#i mean there’s a reference in there so it’s sorta a shitpost??? idk
nightseeye · 2 years
Thinkin abt haiku... finally finished the ending and like. ??? Thinking Many Thoughts abt it
(Features haiku the robot ending spoilers! Don't read if you haven't finished the game/plan to play!)
So. The story. Or basically my current take on:
What The Hell Happened To Arcadia???
(Pls note i dont know whatever information has cropped up in official discord(assuming there is one), this theory is based entirely on what ive found in the game itself)
Im guessing the green/dead(?) creator (found in the room atop the first tree)(who will henceforth be called "atom") wanted to revive humans, and nature in general, after whatever had happened to the surface, and also whatever happened to have destroyed the last bunker.
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The other creators (Neutron, Proton, and Electron), did not like this. Why? No clue right now, just banging out some fresh-from-the-post-game Thoughts. Im guessing they mightve created the virus, or rather, a simpler initial version to take down, and kill atom
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Heres where things get a little more into theorizing territory
My guess is that atom died, but ended up haunting, and twisting the virus. I mean, it had to get so completely out of hand somehow, no? Also, the fact that the creators(and. Yknow. Pretty much all of arcadia) got infected means it got really, terribly out of hand. Chances are it locked down the creators first, before spreading unchecked.
Why do i think this? Well, when one first gets to the first tree room, the dead corpse of a creator is inside. The virus turns into a blob and passes through haiku, ((?)maybe attempting to infect them, but not working) and a voice (the virus'? The dead creators??) says:
"Small child,
Look how you have grown.
Forgive me for what I've become."
Unlike most other dialogue in the game (barring luna's poems) this has no text box. So maybe that's the virus/atom itself speaking to haiku.
This could mean that Atom is potentially Haiku's creator. None of the other creators refer to haiku as closely as that weird blob of virus does, and nor do they seem to recognize them, so maybe haiku was a an extra secret project. Even more secret than the human one was, really. Potentially Atom had an inkling that the others were plotting their death.
And that leads onto my next theory:
What (or who?) Is Haiku?
Honestly i have no clue. My working and semi shitpost theory is that theyre some sorta robot jesus, idk. Theyre creator shaped, presumably meant to help bring balance (according Verse), and also straight up do a lot of stuff that other robots cant (mostly dumping that last bit under metroidvania protag powers tho)
Atom has a project to bring back humans
Other 3 creators dont like this, create a virus to kill Atom
Sometime before said virus is created and kills atom, haiku is created(or at least, started)
Atom dies and haunts the virus, twisting it into a more virulent form
The creators get infected, and arcadia falls.
Time passes
Game time!!!
Tdlr Green creator got cain instincted by the others for trying to revive humans
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cielospeaks · 1 month
-dv livestream!
-so first of all, mY ABSOLUTE MADLADS HOLY SHIT JOSEPH JOESTAR VOICE RICKY BOI IS GOING TO WIN THE DEDUCTION STAR OH MY GOSHHhhhh ok. i am normal abt this. i would really like it if he wins but im terrified at what sorta skin they will give him.
neutral ending: he gets like. a chopin biopic theme outfit (or even another composer. monteverdi maybe if they want to hammer in the references to orfeo or whatever). playing it safe but thats fine tbh. you want me to suffer (affectionate) ending: its amadeus the movie and idk if ricky would be mozboi or sal but either way im screaming and crying on the ground. bad ending: its none of these options and its something predictable/boring/shipping related and im like. angery face. expanded galaxy brain it will not happen but i can hope: any of my shitpost rickys. music man ricky. froderick fronkensteen ricky. beet from batea ricky. ricky wearing a nightgown and nothing else absolutely losing it ricky (that being said i have no idea but a jekyll and hyde ricky would be a bit goated)
-and for the actual livestream stuff. the three new characters are neat. i think im more attached to them than other ones- memory and adaemil were very lore heavy, lily and friends were fine but i dont feel so invested (esp when operas backstory was just a more marketable rehash of antonios -angry face emoji- ). i like the gambler lady. shes fancy yes but shes got an air of like. elegance and politeness i dont get from other characters in the series. idk i just think shes pretty and shes got them gantsby vibes -pacha hand-. goatman seems nice, like bane or burk or someone. knight seems like a cool guy or could be just the "polite guy villified for plot" and i guess that means either way ill prolly like him -le shrug-. that being said i hope hes well written and isnt a character i wont end up liking. itd be cool if he and ricky can be bros. he gives me those vibes. also gambler lady and antonio being gambling buds would be so cute. the friend he deserves. everyone can be buds with goat man bc he seems nice too.
