#i mean i guess the answer is once i figure tht out i can post everything non-art related under a readmore ....
verflares · 5 months
how do ppl even post or talk abt their og loz and oc stuff without the Dread seeping in . you know what i mean
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2018shawn · 4 years
Ruin the Friendship
OMG to the anon that requested this I am SO sorry it took me this long and it’s probably not up to expectation I've just been struggling to write djbsndfa HOWEVER, this was my interpretation of the song and I hope you enjoy. I did intend for it to be more sexy but it turned out more goof so soz about tht OH and I also wrote this with a OC I dunno why it just happened but there u go 
Warnings: suggestions of smut, swearing, MY WRITING, alcohol consumption etc etc 
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Remy’s phone balanced against a stack of books, just enough so that she was in view of the front facing camera, not really giving too much attention to how she looked. Her screen was dominated by a mop of brown curls and just, and I mean - just - underneath them, she could make out the facial structure of her closest friend, neighbour and music mogul, known to the world as Shawn Mendes. To her, he was known as annoying neighbour that A) played guitar ridiculously late at night, especially in the room that backed onto her bedroom. B) never had milk and would knock at stupid o’clock in the morning to get some because he was fuelled by coffee and fancy tea’s and C) wasn’t there half the time, meaning she had 2 lots of post to check for every morning. He was in the midst of rambling and from what she could gather, he was throwing a party for absolutely no particular reason other than the weather was nice and doesn’t that make you wanna have a beer?
“No, Shawn. I don’t really drink beer, so I can’t say it does” She replied, rolling her eyes behind her quirky, but necessary, reading glasses as her fingers swiftly tapped away at her keyboard, trying to get down as many words as she could. 
“Ok... vodka? gin?...” he started, and she gave me him a raised eyebrow kinda look as she finally turned her attention to him. “Tequilaaaaa?” He dragged out, putting on a face that the angels could have sculpted themselves.
“Jesus, no. Absolutely not.” The last time Shawn made her do a tequila shot, he demanded that she did it from his I want to run my tongue over stomach, to which she was absolutely mortified and knew that there was no chance in hell she could keep her cool, or stop her lips from going further south, if she was to lick or suck anywhere near that region. He finally let her settle for shotting it from the glass like a normal human being and that was the last she remembered of the night, “I’ll have water, I got a lot of work to do tomorrow”.
He plumped out his bottom lip at her response, but quickly raised a point. “So, that means you’re coming?” He was moving about in the screen, and she guessed he was just pacing around his apartment because he was the most restless person she’d ever met. She’d never known him to be home longer than 1 week at a time, so it was a rarity that he was currently on day 3 and quite possibly throwing a party out of boredom, not good will. 
“Not necessarily... but, I might drop in” She replied, closing the lid down on her laptop with a sigh as her brain came to a halt with words, partly because of the Canadian boy the other side of her FaceTime call, “If I have to”. 
He smiled and nodded, indicating that she did, in fact, have to. “You do! You’re always working, have a night off, Rems” She groaned at not only his nickname for her, but when she heard a knock at her door, assuming it would be her delivery. Pushing herself up from her sofa and slumping over to the door, she knew the angle on her screen wasn’t the prettiest, like when you accidentally open front camera and get the shock of your life, but he’d seen her in much worse states than this. 
“I just... don’t know anyone” She said, swinging the door open, her eyes looking back at the screen to gauge Shawn’s reaction. To her dismay, just because of the pleasure of getting to see his face, he’d paused the FaceTime, assumingly scrolling away on other apps where faces were much more interesting that what she thought hers was. 
“You know me” His voice snapped her out or her gaze, not just from her phone, but from the tall figure stood in her doorway. It wasn’t obscure that he was stood at her door, it was just obscure that he was on FaceTime at the same time. “What you gonna wear?” 
He pushed past her, walking himself into the apartment which he knew all too well, not just because his was symmetrical, but because he’d been round here more times than he'd had hot dinners. It wasn’t all good reasoning - he’d turned up numerous times looking like he was on the verge of tears, which sometimes he burst into as soon as she shut the door behind him, he’d turned up fucked out of his face, because he couldn’t work his own key in the door and demanded he stay on her couch because his apartment felt lonely, hell, he’d even turned up heartbroken because the same damned girl kept screwing him over and he couldn't quite establish his self worth. 
It killed her, for him not to see how incredibly special he was. She’d always had a small crush on him, sure. But Remy just learnt to deal with it because, sure, dating her was definitely not on the top of his to do list.
She was left stood, her hand still clasped around the door as he waltzed into her bedroom, muttering nothing in particular other than how she looked good in that red, flowery thing and she should definitely wear that. “Fucking dumbass” She muttered to herself, sighing as she finally closed the door, letting it shut with a loud click before following the - did I mention? - annoying neighbour that apparently would not take no for an answer.
“Turn off your FaceTime, I can hear you, fucking dumbass” 
She sipped, through her straw, at was definitely not water and she knew she shouldn’t have trusted him when he asked what she wanted to drink. She convinced herself it would be rude not to drink it - and maybe a couple more, now she had the taste for it. Her friend, Lily, was the one that put the icing on the cake, turning up at her house - what was with people just randomly turning up? - all dolled up ready for the night. She knew her friend only wanted to go because Connor had more than likely been in touch, after several previous one night stands/‘meetings’ and Lily was not the kind of girl that passed up the opportunity to get laid - even though she had Connor wrapped around her little finger. 
Lily had left her to go pee, but Remy knew she most definitely would get lost (in Connor’s lap) on the way back, which left her with no choice but to fend for herself. She’d seen Shawn on arrival, but knew he was making a round of doing the pleasantries and she couldn't be stuck to his hip all night, but that didn’t mean she didn’t want to be. As if he’d sensed her needs, her annoying neighbour came prancing over with the grin of a Cheshire Cat and, of course, a red cup contained in one hand. 
He looked good - really fucking good - she thought to herself as she watched him, buttons undone one extra than the normal person, showing the chest hair he always claimed to be manly. His trousers were tight around his peachy rear, which is somewhere she’d always wanted to get her hands onto but, funnily enough, never found the right moment to do that as a friend and neighbour. Like hey, I brought your post up... by the way let me touch your butt or hey, I saw you’re back in town, can I come round... and touch your butt. 
Sure he looked good, but his body; his body even looked good. It looked healthy. Happy. Refreshed. Which is something it often wasn’t and she would preach to him numerous times about how you only get one and you need to look after it. Turns out he may have actually listened to her for once and taken her advice.
