#i mean i guess if they wanted it to look exactly like your typical genderbent treatment they succeeded
thetimelordbatgirl · 3 months
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Imma be honest: I hate Teen Titans Go and always will, but holy shit to how they actually had really good concept designs for the genderbent Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire (Beast Boy's is noticeably missing so dunno if that was done on a different piece of paper or they just liked what we ended up with from the start), only to then for some reason change and mess them up in the end.
Again Beast Boy/Beast Girl has no concept prior to final design so nothing to compare to but like, her hair is fine I guess, wish it was a little more messier given who Beast Boy/Beast Girl are but like, that's the least of my problems with the design, no, that one goes to the skirt...I fucking hate the skirt because the trope 'male heroes becoming female means they wear skirts' is pretty fucking bad, but at least Beast Girl transforms in fights and therefore, the skirt wouldn't be a issue fighting wise, which I cannot say the same for... Robin- dear god, why did her design change so much? Concept actually makes sense since she's a vigilante and therefore wouldn't be wearing skirts or at least if she did, there'd be tights or leggings under it, and her hair actually looks messy, which given what she does, makes sense- but in final design, its again that stupid trope: transformed into a girl means skirts suddenly, even if they impractical to be a vigilante in, and for some reason her hair is no longer messy, because I guess being a girl means Dick suddenly loses that messy hair style??? Cyborg....what even happened between concept to final??? Why did they change her body type suddenly between both designs??? Why is concept similar to male Cyborg's body type and final design a thinner version of it??? And why did her hair change textures in final version??? Major L in final design. Raven....the only issue is the fact that he actually looks like Raven would in concept design and in final design, doesn't look like Raven would. And finally, Starfire...another what even happened between concept to final, because what the fuck??? How did he go from looks like he came from Starfire's species as they all warriors on their planet to literally looks like a dude trying to cosplay Starfire but failing? Male Starfire should look similar to He-Man, which concept does, but final design literally looks nothing like that- but hey, pro for curly hair I guess, since a-lot of nowadays TT stuff seems to forget Starfire started off with curly hair in the comics only for it to get straightened over time like most heroes curly hair sadly.
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