#i mean he just egu how do i explain this
rinrinrinrinn143 · 6 years
Kiramune member that..
Looks like they could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll: Kamiya Hiroshi, Namikawa Daisuke, Yoshino Hiroyuki, Kimura Ryouhei, Hozumi Yuya, Chiba Shouya.
Looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you: Okamoto Nobuhiko, Yonaga Tsubasa.
Look like they could kill you, could actually kill you: Irino Miyu, Kakihara Tetsuya
Looks like a cinnamon roll,is actually a cinnamon roll: Yoshinaga Takuto, Horie Shun, Uemura Yuuto
Egu: Just egu
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jyuhachi1994 · 5 years
Second half
I tried to remember everything but again, I would write what I could remember. I would be honest, I could only remember few from the second half since day 2 had a big impact to me.
The start of 2nd half was Uncle Bomb! オトコギ!They were so cool singing “te no hira”!!! I was expecting them to sing this, but I was still trembling watching these two ojisan! How should I explain it, but gosh they were so cool!
Next was Trignal, and I was mesmerized hearing a live version of Yasashii koe. One thing I noticed though, Wing's voice is very different on live! Really different! He really sounded like a girl >v<
And next!!! My favourite part! Hiroshi singing Board Game Naked!!! The way he leaned his body backward, his jacket half way off, shaking his body, I just lost it!!! He was so cool and so sexy! SO SEXY! Okay, did I mention that he was really SEXY! Cause he was really SEXY, SINGING AND DANCING BOARD GAME NAKED! Then followed by ichiban hoshi! He was wayyy so cool!!! And did I mention Sexy? 
I couldn't remember what happened after that, but it was SparQlew then Yocchin. (Gomen! Since all I could remember was their 2nd half performance during Day 2)
And after that KAmiYU's "マンジ•ガンザナイト" and they were wearing half half jacket again! And at the last part, Hiroshi did the batting, and Miyu was kind of the pitcher. But I didn't know, if Hiroshi sucked in Batting, or Miyu sucked in throwing. I mean, Hiroshi only hit few of them. Compared to KAmiYU in wonderland 4 day 1, Miyu threw the marshmallow and Hiroshi was able to caught it in his mouth in just one try. Anyways, it was so funny, and these two were really enjoying their time on stage.
And I had no recollection again to what happened next, but Kakki then Namidai were after. (Hahaha! Day 2 what did you do to me?!)
CONNECT sang 4 songs here, and I was crying non-stop! They sang on this long stage on both side. Suzu was the one closer to us. I still couldn't believe my eyes and ears that CONNECT had returned to Kirafes! They used the cart and they went around singing CONNECT 2014 Mix. (Lol told you, my day 1 was really mixed up!) Hahahaha!
Next was Miyu! His voice gave me thrill! It was really beautiful! He sang dare kara demo aisareru anata you ni without any accompaniment, and just his voice. I could clearly hear his voice resounding inside the dome! Actually I was mesmerized by his voice that I totally forgot to turn off my blade, since he mentioned in his blog that if he ever sing dare kara demo aisareru youni, we should turn off our blade! But, since the sun already set, you could clearly see the beautiful red ocean, and him in one spot light! His next song, I couldn't remember fully since his last song Mascleta have a big impact. Miyu was freely enjoying singing on the stage, and I was enjoying my time too singing "ちょ楽しい"!
I think we only did that chants of Encore for about 5 minutes? I couldn’t remember much, but it was so short. Then the screen became blank, we thought they would come out, but a video showing Kiramune's history played and again I couldn't help but cry! Seriously the video would really make you cry buckets!
After that, they came out riding in the big cart, and a special collaboration happened! Like what I really wished they should do! Wing + Chibasho sang CONNECT's Zettai donkan ama noja ku! Followed by Nobu, Yocchin and Yuuto sang Miyu's Banana-na-na Boat! They were so cute!!!! The next collaboration, I couldn't help but laughed so loud when Funky Jungle of Namidai started, and the way Micchan said "I'm King of Kings!" You really couldn't help but laugh! And who was with him, no other than Egu and Horie, actually I wanted Hozumin to be with them since Hozumin is kinda Egu the second! Then followed by Hiroshi, Ryouhei and Hozumin, and they sang Nobu's Bang! Banzai!! I just loved their voices! I liked Hozumin to be with Iwata and Egu, but still him being with Ryouhei and Hiroshi, the three of them just killed it! Suzu, Miyu and Kakki were next and they sang Yocchin's do it while Egu was dancing his favorite dance step on the centre stage! The last one was, I didn't know, I laughed, but I hoped they won't do it again, Namidai and Takuto sang KAmiYU's Tourist Star! The two of them were good (?), lol! but it actually became a laugh to all of us!
