play festival. I didn’t win but I like lily and I’m glad she won. That’s one more guaranteed safety for the girlies! I really want to make this all girls alliance tho fuccc. Also I told Jordan about my power bc he told me about his and it’d be shady and I also don’t know how powerful my power can actually be? I don’t know how to use it properly right now. I’m still thinkin on it. And if I haven’t confessed about this yet, I bought a shield in the auction that basically negates any negative powers that would affect me like a vote steal or something. And Jordan has a vote canceller thing so he knows that I can :-) you know :-) negate whatever thingie he uses against me :-) ya know just a little bit of a push to get him to fear me a bit. I love when men fear me
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I'm still pissed about the results from the music video challenge. WHAT THE FUCK.
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Jack being isolated for 24 hours really doesn’t concern me because I don’t talk to him ever so like ;-) anyways
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ok so i am making this confessional because i really do think that this could be my last one that i make. if i am correct i am pretty sure logan/kai are gunning for me for whatever fucking reason. i'm pretty pissed at how i did in the challenge first of all because i wanted to either flop completely or win it all. of course, i tied for second and continue to make myself out to be a competition threat that i am not. i really don't know how to spin this bc everyone keeps bringing up the fact that i did well and i'm pretty pissed. jp has been telling me that kai has been throwing my name around @ the last vote and now this vote and i didn't believe it bc i thought kai and i were friends from another game and were going to finally work together in this one. then i, LIKE A MATURE ADULT, confronted kai about it with only included minimal detail and he deadass told me he has been throwing my name around and that makes me scared because he must feel like he has the votes and that's really bad tbh because there are enough people that i'm not close to who would probably be willing to vote me out [logan/lily/toph]. i have a bad feeling that the votes are going to flip to jp and he is going to play a power and then somehow i am going to go home in the aftermath. my gut is telling me that something really shitty is going to happen at this tribal and there's not much i can do to stop it so i am just going to make my rounds and hope that people won't want to end my life tonight. yeehaw!
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Okay well i feel like im organizing a pretty amazing blindside but at the same time i could be lying to both you and myself. Im calling this #PineSide... so wish me luck lmao
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You get an alliance chat and you get an alliance chat! Okay well technically I'm only in two, the third one is just Madeline and I with the hosts. If it keeps me safe I'll take it. People have to have guessed by now that Madeline and I are close. Maybe?
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This is very video confession worthy but I'm very very sick so I cannot film anything without blowing my nose ten times throughout the duration of the video. Anyways, I was approached last night with the idea of voting out Kai. I cannot remember who approached me with it, it was either Jordan or Rhone idk tho. So obviously, me being me, I don't want to vote out Kai. Kai has entrusted me with the information that he has an idol. And I want him to use that wisely. But since he name is already on the chopping block tonight, that makes me worried. I think he's going to have to use his idol.
When I started hearing Kai's name, I went to Logan. He said this:
[11/4/17, 10:43:08 PM] Emily: okay so ppl are coming to me saying that kai is the target and idk how I feel about it
[11/4/17, 10:43:17 PM] Emily: and idk how to approach kai with it
[11/4/17, 10:43:23 PM] Emily: or if u think I should at all
[11/4/17, 10:43:27 PM] Logan Bee-Culpepper: um
[11/4/17, 10:43:33 PM] Logan Bee-Culpepper: At ur own risk '
[11/4/17, 10:43:39 PM] Logan Bee-Culpepper: when can u call
Which is ... WEIRD! I thought Kai and Logan were really close and this is making me uneasy. Is this Logan hinting that he does want to vote out Kai? Very interesting if I do say so myself.
So I talked to a few more people today including Nicholas and Madeline who both told me they heard Kai's name and are uneasy about voting Kai. That's good. But it seems like Jordan has been talking to everyone and wanting to call with everyone (something he has told me is something he does with only the people he wants to work with and go far with.). So I think I have an idea of how Jordan is playing: trying to make everyone think that they're his secret pair and that he's going to take them to the end. He's told me this, and I don't believe him. He could be telling the truth, but I think he's a lot closer to Jack and Lily and Rhone than he is to me. My goal though is to make sure that people think after this vote that I'm with them, not Kai. When in reality, that's not the case.
