#i mean we'll see where it goes but. we will officially have one fic from the pov of each person
smallblueandloud · 7 months
also i was tagged by both @tanoraqui and @paperairplanesopenwindows to share the last line i wrote!
Natasha gives her a tight smile. “Can I come in?”
they've met, babey!!
tagging, uh, @alwinfy @aurorashard @finxwrites and @arithmonym!
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oracleofstars · 6 months
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Featuring @maimochies, a well known Love & Deepspace author, as the spotlight creator!
This will serve as a "mini masterlist" where we compile links of works from different creators based on the character. And yes, its not limited to fanfiction. This is open to artists, graphic design/gfx creators & editors. (Basically, if you've created any kind of creative media related to the character)
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mai is a rafayel enjoyer and a love & deepspace author! she has been writing in her corner of the internet with the pretty rafayel themed blog. have you seen her around? well, we have interviewed her recently with 4 simple questions. let's get to know mai better!
what got you into making love&deepspace content? are there any creators who inspired you to do so?
mai : funny enough ages ago when the first demo trailer came out for love and deepspace I didn't even know about it!! I happened to stumble upon a short clip of zayne and saved the video on a whim because he was attractive >·< then, as fate would have it, the game's official trailer popped up on my fyp and I got hooked, downloaded the game and haven't looked back since <333 l&ds is still new to the tumblr scene but I absolutely adore my mutuals' takes and fics on the boys!!
as a rafayel fan—what is your favorite headcannon of him? this can be your own or others
mai : hmmm… I think my favorite headcanon about rafayel is that he secretly cares a lot more than he lets on. lingers outside your apartment to make sure you've gotten home safe, always sending you a goodnight and good morning text, oh so conveniently shows up with a warm ready made meal when he knows you're having a particularly hard day, he cares deeply but he's scared of showing it.
if you could describe your favorite character with 5 words, what would it be?
mai : a gift from the stars
how is your time in oracle of stars so far?
so much fun!! it's such an honor to be part of such a loving and positive community. while I'm not as active as I would like to be I can see the effort that goes into the network and the server, from the graphics to the events. it's such a special place for l&ds creators to come together and uplift each other
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welcome to the rafayel masterlist, find something that piques your interest here! show some love to our creators as well <3
l&ds boys crushing on you - @ maimochies
affectionate headcanons - @ maimochies
how the l&ds boys kiss - @ maimochies
sing with me? - @ sevvynth
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞. - @ jqnehr
𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 - @ jqnehr
birthday celebration - @ lovexdeepspace
l&ds boys + their nicknames for you - @ lovexdeepspace
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recently we had a 3VOLS related event entitled DEAR RAFAYEL, where we send out a prompt every 7 days and you have the choice to use whichever one you wanted.
dear rafayel ( prompt day 1 ) - @ rafyne
dear rafayel ( prompt day 3 ) - @ sweetheartsaku
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its april 5, that means our applications are open until april 10. come join us in the discord & the network. this first issue is finally done, thank you for all the support you've given the oracle. we'll see you again next time!
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For the fic prompt game, if you're still taking those: constellations
(I went rogue and did way more than three sentences. Feels thematically accurate, at least.)
"And that one is Farore," Vio explains, pointing a finger towards the night sky. He watches as Shadow narrows his eyes, trying his hardest to make sense of the abstract constellation. He leans against the balcony's railing, and it's a little too precarious in Vio's opinion, even with the knowledge of Shadow's levitation powers.
"I don't get it," Shadow tells Vio, so sincere and trusting that it makes Vio's heart ache. "You're gonna have to show me again."
Vio nods, a sick feeling in his gut that can't be fully attributed to copious amounts of evil root beer. But still, one look at Shadow and he finds himself smiling.
"Of course," Vio says, and points towards the sky again. "I'll show you as many times as you need."
Shadow steps closer to Vio, his voice quiet as he makes his request. "Maybe it'd help if you…"
Vio looks at Shadow's outstretched hand and blinks. "I… what?"
Shadow scowls and rips his hand away. "Forget it, that was stupid, I—"
"Oh!" Vio exclaims, reaching out just a little too late. "I get it. Sure, just give me your hand."
Shadow rolls his eyes and offers it to Vio again, pointer finger already outstretched. Vio tries to gently guide it towards the sky, but standing side-by-side it's a little more than awkward.
"Come here," Vio says, even though he knows this entire situation is a nightmare of his own design and he's only making it worse for himself. "Stand… in front of me."