They talked about the yellow ranger, they said it was funny at backstage, but when it came out it wasn't interesting at all, in which Egu asked "was he?" And the others were telling him that the yellow ranger was really not funny at all, and Egu retorted that "I didn't meet him backstage, but I think he was okay though" (okay please imagine how Egu said it, the usual Egu!) Micchan mentioned that CONNECT was able to return because it was in dome, and reminded us what they mentioned during Kirafes2014. He also said that he would boast it to his son that he performed in Metlife dome. Here I couldn’t remember if he mentioned it here or during the MC, or during the CONNECT’s MC during Day 2, but he mentioned about the Takoyaki stands, that he was able to eat it! hahaha! Then Suzu mentioned that he was surprised that in just few years that they weren't in Kirafes, Yocchin became really great and he played guitar now during live, also again the SparQlew members. He also mentioned about the moving stage, but I couldn't remember what it was about, but I think it was something about what he mentioned way back in Kirafes2009, since he mentioned that he wanted to have that in one of Kirafes and it really did happen. They mentioned about the weather again, that during their rehearsal the day before, they could see their breath and it was so cold, so Hiroshi said that even though they wanted to see our legs, our health is more important, since it was really cold (lol cause most of the fans really dressed up, and were wearing skirts). Also, I didn’t know who mentioned about sitting at the B Stand, and he was surprised that he couldn’t even see much of the people on the stage. 
Then they started to have their ending message, SparQlew first, I think they mentioned the hair again and mentioned their first album and the their new single, even their first live. Then Yocchin, next. I couldn't remember since all I could remember was his ending message during day 2, but he mentioned his new single and also the summer party something in MTV (was it MTV), but I think a music selection of his concern in a program. Nobu was next and I remember here that he announced his single, but he was unsure if it was okay to announce it. Then he asked us if we heard of it but like there was few response, lol! Trignal also had announced their's, especially the Bluray of Trignal Smile Party. Then Kakki, I think he was the one who mentioned about the Versus bluray, lol! I couldn’t really remember at all! Then Namidai after. I remember that they were again bullying him (always). Then he announced his tour and also, he mentioned his guests Hiroshi and Uncle Bomb. He even asked what would happen during his tour when he announced that his guest would be Uncle bomb in his own live tour. Then next was Hiroshi. He also had his message, and announced that he would be performing in ISO Fes, and also announced his music clip Collection. He sounded displeased that he would be seeing his face in those MV clips, and hear his voice, but it was the usual tsundere Hiroshi hahaha! Miyu was next and he also announced his live tour, and his music clip Collection and excitedly told us that he was the one who came out with the title and also participated in cover art. CONNECT was next, and they again thanked everyone for welcoming them back. I couldn’t remember who announced the Fan meeting in Hiroshima. But I could remember the person in front of us said that it was toooo far, but she would still go. lol!
The last two songs were Ever Dream then Get Together. I cried too much! Hearing these two songs again. Especially Get Together, when CONNECT sang their part, the feels!! (Scratch this part, lol! I think this one was during the 2nd day! Oh gosh! My memories are so hazy and jumbled now! Lol!)
I remember that at the end part, some of them were on the big moving stage, and some were at the small moving stage. The big moving stage stopped at the middle stage, while the small moving stage that was coming from the main stage then moved towards the middle stage too. It passed the big moving stage and stopped in front of it. I could remember that some of the members who were at the big moving stage tried to hold the bottom of the stage. When the small moving stage stopped in front of the big moving stage, the big moving stage lifted up, and a little but higher to the small big stage (Lol was that clear?)
Anyways, day 1 was really different, and I was so emotional! Day 2, I did cry but my tension was so high and I think I lost my voice 😂
welp, after Day 1, I went back to the place am staying, and even though I was so tired, my tension was really high since I was excited for Day 2! Day 1 was five hours and half!!!!
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-Day 2-
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ju-da-su · 6 years
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Listened to first broadcast of A&Gson yesterday (with Egu and Onishi-san as a hosts and Wing and Boss as guests)...and it went exactly as I thought...lol
The premise for the corner they are in is “to expose who Eguchi Takuya really is”. The rule of the game is Boss and Wing will each start up a sentence about Egu and leave the last part of the sentence blank. Egu has to whisper the end of the sentence to them. If his sentence ending is right, they won’t expose his secret. If he DIDN’T get it right, then they’ll expose him”...
AKA They asked Boss and Wing...TO EXPOSE EGU!! ...And we all know how good Boss is at doing that...The whole corner turns into just Egu screaming in protest against the two imps exposing the crap out of him so quickly...LOL
Q1 (Boss): “In the past, I’ve tweeted...”
Egu got this right...but...
Boss: Yeah, you got it right! Egu: YAY!! I DON’T GET EXPOSED!! XD Boss: Yeah, in the past, I’ve tweeted the photo of Eguchi’s pantie before...LOL Wing+Onishi-san: LOL Egu: HEY!!! DIDN’T THE RULE SAY THAT IF I GOT IT RIGHT, I WON’T GET EXPOSED!! WHY ARE YOU EXPOSING ME ANYWAY!!??? Boss: *in cute innocent voice* Oh, whoopsie! Sorry, I messed up and forgot about the rule~ :p Egu: YOU ARE CLEARLY JUST ACTING INNOCENT!!! YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!
