#i mean yes the second statement is closer to reality but that isn't what she said
This woman on my nots is now trying to claim something else than what she actually said.
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Getting ready' : new chapter for 'Fighting Spirit of a Once Innocent Girl' is out !
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Chapter's summary :
Samantha & Helen came back into their universe back to Nikolai's House before preparing themselves for what's coming.......
Words : +3600
To read it on AO3, click here !
In our minds, we never.....never....actually thought that it was going to be our only chance to discover the real location of Monty but all of this, it was so crazy and so weird & nonetheless, we did it ! We have actually came into another universe looking the same as ours to get to talk with the only person that could have tell us exactly what we needed to have before we could go back into our own universe. That experience in my life was very different from going inside the Dark Aether and I know why precisely.
The Dark Aether is consisted of my old universes and everything that linked me to my past is there : my father's work, the fireplace....everything. That universe.....was so different but also too identical from ours. The safehouse, the people. It was there but it wasn't the same person we were knowing. Getting to talk to Helen like if I didn't know her reminded me of my time when I actually met her : I was so anxious and shy at that time when I saw her for the first time and she was the one who was protecting me. Now, we're both protecting each other.
I was so amazed when each time, she discover her new powers like when Nikolai teach her new abilities and when we got on and out of the safehouse's rooftop. Even if I was feeling somehow bad because I thought that it was my fault that she has those powers, her reactions and her smiles to me allowed me to feel actually better now that I know that she like her new powers like me. Thanks to them, we were able to discover more about the situation we were facing....the situation Nikolai sent us in.
He decided to sent us back in time in that universe the February 24th because it was the only moment where our answers were. That 'Bell' was an real mystery for me & Helen until we discover the sad reality about her : we found out that 'Bell' was in reality an Perseus agent that the CIA has brainwashed in order to use her skills and her knowledge to track down Perseus. They brainwashed her into thinking that she participated with Adler in the Vietnam War in 1968 sent by the MI6, along the CIA.
Apparently, some peoples in the safehouse weren't happy about this at all including Lazar and their Helen and about what we heard, their Helen has a little something for 'Bell'.....something that isn't seen well by Adler. That guy will never change in all those universe and in fact, I realized that in the Multiverse, Adler used to have brainwashed those differents people who shared that same nickname : 'Bell'.
Our mission in that universe were nothing but only improvisation all along the way until we had our answer : disposing off their Helen away from the place, allowing my Helen to take her place, making me enter and present me to Adler resisting the urge to hit him, discover more about 'Bell' and once we were cleared, find a isolated place to be only with her. However, every plan has something that don't work well and the return of their Helen earlier was that tiny thing we didn't expect.
When I saw her, I knew that I had to run inside the dorm where Helen and 'Bell' were and once I made it, I could finally process with my powers to get our answer and we got it : Solovetsky ! I knew that it was some island in the north of Russia and that was the perfect hidden place for Monty to hide. Once it was done, we left 'Bell' on her bed to get some rest after that brutal revelation for her as our way back arrived to rescue us from that universe. In a matter of seconds, we crossed the portal and we were out.
Our travel back did last an few seconds like before and then, we were back at the same place before we crossed a portal to join the other universe....back at the new House of Nikolai. When we arrived on the island as the portal disappeared, we looked at each other, catching our breath.
"Wow." Helen started, slowly breathing "We did it !" She added proudly
"Quite an experience we did." I said, adding in her thoughts
"Exactly." She told me before looking at her hands "I...I love these powers, you know."
"Well, you can thanks me for that." I smirked at her before laughing, soon joined by her.
"Thanks you then, Sammy." She then put herself to give me a kiss on the lips, surprising me a lot before I decided to move forwards, getting closer to her and to reciprocate the kiss. When we broke the kiss, we looked at each other as our eyes were fully purple. "I love you."
"I love you too, Sapphire." We stayed in each other arms before we broke the embrace at the same time, still looking at each other in the eyes. "Let's go see Nikolai."
"Affirmative." She scoffed before we decided to walk back inside the House to join Nikolai.
When we arrived in the House, there were a long silence but then, we started to hear some weird noises inside the room where Nikolai greeted us. We entered it and we discover Nikolai levitating above the ground, his legs crossed and his head moving at each second. Around his head, there were some purple lighting before in a second, he dropped back into the ground in shock. I moved quickly to brace his fall on the ground
"Are you okay ?" I asked so worried about him before changing the subject "We did it : we got our answer !"
"I know, that's why I was in that state." He replied to me, looking stunned by what he saw as we can see on his face "Once your answer came in, I started to look at everything related to Solovetsky : it was the truth." He added but still looking bad
"So, Monty is there, right ?" Helen intervened to help me Nikolai got up and he nodded.
