#i might add short drabbles to this lter on
rvinsounds · 7 years
— like this in which jess needs a reason to write lots of fluffy things SO ANNUAL SKI TRIP IT IS. WOOHOOOOO. 
a/n: this is such a future fic honestly. takes place in like 2019? 2018?? keep in mind i would’ve graduated in 2012 so ara/chanuk/seungyeon would’ve graduated 2013? so mei and sina are married? probably since april of the year? i made a rough timeline but idk LMAO THIS IS AN AU UNIVERSE LEAVE ME ALONE FAM
bg info on the ski lodge tho. basically it’s the same/similar one from this fic (there’s smut if you wanna read, just a head’s up!), it’s somewhere in the states, a ski lodge for wizards and witches, there’s hot springs that run on a magical fault line, plus a bar, and dining room/dinner area? also the mina section is based off of this AY -- BUT YEAH OKAY ON TO THE FIC 
it’s a tradition now, since the first time they had done it in 2014 and then again the year after, and once again every year since that. it had been a chain of portkeys up to the ski lodge, as they had all, once again, decided against taking an airplane and then a taxi. mostly, it was the purebloods who were still a bit wary about muggle transportation, especially across an ocean. a chain of portkeys was easier to manage and much quicker. 
they arrive in separate groups -- megan and sinhwa and nadine and minseok, the older pairs heading into the lodge first to get all the rooms and keys sorted. 
“everyone is paired up right?” megan asks, turning to nadine who’s distracted by minseok, who’s distracted by the blue bubbles floating out of the deer head on the wall. the older girl, by only four days as she constantly reminds everyone, glances over after realizing that she’s being spoken to. 
“you and sina, me and minseok, jess and saebom, ara and chanuk? seungyeon and daeun ... euncheol and whoever he’s bringing on this trip? did you hear he and his last girlfriend broke up after the last trip?” nadine scrunches up her nose, shaking her head as her gaze falls on her fiance and sinhwa trying to pop the bubbles. “sucks. i liked her.” she counts on her fingers again, before nodding. “five rooms!” 
they pause once they’ve told the witch behind the check in counter, hearing familiar voices and they grin as the rest of the group trickle in. jess is trying to dust snow off of saebom’s jacket whilst simultaneously unwrapping her scarf, chanuk looks extra round with his earmuffs on his head as he rubs arazely’s hands in his own, euncheol is busy brushing snow from out of his girlfriend’s hair and seungyeon rushes over to greet them, waving, his eyes bright. 
“sorry, we almost missed the last portkey because it was buried under snow and we couldn’t find it,” he’s breathless, but he’s still smiling widely. 
megan just smiles, reaching over to ruffle his hair, like old times. since they had all graduated university and had somewhat gotten real jobs, it was harder to find time to spend all together nowadays. so this was a special time for them all, especially during the busy holiday season, it was nice to get away and catch up with old friends. “help me hand out the room keys?” she asks, smiling as she hands half of them to the (younger) former ravenclaw. seungyeon nods, grinning before he heads out to help her do what she had asked of him. 
when all the keys are handed out, megan grins and she glances around at everyone else before clapping her hands together. “okay, let’s meet back up in an hour for dinner? we can unpack and relax for a bit beforehand.” 
there’s a loud “woohoo!” from the back corner, and everyone laughs, dispersing either to the dining room to grab snacks or to the elevator or stairs to head up to their respective rooms -- they had booked out a section on the fifth floor so everyone was close but still had their separate rooms -- let their sixth annual ski trip begin!
the first thing they had done when they had reached their room was change into clean clothes. the second thing they had done was fall into bed, the lure of the crisp sheets too much for either of them and that was where they were, still, an hour later. though the entire group doesn’t usually eat dinner together the entire trip, they always do for the first night there. 
which is why megan is a bit miffed that nadine and minseok haven’t shown up yet and it’s been almost ten minutes since the time they had set to meet up with everyone. so she does what she does best, and goes to find them. instead of knocking on their door, she literally just apparates into their bedroom -- considering the door is unlocked (probably on accident, probably nadine’s fault) the anti-apparition-into-rooms charm is ineffective and she literally appears with a loud CRACK! at the foot of their bed. 
there’s a muffled yell, nadine covering her face with her arms, minseok glancing up at the sound and he has the decency to look sheepish after checking the time. “nadine, babe, we’re late for dinner,” megan hears him murmur, and she can’t help but grin to herself. 
(she’s so happy for them.) 
but she’s also annoyed at the moment. “guys, the dining room is serving dinner in ten minutes. arazely had to stop chanuk from coming up here to yell at you guys for being late,” she says, her tone all official like the one that she usually uses to read the announcements at her little school, slipping into it automatically though she has to hide a smile, her hand resting gently on her stomach. 
“honestly, you guys can cuddle and do all you want but if you miss dinner, don’t come complaining to me that you’re hungry and have to order room service,” she continues, eyeing her friends and megan can’t help but shake her head after. “make sure you lock the door too, by the way, that’s how i apparated in here without you guys having to allow me to,” she adds after another moment, watching the two former gryffindors lowly sit up, begrudgingly, at the truth behind her words. 
“also nadine, jess wants to go to the bar after and she refuses to go unless you do because she for some reason needs a wing woman -- i think she said that to make saebom jealous, but that’s besides the point. everyone is waiting downstairs, so please hurry.” 
and she smiles, waving and leaving through the door this time, making sure to lock it behind her on the way out. 
they manage to, somehow, get a vip lounge to themselves in the connected club that was a part of the ski lodge as well. 