Remy had thought numerous times about going there with Shawn - there being her underneath him, but she also knew he could get any girl he wanted with the click of his fingers, because that’s just the kind of guy he was. She, was unaware that he thought she’d never want him - he knew she loved home comforts and stability and someone to be there. He completely wasn’t the right guy to be able to offer that, and sure, bedding her had crossed his mind because he wasn’t completely oblivious to all the little gazes he’d caught her in as he walked around his - or her - apartment in nothing but a pair of Calvin Klein’s. But he couldn’t bare to do it to her - fuck her and leave - no matter how many times she bit her perfectly plump lip when he was chatting away to her about the dumb TV show they’d started watching. 
“How’s your water?” He smirked, his eyes looking a little drunk as he mirrored her posture, leaning back against the kitchen counter with arms crossed, only he stood much taller. He turned to face her, eyes clicking with hers and giving her the same puppy dog eyes he always did.
“Great, actually, thank you” she smiled, being the one to break the eye contact before taking another large sip of her drink. His view didn’t alter as he kept eyes on her, beyond her knowledge, to take in every inch of what he thought to be perfect features. Shawn had travelled all around the world, but never met anyone that quite compared to Remy. He had never met anyone who was so determined to succeed, even through having as many set backs as her. He had never met anyone who could give so much love, despite being the one needing love herself. And what he thought about the most, was that he’d never met anyone who had a body like hers - one that could make him feel like jelly. “They’re really into each other aren’t they?”
She interrupted his train of admiring thoughts, making him stutter and blush when she turned back to face him, catching him staring at her plump lips. She nodded her head towards Lily and Connor, who were talking to other people but might as well have been auditioning for a role in love actually, because they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. “Yeah, I actually didn’t know it was possible for him to have feelings” he laughed and she nodded, rolling her eyes and capturing her bottom lip in between her teeth. He lulled at the material of his unbuttoned shirt in an attempt to get some ventilation. He felt hot, and it wasn’t the alcohol.
“Well, I stupidly offered her a place to crash so I guess that means he’ll be joining too” She took the straw that was swivelling around in her drink, frustrated as she tried to catch it in her mouth every time she wanted a sip, and threw it behind her onto the counter. With one large gulp, the rest of her drink was gone and they both knew she was starting to get the confidence she so dearly deserved.
“I have a spare bed, if you know...” he started, not entirely sure where he was going with the whole invitation, “get bored of the noise”
ouch. friend zoned. She thought to herself, although grateful for the offer. 
“I’m gonna whoop your ass at twister,” was the only thing she could reply, swiftly changing subject and nudging her head towards the surprisingly - so far - relatively PG game of twister happening in his lounge.
ouch. rejected. He though to himself, although slightly embarrassed at his childlike offer. 
Remy balanced on the balcony railing, her hair pushed to one side of her neck, exposing her shoulder and collar bone, just a measly spaghetti strap covering any skin there. She came outside for one of two reason. One being the fact she felt herself getting drunk, which is something she intended not to do. Two being that Shawn looked more hot the drunker she got and that was not the kind of things that she wanted filling her mind whilst she had the new found tipsy confidence. 
“Hey, there you are” Shawn slid the balcony door closed behind him, placing his beer bottle on the little table, surrounded by two chairs, that covered almost half of the tiny balcony. “I thought you’d back door boogied.”
She snorted out a laugh, shaking her head at his ridiculous methodology. “No, but that would be the way to go, because you’d no doubt nag me to stay, if I told you I was leaving.” 
He leant his back against the railing, turning his head to the right to get full view of her, as she admired the busy Toronto city. “Can you blame me?” She pursed her lips, trying to keep her eyes on the bright city lights. “What would I have to do, out of interest?”
She finally turned to look at him, his signature smile covering his features and that was more than enough to ever make her stay. “Hmm... maybe play me my favourite song.” He simply nodded, taking mental note. 
They stayed silent for a few minutes, nothing but the sound of busy streets and the music inside filing the void. They awkwardly clicked eye contact a couple of times, her cheeks blushing a deep shade of red each time which he found incredibly cute, but also somehow sexy. “You should get back, it’s your party you loser.” 
“I like your company,” he smiled genuinely, playfully nudging her shoulder with his own. He wanted nothing more, in this moment, than to grab her, hold her close and admire the beauty of the city with her. Admire her beauty. 
She shoved her empty red cup in his hand, suddenly feeling thirsty, although she was sure it wasn’t the type of thirst that could be satisfied with another drink. But, another drink would have to make do. “Go fill up my dink, and I shall grace you with my presence shortly.”
He wasn’t sure where the assertiveness came from, but he thought it almost turned him on. “One Tequlia, coming right up” 
The dull party music was nothing but a background noise now everyone had vacated, leaving Remy, Shawn, Lily and Connor as the last men standing. Shawn couldn’t help but jibe at Remy for being one of the final few, making it through the entire party and finishing with a rare buzz from the alcohol. “Me and Con are gonna get going, if that’s okay?” Lily spoke, filling the last space in the dishwasher with any glass she could. 
“Sure, thanks for your help, guys” Shawn said, balancing a stack of red plastic cups in his right hand that slightly resembled the leaning tower of Pisa, shaking Connor’s hand with his left.
“Okay well, here’s my key, I'll help Shawn finish up and I'll be back” Remy confirmed, walking over to her bag and retrieving her key from inside, handing it over to the eager blonde. She began speaking in a much quieter tone, even though Shawn and Connor were engaging in their own conversation and would absolutely have no interest in there's, “I might stay in Shawn’s spare room, give you guys... space” you laughed. Lily was more than thankful to have a best friend like you. 
“Girl, stay in his damn bed” She replied, earning a roll of the eyes from Remy at the typical Lily answer.
“I wouldn’t mind if she did” Shawn spoke, Remy suddenly freezing and heart beating faster than she ever knew it could. The remark was pushed aside as everyone bid their final farewells, leaving Shawn and Remy alone in his apartment with nothing but a huge mess and Spotify playlist playing in the background. “You look really pretty tonight”, he added, as she finished rounding up the last few beer bottles and throwing them in his bottle bin. 