"However, I think that I have some bad news."  He sit back on his chair once we helped him before looking at us as we got back in the couch we used before and then he took a deap breath,
"Monty has rebuilt the Agarthan Device !"
"What ?" I said in shock, not having heard of that name since a long time and unfortunately, hearing it again meaned bad news....real fucking bad news for everyone. "Did he....." I then losed my words to that revelation.
"What's this Device ?" Helen asked
"It's something that could grant anything to the one who used it." He then showed to us the picture of the Agarthan Device, allowing Helen to discover it. "I was the one to use it to open The Way Through for Samantha and Eddie, allowing them to enter this universe."
"But with that, he already won." I exclaimed but Nikolai shook his head
"He has maybe rebuilt it but he can't activate it."  He changed the picture showing us Monty along with the Device "He need a lot of Aetherium energy to activate it again."
"Purplelight." Helen whispered loudly, looking at the ground.
"When he will blow the Purplelight arsenal, there will be enough to allow him to take over this world." He showed us a picture of Eddie unmasked in a soviet uniform "And he would be able to leave Eddie's body, killing Eddie's soul inside of it."
"We can save him, right ?" I asked
"We can but this possibility can be only found out when we will be at Solovetsky." He then showed pictures of Solovetsky....Monty's base. "We can't directly go to Solovetsky because Monty will spot us."
"Of course, we have to tell the others about Monty's real location." I looked down at my feets "Tell them the entire truth about the fight they will do." I was feeling ashamed because the others weren't aware of the importance of this upcoming battle. It's the fate of the entire Multiverse in line. We lose and the new Multiverse will join the Dark Aether dimension.
"I know." He simply said
"And Greta & Yirina ?" Helen told him, curious about them, same for me. "We didn't talk about them the first time but I have a feeling that they're like us, right ?" She added
"Yes, I would have like them to be here with you but now we are talking about them, I need to give you some informations about them." Now, he was showing pictures of Greta and Yirina right now. I was smiling at seeing them, being well & safe. "They're like you, gifted with powers and they will be your companions for the following battle and for the future."
"Like Primis...Ultimis ?"  I asked, proudly and he nodded,
"When Monty will be no more, I will tell them everything about their roles in the future and they will agree." He then showed an single picture of Yirina "Yirina.....Yirina is my daughter !" He exclaimed as me & Helen were getting ourselves in shock inside our couch.
"She is.....you're serious ?" Helen was very shocked by hearing this
"When I arrived in this world, I tried to have a normal life but before she was born, I couldn't stay because I wouldn't want to get her mother and Yirina getting hurted by my fault by Monty." He showed us pictures, giving us the truth about his statement, he was really Yirina's lost father. I didn't remember well but Yirina once talked about the father she never saw and that her mother never talked about him.
"But now, she's in the fight we are leading." I said, taking back his statement about Yirina.
"I know." He breathed but I realized something.
"If you are her father, does that means that Yirina was always gifted by powers and not given by Greta by.....sexual intercourse ?" I asked, not sure of my last words
"Yes and that....little thing she had with Greta was something that make Yirina awaken her powers because she didn't have enough Aetherium inside of her." He removed the pictures he was showing us, looking at us. "You four....will be leading a fight that will decide of the Multiverse......and this House will be your new home for the future." He got up from his chair before making appear two chests in front of us.
"What's this ?" Helen asked
"Your belongings and everything that you will use." He opened the chests at the same time as we got up from the couch to approach our respectives chests. When I got close of mine, I could see perfectly and recognize some of the stuff inside.
"The Path of Sorrows, Dempsey's diary." I started to say about to see tha before I could see the Ray Gun....MY Ray Gun. "How ?" I was in lost of words right now
"I....let's just say that I had the help of someone inside Requiem to have it back to you." He smiled at me, guessing right the person who did this,
"Grey." I whispered before looking back at him "She was hearing your voice right ?" I told him, remembering that discussion I had with her the day before we departed for Cuba
"Exactly, I guided her into making the good choices towards you." He crossed his arms, looking at us, checking our stuffs. I realized that were another gun in the chest : a american M1 Thompson.  "Ah, Ultimis Dempsey's weapon....for you !"
"I don't know if I will be able to have enough mags for that gun, you know." I smirked at him, knowing that his gun is not very used these days and he laughed.
"I gave a little something I created to each one of you : a simple device." He said as we discovered me & Helen this particular device he was talking about : a small rectangular purple device. "It will replenish your empty mags to make them fully useful again....like infinite ammo with the need to reloading."
"It will be very useful. Thanks, Nikolai" Helen said as she was checking her stuff, discovering also her new outfit for the future. "Wow, it's look nice." She exclaimed, looking at the brown jacket with the UK emblem at the side. As for me, I discovered at the same time, my new outfit who was very cool too : a blue scarf, goggles and everything else was so nice.
