#i may or may not post pics of my upcoming visit. oh who am i kidding i'm probably gonna post some and absolutely spam my friends with the
kenobihater · 1 month
AUGH. was planning a trip to a big city memorial museum i've never been to before bc all my school field trips and countless later visits were to the main art and history museum. i just looked up the memorial museum, and not only do they have a REALLY cool exhibit coming up concerning a topic i'm interested in, not only do they also have a really extensive archive that available to both academics and the public upon appointment, but volunteer opportunities are available for several positions in the museum including archival assistance!!!
it's administrative duties rather than archival management (which good, people need qualifications for that) but that's literally what i'm considering getting a degree in!!! so it's not only something i'd be passionate about if my application was accepted, but if i decide to commit and enroll this fall, then that would be getting experience in the field!
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subbyboymax · 4 years
I want to ask you all of them 🙈🙈
So why won’t you ask all of them? Huh anon?
Jk I love you whoever you are. As requested:
1. Zodiac sign 
Taurus. I don’t really pay much attention to zodiac stuff but I’ve heard from friends that I fit the stereotypes somewhat.
2. Sexual orientation 
This is hard because I’m kinda questioning atm, but I would say I like women and identify as NB using male pronouns which I personally feel is accurate to me, but I still am unsure myself what that actually means. I am still figuring myself out.
3. Relationship status 
Single and honestly looking. I’ve had one girlfriend in high school and I’ve had romantic interests since but I have such low self confidence that I end up being too nervous to really pursue a relationship.
4. Someone you miss 
My friend Rebekah. I miss her a lot. She’s like a sister to me.
5. Person who’s arms you’d like to be in 
Hmmmmmmmmm... anyone really...
6. What you find attractive in Men/Women? 
Typically I find personality attractive and looks don’t really matter, but usually someone’s smile and eyes draw my attention the most.
7. How tall are you? 
5’7 or ~170cm but I wish I was more smol.
8. What you love about yourself? 
Already answered
9. What you’re doing tomorrow? 
I’m probably going to exercise and play games with my gaming clan.
10. What are your future plans? 
My goal is to become an electrician, but I also want to go to various Asian countries and try to improve my Asian cooking by studying the food culture all over east asia.
11. Your last night out in detail?
Oh god I don’t even remember the last time I was out at night... I guess it was last year when I had my heart broken and I went to a really nice bar and spent $200 on alcohol and was GONE. Never again. Ended up being hung over for the first time in my life.
12. Your favorite book? 
Hmm... favorite book(s) would have to be the Ranger’s Apprentice series of books. Good story, good characters.
13. All of pets you’ve ever had?
I’ve had so many pets I could make a whole post about them and may do that later.
14. Something that changed your life? 
Unfortunately too many things have happened to change my life more than I would like. I still can’t really answer this question fully.
15. Do you remember your last dream?
I was basically playing a game that turned out to be an isekai and I basically had a SMG and had to fight off a dragon. Shit was weird but very vivid. It’s weird because I don’t particularly like guns or dangerous stuff in general. 
16. What your last text message says? 
“Keep me posted! We should meet up and have a toast to it!” was sent to my friend Renè, who has been my best friend since birth pretty much. Our parents were close while they were pregnant with us and we are practically brothers. He’s getting a house near where I live and we will live in the same state for the first time since we were 8 years old. Obviously we will social distance but we still had to celebrate and see each other to mark the occasion.
17. Do you respect your government and the way your country is run? 
Absolutely not. Please vote biden if you live in the US. Even if you hate the idea of voting for biden, he’s better than trump. If hillary had won, she would have been putting her third justice on the supreme court. Biden is the only chance for our freedom and for the freedom of many people. I am terrified of 4 more years of trump.
18. Where you would like to live? 
South Florida, where I was born.
19. Your  favorite flavor of ice cream?
Depends on my mood, but typically strawberry.
20. Last thing you ate?
Pizza that was left over from last night. 
21. Which swear word do you use the most? 
Fuck. Like I use it so much it’s stupid.
22. Your plans for summer?
Heh... plans...
23. Any upcoming concerts?
Bruh if only. Like I work as an usher and as a stagehand, so if any concerts were happening at all I would JUMP for joy. And I am CHONK so jumping is not exactly the most comfortable thing to do. 
24. Something that you’re proud of?
That I am finally committing to getting therapy for my long list of traumas. 
25. Do you still talk to your first crush?
I wish I could, but she’s not part of my life anymore, sadly. She was a good friend. 
26. What language do you want to learn? 
Japanese, because I really have a strong interest in their history and culture and want to go sightseeing there someday.
27. Where have you lived before?
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and St. Louis, Missouri.  
28. Eye color?
I think it’s green or something but it changes depending on the light because it’s sometimes more silvery idk.
29. Favorite style of clothing?
Traditional Japanese formal wear. It’s always been an interest of mine. 
30. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
All of one minute to throw on an outfit and get socks on. I wish I had an eye for fashion but hopefully if I ever have a partner, they will help me with my style choices a bit lol. 
31. Where did you go today?
Nowhere, because pandemic lmao. 
32. Where are you right now?
In my room wishing I could have cuddles. 
33. How many countries have you visited?
None because money is not exactly a thing we have an abundance of.
34. Something old?
What does this mean? I guess I have my great grandfather’s old stamp collection. 
35. Something new?
Hell if I know, I’ve had nothing new in months.
36. Something inherited?
My laptop.
37. Is death more scary than life? 
Hell no. Death is easy. Life is scary and overwhelming but it’s worth living the life you have. You only lose out on life by dying before your time. You gain nothing in death, despite it being less scary and uncertain than living is. Keep living to experience everything you can and have no regrets once you do pass on.
38. Experience you’ll never forget?
The time my high school crush complimented my hair in physics class. I get very few compliments and I never feel that attractive so I hardly focus on my appearance but I had brushed my hair that day and the fact she commented on it made me smile very wide.
39. What’s your favorite part about today so far?
Honestly today has sucked and I have been dealing with depression but I am trying to stay positive. Hopefully the answer to this question changes later today! 
40. Who is your hero?
My Great-Grandmother. She was part of my life until I was 17 and she taught me that kindness and compassion is the most important trait for a human to have. She was the most amazing woman I have ever met in my life. 
41. Are you happy with where you live?
I love this house, but it’s definitely not perfect and I would love to have my own place someday. 
42. Do you like your handwriting? 
Ew no it looks like alien language. It’s so bad. I can barely read my own writing.
43. What do you wear to bed?
Typically just underwear, or in the winter I will wear a T-shirt and fleecy pants.
44. Tea or coffee?
45. Chocolate or Vanilla? 
Chocolate hands down. It’s such a varied flavor imo. 
46. Are you excited for anything?
Being okay someday. 
47. How late did you stay up last night and why? 
Midnight because sleep is hard.
48. What’s your ringtone?
I’m boring and keep my phone on vibrate so no ringtone.
49. Did you have a dream last night?
Yes, I said it earlier. 
50. What keeps you going each day?
Honestly no fucking idea lmao.
51. Picture of yourself?
You’ll have to DM me for that one, friendo. Anons get no face pics!