An alliance has been made consisting of Kai, Ian, Madeline, and I. We're called the Dudes n Dames. It's pretty cute. And we're going to call in a little bit and I'm going to talk to them about this plan. Ideally, what I want to happen is:
Votes falling on Kai: Jordan's, Lily's, Rhone's,  Logan's, Nicholas', Toph's, mine
Votes falling on Jordan: Ian's, Kai's, Madeline's
I want to vote against Kai because I want people to think that I'm not with Kai. I think that if I send my vote (including a distinct voting confession) to the people I'm voting with, that'll secure that they know I voted with them. If the votes are not split and Kai plays his idol (which he has told me he is), then Jordan should go home. I trust Ian and Madeline to do what we decide on doing in the call today, I just need to make sure they're okay with me voting how I am so I can continue to be the double agent for them and clue them in on any possible blindsides against us. I think they will be okay and understand this plan? Possibly hopefully fkdjklas! But I'm not sure where Toph's vote is gonna go and I'm not sure where Logan's vote is gonna go. I have to call with Logan today at some point to discuss, so hopefully that'll clear things up. Toph is close with Madeline, we just gotta make sure Madeline doesn't tell Toph about the plan to vote out Jordan, because I think Toph and Jordan are close. But ANYWAYS
Tonight, Kai is not going home because he's playing his idol. It's about to be a #PinesSide, ladies and gentlemen.
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So the auction was fun, I guess!
Not only was it filled with plenty of bourgeoisie memes, but we got away from it with a decent haul. Between the food and the statue that I bet on, I got... nothing. I didn't even get the statue, it ended up with Jack. But hey, he got a challenge advantage and a super idol, so that was alright. Oh, and Jordan got a vote cutter.
I also ended up winning immunity with a strategy which I thought would turn out much better than it did. I had a text-based bot programmed to start sending the messages super quickly (I pre-typed them and entered them into the program), and although I did win, I didn't get up to 25 like I planned. There was, uh... a bit of a glitch. I'll paste that glitch log here for viewer enjoyment.
I go down step19IGDNSTP
I dn sp1
go sp1i9O DNE IDO SEPIDOSW EP  ot4
ID T r ep2o  te
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GOPEP@I cet dwn t 1gdo p0 gd ow st
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gdo testp 5IO WST !  w stp @GODNTP!
dte1i wn t te8
dt6i wnt e IOOST# o t2i w te
go se  us 2 ust 3 go p t  o e6g  p
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plat2 DNOWSTE! d e
NSP !I1oo t
ownt1ODN OW ST
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odo wnsp
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Y'all I am so determined to be on the front page of the Athena Wiki saying "Emily has won Themyscira!" LET *clap* ME *clap* TELL *clap* YOU I will be there. I'm so determined to win
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If this was Survivor: Futurama, I would be Leela, Ian would be Fry, Emily would be Amy, and Toph would be my little baby Nibbler.
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So I'm pretty certain I'm not going home on this vote so that's nice! Jordan and Kai are trying to blindside each other and I'm going with Jordan on this one. He and I had a really long talk on call the other night and it's so weird but I like...trust him? I trust Jordan Pines. I've never actually trusted Jordan in a game before lmao so we'll see if this works out or not. We want us and Lily to be the final 3 because all three of us have never won a Tumblr game so that would be a way to ensure one of us finally wins! We're also working with Emily, Logan, Nicholas and Jack. I really think Jack needs to go sooner rather than later so if it gets to a point where he needs to go and Jordan's still protecting him I'm not afraid to mobilize the minority to get him out. He just annoys the fuck out of me tbqh but that's like...basically everyone in this community.
I feel bad about not working with Ian and Madeline because they're both really cool people but I think they're big threats and they're always gonna prioritize each other over me or anyone else they work with. They're really socially strong it's actually kinda scary. I want to be friends with them after the game but in this game I think they need to get out sooner than later, and I'm hoping other people will piss them off more than I do. I already feel like I'm burning Kai's vote by basically orchestrating his blindside but...*Jenny Slate voice* I just like to have fun.
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I... REALLY hope that I'm the one that gets to come back tonight! I somehow don't think I will with so much competition but either way, this has been fun and I'm excited that there was a buyback!
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[11/5/17, 7:14:50 PM] Emily: you think everything will be okay tonight?