"I will let you dress." Nikolai then left the room, leaving us alone to dress up in our new outfits, getting rid of the casual clothes we were wearing for our mission back into that universe.
We took 5 minutes to remove our clothes and then to dress up in the outfit we are not going to change for a long time until we are done with Monty's threat. During the dress up, I was hearing Eddie's voice all along, pleading for me to save him from Monty.....and that I will do : I will save Eddie and I will kill Monty with my own hands. It was giving me some strength each time I was getting dressed up until I looked myself in a mirror as I pulled the Path of Sorrows in my back.
I looked up at Helen who was looking so beautiful and amazing in that outfit. Her smile was giving so much love for her and my smile did the same for her. I was happy to be with her and her too. She was given back her usual weapons by Nikolai but also with some modifications. I could feel that our guns were like....upgraded and feeling connected to them. Once we were done, the door of the room opened as Nikolai feeled we were finished.
"Well, you are prepared to...." He started before cutting himself as his eyes went purple and after 10 seconds of a blank stare towards us, he went back to normal.
"Something's wrong ?" I asked worried again
"I felt that Yirina & Greta will have some troubles : your 'friends" are back in West-Berlin." He exclaimed before ordering us to follow him "You have to go save them and maybe your friend Lazar." He said to us as we walked outside
"Wait." I started too, putting my hands on his shoulder "I think.....you need to come with us, Nikolai."
"I don't know, Samantha." He replied before making his moves to open a portal for us"It's too dangerous."
"You can give them the importance of our fight....and you can maybe see Yirina from your own eyes and reveal to her who you are." I told him, causing him to stop as he was already finished with the portal before looking at me.
"Samantha, I...." He stopped himself before Helen arrived to get her hands on him too
"She's right : it's time for you to be the father she never had and maybe the father you wanted to be." She said, giving him a good look and as I can see, it was working "Trust us."
"Okay, I will." He responded with a grin before preparing ourselves to cross the portal. "Let's go together, then." He exclaimed before we crossed the portal, the three of us.
I know that it was maybe dangerous for him to leave his House....and now, our new home but it was better for him and for us that he came with us to tell everyone the reason of our fight. He's the one who can show them that the man they are facing isn't the one they believe to be and that the Dark Aether is not just an simple thing that will go away like that. He needed to come with us since he revealed that he was Yirina's father after all these times. If we can make her and him happy, it would be good for them.
The travel lasted at least 5 seconds before we landed at a few meters of the front of the safehouse garage's door and we even checked that we were in the right place.....in the right universe but everything was good. Nikolai told us it was the right place. The garage door were closed and the night were going to fall on the city as we started to walk just next to the garage door. We could hear some shouting and I could recognize Greta's voice in it.
"I swore that I didn't do a thing !" She yelled "Me & Yiri didn't do a thing, damnit."
"Oh yeah ?" That was that dickhead Hudson "Omega was tipped off by someone who didn't come in Cuba and we all saw it in the file Lazar brought to us." Not everyone were happy at all including us until we decided to open the door by force.
We leaned forwards to get our hands on the door and then we raised our hands up to make the door opened by force. Then, we could enter the safehouse as everyone was taken aback when they saw us. Basically everyone was there : Adler, Sims, Lazar, Hudson, Weaver, Greta & Yirina. The mens were surrouding the womans and when we arrived, they all stepped back shocked as Greta & Yirina were happy to see us well.
"Samantha ! Helen !" Greta & Yirina said in a loud voice at the same time
"You !" Adler said, leaned against his desk "How ?"
"We were left for dead at Cuba." Helen started to said before looking at Lazar "They're mind-controlled him." She pointed him with her finger, her other hand on her gun. Lazar was stunned to hear that, it was obvious because himself didn't know the his own situation
"What ? You're crazy, Park ?" He looked at us with narrowed eyes "You said that I needed to hook myself first before the plane took me without leaving you any time to hook yourselves." He looked at me "I'm right."
"Yeah, you have maybe escaped Cuba in no time but you don't have any proof of what you're saying." Hudson exclaimed.....dick ! "We know where Perseus is and....."
"No !" Nikolai spoke against him, cutting him "It's a trap : Perseus is not at Duga. He put a file especially to mislead everyone of you and Lazar is really mind-controlled by him."
"Perseus is at Solovetsky " I added, looking at Weaver "That is where he will blow up your work."
"That's non-sense, it's...." Then, a satellite phone started to make some noises next to him, causing him to take it. "Yes, what do you need ?" He looked around, holding the phone "Wait, what do you mean ?" He looked at us "You're serious, right ?" Then, at Hudson "Ok, I will tell them." He hung up the phone, having a sorry look "They're right !"