Also for the other people who sent in asks, I saw them, but I figured I could just use this ask to consolidate and not spam posts. Thank all of you for sending in asks, you are the best <3
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Bonus Diversion: Horikoshi’s Sketches
of all the things I could have spent time writing a post about on my morning off, it ended up being this. but in my defense, Horikoshi’s sketches are actually amazing and this was kind of overdue.
so! as you may know, Horikoshi Kouhei frequently gets bored and doodle-y and is then kind enough to share the resulting drawings with us. sketchy boi. but not sketchy like that. though he did invent Mineta so maybe a little. 
anyway, because he’s so disgustingly talented, these pictures are usually amazing. and there are a lot of them. when I finally got around to doing this post, I ran a search for “Horikoshi sketches” and it turned out there was a whole wiki page dedicated just to them (god bless whoever is running the BnHA wiki, they do such a good job). and, well...
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two hundred and eighty-eight. you may recognize this as being nearly fifty more than the current number of chapters. this would mean he’s releasing at least one sketch a week and has been doing so for the past five years! fortunately (for me, who has to do a recap of all these), this number is slightly misleading, as this page apparently includes some of the character sketches he did for the volume omakes. so I don’t have to go through 300 sketches omfg. but still, there are a lot! so I’ll just go through them and post my favorites and see how many we can get through in this post I guess.
these are all in alphabetical order according to their file names on the wiki, and like I said, I’m not doing all of them, just the ones that catch my eye the most. which is still a ton of them. honestly we’re about to find out whether tumblr text posts have image limits. (ETA: the limit does not exist!)
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right off the bat we are getting off to a great start! love me the ladies of class 1-A. these girls are all so, so valid. I love how Deku is there too and his hair is transforming into a tree or something.
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this is a sketch from chapter 10. this cat I guess just came up to them and they were like “...” and the cat was like “...” and long story short they’ve been like this now for a whole hour. meanwhile Aizawa is wondering where his cat has gone.
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why are they dressed like it’s world war I. ??
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holy fuck this cat. did it eat the other cat. anyway do you guys think Momo and Todoroki were walking to school together because that’s some cute shit omg. we know there is a cat that hangs out around Shouto’s house, so he’s probably good at playing with stray cats, and they probably really like him because he is calm and kind.
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holy shit.
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oh my god I need Tsuyu’s siblings to come visit the dorms at U.A. and play with Eri!! now.
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posting this one because it’s cute, but also because it notably has nothing at all to do with the actual chapter 120. but that’s okay.
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what, and I mean this sincerely, the fuck.
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are they making chocolate?? you know, canonically we haven’t actually had a Valentine’s Day yet in the series, and now I’m really hoping we get a little mini plot. things that would happen:
every single girl makes chocolate for Todoroki and he just accepts it very politely and obliviously.
they actually make enough chocolate for everyone (except Mineta. and honestly they would have, except they know how that’s gonna go down, and no. Tsuyu really would have made you some pity chocolate dawg, but you brought this on yourself). but don’t end up giving it to everyone. specifically several of them thought better about giving some to Bakugou after seeing him react to the first unlucky person to give him some (y’all know that song I THREW IT ON THE GROUND by the Lonely Island? I’m sure you can understand my meaning here). and also Jirou gets way too flustered about giving some to Kaminari and chickens out. she gives it to Momo instead. hmmMMMM.
Satou also makes chocolate for everyone, EVEN BAKUGOU, and it’s delicious. no one is throwing his chocolate on the ground.
Aoyama makes chocolate for Deku because!!  ☆ ☆ WE ARE FRIENDS, MON AMI  ☆  ☆  ☆ oui oui baguette.
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I love everything about this, but especially Ochako’s face. she’s just like. sincerely trying to figure out exactly where she went wrong.
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excuse the fuck out of me but DID HORIKOSHI SERIOUSLY HINT AT THE FUCKING A-BAND A WHOLE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY CHAPTERS BEFORE IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. omfg. “what a cute AU!” “yes... AU,” Horikoshi agrees, nodding to himself. although after giving it some thought, he made the wise decision to switch Kaminari and Bakugou’s instruments. because we all know Bakugou was born to play the drums.
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NO!!! VIDEO GAMES!!! IN CLASS!!!!!!!! [does a fucking aerial while emitting furious little huffs and bitchslapping Kirishima in the face]
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I can’t figure out what’s going on in this picture. it appears to be baseball, except that Bakugou doesn’t have a bat. which I guess is the joke?? because his quirk is so strong he doesn’t need the fucking bat? except that I feel like that would result in either a broken arm or a blown-up baseball. idk this would make more sense with him as the pitcher.
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“we really do love this AU, Horikoshi-sensei.” “yes... AU.”
this time it’s Shouji on the drums. I get that we all want to see Bakugou shred guitar, but it feels like he was just postponing the inevitable.
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a full 85 chapters before he actually did this in the manga. god he really does enjoy foreshadowing with these things. I need to start paying more attention to these.
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I have no words.
actually I do have words, and they are, “is that a fucking toothbrush.”
also is it just me or does he look, like, really swole in this pic. like, this is what the scarf has been hiding the whole time?? here we all thought he was a beanpole who subsisted off of energy bars and plain rice, but like. nope.
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:) showing that there’s no hard feelings about the whole shooting-you-in-the-fucking-face thing. All Might is squeezing his hand awfully tightly, though.
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all of them are so good-looking when they’re not trying. and then they open their mouths.
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I am pained that there hasn’t at least been a karaoke chapter in one of the light novels yet, guys. pained. I NEED THIS.
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holy fuck Todoroki. what are you, a mermaid?? I feel like this is a result of a prank gone wrong. like the other guys were sick of the girls always pining after him, and so they tried rubbing a balloon on his head in an effort to make him look ridiculous, only IT BACKFIRED COMPLETELY. shit.
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fuck me I love this. of course Kami blowdries his hair and puts a ridiculous amount of effort into achieving the same kind of boyishly tousled look Todoroki is JUST NATURALLY BORN WITH. some things in life just aren’t fair. also lmao Deku.
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oh my god. how are they all so cute. this was from episode 12 btw. you’re welcome for saving your life All Might.
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I don’t have the slightest idea wtf is going on here but omg.
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this was for episode 16 of the anime, a.k.a. the obstacle course episode of the Sports Festival arc in season 2. I can’t read what they’re saying, but I’ll tell you what, I know Bakugou is being a rude little shit and I’m here for it.