“I... uh... thanks. You too” She smiled, almost instantly mentally slapping her forehead with the palm of her hand. Pretty? You look pretty too? She thought to herself. “I mean, you look good. Not pretty, but good”
“You don’t think I’m pretty?” He gasped, his hand pressing against his chest as he acted shocked. He leant his back against the wall, his legs straining against the fabric of his jeans, with one leg bent and supported against the structure. She couldn’t help but think about climbing on top of his thick limbs, straddling him and pinning him down. She replied a small oh har-har and he stood up, walking over to her, despite her pretending to be busy with the same bottles she’d been moving around for the past 5 minutes. “Because I think you're very, very pretty. Beautiful, actually” She felt his breath against the back of her hair, just above her ear as she remained facing the countertop. She was sure that she’d never felt a flush of heat like the one she was experiencing. His long arms captured her in his personal space, the scent of her sweet perfume filling the little space between them.
Shawn noticed how she’d stopped moving and he wasn't sure if he was pushing the boundaries too much. He would, of course, stop if she was to show him any signs of feeling uncomfortable, but the way her body finally relaxed against his told him the opposite. His fingers nervously danced over her waist, and he failed to notice the trail of goose pimples that covered her bare arms. It felt like a lifetime, waiting for her to react or say something. 
Both their hearts, unbeknown to each other, were almost beating out of their chests. “Shawn...” Was all she could mumble, managing somehow to turn around, in the tiny amount of space she had, to face him. Well, to face his chest. His hands remained on her waist, his mind subconsciously telling him to hold on because she could try and run at any given moment. She looked up at him, through fluttering lashes, trying to work out what he was thinking, but failing miserably. 
“Do you want me to move away?” He asked, noticing how their bodies were closer than they ever had been. Truth be told, she didn’t know, but something in her possessed her to shake her head, much to Shawn’s relief. So he sighed happily, reaching up his hand and brushing some stray hairs away from her face, his hand lingering there once he’d done. She reached up and covered his larger hand with hers, looking into his eyes with what he could only describe as love. Her eyes flickered between his eyes and his lips, giving him the signal he’d been waiting for. 
Dipping his neck down, their lips collided with messy passion as his hand grasped the back of her neck, her hand finally parting from his to tug at the material of his shirt. She groaned at his neediness, moving into him, her chest pressing against his front. Neither of them thought about coming up for air, only needing each other to survive in this very moment. 
Remy was the first one to detach, her cheeks covering deep red blush, yet again. “We... shouldn't.” She stated, her hands still balling up the fabric of his shirt. 
“I’m not gonna force you to do anything you don’t want to do, but fuck, Rems.” He breathed heavily, stroking his thumb over her flushed cheeks. “You have no idea how long I've wanted to.” It shocked her that he sounded like he meant it, because there wasn’t many men out there who were as honest as he. All she could find herself doing was taking in whatever words he spoke, her mind on over drive and then some. “And not like, just tonight. I’ve wanted you every day, in every city, every album, every single. And what’s more ironic is that your favourite song you said you’d like me to play for you... is about you and...”
She stopped him with another kiss, her tip toes aiding her in reaching up to his taller height. She knew the confidence had come from the uncountable amount of vodka-lemonades she’d practically inhaled, but her actions were sincere. Shawn approved of both the confidence and the actions. She spoke into his mouth as they loved on each other, “This... could...” He flicked his tongue against hers, her words being replaced with a string of moans. His hands pulled at the hair on the back of her head, pulling her neck upwards as their lips disconnected, giving him more access to the skin on her neck. His lips trailed wet kisses down, nipping at the delicate skin. “Ruin our friendship,” she finally finished and although her words were spoken genuine concern, the only thing she was physically concerned about was getting enough of a handful of his hair to toy with. 
Her breathing was deep as Shawn pulled away, face still hovering close to hers. “I mean it though, Remy. I’m all in, if you are” She knew it was a big risk, ruining her friendship; her anxiety wouldn’t let her stay living next to Shawn if anything was to go wrong, meaning she’d have to go through the pain of packing up and moving apartments, to another country, in another world, because, being without Shawn was what it felt like to be alone. 
If the friendship was ruined, it was already ruined because normal friends don’t casually do this in their kitchens. If she had chance to feel his love, she deserved to, as did he. Her mind raced with thoughts of these, a small laugh escaping her lips at how she’d found herself in this completely ridiculous situation, as she spoke words she never thought she'd be saying to the pretty Canadian boy staring into her soul, “Pick me the fuck up.”
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control [jeremy h. x squipped!reader] pt.4
i arise from my grave to post this
so uhhhh consider............... im a tired college student-
anyway uh
i swear this part is shorter than i intended but i guess i’ll die
warnings: squip. thts it. the squip. manipulation, abuse, everything that kinda comes with writing about the SQUIP. also horror movie mentions but nothing explicit (although a kill is mentioned from one of said horror movies)
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             Halloween day finally comes, and thankfully lands on a Saturday to give you maximum time to hang out with Michael and Jeremy (who, upon learning you’d be joining the two of them during a lucky moment between classes, had stared at you for a moment with furrowed brow before commenting he didn’t know that the two of you were friends again). Your nerves were getting the best of you as you flipped through your clothes, slipping into a comfortable pair of black jeans. The entire time, your SQUIP lingered around you, talking you through some game plan. You stripped off the large shirt you used for pajamas and slipped into a plain black t-shirt, before fishing your jean jacket from your bed. 
            Finally, you turned to your SQUIP’s form standing behind you. “Maybe I could, y’know... do this myself?” You suggested, before following it up with a quick, almost apologetic, “I don’t think I should be depending on you for every interaction... right?”
            At first, it didn’t respond. It stared at you, lips pressed into a thin line as it gave you a once-over. After letting out a small hum of approval at your ensemble, it shook it’s head. “I’ve run the numbers and that will result in your failure, [y/n]. It’s best to stick with the original plan,” and then it paused for a moment, “I’m beginning to detect that you don’t trust me.”
            “I do!” You responded quickly, before you nervously pushed past the intangible figure to look in your mirror. Combing your fingers through your hair, you let the question weigh in your mind before you finally looked back to your SQUIP. “Is... Is there any way to get rid of you?” 
            “No.” The response was sharp, quick to shoot down any and every idea you’d been formulating. 
            “Oh. So...” You trailed off, before crossing your room and fishing through your dresser to find a pair of socks, “I’m stuck with you, then.”
            “Stuck implies you no longer want me here, [y/n].”
            “It’s not that I don’t want you here...” You mused aloud, before snagging a pair of shoes and sitting on your bed. “It’s just... I don’t think I want you around when I’m, like, thirty.”
            “Plenty of world leaders would kill to have a SQUIP, [y/n]. Consider yourself lucky.”