Q2 (Wing): “In fact, Eguchi is the best at...”
This one Egu got it wrong (because Wing was actually too kind to him. The answer was “In fact, Egu is the best at memorizing dance steps”, but this actually happens...
Boss: Mind telling us what he said then? Wing: He said “In fact, Eguchi is the best at spending money” LOL Everyone: LOL Egu: HEY!! DO YOU EVEN HAVE TO EXPOSE MY WRONG ANSWER TOO!!?? THAT’S JUST MESSED UP!!! Wing: *innocent voice* Oh, whoopsie! I messed up the rule too~ :p Boss: Awwwww, Wing that’s so cute~ :p
Sorry not sorry at their finest, these two imps...XD
Q3 (Boss): “During one of the trips, Eguchi sent me photo of Yamazaki’s...”
Egu: *whisper* Boss: Nay, not even close! Egu: EEEHHH!!? Boss: The correct answer is “Eguchi sent me a photo of Yamazaki’s ‘50 whiskey bottle, said to be worth 20 million... Onishi: EH!? 20 MILLION!!?? Egu: EEEEEEHHHH!! NO, STOP!!! PLEASE!!! DON’T SAY IT, PLEASE!!! Boss: ...which he actually drank...LOL Egu: NO!! DON’T BRING THAT UP!! NO!! NO!!! LISTEN TO ME FIRST, EVERYONE!! Onishi: 20 million... Boss: Yeah, he actually drank a whiskey worth 20 million... Egu: THAT ISN’T IT!! MY FIRST BROADCAST IS GOING DOWN THE GUTTER NOW!!! NO, NO, NO!! JUST LISTEN TO ME FIRST!! PLEASE!! IT’S NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS!!! Onishi: You mean he drank one glass of whiskey worth around 20 million? Egu: NO, NO!! JUST LISTEN TO ME FIRST, PLEASE!!! Boss: Fine, explain yourself then. LOL Egu: It’s not what you think, OK? So there’s this VERY expensive whiskey made by Yamazaki co. called ‘50... Onishi: VERY as in 20 million...LOL Egu: Wait, just listen to my whole story first. LOL...So, whiskey made in different year is actually different in price, OK? And there’s this one bar that I went to where they actually have this. This ‘50 whiskey is actually a very premium item so it came in a luxury box too...It does cost 20 million for a bottle when it’s full... Onishi: So basically you just admit that it really is 20 million...lol Egu: BUT!! Listen to me first! But THAT bottle actually only have a tiny bit of it left, VEEEEEERY tiny bit too...so the bartender asked me if I want to try it and everyone that went with me got a chance to try just a TIIIINY amount of it...It’s not like I spent 20 MILLIONS on that bottle of whiskey! I MERELY got to sample a teeny tiny amount of the whiskey that’s worth 20 million, that’s all! Wing: But even if you only drank a TINY amount of it, that tiny amount is still expensive anyway, no? Onishi: You think so too, right? I mean, a tiny amount from 20 million is probably still 2 million though...lol Egu: You can’t say it like that...I mean, I didn’t spend 20 million anyway though... Boss: Yeah, how am I supposed to know then? Right? Egu: STOP THAT!
Q4 (Wing): “When Eguchi-kun got excited from drinking...”
Egu: THAT’S NOT FAIR!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHEN THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY OF THOSE INSTANCES!!! Wing: But you can still take a guess, right? Might turn out to be the same thing I’m thinking too! lol Boss: Just try saying it then... Egu: Ah...I think this one is the dangerous one, so I’ll try then... *whisper to Wing* Wing: ROFL...Ryohei-kun, lend me your ear. *whisper to Boss* Egu: EH!!?? WHAT THE!! WHAT IS THIS?? WHY ARE YOU WHISPERING TO HIM!!!??? Boss: ROFL!! Well, he DID do that too, but that’s just so evil even I can’t say it. LOL Egu: WHAT THE HELL!!! NOW YOU MADE IT SOUND SO DAMN DANGEROUS!!! WHAT I WHISPERED WASN’T EVEN THAT BAD THAT IT CAN’T BE PUT ON THE BROADCAST!! THAT’S WHY I SAID IT!! BUT IF BOTH OF YOU WON’T SAID IT, YOU JUST MADE IT SOUND AS THOUGH I’M SOME EVIL WEIRDO WHO DID SOMETHING UNSPEAKABLE, DIDN’T YOU!!! WHY THE HECK!!! Boss: Well, I’m just not evil enough to expose this one...LOL Egu: ARE YOU FRIGGIN’ KIDDING ME!!??? Wing: I can’t expose that also. LOL
...It’s always hilarious listening to the loud-mouthed giraffe just protesting against these two evil imps trying to expose him...The whole broadcast just filled with Egu’s screaming...lol
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