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SHINSOUUUUUU. this was for episode 20. his one and only appearance in the anime so far. he knows he’s here for a good time not a long time.
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lmao. my headcanon is that Monoma actually ended up losing after this, but somehow still managed to be smug about it.
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lmaoooo. Kacchan refusing to even acknowledge that this is a thing that is happening for some reason.
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I feel like taming Deku’s hair is arguably even more of a feat than taming Bakugou’s. meanwhile Iida looks 90% the same. and Todoroki is. well. just goes to show that this look is not for just anyone.
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I have never in my life seen Katsuki so full on just done with life. like he is so fucking over this shit. he’s just rolled over and accepted it. I have never seen Bakugou fucking Katsuki just sigh and be all, “you know what, this might as well happen.” not until this moment. wow.
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you guys I’m crying.
is it just me or do the little matroyshka dolls actually look like little nun Jeanists. though the hair swoosh is going the wrong way. Monomas, maybe.
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HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS? my god, how useful would Shouji’s quirk be for this sort of thing. and Shouto looks so surprised (on like, a Todoroki scale) to have actually caught something. oh my god. so fucking cute. c’mere you. someone needs a hair ruffle.
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I feel like this is how Tokoyami would want to be remembered. yes I know he’s not dead.
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oh my god. so I’ve seen this one floating around on tumblr, but like. ffff. it’s my favorite ever. they are. so. fucking. cute. both looking up to All Might. and then the contrast between their innocent happy faces and their shocked and worried expressions watching All Might at Kamino. god it fucking destroys me. all four of these kids need hugs goddammit. the older ones because they’re heartbroken, and the little bubbas just because they’re so stinkin’ cute omfg.
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I LOVE HER AND I’M NOT SORRY. please Horikoshi give me more Bakufam in this upcoming arc. who do I have to bribe or threaten.
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STRANGER DANGER omg. Toga no. that’s not nice.
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Horikoshi what did my heart ever do to you for you to treat it like this.
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villain Iida from episode 7 holy fuck I’m dying.
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here come the New Year’s sketches! I’ve been looking forward to these. Kacchan photo strategy: never look directly at the camera.
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I wonder which animal year 2016 was. rooster, probably.
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fucking look at Todoroki fucking Shouto stuffing his face yet again. can you stop chewing for one fucking second. we’re trying to take a picture you slob.
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the year is 2018. Horikoshi Kouhei attempts to draw a dog, because it’s the year of the fucking dog. it does not go well. panicked, he takes the All Might he’s already started drawing, and for some reason attempts to turn it into another dog. it goes even worse. now he’s really starting to sweat. “oh shit,” he whispers, drawing Deku upside-down in his unrest. “oh fuck.” finally he just draws Bakugou shouting the words HAPPY NEW YEAR in giant letters across the screen, hoping that’ll be enough to distract everyone from all the rest of it. it is not.
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oh my god. thank you so much to everyone who went to SDCC and made him so happy. this is the purest thing I’ve ever seen. also loving Bakugou tolerating the shit out of All Might leaning on him omg. I’m so fucking weak for this as always.
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this is Horikoshi’s most recent sketch! lookit, he’s so happy with the toy him omg. it actually is really badass.
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league of dorks. I love Toga’s face. and how Horikoshi clearly put more effort into drawing Tomura’s Face Hand than the entire rest of the picture.
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I don’t understand a single element of this. wow. also this is twice now that Horikoshi has drawn the fucking Predator in these sketches. just pointing that out. of all the films to make multiple references to. what’s going on here. and is Mineta playing the fucking little sister in Totoro. am I losing my fucking mind.
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this was for the season 3 premiere. I love how Bakugou and Deku are wrestling for control of the screen. but he knows better than to touch Mineta I guess.
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Iida and Ochako are the only two reacting appropriately here. Bakugou just looks concerned. to be fair I guess that’s appropriate too. but Deku is all “fuck YEAH All Might you go ahead and SMASH YOUR FACE RIGHT THROUGH THAT MONITOR” and I feel like his blanket approval of all his mentor’s actions has finally gone too far.
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this just goes to show you that even a very simple sketch concept can pay off dividends if you play your cards right. good job Horikoshi.
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he could run faster if he just pulled his fucking pants up. does anyone have any brain cells to spare for my son here. please he needs them. I don’t know what he thinks a belt is actually for...?
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hello this is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen and also is Kirishima doing the kage bunshin pose from Naruto or.
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sob Aizawa I’m dead. I fucking love how Mineta is like HE’S CLEARLY FINE IT WAS A FLOP as though Kirishima is not literally covered in fucking grape balls. something else I also love is that Katsuki is number 10 and Deku is number 11. even in a soccer match he can’t stand to be lower then his rival sob. also Ochako is straight up about to rip off Mina’s head jesus christ girl run.
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there aren’t even words for how much I ship this. just emotions. omg.
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this is one of those pictures that keeps getting more wtf the longer you stare at it. naturally your eyes are drawn to Todoroki’s reindeer antlers first. by contrast, Ochako looks relatively normal, even with the odd pose. but then you notice Deku’s Christmas tree hair. from there your eyes are drawn down to his strange lack of a shirt. and then, finally, you spot him. Tokoyami. you wonder if the mangaka has finally gone too far. you’re still not sure.
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for once it’s not Todoroki who’s leaping into action with his mouth full. never one to back down from a challenge, Bakugou has picked the absolute least practical food to consume whilst in the middle of battling. I can barely eat spaghetti without making a mess when I’m not throwing down. I’m not sure what a good food to eat while throwing down would be, but maybe something more portable, like a calzone.
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I feel drawn to him the same way one might be drawn to a stray cat, even though you’re pretty sure the cat is really wary of people and will probably try to claw or bite you if you get too close. I would like to pat him on the head, but he might try to blow me up. eh, worth it.
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look at the Baku Protection Squad trying to do some fucking Abbey Road thing. damn you can really see how short Tokoyami is in this. also Bakugou buys pants that are at least three sizes too big I s2g.