-not so interested in the crossovers/events besides the holmes one which is big interest omg. the new lady seems like shed be a cool irene adler if shes added. detective as holmes pls. (its prlly gonna b novelist or maybe mercenary bc of mr inference? but listen cone boi is detective so holmes should be too, since his apprentice is lol)
-sept the first school au hunter gets revealed. im like :| bc this series hasnt had any faves yet but it also seems mostly harmless and gives less popular characters skins occasionally so tbh im fine w it. itll prolly be a popular hunter and not my boi antonio but whatever. -shrug emoji-
-rest of lore: ok this is fine. like tbh id rather they dont focus on the journalist plot bc i really dont like it lmao. i find the animation kinda ugly and the characters are all really unlikeable. its also just impossible to talk abt the plot to anyone since everyone has such different takes on it lol
-that being said i am looking forward to maybe the next essence/season (w gambler lady? antonio a/b tier pls he needs it. pretty lady who is also gambler i think he needs this)
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halfusek · 6 years
With a sort of analysis/shitposting on my side? Yea.
Chapter 1
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There is like two walls with these, that’s a lot. Is he... aware from the beginning now? I mean someone’s crossing this and Henry is implied to be leaving these messages so...?
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Choose your fighter.
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Ok wow harsh.  Haven’t you seen all these cool AUs in his house?
Also can I just point out how... Joey... literally... drew... the Studio...
Oh, my bad.
He drew STUDIOS. Because the damn thing keeps happening over and over again.
Oh fuck if that’s the case then that is clever. I made puns about him drawing the studio before, wish I did something with it before Chapter 5 dropped, that would be hilarious to look back at fvdfjkvnfkj
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That’s just depressing. But like... yeah...
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Wow Henry you must be a proud mom now
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Hey remember when DAGames played Chapter 4 and was interrupting Alice Angel’s monologue by telling her to stop watch him poop
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It spells “There never was a choice.” (never underlined)
Those messages are either hilarious or straight up depressing.
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It’s... kinda sweet how Henry from the past (pasts) helps his future self (selfs). And encourages.
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I’m pretty sure she’s got many hearts in her stock.
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Henry what the fuck
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The falling human made out of the two Ls, the Y and the splatters above it-
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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He is not the creator of the cartoons. He is the creator OF THIS WHOLE FUCKING STUDIO AND EVERYONE IN IT. Like it’s maybe a sort of obvious thought but when you let it sink in... damn
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Rest of the chapters under the cut because it’s really long
Chapter 2
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Do you remember that? Or only slightly? Oh man. “I should have warned him” thoughts and then you get a pissed off boy in Chapter 5.
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Ok. How. How did you write anything there. When. The only time he’s aware would be right after Sammy hits him with the dustpan. So is he like fainting and writing it? So he wouldn’t be able to write anything else like SAMMY IS GOING TO KNOCK YOU OUT WITH A FUCKING DUST PAN because yeah he’s passing out so it’s just... OUCH! Also to confirm this he is facing the way he’s facing when he’s on the floor. God that’s both shitposty and depressing. Nice.
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Henry don’t be a dick
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So you do sing 👀
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I wonder how Henry figured out walking backwards to not trigger the Demon here and write this specific message. Also is Joey behind those closed doors because there’s the whistling.
Is he cooking
Chapter 3
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Oh, hi.
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Excuse me what
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Henry is a Jacksepticeye fan confirmed
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Joey is a man of ideas... and only ideas.
Which is why he created a studio, an OC based on a person he has a one sided crush on (me) from who he stole and claimed their OC as his, also made that stolen OC a thing and then made both of the OCs fight in an infinite loop in the massive studio which is behind his kitchen.
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This both has a literal meaning but is also like a deeper general thought Henry do you want Joey to create a therapist OC you seem to have some problems
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Why do these coffins hurt so much
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Who are you asking Henry because Alice sure won’t fucking read that And why won’t you just write it with regular ink why you gotta do it like this
Why does he keep this thing secret? Did he make it? Probably since he’s the one leaving the messages Hmm
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I fucking wheezed.
But also imagine Alice just giving her speech and Henry writing something on the wall with his finger Unless he doesn’t write that in a literal sense but like... spiritually Huh
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He’s so fucking gay I swear to fucking gods.
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Let’s hop on the existential crisis train, choo, choo.
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How can you be kind to people who try to murder you
But this. This. Is such a good fucking work/life thought like damn. I love this game for those.
But are those just some thoughts Henry wanted to get out of his head or does it have something to do with the game because I’m kinda getting pacifist/neutral/genocide route vibes from this. But it it’s not the case it’s still pretty neat, we do meet them, we just don’t have the choice to treat them in some way most of the times.
