#i mean he come to j ju's musical performance telling him good job (before leaving for the die hard show) once
drawthething · 1 year
OK, just a few more questions and then I'll leave you alone. XD If Jimmy Junior were a cis girl, would his relationship with Jimmy Pesto be any different? How does Jimmy Junior spend time with the twins? What is your favorite season of the show?
First question is so interesting! Though were JJ a girl their relationship wouldn't be any better i think :/. Except there may not be any of those expectations for J-Ju to be "the son he's always wanted". And maybe Pesto Sr wouldn't disapprove of his kid's absolute passion for dancing as much, like he's still not supportive but just doesn't care overall (I'm kinda baffled over the reasons for Jimmy's disapproval - too "effeminate"? Too not Jimmy-like? Eh he just didn't get it whatever the reason :/)
Now for the super important question about our Pesto boys!! (thank you so much)
• Sometimes the twins sit and watch J-ju dancing. They ask tons of questions along with silly clueless comments ("that move looks like a possum sitting on a toilet :O" - "because it has diarrhea :D"). Their big bro of course gets super annoyed at them ("Ugh, I don't know it's just dance, jeez >:/") but eh, he enjoys having his brothers' company (he would still ramble on and on about his dance moves even though he knows the twins don't really understand)
• That being said, Andy & Ollie tell J-ju silly stories all the time. Maybe the most bizarre illogical things they made up (like this one), maybe the dreams they simultaneously have the prev night (don't ask how). Jimmy is mostly amused and only a little annoyed at their stories (cuz you know, sometimes they forget they've told the chicken story 11 times already)
• Jimmy has to deliver pizzas sometimes and the twins would wanna tag along. So they just go around on bikes and J-ju tries to show them some "cool big bro" bike moves and hilariously fails at it
• Jimmy and Zeke have sleepovers every week. The twins almost always chime in and the other boys just roll with it (Oh and for bonus, Zeke ADORES Andy & Ollie because of course he does)
• The boys love playing with Terry the turtle
• Jimmy did a semi-good job taking care of his baby bros. I don't think he'd be the most responsible eldest sibling but he does try. Like he'd remind the twins to brush their teeth, go to sleep (only when he remembers), tie their shoelaces for them, hold the napkin when they have to sneeze or try really hard not to watch pg-13 movies when they're around (and fail)
I could think of a lot more but imma end here cuz this is getting way too long 🤠
Alright, for the last question: season 5!! I love every episode and everything in it. The humour, storyline and characters are all so fantastic!
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