            You merely shrugged at the sentiment before your phone chimed with a text from Michael, almost as if on cue to end this awkward moment between you and the voice in your head. Quickly, you finished getting ready and shoved your keys and phone into your pocket, and you raced out to Michael’s car. Jeremy was already in the passenger seat, forcing you to retire into the back - which, you immediately sprawled out and absolutely enjoyed the space as Michael took off, launching into a list of the contenders for the evening. Scream, Halloween, A Nightmare On Elm Street, specifically the remake of Friday The 13th (and, for a moment, you heard Jeremy exhale sharply at the title), Final Destination...
            “And Terrifier-” Michael began, eyes cutting towards Jeremy for a split second. 
            Immediately, Jeremy smacked Michael’s arm. “Dude, I told you I’m not watching Terrifier-” He shifted, “fuck that clown.” 
            You looked between the two of them. “What’s Terrifier?” 
            Michael’s beaming at your question. “Jer. We have to. They don’t-”
            “No!” He retorted, “fuck you, I’m sparing them, then-”
            “C’mon, Jeremy,” Michael teased further, “it’s just one kill-”
            “HE SAWS HER IN HALF, MICHAEL.” Jeremy’s voice went up an octave, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, “that’s horrifying-”
            You rose a brow in response. “What’s so bad about that-”
            Jeremy turned to face you, “okay.” He shut his eyes for a moment, composing himself, before he opened them once more, “there’s this girl that gets kidnapped, right? She gets... suspended spread eagle, and cut down the middle.”
            “Okay, but-”
            “She’s upside down.” When you winced at the mental image, Jeremy looked back at Michael, “see? Any normal person would find that disgusting-”
           “Alright,” Michael conceded, “no Terrifier. Got it.”
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           If there was one thing that became apparent extremely quickly, it was that the Friday The 13th remake was fucking awful. Without Michael’s constant quips (plenty having to do with Mr.Supernatural being in the movie), you weren’t sure how you survived - especially during a sex scene until the poetic line of “you have perfect nipple placement, baby” was spoken and immediately the three of you are choking on laughter - Michael more than happy to mock it. And thank fuck for that, because you’d been uncomfortable watching the scene up until that line - to say nothing of how awkwardly silent Jeremy had gone. The moment the movie was over, Michael began to queue up Netflix with the promise of watching something actually good. The opening moments of Scream had been enough to prove that.
          From beside you, Michael lowered his voice, looking at you and Jeremy, “what’s your favorite scary movie?” 
          You playfully nudged him with your elbow, “fuck, dude, that wasn’t even a good impression-”
          “I think it was great, actually,” Michael looked to Jeremy, “don’t you agree?”
          Looking between the two of you, Jeremy debated for a moment before finally giving his answer, “I, uh, kinda have to side with [y/n]-”
          “Unbelievable. Betrayal.” Michael leaned back into the couch, looking back to the movie, “I let you come into my house, eat my snacks-”
          “-That I helped buy,” Jeremy cut in.
          “That my dear friend Jeremiah helped buy,” Michael smirked a little, “and this is how I’m repaid.”
          “C’mon, Mikey,” you nudged him once more, “Jeremy’s not gonna lie about your shitty impression.”
          “He would if I was Christine.”
          “That’s because Christine’s talented,” Jeremy looked away, “it wouldn’t have sucked if she did it.”
          For a moment, you faltered. “Yeah,” you halfheartedly said, and pretended not to catch Michael’s concerned glance at your sudden change in behavior, “he’s got a point.”
          The moment Michael went to say anything, your phone began to ding relentlessly. With the intention of turning it to silent, you pulled it from your jacket pocket only to freeze the moment you caught a glimpse of the screen. Tweet after tweet, text after text, all of it came in rapid-fire, whether they were directly to you or not. You pulled yourself off of the couch, ignoring Michael’s call after you as you head upstairs to open up your Twitter.
          Rich set a fire. Jake’s house was burned down. Rich was in the hospital, and so was Jake.
          A hand landed on your shoulder, and you almost jumped as you turned to face Michael. He stared at you for a moment, giving you a once-over before finally speaking, “you okay?”
          You shrugged it off, stumbling as you took a step back, “yeah-”
          Michael’s gaze goes soft as he picked up on the fear that was racing through your blood and shining on your face. “That’s bullshit, [y/n],” he said, “look, I won’t push you to talk, but-”
          Swallowing your nerves, you forced yourself to stand tall and get your emotions under control. “Can you drive me home?”
          He glanced back to the door, where Jeremy had been coming up the steps, “uh, yeah- just let me grab my phone-”
          And then he left you alone with Jeremy as he retreated downstairs. Biting his bottom lip nervously, he tore his eyes away from you, before finally appearing to gather some courage to speak to you. “Is everything okay?”
          You nodded quickly, “yeah, just...” You trailed off, looking down at the floor, “something came up.”
          Immediately, you panicked. Something about saying Rich Goranski is in the hospital and I’m worried felt too heavy to drop at the moment. So you just stayed silent as Michael came back upstairs with his phone.
          The moment you were back in the sanctuary of your room, you found your phone once more. Flipping through tweets, you felt your stomach drop further. He burned the house down because he knew he was gay and couldn’t handle that, that he was dead, that he was high and drunk, that Jake had broken both of his legs while escaping the fire, and you saw a few tweets from some pissed people about how they’d been slightly burned while escaping the fire. But Rich received the worst of it. 
          “But-” You mused aloud, “how did he - why would he-” 
          “Rich lacked the proper coping mechanism. His SQUIP was most likely disabled due to the alcohol he consumed that night,” your SQUIP stepped into existence in front of you, and you lowered your phone as you looked up at it, “and with everything else he’s been dealing with...”
          Your blood ran cold at the implication. “You don’t mean he-”
          “Perhaps it was just an accident.”
          You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, completely disheveled from your worries. “I should go see him.”
          “He won’t be awake.” Your SQUIP crossed it’s arms as it looked down at you, “besides... he most likely won’t be having visitors yet.”
          “I don’t care-”
          “[y/n]. You need to rest first. You can visit Rich tomorrow...” You finally gave into what it was saying, sitting down on your bed for a moment, “besides.” You looked up, “you did well tonight. You deserve a break.”
         “I... what?”
         “I let you control the conversation. Instead of giving you the correct things to say, I decided to watch. You performed amiably. Congratulations.” Your SQUIP smiled at you, “you’re learning. Of course, we still have more work to do, but it’s progress.”
         “Oh.” You stood, stripping off your jacket, “thank you, then.” You paused for a moment, “I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep.”
         “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine. Don’t forget,” it said, and you turned to look at it, “you have me.”