"What the fuck ?" Hudson told him in anger
"Requiem's bureau in the Soviet Union has found out many stranges communications coming from Solovetsky : that's where he will launch Purplelight !" He gave to us his 'apologies', realizing that we were right until I saw Lazar getting weird....Monty was getting back control of him and then, he took his gun and approach Sims from behind.
"Hey, what are you doing, Laz' ?" Sims yelled, getting everyone attention to him as Lazar took him as a human shield, his gun aimed at Sims's head. Even under Monty's control, he was looking feared, he looked at Nikolai.
"Nikolai Belinski ! I thought you were dead !" He shouted to him
"Monty, it's over ! We know exactly where you are and you can't stop us." Nikolai replied to him, walking towards him. "I cheated death in that forest and I will make sure that you will not do the same as me."
"I'm not going to flee at all, I'm awaiting for all of you at Solovetsky." He said, pointing his gun towards everyone. "I will win and YOU....." He looked at me "Samantha, you will never have Eddie again !"
"I will." I said, my eyes going fully purple "And I will kill you !" I walked with Helen next to Nikolai
"We will see that when you will be there." 'Lazar' smiled, looking at everyone "Since my puppet didn't succeed in his mission again, it's time....."  He then threw Sims in front of him, releasing him. "To terminate him." He then aimed his gun towards himself and I tried to run to him to stop him but.....it was too late. Even with my powers, I couldn't stop Monty to kill Lazar. The only thing I could do was to grab Lazar lifeless body before he could hit the ground as I fall of my knees, holding back my tears.
"What the fuck just happened ?" Sims said in terror, having seen his friend killing himself in front of him. Lazar didn't deserve that....Monty is an fucking monster and I will hold my promise : I will kill him. At this moment, Nikolai decided it was time to tell everyone the truth about our fight.
"Everyone." He started to said before he cut himself, getting ready to levitate in place with his fully purple eyes. He spread his arms during it and everyone were shocked to see him doing that except me, Helen, Greta & Yirina as we know what will happen next,
"There's big things I need to tell all of you !"
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itsyabtsbitch · 5 years
BTS Reaction to you finding out they are a Vampire
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Note: AHH, thank you so much!💜 You are so sweet :( I'm so happy that you guys seem to like the supernatural reactions, because I have a lot of fun writing them! I hope you also love this one, some of them got really long xD
(Ps, to everybody else that requested something: It can take some time for me to write it, but I will try to finish all requests.)
Requests are open!
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You stood still in shock.
Did you really just hear Jin talking about getting some guys blood?
You must have heard something wrong, right? Nodding your head, you were about to continue your way into the kitchen, when you perceived a sentence that made your breath stuck in your throat. ,,I need at least 7 blood bags, it's been a rough week for me. Can you also make sure it's A and not B? B tastes too sweet." He made a disgusted noise to bring his point across.
Oh shit...were you dating a psychopath?! You definitely needed to get out of the house as soon as possible.
Running down the hallway, you sprinted towards your keys, only to start panicking once you remembered they were in the same room as Jin. Of course this had to happen to you. Reminding yourself to take a deep breath, you slowly walked into the bedroom where he apparently stopped his phone call. Jin didn't see you before, so you should be fine. At least that's what you hope.
,,Princess are you okay?" Stopping on your way to your nightstand, you simply nodded. ,,Then why are you so nervous?"
Oh no. For a few seconds nobody said anything. Jin was confused and you were scared to death.
He took another 5 seconds to put two and two together, but when he finally understood what happened, he felt bad. ,,Look, I know you're probably really shocked and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner...but I just didn't want you to run away from me because I'm a vampire, you know."
Wait a minute.
,,You are a vampire?!"
Opening his mouth, he suddenly looked around the room. ,,I thought you heard me talking on the phone and that's why you're freaking out?!"
,,I did. But I thought you were some kind of psycho..."
Well, vampire makes more sense.
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Namjoon is clumsy, everbody knows that.
But breaking three plates, a vase, the TV and somehow cutting your hand in the process, was a new record even for him.
He hastily stood up to run over to you and take you away from all the shattered glas, but stopped himself in the last second when he saw your delicious blood running down your fingers. Oh, how he wanted to taste it...just a tiny bite in your neck would be everything he needed...
,,Joonie?! A little help would be appreciated!" Your angry voice snapped him back into reality. Sadly, the control it took in Namjoon to stay in his place, did not include keeping his eyes at a normal colour. So what he saw next, was you going from pissed to confused and then to shocked.
Stumbling back, you almost stepped into one of the shards, if Namjoon hadn't caught you. The sudden close proximity made you yelp and scream at the veins going down his eyes. A guilty look crossed his eyes before he said the two words that would haunt you in your dreams for weeks to come.
,,Jagiya, run."
You definitely didn't expect your movie night to turn out this way.