and that’s it! anyways, this was fun as heck. I’ve bookmarked Horikoshi’s Twitter now so I can keep up with the new sketches as they’re released. this is fucking great, and a whole new bonus to being caught up with the manga that I haven’t been appreciating until now. fucking love it.
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ryqoshay · 5 years
How to Handle a Nico: Futatsumōde
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki Words: ~2.2k Rating: G Time Frame: Winter of Maki’s 2nd year of high school and Nico’s 1st year of college. Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: Less than a day left in the first month of the year, so I’m a little late for a New Year’s scene. But I saw an Xmas NicoMaki post earlier this week, so at least I’m not the only one running behind... Also in my defense, I didn’t even see the pic that inspired this scene until halfway through the month.
Anyway, as soon as I saw the official pic posted of NicoMaki going to their hatsumōde, first shrine visit, dressed in adorable kimono, I knew I needed to write about them. I even set the pic as my desktop for the rest of the month. And even though I’ve posted it before, twice, I’ll post it again at the end of the scene for reference, and because it’s just that cute.
Maki was excited. So excited, in fact, she was having trouble remaining still while her mother tied her obi. It felt strange. Being this restless wasn’t normal for her, even when stressed about an upcoming exam or anticipating the next live performance with her fellow school idols.
Was it because she was going to be meeting up with her friends? Maybe? However, she had just seen everyone at the latest µ’s reunion where Honoka had decided they would go ice skating together. As luck would have it, this had also allowed Maki an opportunity to spend a significant amount of time with Nico, teaching her how to skate so she wouldn’t look foolish in front of everyone.
Maki smiled at the memories. Nico hadn’t lived up to her boast of becoming a better skater than Maki, but at least she had managed to not be the one who fell down the most during the reunion.
She would be seeing Nico as well tonight. The older girl was helping Nozomi and Eli at the local shrine where they were all meeting. The three college first-years had scheduled the end of their duties so they could welcome the new year with their friends. And they even said they would be changing out of their haori and into more festive kimonos for the occasion. Thus, Maki wouldn’t be the only one dressed formally this year.
Maybe that was why she was excited? Getting to see Ni… everyone in kimonos? She was certain Nico would be exceptionally cute. And everyone else as well, of course. Yeah, that was probably it. Maybe…
“There we go.” Dr. Nishikino said, stepping away to admire her handiwork.
“Thanks, Ma…” Maki’s gaze found the clock. “Is that the time? I need to go!” She scrambled to grab her kinchaku.
“One moment, Maki, my dear.” Her mother placed a hand on her shoulder. “I have one more thing for you.” She produced a corsage consisting of a pair of flowers with tassels. “I found this while I was out with friends and thought it would match your outfit perfectly tonight.” Quickly and efficiently, she secured it in her daughter’s hair, near the end of the braid she had woven earlier.
“Thanks, Mama.” Maki finally completed giving voice to her gratitude. Then, without even so much as a glance in the mirror to admire the new accessory, she turned, kissed her mother on the cheek and made a break for the door. “I’ll be heading to Nico-chan’s place afterward!” She said over her shoulder as a reminder to her future whereabouts.
“Have fun!” Dr. Nishikino called after her departing daughter. “Say hi to everyone for me and wish them a Happy New Year!”
Nico let out a weary groan as she let her haori slip from her shoulders. “You know, Nozomi,” she whined “I don’t mind helping out around here, but do you have to work us to the bone?”
Nozomi returned a smile that barely masked her own exhaustion. “But Nicocchi, this place has become so much more popular these last two years. It may have something to do with a certain someone posting online that she would be here.”
“But Nico-nii needs to let her fans know where she is!” The raven-haired girl insisted. “It’s not Nico’s fault she has so many adoring fans that want to come see the No. 1 Miko in the Universe.”
“Sorry, Nico,” Eli spoke up, her voice as weary as the others “but I think we all know Nozomi holds that title.”
“Nicocchi has worked hard.” The purple haired girl draped a kimono around the blonde, using the motion as an excuse to give her a quick hug from behind. “I’m fine with her using the title for a few hours.”
“I suppose…” Eli leaned into the embrace before sliding her arms into the sleeves.
Nico rolled her eyes at the display before turning to the mirror to start tying up her hair.
“Ready for me to tie your obi?” A voice came from behind a few minutes later.
Nico shifted her gaze in the mirror to see Nozomi. “Sure.” She replied with a shrug, turning her head back and forth to check for stray strands. “Thanks.”
“Is that what you’ll be wearing?” Nozomi motioned to the accessories Nico hadn’t had time to put on.
“Cute. They suit you two.”
“Ye… wha?” The part-time idol resisted balking so as not to disturb the sash that was being secured.
“You two.” The spiritual girl repeated. “Nicocchi and Maki-chan.”
Nico looked at the flowers in question; two sets of three, arranged from darker to lighter shades of pink. Well, perhaps the darkest could pretty much be considered red, but that hadn’t really been Nico’s intent when selecting them. At least she didn’t think so. Was she really so obsessed with the adorable redhead that her subconscious was thinking about her even when picking out hair adornments? Perhaps, she should be more upset by this idea, but she quickly decided it didn’t really bother her.
“But of course!” Nico proclaimed proudly. “Nico-nii will never fail to impress her No. 1 Fan.”
“Well you’ll sure knock her dead with this lovely number.” Nozomi chuckled. “There.” She patted the other girl’s shoulder. “All done. Want help with the flowers?”
“Thanks, but I can get them. You still need your obi tied.”
“I’m on it.” Eli said, coming up from behind Nozomi.
“Which means I can still help Nicocchi with those.” The purple-haired girl decided.
“Oh, alright.” The raven-haired girl gave in and handed back the accessories.
“Maki-chan! Over here!” Nico called on spotting the redhead in the crowd. She waved her hand high to ensure she had her attention before moving toward her. “You’re late.”
“Sorry.” Maki apologized upon reaching the raven-haired girl.
“Well, everyone else is already busy doing other stuff.” Nico explained. “Eli, Umi, Yukiho and Alisa are hanging ema, Nozomi and Rin are offering prayers and the girls of the Subgroup Formerly Known as Printemps are playing hanetsuki.”
“I see…”
“So you’re stuck with Nico for now.”
“I’m… alright with that.”
“Anyway, Maki-chan looks incredibly cute in her kimono.” Nico commented, her voice devoid of teasing and full of admiration.
“Th-thank you…” Pink dusted Maki’s cheeks.
Nico shifted her weight back and forth between her feet, obviously awaiting something.
“N-Nico-chan looks cute as well.” The younger girl said after a moment.
“I know, right.” The older girl posed to show off her outfit while displaying a toothy grin. “Love the hair décor, by the way.”
“Mama gave it to me just before I left.”
“She’s got good taste.” Nico reached up to touch the tassels. “Works well for us.”
Damnit Nozomi… Nico hadn’t meant to say that. Honestly, she hadn’t meant to tease, this time. But now that she had said it, she figured she may as well run with it.
“Of course! Pink and red! Nico and Maki-chan! A classic pair.”
“P-pair?” Maki’s blush deepened.
“Definitely.” Nico grinned. “So, what does Maki-chan want to do first?”
Nico quickly realized that the younger girl’s mind was still working through her embarrassment so she probably wasn’t in a decision-making mode.
“Maybe we could go draw our fortunes?” The older girl suggested.
Still smiling, Nico grabbed Maki’s hand and lead her through the throng of people to the omikuji stand.
“Ah, Nico-chan, Maki-chan, welcome.” A redheaded young woman clad in haori greeted the two with a bow.
“Hey, Anju.” Nico returned. “Thanks again for covering for us until the others get here.”
“You are quite welcome. Nozomi-chan does so much for this place so it’s our pleasure to help out in times like this.”
“And of course, Tsubasa is more than happy to use this as an excuse to spend time with Honoka-san.” Erena spoke up, approaching from behind her fellow idol.