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It’s on level 14 and damn you game damn you yet again. I guess it can also be applied to that moment when The Projectionist is reaching out for Henry who is hidden in the Miracle Station? Like we don’t know what to expect of him because he had that small moment of realisation of... something. And he is also one of Henry’s ���old friends”.
Is Is Ink Demon killing The Projectionist a symbol of Joey’s jealousness like Norman: *reaching out in curiosity, maybe to help* Joey: >:( my fren
Chapter 4
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Thanks. Roll credits. So Chapter 4 is intentionally pointless in the terms of Henry trying to save Boris. THAT’S FUCKING SAD STOP IT
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So Henry is catching up. Joey does regret all that shit he did. I wonder how exactly does it tie here, with Bertie. Maybe that theory I had about Bendy Land being Hell for Bendy? :0c I don’t really think so but that’s a thought.
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I’m losing my shit.
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Okay that seems like another woke thought.
Henry can’t change not being able to save Boris.
Joey can’t change all of his mistakes. But Joey is the one making it happen over and over again so it might be slightly pointed at him?
Like, pal. Stop dwelling on your mistakes. Move on. Let me the fuck out.
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This game is really heavy with this problem:
Move towards your goal, hope, believe, dream, don’t give up. Well actually do if it’s like super hard.
????? This is such a deep uuhhh analysis of this like one of most basics functions of how we people fucking work and live, what keeps us going. Holy shit I am IN LOVE with that.
But oof yeah Henry was and IS the one good at pushing Joey to do the right thing. Man...
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Instead of trying to cheer you up lemme just write this message you can’t read real quick.
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;_; holy lord sweet baby jesus
Can Henry like be fine fun concept Meatly please
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I suggest giving this a read if you as I weren’t familiar with that expression https://quoteinvestigator.com/2014/09/23/heels/
Of course it’s a pun on “Time heals all wounds” expression. The word “heels” there refers to contemptible people. Earliest citation: 1934 and it got more popular around that time till something around the 50s-60s according to that website at least. Neat.
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That is interesting. I guess we can associate the door with Joey as well since Henry warns himself not to go through them? And the Demon drags Projectionist’s corpse through them. Sorta against his will, heeeeeeh.
They look like they could be interactive but I dunno :0c
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Oh, yeah. That two-faced motherfucker. That’s my bitch.
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Chapter 5
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I feel like it was kinda exaggerated. Henry they like saved your life twice or so, how salty can you be
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I mean why the fuck would they drop this star outta nowhere AND HE IS EXTRA LIKE THIS
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But then again there’s this “Don’t go through the door”
Unless Joey did contact him through this as well? But I’m assuming it only because of the stars vfnjksd Idk I like when symbols actualy uhhh symbolise something
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This is pointing at ANOTHER way. Without the boat. Possibly the Valued Employee (take the long walk) achievement?
I would check it right fucking now but my saves are fucked and I would have to replay everything again and I’m just too tired hhhh
Also Valued Employee does sound like someone who listens to their boss right?
And I’m getting the impression it’s not all Henry’s writing because it seems as if there is a different personality present? Idk
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That sounds like sort of both of them. Joey is cheering for Henry, even if he’s planning to make him go through all of this again. Does he... have to make him go through it? That’s a bit odd. Joey nani the fuck.
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I like the idea of Joey saying this ok lemme dream vskjvnskjvs
But it could be Henry (past/present/whatever) trying to cheer himself up like he did with the “Don’t be scared” message (if that was also him)
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Oh, Henry...
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Once people That implies that real people got somehow affected, right?
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I love the halo and the bone, also you can see the bone only if you give it to Boris in Chapter 3
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Wait It is The whole fucking Ink Machine Is inside Holy
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A cooking gay.
Ink Demon/Joey parallel implication. I don’t think he is Bendy in a straight up sense though. He is/was a soulless boss, just how soulless Bendy was/is. I wonder if there is a studio version of him or HHHHHH complicated stuff
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Is it like When people create something good but they just don't know when to stop it eventually ends up really bad And the Demon took The End so his cartoon couldn't be finished and it all had to keep going, Joey had to keep going Hm?
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So like there is no message on Henry’s second desk
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But it does trigger the same dialogue AND IT HURTS
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Actually a lot of people missed the arrows so just so you know
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But I thought we don’t like doors
Also it’s the last hidden message so I do believe it has a special meaning
CONCLUSION get Henry outta here and give him loads of therapy
Is his fucking last name Stein because he made monsters via the Ink Machine by powering it goddamnit Joey don’t trick people into creating that shit
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