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It was your first time meeting Hoseok's best friends and you were really nervous. You wanted to impress not only them, but also your boyfriend. Together, you guys decided it was best to make a simple dinner, so all of you could get to know each other.
About 3 hours in, you could gladly say that Hoseok kept great people around him. Even though some of them talked in a weird way, like they lived in the past, you were still able to have a good time with everyone.
Seokjin, the oldest in the room, turned to you and looked you up and down. His intense gaze made goosebumps appear on your skin. Narrowing his eyes, he seemed to be confused by something. A cough broke Jimin's and Jungkook's conversation about banana milk and made everyone look at Jin. ,,Hoseok, why haven't you bitten her yet? You know it's dangerous for her to walk around like a wrapped up snack, when everyone around you can't tell that she's yours. It's like you give them an open invitation for dinner. You know the other vampires would never decline."
Absolute silence.
The thumping of your own heart was ringing in your ears and made you question if the others could also hear it. Since you're apparently dining with vampires, yes.
Slowly moving your head to the right, your eyes met the ones of a furious Hoseok. ,,Vampires?" The question was more for yourself than him, so it came out as a whisper. Suddenly realising that Hoseok hadn't told you anything about that part of him, Jin held his hands up in the air. ,,I'm so sorry! I thought she knew!" Poor Jin. He would have to pay for this mistake for a long time.
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He had a plan.
One day, when he felt like it was the right time, he would tell you about his true self. He would pick a moment where he knew he could trust you and you would still love him, despite the difference in your nature.
....Yeah, he could scratch that plan because you ruined it. But it was his own fault!
Yoongi knew that you were a curious person, so he can't ask for you to not go into his office. "There is a lock on there for a reason, princess. Please just trust me" he said. Well, what if he was a serial killer and hid all of the dead bodies in there? That's a meaningful thought, right? You obviously couldn't risk dating a psycho. That's why you took the key he hid (unprofessionally) under his pillow and opened the door to his secret room.
There wasn't exactly noticable dead bodies laying on the ground, but the coffin in the middle of the room looked pretty suspicious to you. ,,Didn't I tell you not to go in here?"
Jumping in shock, you walked backwards to create some space between you and Yoongi. ,,Did you kill someone?" Maybe that wasn't the smartest question, but it was the only thing stuck in your mind at that moment.
He shook his head. ,,That's my coffin." ,,What do you mean your coffin? Yoongi, you aren't dead!" He raised his brows.
,,I'm not?"
Maybe he wanted to tell you in a different way, but this was also really amusing.
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He didn't expect you to be home for at least another hour, but your boss had a family problem, so he told you that you could leave work earlier. You were beyond tired and the only thing on your mind for when you got home, was to lay down in bed with Jimin and cuddle all day. Apparently, fate had a different plan. Opening the door, you were met with the sight of Jimin drinking a deep-red liquid out of a clear bag....it looks a lot like-
,,Is that a blood bag?" Startled, Jimin let go of his treat and stared up at you with big eyes. The once filled bag burst, painting your floor to look like a crime scene. ,,What are you doing here so early?" Shaking your head, you took a step back...just in case. ,,I asked you a question first." Jimin sighed. ,,Okay...I guess it's finally time to tell you the truth. I'm a vampire." You would have laughed in disbelieve and ask Jimin to finally be honest, or you were gone, but the shiny fangs that were showing as he was biting his lip, proved you wrong. You were really dating a vampire.
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You noticed that Taehyung loved to collect all of his memories. It started with simple things, like a teddy bear he won for you at a fair, or the watch you gave him as a present for his birthday. Later, you found boxes filled with polaroids, stashed away in his supply closet. Smiling, you sat one of the boxes down in the middle of the bed and grabbed a handful of pictures. Half of the polaroids consisted of photos you and Taehyung have taken, while the other one was of him and his friends. At the bottom of the box, you noticed extremely old looking pictures. Taking them out, the first one was a polaroid of Taehyung's great grandmother. He had once told you that she was a pilot and the plane in the background proved his statement. Switching the pictures, your heart stopped for a second at what you saw. It was Taehyung, wrapping his arm around the same woman you saw in the last picture and looking almost the same as now. That's not possible. Taehyung told me she was dead when he was was born. Throwing the rest of the photos on the sheets, your eyes seemed to grow twice in size. On every single picture Taehyung was standing with his old family members, not even aging a little bit. You weren't stupid. You knew what that meant.
,,I wanted to tell you sooner, but I was afraid of how you would react." There he was, leaning against the doorframe and looking at you with a sad smile on his face. You should feel scared of him, angry or betrayed, but you only felt excitement. Your future would be very interesting.
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You were such a fool.