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         Over the next few days, you’d been relentlessly going to the hospital - borrowing your parents’ cars whenever you could. After several days of trying, you were finally able to get in to see Rich, and your heart sank in your chest when you finally saw him. He wasn’t awake, as your SQUIP had said, but he was alive and that was enough for you in that moment. He was broken and bruised, sure, but the fact his heart monitor provided a steady beat to break the silence in the room was almost like music. You stood at his bedside, looking down on him as he slept. You hugged your arms close to your body - what would have happened to you if you had gone to the party? Would you be here, alongside or instead of Rich? Would you have been able to stop him from... whatever he had been trying to do?
         “Rich,” you finally say aloud, and your tears choke you, “fuck - Rich, I’m sorry-”
         “You have nothing to apologize for,” your SQUIP’s touch grazed your shoulder, “this wasn’t your fault. There was nothing we could have done.”
         “I should have been there, I could have stopped him-”
         “It was for the best that you were with Michael and Jeremy, [y/n].”
         For a moment, you’re quiet and afraid. But you finally asked the question that had begun to weigh down on you: “is this going to happen to me?”
         “Of course not. Now... let’s get back to work,” your SQUIP said, “it’s important you don’t dwell on this for too long. Let’s visit Jake while we’re here.”
         Going along with it’s idea, you’d easily found Jake’s room after a few minutes of searching. The TV had been on with some cooking show displayed, and you were more than glad to see Jake awake and as well as he could be for someone with two broken legs. When you cautiously walked in, he brightened up immediately - and for a moment, you had assumed it was because you weren’t a nurse coming to check on him.
         “[y/n]!” He called out as you walked in, “how are you?”
         Caught off guard by the question, you stammered for a moment, “I’m - uh, I’m fine,” you said, “how are you?”
         “Great!” He said, “I mean - the whole broken legs thing is, y’know, not that great, but I’m glad to see you.”
         “You... you are?”
         “Yeah!” He said, “Rich always talks about you, y’know.” The moment you flushed, Jake chuckled, “he said you’re a lot cooler than you seem.”
         “Oh.” You looked away for a moment, “that’s sweet of him-”
         “Do you still do the art stuff?” He asked, and immediately you looked back at him.
         “How did you know that I-”
         He cut you off, “there was this project back in freshman year that you did with Michael Mell, and, uh, Jeremy-something. You did the art for it, right?”
         Nodding, you slowly remembered the piece you’d been repressing due to how rushed it had been. “Right. Yeah, I still do art stuff,” you smiled at him, “do you know when you’re getting out?”
         “Nah,” he sunk into the bed, “shouldn’t be long, though. We should hang out!”
         “Oh. Uh. Don’t you hang out with Chloe and Brooke...?”
         “Yeah,” he admitted, “but you came to visit me, so... we should still hang.”
         You couldn’t help but smile at that. “Sure,” you said, fiddling with your hair, “that’d be great, Jake.”
         Jake reached out for you, and immediately pulled you into an awkward hug. “Fuck, dude, Rich was right about you.”
         “About me being cool, or...?”
         “He said you’re really fuckin’ nice, since you helped him out with something.” He shrugged, “are you two... not friends?”
         “I, uh - we are, sorta-”
         “Good.” He said, “Rich is a good dude to his friends, y’know.”
         “What about your house?” You asked.
         Jake’s smile fell, “I mean... I think it was an accident. Since, y’know, Rich wouldn’t just burn my house down, right?”
         You nodded. “Right.” Stepping back away from the bed, you smiled once more, “I hope you get out of here soon, Jake.”
         On your way out of the hospital, you stood in the gift shop for far too long, occupied with your own thoughts. So Rich had been talking about you - and, whatever he said aside from you being nice, helpful, and cooler than you seem, it had been enough to make Jake Dillinger think the two of you were friends. You almost smiled at the idea, but the underlying feeling that Rich would wake up and immediately ditch you lingered within the pit of your stomach. Shaking your head, you dismissed the thought as you headed out to your car. You had things to do. 
          After all, you shouldn’t dwell.
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        Over a week later, there’s this uneasy feeling that’s stuck with you from the first moment you saw Rich in that hospital bed. Uncertainty? Fear? You weren’t sure - but it dwelled within the pit of your stomach, making you doubt every move no matter whether you or your SQUIP made it. You’d just gotten home from hanging out with Michael and Jeremy at the mall, your backpack swung from your shoulder to the foot of your bed, and you nearly collapse as you sit down. Slowly, you sank your head into your hands, warm against your face before you finally let go and fall back onto your bed. When you uncovered your face, your SQUIP had materialized before you.
        It leaned over you. “Is there a problem? You should be happy since you spent time with Jeremy-”
        “I am, I just-” You paused for a moment, “I just don’t feel like I’m.. me anymore.”
        “You are you, [y/n].”
        You nodded slowly in agreement, before propping yourself up on your elbows. “Right, but... I feel like you’re taking control of everything and I’m - I’m just... fake.”
        It raised a brow at the mere idea. “You’re far from artificial.”
        Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you couldn’t help but feel... off. “But you don’t let me control things-”
        With a heavy sigh, your SQUIP shook it’s head before pacing around your room. “That’s because we’re still in phase B of our plan. Once we get to phase C, you’ll have more control-”
        “And when will that be?”
        It looked back at you, slowing to a stop. “Once we pin down Jeremy’s feelings for you, you can be more yourself.”
        After a moment, you sank back against your bed, shutting your eyes for a moment. “I hope you’re right.”
        “Of course I’m right. After all, relationships are like this...”
        You opened your eyes again. “What?”
        “Faking it until you get it? Revealing yourself when you have them? It’s very common, [y/n].”
        When it said that, you couldn’t help but feel skeptical. But when you tried to remember your last relationship (or, rather, a weak attempt at one), it felt so distant that you were unsure of how it had went. Yet you nod along nonetheless. The feeling of of dread stayed with you.
        And it continued to stay attached to you like a shadow over the next few days. Even when you found yourself sitting on Michael’s bed, a pillow hugged against your chest as he and Jeremy were ecstatically talking about one of Michael’s latest finds from the guy at Spencer’s. You’d zoned out for the time being, thoughts more preoccupied with what was to come. How much longer would it be until you had control over yourself again?
        But your SQUIP’s voice jarred you from your thoughts. “We need to go.”
        As Michael pulled out a bottle of red soda, a slightly faded plastic label reading MOUNTAIN DEW RED crinkling as he did, you held back a frown at your SQUIP. “[y/n],” Michael said with a smile, holding it out, “you want one?”
