#i miss armand/daniel tumblr activity!!!!
apoptoses · 7 months
deciding whether to post my fic for the queens of the damned event on butch/femme day or bloodbath might be the end of me tbh
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ofmercy · 2 years
Tumblr media
name :  aj pronouns : he/they preference of communication : discord (uncertainlogic#7426) most active muse :  louis and armand experience / how many years : On Tumblr, about 8 years. On previous sites... more like 20 whoops. platforms you use :  just tumblr now, although i'm willing to try discord best experience : i do kind of miss livejournal rp, don't look at me. rp pet peeves :  please hear this with love, but as someone with some reading/eyesight difficulties, it feels terrible that people in the rpc put aesthetics over accessibility fluff , angst , or smut : i wouldn't even say angst; it's abject misery. my very favorite. i want to cry. long or short replies :  i like a short thread, but my favorites are usually longish, it's true. best time to write :  evening to night are you like your muses : i have things in common with all my muses, but i probably connect with louis the most right now (although the previous muse i'm most like is daniel jackson from stargate)
tagged: @daethe
tagging: i am too shy please do it if you want and say i tagged you
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2. What made you decide to write this muse?
//Daniel was my second VC character love, Armand being my first, as soon as I read Qotd I was attached to this devils minion - and the otp therein! He was a forgotten pioneer, and deserved some closure and exploration than canon had provided. I do like the underdog.
When Prince Lestat was spoken of being released, I stumbled on fic lits originally posted on the forbidden archive. Goggle searches brought up recent fandom activity (having missed the original online fervour), along with classic works. I devoured all such links and happily read and bookmarked them all on my previous phone (sadly all lost now 😢) Brilliant stories. During this time I discovered tags to Tumblr blogs and found roleplay. Thinking it through over nearly a year. I couldn't deny the seeing of an opportunity to channel my interest in Armand - though I was conflicted as I had more than a little Daniel voice in there too. A complicated mix to be sure! So I resigned myself to make both, in separate blogs. Daniels one up and running first in mid September 2015, Armands a few days later.
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