“You asked A-RISE to fill in for you?” Maki asked of Nico.
“We offered.” Anju replied, having overheard. “We happened to be here praying for the success of our holiday live when Nozomi-chan and Eli-chan were talking about tonight.”
“I see…”
“So, are you two here for fortunes?” Erena indicated the cylindrical box on the table between the two pairs.
“That we are.” Nico pulled her offering out of her pouch. “C’mon, be good, be good.” She muttered, shaking the container before pulling out her fortune. “Alright, you’re up, Maki-chan.”
Maki made her own donation before accepting the cylinder. Her shake was far less vigorous than Nico’s, instead being a single, measured snap.
“Geez, Maki-chan.” The raven-haired girl complained, beginning to unroll her scroll. “You’re so serious about it, like you’re performing surgery or something.”
“Well, I am going to be a doctor.” The redhead replied simply.
“Doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with… eh?” Nico cut off as she read her fortune.
“What’s wrong?” Concern laced Maki’s voice. “Oh…”
“As if Nico wasn’t cursed enough…” the older girl’s shoulders slouched. “But studies? Really?”
“At least it’s a small curse…?” the younger girl seemed uncertain in her assurance. “And I can keep helping where I can.”
“I know.” Nico sighed. “You’re a good tutor, Maki-chan. Maybe you should look to becoming a teacher instead of a doctor.”
“I’m not sure Papa would like that.” Maki considered, beginning to unroll her fortune. “Mama might not mind thou… buweehh?”
“Great Blessings” Nico read, furrowing her brow and pushed closer to the other girl to get a better view. “Romantic Relationships? What the heck?” She borrowed Maki’s habitual phrase.
“N-Nico-chan…” She heard the other girl sputter.
“Oh ho…” Anju crooned. “And who is the lucky one to capture the maiden Nishikino’s heart?”
Erena blinked as though confused and quickly glanced back and forth between the two girls across the table. “I thought…”
“Maki-chan doesn’t have time for silly things like dating.” Nico blurted, a bit quicker and louder than she intended. Geez… She didn’t think she’d ever get used to saying or hearing that.
“Oh?” Erena raised an eyebrow, not appearing convinced.
“T-that’s right…” Maki agreed, her ears turning red.
“I see…”
“And besides, Nico is an idol. And everyone knows idols can’t date, right?”
Erena paused before agreeing. “Right…”
“Well the important part is that you two are happy.” Anju spoke up. “Maki-chan’s Great Blessing sounds interesting and it seems you have a plan to address Nico-chan’s Small Curse. So, I believe you’ll both be fine in the coming year.”
“Sounds good to me.” Nico nodded, suddenly wishing to move on. “Thanks for the fortunes.” She said before turning to the girl next to her. “Where to next, Maki-chan?”
The redhead opened her mouth to reply but snapped it shut when her stomach let out a loud growl instead.
“Food stalls it is.” Nico laughed. “But first we need to find a place to tie this stupid thing.” She waved her fortune around for effect.
As Nico grabbed her hand, she was pleased to see Maki’s blush fading and a smile begining to tug at her lips. Even if the younger girl was a bit slow on the uptake when it came to figuring out their relationship. Even if Nico herself really shouldn’t be seeking a relationship given her current career path. Even if… well, a lot of things, perhaps Maki’s fortune was right. Perhaps this would be a good year for the two of them. And Nico found herself looking forward to it.
“Nozomi! Eli!” Nico called to her fellow college first-years. “What’s up?”
She and Maki had just finished a run through the food stands and were heading over to find the others.
“I just got a message from Anju.” Nozomi explained as the couple approached. “Seems they’re getting busier than I anticipated. I tried reaching out to the girls who are taking the next shift, but they can’t come any earlier. So I’m heading back in to change.” She smiled at the others. “But no need to wait up for me. You three can head back when you’re ready.”
“Nonsense.” Eli shook her head. “I’m staying.”
“As am I.” Nico stated.
“Nicocchi, you don’t…” Nozomi started.
“I agreed to help today.” Nico interrupted. “And that includes extra time if it becomes necessary.” She turned to the girl beside her. “Sorry, Maki-chan, I know we were going to hang out after this, but…”
“I can help too.” Maki stated, as firmly as Nico had before. “You have extra haori, right, Nozomi?”
“Of course.” The spiritual girl replied with a smile.
“Then we can hang out while we work.” The pianist turned back to Nico.
“That depends on how hard Ms. Taskmaster over there decides to drive us.” the part-time idol crossed her arms and huffed.
“I can assign you two to the same station, if you want.” Nozomi offered. “But don’t think I won’t separate you if things…” she smirked “get out of hand.”
“Says the girl who… ”
“Nico… ” Eli interrupted with a pleading tone.
“A-anyway, uhm, let’s go.” Maki sputtered past her own embarrassment.
For the first time in far too long, Maki was the one to take Nico’s hand as she began to lead her toward the temple. Glancing back, she caught a fleeting expression of confusion that was quickly replaced by one a lot happier. Even if she knew she would be busy studying for foreseeable future, perhaps Anju was right. Perhaps the most important thing really was that they were happy. And right now, Maki was happy; so was she. So if this was any indication, it would definitely be a good year. And Maki found herself looking forward to it.
Pic referenced:
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Author’s Note Continued in Followup Post
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This alt-J Music Video May Or May Not Have Been Directed By The Creator Of LSD: Dream Emulator
First, a heads up to those who might need to know: the above contains a considerable amount of flashing imagery.
It was also posted by one of the Japanese Tower Records Twitter accounts. Google Translate spat out: “One of Britain's leading bands, Alto J (Alt-J) released the latest work on June 9. Mr. Sato, a multimedia artist in Japan, who worked on artwork.”
I want to believe they’re talking about is the one and only Osamu Sato, creator of Eastern Mind, Chu-Teng, and LSD. Am not 100%, but it certainly looks like his handiwork! At the very least, the album art looks straight of of the aforementioned PSone classic…
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Alright, may as well highlight a few other things I stumbled across on Twitter. Starting with…
Recently became familiar with Norio Nakagata’s account. He’s a vet in the industry, having worked on NES classics like Burai Fighter, Low G Man, and Zombie Nation. He’s still active today, as evidenced by this snapshot of his “development environment”…
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He’s also pals with actor Hiroshi Fujioka, best known for the role of Segata Sanshiro, whom he had drinks with at a video game bar that happened to have this lying around…
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miki800.com recently highlighted a person’s journey into the bootleg backstreets of Shanghai, which was originally shared on Twitter, and the source thankfully had a closer look at the one game that interested me the most. That being a Super Mario USA cart with Astro Boy’s face superimposed on top, which is also a Street Fighter 2 rom hack…
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There’s also this cart, which I know nothing about, other than it looks really nice…
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@oleivarrudi not too long ago shared a really nice looking mock up of a Metal Gear Rising demake…
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@Ryotaiku’s comic is for all the My Horse Prince fans out there…
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Via the Tiny Cart Twitter are some l i f e g o a l s indeed…
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Been playing Breath of the Wild for quite some time but I have yet to encounter myself, like Matt Gerardi did several weeks ago…
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… Oh and here’s an animated gif that really nails the new Zelda, plus another that brilliantly mixes shmups and that image that went (and still is) super viral, both of which I can’t post since they’re too big Tumblr don’t like that. Oh well,
Though I can’t hate on Tumblr too much, since it did provide this rather eye-opening bit of intel, courtesy of superman--thanksforasking…