[11/5/17, 7:15:38 PM] Jordan Pines: im super paranoid
[11/5/17, 7:15:41 PM] Jordan Pines: i trust our 5
[11/5/17, 7:15:42 PM] Jordan Pines: the issue
[11/5/17, 7:15:46 PM] Jordan Pines: is i don’t trust anyone else
[11/5/17, 7:15:49 PM] Emily: fkdfklas ME
[11/5/17, 7:15:53 PM] Jordan Pines: i don’t think ian has been leaked at all
[11/5/17, 7:15:55 PM] Jordan Pines: im praying
[11/5/17, 7:16:01 PM] Jordan Pines: if this pays off
[11/5/17, 7:16:01 PM] Emily: i dont think so either
[11/5/17, 7:16:04 PM] Jordan Pines: and kai wastes an idol
[11/5/17, 7:16:09 PM] Jordan Pines: like we set for endgame
[11/5/17, 7:16:11 PM] Emily: i haven’t told him anything i swear
[11/5/17, 7:16:16 PM] Jordan Pines: i trust you darling
[11/5/17, 7:16:18 PM] Jordan Pines: dont worry
[11/5/17, 7:16:18 PM] Emily: i trust you guys i want to go with you guys to the end
[11/5/17, 7:16:24 PM] Emily: i just get paranoid
[11/5/17, 7:16:43 PM] Emily: I’m sorry I’m gonna get more and more worried as the night goes on
[11/5/17, 7:17:01 PM] Jordan Pines: youre nervous? I’m the ones whose had my name out there for what 3 days now lol?
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Like I need Jordan to know I love him as a person but this literally feels so great
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God, I've been so impatient about waiting for this day to come. I finally get to battle my way (hopefully) back into the game... a lot is riding on this. I'm really anxious because I don't want to fuck this up.
Realistically, I'll probably just be an easy next boot if I go back into the game so maybe it's best if I save the time and effort put into all of this :/ But... I just don't do that. I've not given up for one second in this game, I'm not going to give up now. If I am defeated, then so be it, and I hope the person who vanquishes me makes the most of their second life. I'll harness my competition beast just for one night, hopefully it'll work. I'm nervous, y'all.
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[11/5/17, 8:19:34 PM] Emily: i really dont want to change my vote
[11/5/17, 8:19:38 PM] Emily: really really really dont want to
[11/5/17, 8:20:12 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): but are you?
[11/5/17, 8:20:19 PM] Emily: I AM
[11/5/17, 8:24:12 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): kk just make sure you lock in whichever vote you’re going with before the votes are read
[11/5/17, 8:24:23 PM] Emily: i will I’m just still thinking
[11/5/17, 8:25:05 PM] Emily: i know we need three but I’m so worried about how this is going to go after the vote
[11/5/17, 8:25:19 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): no worries!
[11/5/17, 8:27:41 PM] Emily: my thing is EVEN IF I DONT CHANGE MY VOTE AND THINGS END UP LIKE 2-2-1 somehow, we can revote!!! and things will be okay right??????
[11/5/17, 8:27:46 PM] Emily: well maybe not
[11/5/17, 8:27:52 PM] Emily: let me work this out in hree
[11/5/17, 8:29:32 PM] Emily: ian: jp, lily, me, rhone, nicholas
kai: logan
toph: toph
jp: madeline, ian
[11/5/17, 8:29:54 PM] Emily: somehow if it goes to a 2-2 vote
[11/5/17, 8:30:30 PM] Emily: jordan: me, madeline, ian
???: lily, rhone, nicholas
where would logan go and can toph even vote in an event of a tie
[11/5/17, 8:30:48 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): top cannot revote
[11/5/17, 8:30:50 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): bc he has a self vote
[11/5/17, 8:30:53 PM] Emily: okay
[11/5/17, 8:31:10 PM] Emily: i dont know where the fuck logan would go
[11/5/17, 8:31:39 PM] Emily: but long story short, i dont think I’m gonna change my vote. we will be okay with 2 votes. i can stay good with everyone
[11/5/17, 8:32:09 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): kk so your vote is staying ian?
[11/5/17, 8:32:13 PM] Emily: yes
[11/5/17, 8:32:21 PM] Emily: at least for now. staying ian
[11/5/17, 8:32:26 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): kk
[11/5/17, 8:32:33 PM] Emily: I’m not going to tell them tho
[11/5/17, 8:32:37 PM] Emily: fdksjakla
[11/5/17, 8:36:59 PM] JD { Themyscira Host }: are you... gonna put this in a confessional? Cus I love stateging
[11/5/17, 8:37:16 PM] Emily: i will
[11/5/17, 8:37:29 PM] Emily: i confessed about a lot but i will just add the quotes to a confession
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Dudes, Dames n a Deutch is the best alliance ever formed and it's all in the memory of Andreas OUR FALLEN MEMBER.
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0 notes