Shadow shrugs and does as he's asked, sandwiching himself at an appropriate distance between Vio and the balcony railing. He's not pressed up against Vio, but it's like he radiates warmth, despite the fact that he is literally a creature of darkness.
Vio gingerly takes Shadow's hand again, admiring the dark purple nail polish on his clawlike nails. Vio's are painted too, plain black, and it strikes him in this moment that they've chosen each other's colors instead of their own. Did he mean to do that? Did Shadow? Is this all just Hylia's cosmic joke at their expense?
Vio feels Shadow relax into his chest as he begins to lazily guide his finger in a line. "See?" Vio asks, hoping Shadow is too focused on the sky to notice his rapid heartbeat. "This star connects to this one, and then this one, and all together they look like Farore's mark."
Shadow cocks his head. "Uh, I guess? I don't know, I feel like I could say it's anything and it'd make sense."
Vio raises an eyebrow. "Now I'm interested. What do you see instead?"
"A dragon."
"Okay, then it's a dragon," Vio says, feeling himself lean into the crook between Shadow's head and shoulder.
"When we rule the world, we'll change it officially," Shadow says, and Vio is struck yet again by the reality of Shadow's supposedly evil intentions. Yes, he lacks appreciation of Hyrule and its residents. Yes, he's petty and theatrical and clearly needs a therapist who isn't his pet rock. Yes, it was pretty fucked up of him to ask Vio to kill Green, even if he tried to comfort Vio in the aftermath.
But no, he's not like Vaati or Ganon. He doesn't want to hurt others, or even rule the world. Shadow fears the light, but it just might be what he covets most… or maybe second-most.
But Vio can't think about that.
"I'll make sure we do," Vio says, nuzzling his forehead against Shadow in a way that he hopes goes unnoticed. He savors the warmth of it, the pure rightness of the gesture, the innate feeling that yeah, this is exactly where he's meant to be and exactly what he's meant to do. And in another life it would be simple, and Vio could have this, and there would be no need to manipulate or betray the person he's pretty sure he's destined to love. Not destined by Hylia, or the Golden Goddesses, but… something else. Maybe nothing at all.
But that's not the life Vio has been tasked to live. His purpose is to stop Shadow Link from destroying Hyrule, and then celebrate his victory by dying so the true hero can live on. Honestly, Vio might have a better reason to destroy the world than Shadow, because that's pretty much an existential nightmare from start to finish.
"You all right?" Shadow asks, his head turned in concern. Vio stabilizes his expression and gently lowers Shadow's hand.
"What would you do if I said no?"
Shadow shrugs. "Nothing, really. Unless you wanted me to do something, in which case… you'd just have to ask."
Vio exhales as he takes stock of his senses: the lingering bittersweet taste of evil root beer, Shadow's impossibly warm body against his own. A nauseating feeling of futility as they stargaze over a world they're about destroy, unless Vio does something to stop it.
But… what if he could stop it, and keep Shadow safe at the same time?
What if that's always been an option, right in front of him, among countless other possibilities entirely within his control?
What if he could say anything, and then make it make sense, and what if…
What if he doesn't have to do it alone?
"Shadow, I…"
He just has to ask.
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raziraphale · 2 years
Happy Masagoto Anniversary!
On this sacred day for the small but mighty remaining Samurai Flamenco fandom, I'm going to do the equivalent of putting out a bowl of candy for trick-or-treaters to serve themselves since I didn't have time to write new fic this year 😞 Here's a little compilation post of some of my samflam content from years past!
Generic Icons (2021), Pride Twitter/Tumblr Banners (2021), Pride Icons (2020), Pride Icons (2022)
OP1, OP2, ED1, ED2, Official Character Art
and I can see the great glowing coils of the universe unwinding (2019) | 2.5K
After the events of the series, Masayoshi begins to doubt his happy ending and tests his place in the universe. Luckily, Goto is there to pick up the pieces.
you know you're an angel; you know we'll get through (2020) | 1.6K
At Masayoshi and Goto's wedding reception, Mari finds herself confronted with worries about her own future - and Moe's place within it.
In The Kind of World Where We Belong (2021) | 8.5K
Masayoshi may not officially be the president of the world anymore, but that doesn’t mean the title hasn’t followed him since. A few years after the events of the series, Masayoshi finds himself on a promotional world tour, promoting peace and justice across each continent. The only problem? He’s been strongly encouraged to keep his relationship with Goto under wraps so as to not “distract” from his message. Not one to stir up conflict with management (at least not intentionally), Masayoshi goes along with it. However, the longer the tour goes on, the more strained Masayoshi and Goto’s relationship becomes...
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