“Fun fact: Mortal Kombat and Sabrina The Teenage Witch take place in the same universe. In 1997, to promote the upcoming sequel Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa reprised his role as Shang Tsung from the first film in an episode of Sabrina The Teenage Witch entitled “Get Over… YOURSELF.” It is revealed that Shang Tsung is actually Sabrina’s uncle by marriage, and while in town on business, he pays the Spellmans a brief visit. Sabrina’s aunts are not thrilled when Shang Tsung fixes dinner–raw boar–or when he takes Salem’s soul after the cat insults him. To get it back, Sabrina agrees to help promote that year’s Mortal Kombat tournament; shenanigans ensue.”
Ready to have your goddamn mind blown yet again? Credit goes to dnopls for connecting the goddamn dots…
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My new fave Tumblr belongs to pixel8or, who manages to take footage shot from a moving vehicle and make it to look like footage from inside Rez…
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It’s because of posthumanwanderings I discovered the existence of a series of maxipad commercials that are clearly inspired by Space Channel 5…
Sticking with Sega, though more so the subject of sound, here we have the menu music from the Sega Channel. All 40 minutes’ worth…
Everyone knows that the original Japanese soundtrack to Castlevania 3 is superior to the US version. But did you know that there’s a way to improve upon perfect? Yes there is… by adding the aforementioned much maligned NES version directly on top (thanks for the heads up Slonie)…
As meldowiseau reminds us all, Ken from Street Fighter drives barefoot. Not a huge shocker, maybe, yet it’s again an important reminder…
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There’s also a Mortal Kombat clone that stars Butt-Head from Beavis and Butt-Head fame that vaguely feels like a porno, hence why I refuse to investigate further…
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Via obscurevideogames is a lovely not quite still life from an arcade game called Quester, which you’d think is a shmup but is actually just an Arkanoid clone…
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This week’s random piece of super kawaii art from a Tumblr artist whose work I just became aquatinted with is via dreamsntangles…
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For those who have paid attention, I know folks involved in the world of Garbage Pail Kids, which also means I know folks involved in the world of Wacky Packages. And here’s a game related piece, by Joe Simko…
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According to Video Game Densetsu, this is what a proposed Star Fox & company overhaul could been. Which makes what we’ve been seeing all the more boring…
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Just a semi-regular reminder of how cute the PSP can be, in the right setting, one that I originally spotted over at sixteen-bit…
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Speaking of hardware, and call me late to the party, but anyone out there familiar this device, which allows you to play actual SNES and Genesis games on your computer? I suppose the idea of using emulators as the means to ultimately drive legit software isn’t the craziest thing in the world, given how stuff like the Retron uses them as well…
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A blast from the past that Kotaku pulled up the other the day, which many may have missed, of a Canadian Christian fundamentalist warning parents of the evil that is Final Fantasy…
I wonder how long this Pikmin cosplayer was sitting there, before anyone noticed?
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My buddy Steve recently reminded me of this oldie but goodie...
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One more old pic, I was reorganizing files and came across this iPhone screenshot several years and phones ago. I legit have no idea what I was thinking…
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Anyone know where I can get a copy of Virtua Fighter Vol.1: Donkey Kong? Asking for a friend (guess I could just pester mightynonine)…
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Does anyone also know if Zapperfilms will ever be updated again? Asking for me…
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Thankfully, after laying low for a tad bit, Games Are Art recently posted an update! And on that note, that’s it for this one…
8 notes · View notes
--mod-- you know the deal
Anon: anon people don' like her cos she cheated on 1st husband and cheated on JJ twice. She sneaked around with NR all year. She set him up last week. She told stories to the papers (this was proven actually if you look). She is rude to people and even stalked his ex girlfriends social media and liked posts to make him to be a liar. She lies herself and sets up pap shots for herself all the time. She is a fake and the reason she doesn't get much work is cos people dontlike working with her.
Anon: There is indeed a girl on twitter who says NR was with his girlfriend. Someone asked if he was alone and she answered "con su novia" (with his girlfriend).
Anon: Just my theory , norman's peeps wouldnt lie and def not sayingg " just friends" if norm knew he would dating her 2 weeks after they denied it , i think she is in love with norman and tries to get his attention as much as she can (and yes incl media) , norm know for sure she likes him so he might invited her AS A FRIEND to hangout in Spain or Barcelona (wherever they are)OR talk about stuff and thaangzzz , which i hope so he can make her mouth shut to call the media or her worthless attention. 😊
Anon: Mod what do you make of the pics with fans? Why would he take pics with fans if DK were right there? Maybe it's not even her. Maybe it was someone from the gallery. --mod-- I just assumed he was alone.
Anon: So you still think norman and diane are not dating? --mod-- Basically
Anon: sorry for English. I am so sad . Is he lie? How to trust anything from him? --mod-- Nothing's confirmed. Just suspicion and speculation
Anon: And i was about to say " i finally live happy in my Normie fantasy , hopefully that one person wont ruined it" , apparently i would say it too soon 😂 --mod-- So you're the jinx ehh anon
Anon: norman as a fuck buddy that is willing to travel to the other side of the ocean for sloppy seconds?! lol of course he denied...he doesnt have anything serious with her...what is he going to say now? oh this is my friend that i fuck now and again??like he comes like a major dishonest person regardless of their status. actually have nothing to do with that is the way he dealt with it. --mod-- Whys it gotta be sloppy tho.
Pinyah: This mean JDM agree with Norman and dk thing? --mod-- I couldn't guess
Anon: I personally didn't see the comment so maybe you can dig it up but someone on IG said the girl who took the picture of Norman and the unknown woman on his bike said it's his curator "Laurie". Again not sure if true because I didn't see her comment by myself. If she said it we could easily put the upcoming shitstorm to rest already. I sure hope it's right.
Anon: Yep Mod, look at normanreedustea. One of the girls who posted her pics with Norman was asked on Twitter if he was alone and she answered "con su novia" which means "with his gf". And why would she say this if it wasn't obvious it's his gf. Deeply disappointed and disgusted of him. No longer going to support him. Official lying is such a shame. Hope his reps and AMC are going to kick his ass for this debacle
Anon: Well ok I was in grammar school when HC(who can I just take a moment to say how cool and beautiful she is, goals people) and N were a thing, but I I highly doubt this is the same thing. Tbh up until Sky came out, I thought January Jones and DK were the same person lol All jokes aside, if this were his gf, or shit someone he bangs on the reg, wouldn't he I dunno see her more than occasionally hanging out? Like if I remember correctly didn't his child bride (CS) used to visit in GA? lmao. Mod?
Anon: To the anon that says DK stalks his exes, is this true? Cause that's a lifetime movie in the making I can totally get behind. Where's PRwife when we need her? She seems to know her shit.
Anon: I don't know who NR and DK think they're fooling at this point 😂 does anyone still believe they're not a couple?! --mod-- Me

