#i miss having free time dude!! i haven't been able to dedicate time to writing since summer ended!!!
fridayyy-13th · 1 year
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hellsxgate · 3 months
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hello hello, i'm real psyched to be here! i'm sarah (she/they) & i'm here with my spunky girl, choi minsi. i haven't rp'd in forever so bare with me as i get used to it again; i also work a full time job but i will certainly try my best to take time off of my day to dedicate to writing! i have minsi's background all figured out but i haven't had the time to really write it all down so it's not on any pages however! i have her profile with me and mostly completed so you're welcome to check that out. in the meantime, i'll put a bit about her under the cut and hoping i manage to spark up any interactions from it. feel free to like this post if you're interested in plotting and i'll come to you directly ( with other means of contact if you prefer that ).
minsi was not born into a family of fame nor luxury even though her family lineage was fairly well known far into the past since it has been about a decade since their family line had a metahuman born into the world. the last known one happened to have been a super villain and from her father's side of the family and they would much rather keep that buried but they get reminded of it on occasion. her great grandfather however, was a pretty well known aeternal who was a force to be reckon with, literally.
her parents appear to be pretty normal but they were pretty flashy during their time as metahumans themselves; they would much rather live a much quieter life after some years however after minsi was born, they would rather have her thrive despite their uncertainty regarding their own family lineage. her grandfather did have fame and then their family name practically fell ( what a tragedy ~ ).
at first... she didn't think her ability was all that special when she manifested it at the age of nine. they reported her missing at one point and it wasn't until 2 hours later that they found her in a completely different neighborhood ( she came out fine, just they found her exhausted af then continued to sleep the entire day ).
for awhile, she didn't have the greatest control of her powers until she started training at the academy or at least a little before that. her parents always had to watch her like a hawk. at the age of 16, she decides then to get a motorcycle license against her parents wishes. they got mad but y'know, ultimately just wanted her to be careful but then after a month of riding it, she got into a minor little accident while riding it and fell off as it slid across the sidewalk with her still on it, yikes! but thankfully she hit no one, only just a little busted up knee and scratch damages to her motorcycle ( she was wearing a helmet, no worries! ). this was also the time when she used her minor ability to alter movement ( a minor ability that i decided last minute because i am a mess, oops! ) ; this actually saved her from hurting someone too so... yippee?
between that motorcycle incident until she was about 18, she wants to chalk it up to bad luck or something like that. she always seemed to have problems running into bad dudes and delinquents on occasion because she keeps appear in the wrong place at the wrong time trying to use her portals ( recognize her face but can never seem to catch her ). and yeah, a lot of stuff happen as it became a reoccurring thing for awhile but i won't describe them all and make this an even longer post!
her parents became increasingly frustrated of her dumb little antics, which were mostly an accident, mind you and she starts losing more control of her life in a way ( she's tired, man ). she's not sure if she calls herself a hero or anything, thinks that creating portals is something a sidekick would do and a lot of the kids at her school and those around her seem to think so and she didn't seem to mind back then but now she's just conflicted.
around 18, she starts learning mixed martial arts. takes taekwondo classes and practices kickboxing at the gym. this was because she wanted to be able to handle herself better when facing baddies, y'know? and she has gotten quite good at it after committing to it for several months. the people around daemon consider her a very quick opponent because you never know where her punches or kicks are gonna land. think of tifa lockhart from final fantasy 7 and that's how she fights... but without the backflips, she's not that agile.
also since her parents kept bothering her about the training academy, she decided to enter eventually and making waves as a field supporter only to get her rejection letter after graduation. confusion all around because minsi genuinely thought she did a terrific job? and no, she didn't tell her parents about it because she was miffed.
minsi basically moved into the silverline apartments because she mainly wants to find some answers in terms of what kind of hero she actually wants to be or whether or not she wants to be a hero. you'd think after all those encounters with delinquents that it would sway her, right? even after supposedly failing the final assessment no less. maybe being around other metahumans will give her a change in perspective but right now, she harbors slight resentment for aeternals for the moment. from then to now, she had already begun rebuilding herself up and minsi sure did make a name for herself as a metahuman and a fighter.
she of course developed normal person hobbies, mostly streaming. she's a fighting game streamer... games like tekken, guilty gear and street fighter she definitely plays. and occasionally overwatch. she likes comfy cozy games and rpgs too when the mood strikes but she plays that on her own time.
most likely always keeps a snack on her person or candy.
rides a motorcycle! her prized possession pretty much and her main source of transportation. she crashed the very first one she got, now with a new one, by the way. she likes cool cars too but her motorcycle is precious, lmao.
usually has a smile on her face, be it real or faking it. i can say she's friendly? but she doesn't really go out of her way to befriend strangers randomly or anything. when she does interact with someone, purely out of interest / curiosity or something else, she always gotta add some sassy comment. some things coming out of her mouth could be rude but she never rly means it; her intentions are always good. she's truly happy when doing what she enjoys and by eating good food.
possible plots and connections and stuff, yaaay ~
you're a fighter at daemon too and you want to go head to head? or maybe you both happen to have been watching each other's matches for awhile?
of course, of course someone she trained with at the academy and you wonder what she's doing now, wondering if she passed?
you’re also a frequent visitor of pc bang? what game you playin’?
maybe you vaguely remember her on the street before some years ago but never got a chance to talk to her to ask what the hell was going on because she was preoccupied with running away from some bad eggs / maybe small time villains or thugs. you’re thinking, that girl is trouble, right? well, she is. it’s not that she wants to be that person.
that person who she almost ran over with her motorcycle. she didn’t though because of her motion alteration ability so lucky you! she’s okay, if you’re wondering!
i’m always down for having someone that minsi calls a “partner in crime” and also a friend who she can do crazy stuff with. you may be asking, what kind of crazy stuff? well we can think about that!
minsi isn't looking for a relationship or any dates but if you are down for something along those lines, i don't mind it! she'll just be very tsundere about liking someone romantically.
the resident who has been complaining about her the most. she yells sometimes within the comfort of her own room because she was playing an intense game of tekken or something.
thank you so much for reading this, i rambled on a lot and if you have other things in mind, i am open to brainstorming! ~
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