Jungkook was bi and you didn't know?! You should feel bad for not noticing sooner, but given the situation the only thing you felt was betrayal. Did he really have to find out by cheating on you? Apparently, since it seemed like he had a pretty good time sucking hickies on this guys neck. Taking a closer look, you realised the guy was Taehyung, Jungkook's best friend.
,,Are you serious right now?!" Laughing in disbelieve, you turned around to head to the door. Behind you, a gasp and what sounded a lot like a whine echoud in the living room. ,,Princess, wait! I can explain!" You sighed. ,,There's nothing to explain Jungkook. I understand. You don't feel attrackted to me anymore and Taehyung is a good looking guy...I just need some time to get over it." Uncomfortable silence spread in the room, until the one person you couldn't be more jealous of right now stood up and walked over to you. ,,Uhm...This isn't really my place to say something, but Y/N I think you got something wrong...It's not-"
A single blood droplet finding it's way down Taehyung's collarbone, made you tune out anything else he was saying. Since when did Jungkook like it this rough? You clenched your hands in frustration. Why did you only know so little about Jungkook? Were you such a bad partner? Sensing that you completely misunderstood the situation, Jungkook did the only thing he could think of right now. Telling you the truth.
,,I'm a vampire!"
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deepseavibez · 5 years
Sweetheart || KTH
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-> Picture Source - Pinterest
Sweetheart [Taehyung x Reader]
Genre: Smut; 21+; Future Boss/Boyfriend Oneshot
Summary - Kim Taehyung is a sucessfully acclaimed erotica writer and he's looking for an assistant. When you don't make the cut, why does he want to give you the job anyway.
Warning - 21+!Only; Smut; Dirty Talk;
Word Count - 2.9k
You sat on the couch opposite him. Your fingers fiddling in your lap, a telltale sign as to how nervous you were. But why wouldn't you be? Your hard work, future and your livelihood were on the line and all he was doing was reading a few pieces of paper.
You observed his features as you waited, because honestly, you just couldn't help yourself. His black hair had you itching to run your fingers through them, his eyes one mono lid, and one partial double eyelid, basically as different as his dual personality.
But his lips were your favorite part. A full upper lip, pink and lusciously, tempting to bite. You could just imagine what those lips could do to you... In other places. You bit your own, in the desperate need to come back to reality.
You averted your eyes before you could catch any other feature, your mind would run wild with. He cleared his throat and it made you jump back to the here and now, completely pulling you out of your wild imagination.
You cursed at how much of an open book you were. 'S-sorry.' you managed to stop your stumble from escalating any further. His facial expression was skeptic, but he blinked and it morphed into something hard and serious a second later.
'Well these are good' he started as he piled your pages into a neat stack and signed off his name on the cover page, 'but I can't use them.'
'What? But you just said they were good.' You managed an even tone but your spine was rigid, and a ball was rapidly forming in the back of your throat.
'You lack depth.' It was stated so calmly. As if it was a simple fact of life and your hard work hadn't just been thrown into a gutter.
Temper rising, you reigned it in as you questioned, 'Depth?' He sat back on his side of the couch, hands spalying out on either side.
Damn if he didn't look like he owned the world, and he did, in this house, on his couch, and right now, your life was in his hands too. 'Yes, depth.' he nodded as he replied.
You see, the idea is there, the correct words are there, the grammar is perfect, but your tone, is completely wrong.' he licked his lips absently and as professional as you needed to be now, you clenched at the action. 'When a reader is going through a story, they tend to have options in how to react.'
They either read for themselves, picture the scenario happening to them or they read for the next person in the book. Either way they have to be able to feel what you're putting out. Pain, love, and even lust has to be explained in such a way that it takes no time at all for the connection and relativity to get to the reader. And you can write. But you can't write about sex.'
He picked up the first page and read aloud a snippet from the middle of the page. 'She orgasmed as he drove himself into her repeatedly....' He gave you a pointed look.
'Really, you sound like you're a virgin locked up in a box. You definitely have the key, but has it been used...' You cringed at the words. you wanted to defend yourself, but your throat was locked.
Despite how easy he was being, it wasn't the words you wanted to be told. Words like that, bruised. He sighed at your silence, placing the pages back neatly. 'You are new and raw, and I can see your strength lies in realism and logic. And with that you do have the potential to be a great writer of Erotic literature because your insight is different. But it is not what the position requires right now.'
Your face burned at the direct words. He was right, blunt, and hurtful but right. You never did half the things you wrote about. You were not a virgin, of course. but your sex life wasn't the best, and it wasn't top priority, but Taehyung was a renowned writer and you wanted to be in the intern position he had open.
It would not only build your career, it would also be a dream come true to work for a man that had the Erotic Fiction world in his palm. Fat chance, considering you were just told your best wasn't good enough. Plus, before the first round of interviews he made it quite clear that he needed someone as soon as possible.