(they’re pretty sure it has something to do with saebom and minseok being with them.) 
nadine and jess have disappeared for a while now, but no one is too worried -- the two of them tended to disappear to go and dance and flirt with cute boys and return once they were tired and wanted real attention from their real boyfriends. but this time when they returned, they were both grinning almost too happily, cheeks flushed from dancing and from all the alcohol they had taken in. 
it’s obvious how drunk they are when both of them literally drape themselves over their boyfriends, though said boys definitely aren’t complaining. 
“we just got this for free -- let’s do shots!” jess grins, holding up a three-quarter full bottle of what looks like vodka, nadine producing shot glasses out of nowhere and placing them onto the table between everyone. chanuk shakes his head in amusement, looking like he might protest, but he’s the first to start setting out the shot glasses so someone can pour. 
sinhwa, on the other hand, seems to have paled slightly. he’s staring at the bottle in jess’ hand, chewing on his bottom lip, his arm around his wife. megan is laughing, too amused that nadine had completely plopped herself into minseok’s lap and was simultaneously trying to get comfortable while also yelling at chanuk to hurry the fuck up. no one notices the tension until it’s too late, the bottle in jess’ hand shattering with a loud splintering noise and spraying everyone around her with vodka. 
it practically rains vodka, or whatever alcohol it is, on saebom and jess, and nadine and minseok who are next to them, and a startled euncheol. who wasn’t paying attention at all, distracted by his girlfriend. 
there’s a pause as everyone processes what had happened, sinhwa looking as surprised as everyone feels, before -- 
“what the flying fuck --” 
“that was a 40 dollar bottle of quality vodka --” 
“we know you don’t like vodka but the rest of us people would like to enjoy free alcohol, thank you very much.” 
“merlin, stop fighting everyone,” saebom interjects, tugging his girlfriend towards him with an arm around her waist and she flails against his hold before ultimately giving up, huffing to herself as she also settles herself down in his lap. though, that doesn’t do much and she glances up and eyes the male. 
“i will still fucking end you,” she says seriously, almost seriously enough that it’s almost believable that she might not be as drunk as she seemed a few moments ago. “but not until the baby is born.” 
the silence in the room is deafening -- ignoring the pounding music outside of the room -- everyone between jess and sinhwa as the male splutters in his surprise before megan slaps him on the shoulder. “i told you you were being too obvious!” 
the gasp from jess is audible, before she grins and nadine immediately reaches up to high five her. they miss the first one, but the resounding smack of their connecting palms is as satisfying as it is painful. 
“i fucking told you!” 
“i can’t believe we were right!” 
“i can’t believe you didn’t tell us --” 
at that last outburst, both megan and sinhwa look sheepish. they exchange a glance before megan shakes her head slightly, her hand going to rest on her stomach, just a further confirmation of what had just been revealed. “we were planning to tell you guys on this trip, honestly, but we all sort of got caught up in everything.”
with the combined glares of half the people in the room, sinhwa apologizes profusely, though he keeps a protective hand around megan’s shoulders the entire time and a bright, proud smile on his face. everyone is quiet for a moment, the only sound the pounding music outside of their private room, until saebom quietly flicks his wand to clean up the mess and dry everyone off. 
nadine just sighs, fond, glancing at the row of empty shot glasses on the table, forlornly.
“you’re getting us a new bottle of vodka.” 
the ski lodge is well-known for their hot springs, considering these ones are apparently on a magical fault line and have some restorative powers or whatever, and that’s where everyone heads once dinner is finished. it doesn’t take long for everyone to change into their swimwear and trudge down to the large glass doors that lead out to the hot springs, deciding to spend it all together since it’s the last night.
the heat from the hot springs combat nicely with the crisp winter air, and it doesn’t even feel that old to be stepping outside in nothing but their swimsuits. 
though, it’s still a relief to slide into the hot water, everyone sidled up to their respective significant others as they take in the hot water and cool night air. “beer?” minseok asks, having brought a charmed cooler along and there’s a cheer that goes up as he starts passing chilled bottles out. 
“cheers to our annual ski trip!” jess calls out in the middle of a heated conversation about brooms -- interrupting minseok and saebom as they debate with seungyeon over which was the best out of the newer models -- stealing saebom’s bottle from him to toast it, raising the half finished bottle into the air. there’s a loud chorus of everyone toasting each other, clinking bottles together. 
seungyeon toasts the newest model of starsweeper with a sideway glance at saebom and minseok, both of whom just laugh and shake their heads in amusement, never willing to fight with their maknae despite being the professional quidditch players of the group. 
chanuk toasts arazely’s heart, thanking her quietly for everything she’s given him in his life, grinning as he ends it with a loud “WOOHOO!” which brings laughter to the group, as all the boys try to out-cheese each other, resulting in jess trying to dunk saebom underwater when he says something, in her words, “utterly disgusting.” 
arazely toasts their friendship, giving a short yet heartwarming speech on why everyone was a blessing in their group and reducing half of them to tears. nadine subtly wipes her eyes before she stands, holding out her beer to megan, who’s holding a soda. 
“cheers to your future son or daughter meg,” she grins, tilting the bottle slightly before lifting it into the air, and they all cheer again before attempting to chug the whole thing (and failing). “may the next ski trip be a family one!” 
they laugh, everyone all too amused at her failed attempt at chugging, once again, as they relax under the stars. 
megan glances around at her friends, feeling very, very content with how things have worked out for everyone. she eyes the rest of the couples, glad that everyone had paired up rather successfully even though most of them hadn’t tied the knot yet. it was only a matter of time, she was sure. 
“wanna bet nadine and minseok get married next?” 
“you wish.”
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