Wow, a lot of people think Norman "owes" his fans the truth about his romantic life. He really, really doesn't. If you want to think he's a liar because his rep said he & DK are friends, OK. But maybe think about, if he did lie, are there reasons he might, including possibly the way fans react? Why would he put DK through that if they aren't even sure themselves if they're a couple? There are lots of reasons that he might "lie" that don't have anything to do with disrespecting fans.


Hi mod, i just came to say goodbye and thank you for this blog <3 i think i'm done with the dk thing and i need a break from this blogs and stuff. I'm sad not because he's with her, but because he denied the rumors and, even if they are just friend (which i don't believe), he's not taking care of his reputation right now. At least he could stay away from her a pair of weeks of something, to shut the rumors, but he didn't. He deserves to be happy, i know, but i'm just done with him. Love you mod! --mod-- Well come by and say hi sometime I'll be here


I find it funny that Norman's people had that video removed. Shows how much we can trust him and his people.

--mod-- Who said he had his people remove it. You do realize that it had something on it the was supposed to be a surprise feature in the show right


I don't get all the hate. He's a grown man and can be together with whom he wants. I don't like DK, but it's his private business. And he doesn't have to render an account of his private life. And if he says to the public that they aren't together to have at least some kind of privacy, that's totally fine bye me.


Maybe I was wrong, maybe it's DK that has a magic 🐱, cause it sounds like he's risking his reputation and career on her. I just think he needs to either come clean, or she can pull the stick out of her ass and say something. I still don't think they're in a serious rs, but regardless, it's kind of shady. I mean if I had a bf and he was going to basketball games with other women and walking around acting single, I'd cut his dick off and feed it to him lol


I don't want to shit on anybody's parade but have you guys seen the the accounts that has commented on the IG user's that posted those pic? Except maybe one or two EVERYONE shares the same things, saying the same things. It seems to be one person but with different accounts. This takes the credibility down a lot. Someone seems out to just spread gossip and ruin lives


Mod is it 100% confirmed that it's her? Maybe it's me but I don't think Norman would be taking selfies with Fans on the street while DK was standing beside him...?

--mod-- Nothing's been confirmed 


look, i always side eyed him for even being friends w her. having followed her career a bit before i even got in to TWD (after the QT movie), she just seems like a nasty piece of work, & I don't know what NR sees in her. that said, if he actually fucks someone on the DL, while getting his rep to officially deny even casually dating, then that would be as scummy a move as any desperate game she has played. possibly worse. i really hope NR is such a fucking lowlife 
and thats not to say NR can't fuck people casually, but to me, its one thing to have a fuck buddy or hook up w one nighters, its an entirely different thing to constantly have someone fly around to meet you, spend time together, fuck them on a very regular basis, and then deny that you even casually date. there is nothing wrong w saying "they go out but its not serious". its really gross to hide a woman, shuffle her around, fuck her, then say "we're just friend" while having her meet 2 fuck

Anon: Do people need their eyes checked those purses are not the same and neither are the boots go take a good look at them I swear as soon as people think it's DK they believe everything I'm giving norman the benefit of the doubt until I see her actual face
Anon: *Also to be fair, I can put on Twitter right now I saw Norman blowing dudes behind an Arby's, it doesn't make it true. Although he seems to be classier than Arby's, maybe In N Out?

--mod-- Dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

 DK posted a picture of her and Fabienne yesterday, and they were both at his Paris art show, so they're probably both just there supporting him for his Barcelona show

Anon:  Mod I have a theory: I think Norman has INVITED DK to the 2nd art show this time because of all the hate she was getting over the garage pics (even though it's obvious she *did* set them up) I think he's trying to show that he's still FRIENDS with her to the public. And maybe he thinks because he officially denied it that everything would be fine on his side. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. So he has to do something to clear the air AGAIN imo because this is only hurting him Anon: Ok, you can so tell that DK & NR are dating! N wants to keep it a low profile cuz he knows his fans tend to get a lil craycray and he feels bad for all the threats towards his gfs. Plus those pics from Spain... that's definitely her purse & shoes. Common. But honestly, N has gotta live his life and be happy; his true fans would support him. I may not like DK, and I doubt their relationship would last that long anyway 😂 ..but whatever. Don't let it bother ya'll too much. ✌🏻 Anon: 

Have to vent about ppl saying it's none of our business-True we have no say in what he does& he doesn't owe us explanation, but when we're spending our money buying into an image he puts forth on a regular basis & repeats in all his interviews only to find out that he isn't any of the things he claims to be, I think there's a right to be upset about who we thought we were supporting. It's not that he COULD be with someone, it's that he would have lied about it after preaching honesty. :( 

normanreedusdaryldixon32 :

I just want to say over the DK thing. 
I’ve been a fan of Norman since the boondock saints and now. I always supported him and I loved how cute, sweet, honest to his fans which he still is to his fans. In my opinion since he done the film ‘Sky’ he has changed. He says that he hates “dishonest people” but his acting like one. I do believe he deserves a woman who loves, respects, cares, supports him now matter what. But DK is not that type a girl as we all know. I hate the fact he lied to his fan or whatever. I also don’t understand 'if’ they are “friends” what kind of friend goes over to Spain to see them It doesn’t make any sense to me. I think Norman should get his head out of his ass and just think for once. Like a said before I do believe he deserve a woman that loves, cares, respects, ect. But DK is disrespectful, rude, mean, treats her fans like shit. I don’t want Norman turning into that person. Maybe he won’t turn into that person. But I just don’t get what does he see in her? DK must be so desperate. But now I’m so disappointed in you Norman. 😔


mod I saw on ig that norman's make up artist says she was with him today? is that true? because why would he have been riding around with dk, met with the curator and gone to a make up artist all in a day? maybe it's not dk? 