        “Hell yeah, dude-” You had began as you reached for it, barely getting it within your grasp before a shock rang through your hand, a small hiss of pain emitting from you as the bottle hit the floor. “Shit, sorry, Michael-”
        But a flash of pain cut you off before you could try to explain anything away. Your voice was distant as you heard yourself speak, bullshitting some excuse as you lost control of your body - it moving on it’s own despite your desperate attempts to take back what was yours. You managed to take control back the moment you got outside, knees weak and the following shock was enough to send you crashing onto your knees.
        “What the fuck?!” You snapped, speaking aloud as another shock ran through you. “FUCK-”
        “I told you we need to leave.”
        “I didn’t want to-”
        “[y/n], we-”
        “No!” You snapped once more, “no - this is still my life - I want to-” Your speech devolved as you struggled to word your thoughts, “it was just a soda!” Another shock ran through you. “What the fuck- come on - I just- it was just-”
        And then it all made sense. The panic. The sudden change. How close had you been? How fucking close had you been? When you tried to get back up and turn yourself around, you found yourself fighting for control all over again as your body turned away from Michael’s house, every step forcing you farther and farther from salvation.
         “[y/n]!” Michael’s voice rang clear out across his front lawn, and before you could try to do anything, he was running up to you - catching you by the wrist. “Hey - what the fuck, dude? Are you okay? What just happened-”
         But he stopped, staring at you. You, completely terrified and shaking and fighting for control of your own fucking body. You were, to put it simply, a mess. Disheveled, hands twitchy, breathing labored as you forced yourself to stay planted where you were. You broke through, “get the Mountain Dew Red” slipping past your lips in a hiss before another shock of pain sparks through you, and you’re pulling yourself away from Michael once more. 
         A door slammed. Before you could go anywhere, Michael’s footsteps pound against the pavement as he tackled you to the ground. Your body fought against him. He managed to grab you by the wrists, pinning you down, his knees at your abdomen as you continued to thrash against your will against him.
         “[y/n]-” Michael began, before his nails dug into your skin, “what the literal fuck is going on?”
        Tears streamed down your cheeks as you fought for your voice. “I-” You managed to force past your lips, “I - I took this - pill,” your voice strained, and you kept fighting for control, “I thought Jeremy would like me but - but I fucked - I fucked up, Michael-” You were straight up about to breakdown, voice wavering with every forced syllable, “I’m so sorry, I just - I can’t-”
        “[y/n].” It’s voice cut clearly through your mind, almost afraid for a second. “I promise - I’ll do better for you. We’ll scrap this plan and make a new one. You just have to let me try again. I promise-” 
        The door slammed once more, and Jeremy is rushing over, questioning everything along the way.
        It turned nasty. “You’ll never be the same, [y/n],” it hissed, “think about it - if you keep me, you’ll be normal - you’ll never have to hurt again. If you get rid of me, you’ll never be accepted - you’ll be an outcast all over again, and Jeremy and Michael are guaranteed to hate you-” 
        The last things you remembered were the faintly fruity taste on your lips, a thousand questions flying around you, and an intense pain that seemed to completely split you in two as a scream tore it’s way out of you.
        And then everything went black.
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memoriashell · 6 years
to you, who i write for
Characters / Pairing: Soriku; though it really just reads as Riku angst / pining. 
crossposted on ao3
Notes: This was the first thing I wrote post KH3 and I think I’m okay with putting it out at this point. So yes, warning for KH3 spoilers.
The formatting of this fic is a little weird quite frankly, because it’s a ( mostly ) texting based fic. I used strikethrough at points to indicate messages that were deleted / unsent, but since I know strikethrough can be finicky on some devices ( tumblr mobile ), so I’ve gone ahead and also italicized those parts as well.
There are also some obvious typos! Mostly for a touch of realism because Riku absolutely accidentally typos shit. There are other reasons that I hope are obvious when reading it!
Summary: Riku keeps sending messages because he doesn’t know how else to cope.
( somehow, i hope these words reach you )
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sorry I haven’t texted back in a while.
[ Text : Sora ] We’ve been busy. Not that that’s any excuse.
I’m sure you’ve been too busy to notice.
[ Text : Sora ] Mickey said to tell you he sends his best wishes.
Let me knwo if you need anything.
It’s an admittedly bad habit he’s gotten into, writing up messages that he won’t send. Riku means to cut off the urge before it become a habit, but here he is, still typing up messages for him and him alone.
It’s kind of therapeutic, to write up the things that he can’t really find the words to say aloud— and one would say he should invest in a journal before he accidentally sends a text he does not mean to, but he doesn’t think it’d be quite the same. Doesn’t simulate the same kind of conversation, even if that means a few things that he doesn’t mean to say slip through.
( If it were just anyone he was sending these messages to, Riku knows he might have more than a few reservations— but it’s Sora, who never judges him, even if there are more than a few things he would like to keep secret for him ).
So he continues typing up messages to get things off his chest, and if Sora finds it annoying that he spends more time typing up theoretical conversations than actually having them, he never says anything about it. Probably because Sora only understands how to use their gummiphones half the time to begin with.
Of course, he does send actual messages too, even if perhaps less frequently. Short little blurbs when he can tell that by the increasing frequency in his messages that Sora is worried ( and as bad as Riku is at saying what he wants, he can at least make sure he isn’t worrying for no good reason ).
Notifications of social media updates, text messages that were a litany of errors between them; the buildup of numbers bring some form of comfort.
Until they don’t.
[ Text : Sora ] It’s not like it’s nothing new. Being separated from you two.
We’ve done it before in worse circumstances.
[ Text : Sora ] It hurts?
Is this what it was like for you?
I think I understand your pain now. Srry.
[ Text : Sora ] Are you coming home soon?
[ Text : Sora ] It’s still weird to not wake up to you clogging up my notifications.
[ Text : Sora ] I guess I can return that favor for once.
I’ll try to keep you updated on hwo everyone’s doing.
If he had been dependent on his phone before, then it was most certainly his lifeline afterwards.
Old notifications are left alone, a flashing number remains constant—as if the moment Riku checks it, it will disappear ( and some of the hope that he clings onto will go with it ).
He sends messages when he needs someone to talk to, so, nothing has really changed in that regard. He thinks about it a little more like writing letters than a journal. Sora will see them eventually, he hopes—thinks he would laugh at how many messages he sends and what kind of things Riku chooses to talk about.
It’s better than thinking of the alternative—
( The illusion is jarring and broken more quickly than he would like to admit because Sora has almost always been quick to check his messages, regardless of situation, the fact that the device will remind him of the fact that his messages continue to go unread is jarring and hard to get used to.