You had pride, so you did the only thing your pride would allow you to. 'I'm sorry I wasted your time and I appreciate the criticism.' You got up and picked up your bag before leaning over to take your work from him. He held it to him.
'I never said you could leave.' His tone was harder than before, but his face remained a blank.
'But you just said you can't use them.'
'But I never said you didn't have the job.'
Looking at him incredulously you snapped. 'What reason would I have a job if I can't write or do what the job description entailed?'
His eyes grew dark at your tone. 'I'm willing to teach you.'
You squinted in disbelief, 'What, how to write?'
'Yes, but... I'm also willing to show you and help you experience the different scenarios you need to have the... means to write.' Your eyes were probably popping out of your head, as you thought Did he just propose what I think he was proposing.
'Yes, I am.' he smirked.
You almost grumbled at the transparency of your face. Recollecting yourself you leaned over and grabbed the papers out of his hands, 'Thank you for offering to make me a playtoy, but I'd rather not have anything to do with your dick.'
God would forgive you for lying, but you needed out of there, before you accepted what you wanted with every fiber of your being.
Releasing the papers and saying nothing he casually walked over to his bar, pouring himself a shot he answered, 'Considering how many times you've grabbed your lip and held it between your teeth since you got here, I think if I thrust two fingers inside of you right now, I'd find different.'
His eyes were swirling dancing - drowning you. The breath you sucked in elicited a wave of need that ran through your body. His raw words, an attack to the self-respect you tried to keep intact.
Because you really really wanted this gorgeous man to bring you to your knees. And it terrified you.
'That isn't appropriate; you can't say that to anyone, let alone an ex-prospect employee.' Your voice was breathy, and you cringed internally at the sound.
'I usually would never propose such a thing, or even go for someone so... inexperienced.' He took a sip and looked over at you above the glass rim. 'But,' he started as he put the glass down, 'You're intriguing.'
And think of it this way, we both get what we want professionally and satisfy the desire we both seem to be pulled toward right now.'
'What desire?' You rolled your eyes in an act of calling bullshit, but immediately felt so stupid at the comment, because you were actually considering his words. Why won't your legs work and get you the fuck out of there! Clicking his tongue he slowly smiled a half smile.
'The rise and fall of your breasts increasing, your blown pupils, nipples peaking out....you're aroused sweetheart.' He took a slow sip of his drink as you reeled with the blunt ferocity of the need that hit you.
His words were one thing, but his throat as he swallowed the golden liquid, made the urge to grab and bite and mark...with teeth and nails harder to resist, because no woman in her right mind could resist a man that knew exactly what she wants. But neither of you could alleviate the fact that this was only a second meeting.
The first being a five minute interview that gave you the opportunity to be in front of him right now. 'I don't even have to guess, I already knew then. And I see it now. You're so sweet and innocent and ever since that first day I was obsessed with corrupting you.'
His admittance was the shocking part. You didn't know what he saw, but being wanted by Taehyung....was something else. Could anyone come back from that feeling? You didn't think so.
'I want you.' The direct statement rolled of his tongue so casually, as if your whole perspective hadn't made a one-eighty. 'I want your neck, to be the one to kiss and caress and mark. I want your waist, your body, to be held as close to mine as possible as my tongue dances with yours.' He started walking closer to you, and you instinctively walked backwards, just as slow.
‘Your eyes fully blown and dark with lust, probably seeing yourself on this couch, back arched, head back, keeping your back aligned to my chest as I thrust into you from behind. My hand on your throat, fingers in your pussy, the moans you'd be giving me, music to my ears.' He groaned, a slow smirk of his lips corrupting you his with his play.
He tilted his head to the side and walked closer. You were caught in a daze. Looking at this beautiful man, all your control seeping through the cracks of any sort of defense. You were being stalked.
A hunter, a male, a danger to all of your emotions and he had his prey exactly where he wanted it. 'That black silk scarf on my couch,' his eyes never leaving yours, he continued, 'you could be tied to my bed, wrists together above your head, naked as my fingers trailed a path down your each and every curve, starting with your lips. You would want me to caress your chin and have my thumb flittering back and forth, as my tongue dived into your ear.' You choked a moan as your back came in contact with the wall.
Your pages, your bag, your will, falling to the floor. You closed your eyes, lost in the way you were feeling, in his words, in how much you wanted it to be true. 'I can imagine you squirm when I bite your earlobe, my fingers would trail down your neck, around it, adding a bit of pressure, and I would bite, suckle and you would want me to leave marks, wouldn't you.' The last words were a whisper, a hairs breathe away from your ear.
You sucked in a breathe and opened your eyes to find one of his hands on the side of the wall, his glass on the counter next to you, his eyes hooded looking at your lips. His free hand running the back across your cheek, and you leaned into the touch involuntarily.