DK's style, behavior, and interests "suddenly changed" since she's been gunning for NR. She's seeking to trap him and she's just about there. She's as manipulative and inauthentic as they come. Hope NR thinks it's worth it, that and all the money he's going to lose to this scheming woman. Now is when he needs a true friend to give it to him straight, but everyone is afraid tip-toeing around the glaring issue. 

normanreedusdaryldixon32 : 

This is not a question: Seeing Norman on that bike with DK makes me so angry. Let me explain why because I've been a fan of Norman since the boondock saints. I loved how cute and honest to his fans. But now since he done 'Sky' he has been very disappointing lately. He says he hates people are dishonest but he acting like one. But do believe he deserves a woman who truly loves him and not just for his work or fame. But Dk is not that kind of girl she's so dishonest ect. It's disappointing Norman 


To the ones grasping at straws saying he didn't lie, you're leaving out the part where the denial said JUST friends. JUST meaning ONLY friends as in no romance. They also denied a romantic trip which the implications of that are a romance. But they denied the trip thereby also denying a romance. Sorry guys. He lied. 

--mod-- Question, does having say a friend with benefits, not saying that's what's going on, considered romantic?


So mod I respect your opinin the most. What do you make of all of that stuff with the biker girl? Do you think it's DK? And if you do, then what do think of the denial? It's very confusing if he issued a denial only to be caught redhanded with her again two weeks later. I can't figure out what he would be thinking. I also saw some fanselfies he was taking which is odd if she were with him. What do you think? --mod-- I'll be perfectly honest. I really just don't care. It doesn't matter if it's her or it's not. I think the denial still stands, I'm mean I've travel half way around the world to visit a guy friend, and no we weren't playing flesh Tetris. But again I  super unbothered and don't really care who's beast he's smothering 

This guy is just an ass. He is letting DK play people and he doing it as well. People hate cheaters and liars. You have both right here. Surely you don't deny the dishonesty? 

Mod, did you find out who it was on the bike? Was it her? --mod-- Nope


I'm telling you folks, if that video was taken down it was because it was bought by Reedus' folks. What a damn fool he is to risk so much on such a classless woman. Do you believe it was purchased before gossip rags got to it?


I can't stop crying. It just changes everything about him. He's not the same guy. he was so special and down to earth to me and now he is no better than anyone else in showbiz. He sells fans an image for money and he doesn't care about any of us. not really or he wouldn't have lied. He tried to trick us into thinking he wasn't with her and even released a pr statement saying they were just friends? I am so depressed i can't stop crying 

--mod-- You shouldn't cry anon. Just because he's made a few mistakes and maybe has tried to hide something, doesn't change him completely, we all do shady things in life but that doesn't change us completely. Sure he may have lied and avoided telling the truth but that doesn't negate the time and effort he gives fans. But I do understand why you feel the way you do 


i'm sorry to be rude but this man is ignorant as hell playing this game and clearly he doesn't realize just how this is going to back fire. He's risking it all for a tramp. DK has what she wants, attention. She is sacrificing NR in the process and he's just stupid. Hate he is such a liar and now proven to have no character at all. He made a lot of professionals look like idiots. What an asshole. What's your position Mod? --mod-- I don't have one. I'm not bothered by it.


Norman is a huge disappointment. Not only is he a LIAR but also a COWARD & a SNEAK. Not to mention a CHEATER!!! I lost all respect for him. He just lost a long time fan. 


Mod I can't even watch TWD anymore bc I hate Norman for LYING to his fans & sneaking around like we wouldn't find out. He thinks we're all stupid & doesn't give a shit about us. He disrespects his fans therefore I cannot continue to be his fan bc I need to admire & look up to someone I spend time following on IG, watching his shows, spending money on his movies, photo ops, merchandise, etc. He doesn't respect his fans so I don't respect HIM anymore. I'm done. Goodbye Mod & the nice ladies here --mod-- Farewell Dear Anon until we meet again


Hey Mod, I was looking at the pics and I don't think it's the same shoes as DK. If you look at the ones in the NYC pic there don't seem to be a distinct heel. The chick on the bike, her shoes have a heel you can see. Also, that's not the same backpack she has in the NYC pic. DK has a purple backpack on. The purse is the only thing that's fishy imo. 


It doesn't prove anything mod but I just noticed that DK's knapsack in the NYC pics are purple. The girl on the bike has a black knapsack. 

I kind of hope after this if he isn't giving DK the hot beef injection, he's fucking someone, cause this is crazy. If i were him I'd be putting in everyone --mod-- 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Is traveling across the ocean to visit him a gf thing to do? Hell yeah. But its also a wealthy person with a freelance/travel heavy career thing to do. Are they dating. I don't know but its obvious they're friends. With all that hate she gets from being connected to him this visit is a surprising choice to make but she's older than me so I guess she gives less of a crap about what bullies think. That's something to look forward to! lol
Anon: NR's reps denied the kiss rumor and the weekend rumor. This is the only official comment. There was no one saying they'd see each other ever again. 
Hey mod been reading all the posts on here on dk and norm . Do you think she will be at the art show if so that will be interesting. 


It seemed like there were quite a few fans around NR posting on twitter. If they all saw DK with him I'm surprised literally no one recognized her. Isn't she considered a famous actress and supposedly even more than NR * Anon: 

I want to cry. I believed him. I believed his denial and defended him against everything. How could he just lie like that? I know I don't know him but I never thought he of all people would do something like that to his fans. If he's really with her, I can't be his fan anymore. I don't want to watch Ride or TWD now 


I've always wanted Caryl to happen. I don't nos because I don't won't the beautiful MMB to have those disgusting, lying Norman lips on hers. 

Oh look in that video there are two blonde ladies in black jackets. How's that for a fucking coincidence lol 


i hope this whole thing don't affect TWD, which ratings are already low :( 


Mod are we sure it's not the curator with her hair up? She has a black leather looking coat on from the vid. I know the purse and the shoes are a little bit suspicious but the hair may be just tied back and you can't see it in the pic. 


Uh, the NYC garage pics didn't "just happen". Diane paid Daily Mail and TMZ and tipped them off, seemingly without NR's knowledge. The accompanying articles were filed with misinformation yet somehow they know about his place upstate? So its pretty clear she wants to go public with whatever they do or don't have. IF he's sneaking around with her, he's doing it for himself because he doesn't want to even publicly acknowledge it. She clearly wants him to. That makes me kinda sad for her. 


Hello Mod, thank you for all you do. I always see eye to eye with you and appreciate your level head. I have never commented, but I want to say that no matter what NR & DK "relationship " is, was, whatever, or if she's in Spain or not,when his opening roles around everyone please be prepared, don't be naive, she WILL be there, taking pics, with fb and her "posse". This is about publicity for herself. I am not passing judgment, just stating what I think will occur and why. Take Care Mod. 

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