He willingly clings to the hope that something might change )
[ Text : Kairi ] Why.
[ Text : Kairi ] Why was it you?
Why was it him?
[ Text : Kairi ] Was it all pointless?
I think it’s my fault.
[ Text : Kairi ] For not doing something.
[ Text : Kairi ] It should have been me, not you.
[ Text : Kairi ] I want to see you two come back.
[ Text : Kairi ] We should talk when you both are safe again.
[ Text : Sora ] It’s weird.
[ Text : Sora ] Sometimes it feels like you two are dead or something.
I mean.
You kind of are?
[ Text : Sora ] But you promised. You’d come bcak.
I’m holding you to that.
[ Text : Sora ] Sometimes it just.
Feels like we can’t talk about you for some reason.
Guess everyone’s still hurting.
[ Text : Sora ] They miss you, though. I can tell.
They miss both of you.
[ Text : Sora ] I miss you both.
[ Text : Sora ] Come home soon.
[ Text : Sora ] You promised.
[ Text : Sora ] If I called, would you answer?
[ Text : Sora ] I guess not.
There are some miracles evn you can’t pull off.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m trying to act like it’s okay.
[ Text : Sora ] You can probably tell otherwise though. You’ve always been good at that.
Even if you can’t pick up on other things.
[ Text : Sora ] Srory.
About everything.
I’ll try harder.
[ Text : Sora ] I know you’d want me to.
[ Text : Sora ] I can’t
I haven’t been seleep?
[ Text : Sora ] I keep.
[ Text : Sora ] Dreaming.
[ Text : Sora ] About yyou? I think?
Thats not really somehting new, though.
[ Text : Sora ] But it’s dffrnet this time?
I think
I know?
I’m seeing hwat you’re doing?
[ Text : Sora ] Im.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m nnot sure?
[ Text : Sora ] I’m worr
[ Text : Sora ] Im scared.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m scared for yuou.
[ Text : Sora ] I haven’t mentioned it too anyone.
I’ll have to eventually because I’m not sleeping enough
Can barely make sense of what I’m writing.
Pretty sure Aqua’s going to start casting sheep spells on me soon.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sure you would agree with her.
Probably would have beeen the one to fall asleep instead.
[ Text : Sora ] But.
I can’t tell them?
Not yet,
[ Text : Sora ] I don’t wwant them to have to hurt more.
[ Text : Sora ] I know you’d want me to rely on them but.
Trust me on htis one?
[ Text : Sora ] I 
I think
I know Im asking too much
[ Text : Sora ] I’m being selfish agian?
[ Text : Sora ] Pleaes come back soon.
[ Text : Kairi ] I hate you.
[ Text : Kairi ] No.
I don’t.
[ Text : Kairi ] I hate me.
I think you knew that already, though.
I’m sorry.
[ Text : Kairi ] I wish you were here.
I think you’d know how to handle thsi better than I do.
I miss being able to talk to you.
Both of you.
[ Text : Kairi ] I’ll make it up to you both.
[ Text : Kairi ] I promise.
[ Text : Sora ] I miss you.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sorry.
[ Text : Sora ] You two have been gone for a year now.
It’s weird.
I guess we can officially hold a funeral?
[ Text : Sora ] I’m joking. Kind of.
It was a serious consideration, I think. By someone.
[ Text : Sora ] Probably Lea.
[ Text : Sora ] Still having dreams but.
Less frequently lately.
I’m worried. Is everything okay?
[ Text : Sora ] Before, I could always tell you were alright.
Just a feeling in my heart that told me so.
I’m starting to wonder if I can actually tell that you’re alive still
Or if I’m just being hopefull.
[ Text : Sora ] We miss you.
[ Text : Sora ] We haven’t given up on you two.
[ Text : Sora ] So you better come back.
I think they’ll cry if you don’t.
[ Text : Sora ] Because you.
[ Text : Sora ] For them.
[ Text : Sora ] We just.
[ Text : Sora ] Aynways.
[ Text : Sora ] Just hang on a little longer. Please.
[ Text : Sora ] I sthis my fault for not doing anything.
[ Text : Sora ] For not saying anything?
[ Text : Sora ] Im
It’s too late now, I guess.
[ Text : Sora ] I wish I could hcange things.
[ Text : Sora ] It wasn’t supposed to be you.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sorry.
[ Text : Sora ] I miss you.
I wish I didnt.
I know it’s not weak to feel like this but.
[ Text : Sora ] I wish I ccould be stronger. For both of you.
[ Text : Sora ] Srory
[ Text : Sora ] Sorry
[ Text : Sora ] I love you.
[ Text : Sora ] It’s kind of weird.
Scary weird.
[ Text : Sora ] Sometimes it feels like everyone else has forgotten about you two.
[ Text : Sora ] I guess they’ve started moving on and I haven’t.
I always hold onto things too long.
[ Text : Sora ] Somehow it doesn’t feel that simple.
[ Text : Sora ] Don’t tell them, but
I’m scared they’re forgetting?
[ Text : Sora ] It’s happened before. Not tht you remember.
[ Text : Sora ] That’s why I have to keep sending you messages.
Even on the bad days. When I can’t
Dont know what to say.
[ Text : Sora ] So I won’t forget.
[ Text : Sora ] Sometimes I think I’m being irrational, though.
[ Text : Sora ] I know they still remember you.
[ Text : Sora ] They have to.
[ Text : Sora ] You haven’t forgotten about us either, right?
[ Text : Sora ] I can’t
[ Text : Sora ] Im trying
[ Text : Sora ] It’s.
[ Text : Sora ] Bad.
Feels bbad. Brken.
[ Text : Sora ] Haven’t written in a hwile.
[ Text : Sora ] Cant figure out what I want to say.
[ Text : Sora ] Trying to be better.
[ Text : Sora ] Cloud be worse?
[ Text : Sora ] That’s not. Saying mcuh.
[ Text : Sora ] Sorry.
[ Text : Sora ] I’ll try to ttalk to you again soon.
[ Text : Sora ] Kairi came home today.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sure you knew that.
[ Text : Sora ] We talked for a bit.
She couldn’t talk about you.
Can’t blame her.
[ Text : Sora ] You’re worrying me again.
What happened?
[ Text : Sora ] I think it’s been almost two years now?
Not srue.
Stopped keeping track.
Days keep blurring together.
[ Text : Sora ] I did a year before
So this shouldn’t be that much worse.
But it’s so much harder ths time?
[ Text : Sora ] Probably because I at least knew you were safe last time.