His palm glided down to the side of your breast 'Your sensitive breasts, they'd fill my hands, as I held them, kissed around them swirled my tongue around the tips, oh so slowly before suckling on one like it's my favorite treat and tugging on the other with my fingers.'
He met your eyes then. He was so close to you, the heat from him came off in waves and he sported a hard bulge that made the slightest contact with your tummy making itself known.
And my God you were a whimpering mess at the thought of him inside you. Stifling a sob, you broke off from the wall and made a sprint to the door.
You needed out, you were scared at so much all at once. You needed to find yourself again. But his hand caught yours at the wrist. You tugged and pulled, a lost cause considering how lean and strong he was. You were pulled, and gripped at the shoulders with long fingers.
You made the biggest mistake putting your hair up this morning, you thought as his lips met the junction between your shoulder and neck. The subtle act cascading through your body, instinctively making your head lie against his shoulder in meek compliance.
And you knew, right then, you couldn't leave. He wouldn't let you, and you didn't want him too.
'Would you like my lips in your pussy, baby. Would you want me to kiss my way down your body and stop as I reached the junction between your thighs? Want me to suckle you through your panties, until you were a soaking mess and I needed to rip it off to get better access?
'... Diving my tongue up and down your slit, dipping it in and out of your small hole, and working my way back up to grab your clit between my lips?'
'Would you want me to make you come all over my face, make you scream and taste yourself off me as I grabbed you for a kiss after?' He rubbed his nose and lips and tongue, mouth open slightly, lazily across your cheek to your ear, and back down to your neck.
The images all beating you one after the other. You wanted something, more...less...you didn't know what but you needed it. His right hand worked its way to the top of your jeans, unsnapping the button and zipper.
Your hands went to stop him, but he grabbed them and held both in one had behind your back. He grazed his fingers painfully slow with barely there touches above your panty line you didn't know how much more you could take. You wanted more.
You wanted him to stop. But you didn't. He cupped you then, a harsh sound escaped you at the impact. 'I told you, you would be soaked. You're ready for me. So ready. And I want to drive my cock straight into you. Hard. I want to make you come and I want to do it again, slow and edge you till the end but never tipping you over. A fitting punishment for making me go crazy with how much I want to fuck you,' he growled his words, making you more wet if that was even possible.
Then he let go. No hands on you. No contact. Luckily you could lean against the wall, but your knees gave out. You sat on the floor taking hard deep breathes as you tried to compose yourself.
He leaned against his kitchen counter and watched you. He downed the rest of his drink in one go and slammed it on the table. A pure indication of the thread his control was hanging on. 'I don't rape people. But I needed you to understand what you're shutting yourself away from I will never claim to be a good man. But I know how to make a woman feel good. And we're both adults, baby.'
The pet name use wasn't lost on you. 'How you're feeling now, is a tip of the iceberg of the satisfaction you will feel if your readers react as you are.' He turned away placing his glass in the sink. His knuckles white. His eyes dark. His simmering anger waiting underneath a very stable, very toned, very bitable body.
'You may leave.' He said it as a dismissal and you wasn't sure you heard right. 'I may not like it, and I do want to fuck you with every fiber of my being, but it's your choice to be and do what you want at the end of the day.' So this was it. It was all on you. Your choice.
You wanted to laugh. Five minutes ago you would have wanted it, but now you were just empty. If you did this, you would grow, you would experience new things, and your career would take off with the knowledge.
If you left you'd have your pride, you wouldn't have to fight the battles and speculation about climbing the ladder by climbing on the boss’s dick, but you'd be a shell of who you are. Believe it or not you learned more about yourself in the last hour than in the last year.
Getting up slowly, still slightly quivering you started walking. Walking with open jeans would have been embarrassing in any other situation, but this time it wasn't. You made it to him and did the boldest thing you'd ever done in your life. You cupped his bulge in your hand and gave a gentle squeeze.
He sucked in a breath, his hand going to your ass and squeezing in turn. He looked ten times more dangerous than he usually did, it was a no brainer you had caught him off guard. 'Please.' you whispered looking into his eyes. Needy. Desperate for something you never knew you needed.
Breathing heavily as you begged. He gripped your hair that he let loose, when you didn't know, but it was now tangled in his hands as he pulled your head back, to expose your neck and nibbled against it lightly, 'Please what.'
'Teach me,' Your acceptance tipped the scale in his favor. You were a goner the minute you met this man and now look at you almost in your underwear in his kitchen. 'I don't want to leave.'
He smiled devilishly, making him look devilishly handsome. You would never get used to that smile. You would melt every time. Be on your knees when he ordered. And give him all of you when he asked.
He leaned into you, as he gripped you chin, 'You were never going to leave anyway.' he said softly as his lips descended on yours.
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