#i mean i'll keep it up like i would any other gimmick blog so
ineffable-gallimaufry · 9 months
is it morally evil to make a gimmick blog so that you can reblog things to another gimmick blog? nah i don't think so
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manofmanymons · 2 years
Survive kids on twitter? (Sorry i just needed to ask someone this and i like asking things) or survive kids reacting to todays tumblr status or twitters political aggresiveness
(Example: vanilla extract)
I imagine Aoi being like my roommate and by that I mean she follows too many political accounts and makes herself sad scrolling through the tl every night. She has to delete the app for her mental health.
She eventually makes a new account but this time only follows lyric bots and accounts that post cute animals.
Minoru and Miu are both on fandom twitter but for very different fandoms. Minoru runs one of those gimmick accounts and none of his mutuals on main know it's him. Miu is 90% a shitposter and has no idea how she ended up with so many followers. Her tumblr is mainly original spooky short stories. People who follow both of her accounts think the difference in vibes is hilarious.
They both send memes in chat.
Saki starts out on "normal" twitter but slowly gets dragged into fandom twitter by the other two and gets super into following cosplay accounts. She posts more on insta whereas her twitter is full of rts.
Ryo follows like 50 "bug of the day" accounts. He, Takuma, and Kaito are all only on twitter because their friends forced them to be.
Takuma is Mr. Boring who makes posts like "had a sandwich for lunch today :)" He likes ALL of his friends' posts and leaves cute comments on them.
Kaito does not use his twitter. DRACMON, however—
(Well, he doesn't post anything, but Kaito is very sus of all of Miu’s online friends, and it takes a lot of self-control not to obsessively scroll through her page to keep an eye on them. He has personally asked Dracmon to slap him and take his phone away if he starts doing it.)
Shuuji and Akiharu run a Kemonogami blog together. They would have separate accounts but old man no technology goodly but still has a lot to say.
Shuuji also follows a lot of mental health blogs and sends advice he thinks is helpful to the squad gc.
Miyuki does not have a twitter ksjdn
They all also have priv accounts that they use exclusively to follow each other so they can scream their more personal or random thoughts into the void without any pressure for anyone to actually respond. Basically a way to talk to each other without gunking up the gc.
They block each other over petty stuff CONSTANTLY
I said it before but I'll say it again
Miu, Minoru, and Saki would make the vanilla extract cake
They all, as a group, have gotten in heated debates in their gc over tumblr polls.
Death threats were made over the snail race
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flambeaufelid · 2 years
Warrior Cats Chronological Liveblogging Masterpost
Edit: this project is no longer active. :/ hope to get back to it someday, but my hopes aren't high.
Hello, and welcome to my attempt to read through all of Erin Hunter's "Warrior's" (AKA "Warrior Cats") books, in the order shown here. I've previously read basically everything released before the third Dawn of the Clans book, so ~half of these wont be blind reactions, though it's been so long since I read these that I don't remember a lot of them well. Still, understand that this blog will often contain spoilers for books other than the one a post is about, as I reference future material!
Dawn of the clans:
The Sun Trail:
Prologue and chapter 1
...And that's all for now. Hit keep reading if you wanna hear why I'm doing any of this though.
Warrior cats means a lot to me.
Growing up, I had a strange relationship with reading. Until I turned about five and really tried to read a book for the first time, I was convinced that I hated reading. Then once I'd tried it, I loved it, but was convinced that I'd only be able to understand kids books or manga.
Of course, I was wrong. I was more capable than I thought. But bigger, more serious books... they were strangely intimidating to me.
So. One day, me and my sister are at swimming lessons, but there's enough of an age gap that we weren't in the same class. We'd both have to wait like half an hour for each other to be done.
I had made the mistake of not bringing anything to do. But my sister had.
Warriors books. But specifically, the manga.
Warriors having manga spinoffs is one of the weirdest marketing gimmicks ever, but it worked very well on me. A more traditional book might have scared me off.
With no other options, I picked up- if I remember correctly- Tigerstar Sasha book three.
For the record, this is an absolutely CURSED way to get into these books. It was so far disconnected from the main series that it was practically it's own thing. Not to mention it was the finale of this little spin-off.
Still, it was mildly entertaining.
And then a kitten fucking drowns.
That's fine. After all, there's no way they would really kill off a literal kitten. I continued reading.
But it never showed up again.
I reached the end of the book. Kitten still dead.
I leaned back on the uncomfortable poolside bench, mind fucking reeling. It was the most brutal thing I'd ever read. I felt a little sick to my stomach.
But, oh how I wanted more.
I proceeded to read every Warriors manga my sister had brought. Then every manga my library had.
This continued to be a cursed way to read this stuff. The clans are portrayed as distant, ambiguously villainous, and almost irrelevant. The characters the manga feature are fucking bizarre. They occasionally do weird things to the cannon.
But I loved it all. I wanted more.
But I didn't get more. I ran out.
There was no other option. If I wanted to read more Warriors, I'd have to read the books.
...I didn't start with the first one. But I got to it eventually. I got to them all.
I credit Warriors with making me truly love reading. It's a debt I cannot repay. The Erins are responsible for making me the person that I am today.
So it's a shame that. Uh. The books are...
....................not always very good.
In fact, Warriors kinda sucks sometimes. It's worldbuilding is nonsense, it's characters are idiots, and the books are so repetitive that there are tons of scenes you could take out of context, remove the names from, and then show me... And I'd have trouble telling you what arc they were from, much less what specific book.
I've tried to do this whole "read Warriors chronologically" like five times. I don't think I've ever gotten past sun trail.
The hope is that if I make this blog, maybe I'll be able to keep with it enough to get properly re-invested. Not to mention that one of my motivations for wanting to get back into the series is the distant idea that I'll write some fanfic- so, these posts can act as notes about things I found interesting, that I can possibly refer back to.
Also, I've heard some fucking crazy shit about the newer books I've not read. I so desperately want to know the details.
It's a long road I walk now.
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