[ Text : Sora ] We’re trying.
[ Text : Sora ] Im try
We want you back home. Safe.
[ Text : Sora ] I’ll try harder.
[ Text : Sora ] Are you waiting for me?
[ Text : Sora ] I hpoe you’re just slaking off again.
[ Text : Sora ] Sora, I 
It’s so bad without uyou.
[ Text : Sora ] Please.
[ Text : Sora ] Come home.
[ Text : Sora ] We ccan’t.
[ Text : Sora ] I cant
Do this? Without you
[ Text : Sora ] We’re all still waiting on you.
His phone has become a definitive lifeline to keeping himself sane. Which isn’t saying much when he is haunted by another lifetime in his dreams, but—
He’s never cared for conventional, healthy methods, anyways. He takes too much care into making sure nothing happens to his phone because, well ( he doesn’t want to imagine what would happened if something happened— but he clings to the hope of a sign, anyways ).
The feeling of something distant in his soul, something missing— something rips at his soul and in the same moment something comes up on his phone—
He must have voiced some sort of anguish because he’s distantly aware of someone asking if he’s okay, but—
He can’t respond, eyes focused on the pop-up on his phone
[ Text : Sora ] I guess these aren’t getting to you?
[ Text : Sora ] That’s fine.
It was foolish for me to hope any of these messages could reach you.
[ Text : Sora ] I still haven’t looked at any of your old messages.
[ Text : Sora ] I like to think you were answering my messages.
Silly, but it helped sometimes.
[ Text : Sora ] Bfeore I could feel you. Knew you were okay.
But not today. What happened?
I know you can’t tell me but.
Wish you could.
[ Text : Sora ] Is this why Kairi couldn’t tell us?
[ Text : Sora ] I think the others can tell too.
That something is different.
[ Text : Sora ] I know I can’t call you, but can you call me?
[ Text : Sora ] It’s important.
[ Text : Sora ] Because I know
If you call, I’ll be able to find you.
[ Text : Sora ] Nothing could stop me from finding you.
[ Text : Sora ] So call for me?
[ Text : Sora ] I’ll see you soon, Sora
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history-and-hope · 7 years
rules: answer all the questions and tag 20 other blogs [ tagged at the end of the post ] i was tagged by @strawberrydirt 💖💞💕💓💗
last: 1. drink: probably soda last night 
2. phone call: other than a wrong number, my dad
3. text message: If you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to, I’m just curious 
4. song you listened to: where have all the flowers gone by peter, paul, and mary 
5. time you cried: idk i think like a week ago?
6. dated someone twice: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it: i haven’t kissed anyone so no
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: i guess in a way 
10. been depressed: it’s never professionally determined but i wouldn’t be surprised 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
3 favorite colors 12. purple 
13. pink
14. green
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: i think so
16. fallen out of love: yeah
17. laughed until you cried: yea a lot tbh
18. found out someone was talking about you: yea but i didn’t really care tht much 
19. met someone who changed you: i’m a different person everyday tbh so probably 
20. found out who your friends are: um i mean sure? i don’t get this question 
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no general 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: probably most of them
23. do you have any pets: yea a gray rabbit named zephyr!
24. do you want to change your name: idk i probably wouldn’t but
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i invited my best friend over for dinner 
26. what time did you wake up: like 9:30
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: probably on tumblr tbh
28. name something you can’t wait for: idk to see my friends again 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like a month ago
31. what are you listening to right now: some country song my family likes rip
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i have an uncle named Thomas. he’s actually a world renowned bartender tht lives in manhattan 
33. something that is getting on your nerves: idk i’m passive aggressive a lot but i can’t think of anything rn
34. most visited website: prbly ao3 and tumblr
35. hair color: brownish
36. long or short hair: idk i like both but my hair is like almost shoulder length now
37. do you have a crush on someone: no
38. what do you like about yourself: idk i guess that i’m nice or something 
39. piercings: just ears but they’ve closed up
40. blood type: o positive 
41. nickname: em or toad(that one is a long story)
42. relationship status: single
43. zodiac: taurus 
44. pronouns: lol idek but she/her is what everyone uses for me so it works, and i get stressed every time i try to actually figure out my gender so i try not to think about it 
45. favourite tv show: agent carter, m*a*s*h, the wonder years, or quantum leap 
46. tattoos: none
47. right or left handed: right 
48. surgery: not really no
50. sport: i used to lOvE basketball but team sports stressed me out way too much and i guess i kinda gave up
51. vacation: i like going to portland, boise, and disneyland 
52. pair of trainers: these are like shoes right so like four but i only really wear one
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: nothing
54. drinking: nothing
55. I’m about to: i think we’re going to an art or history museum today
56. waiting for: idk
57. want: uh to have an enjoyable and fulfilling life idk
58. get married: like as best friends sure
59. career: haha you think i know, um something in history, english, or women’s studies
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: hugs
61. lips or eyes: both are pretty 
62. shorter or taller: idk it doesn’t matter that much to me 
63. older or younger: around my age i guess
64. nice arms or nice stomach: idk ‘nice’ is relative, i’m sure both would be nice
65. hookup or relationship: i don’t really want either but i guess relationship 
66. troublemaker or hesitant: i hope this isn’t something inappropriate idk but in normal situations hesitant i’m scared of a lot, but troublemaker when it’s worth it to me
HAVE YOU EVER: 67. kissed a stranger: no
68. drank hard liquor: yeah but not excessively 
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: i don’t think so
70. turned someone down: kind of i ignored them
71. sex on the first date: def no
72. broken someone’s heart: maybe but they didn’t tell me so idk
73. had your heart broken: not in a romantic way but i’ve been pretty sad so 74. been arrested: no
75. cried when someone died: when my grandparents dogs have died 
76. fallen for a friend: only once
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: i try to
78. miracles: sometimes but only for good people 
79. love at first sight: not in a romantic way but i feel like friends can know
80. santa claus: no but i guess for fun i fake it
81. kiss on the first date: if it’s right for a couple who am i to judge, but personally i don’t think i would 
82. angels: yes
OTHER: 84. eye color: blue 
85. favorite movie: idk i like the captain america movies, dead poets society, stand by me, breakfast club, the princess bride, and old disney stuff i’ll always love
i’m just gonna tag different accounts i follow, i understand if you want to skip it @math-letes @bittlesbottom @beachdeath @alexsyndrome @bj-hunnicutt @thereddestglass @carpepineapples @eastsidecigarette @indeedbeagod @pooraurora @ghost-grantaire @linnydefensesquad
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