#i miss tf2. but i'm just Not into it right now and i can't bring myself to actually do anything tf2 related and it's making me sad
sodafrog13 · 1 year
i wish i wasn't so tired all the time
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j0rg33n · 6 months
"Badlands at night" [TF2 Sniper x GN! reader ]
Content warning: Angst/ Angst to fluff basically a oneshot where Sniper comforts you ( relationship can be read as platonic and romantic )
Word count: 921
The clouds were carefully passing the stars on dark sky. It was peaceful night, not many unnessesry nosiess corrupting your ears most of it was just the rushing wind. Just a simple quiet night in the badlands. Except for your mind. The misery and incomprehensible of your feelings was taking up your entire mind. It was tiring to just think at this point, though there was no point in running away from it as it were so strong. I guess it's just one of those days - you thought to yourself.
As you kept tormenting yourself, you didn't notices steps coming from behind your back untill they were right next to you.
Raising your head, you saw a familiar face illuminated by the warm glow of a cigarette. It was Sniper of course, not many people roaming around here specially not at the night. You weren't sure what you should do neither had the strength to think about it, so you just nod giving him a delicate smile. He sat next to you looking at the dirt around your fingers probably from playing with the dry New Mexico's soil. 
"Pretty night hm?" He's hoarse voice broke the silence in which you surrounded yourself since few hours.
He was right, the night was alluring too bad you couldn't appreciate it completely
"very" you said letting out the air that had been gathering inside you for a long time. Mundy took a note of that. 
"at least we don't have light pollution here" you continued, slightly turning your head to him trying to sound cheerful
Taking one last drag on his cigarette he exhaled the smoke in the opposite direction them meeting your gaze again. 
"Something bothering you mate?" he said ignoring your last comment and giving you a uneasy to read fsce expression.
You can't say you didn't expect it, it was obvious that sooner or later he would bring up this topic, I guess you just didn't expect it now. 
You looked down putting a hand on your neck 
to increase the sense of comfort that you were definitely missing right now. It's never been easy for you to open up to someone. just naming and understanding what you felt was hard for you, so putting it into words was even more torturous. You kept looking down at the ground debating whenever you should keep it to yourself or maybe try to open up. Mick was a good person you didn't know him well but you could tell that just by looking at him. What if he's just asking out of pure pity though. You couldn't handle the fact that you could bother someone by venting to them, what if he's going through something he doesnt need you to crush him with your problems. 
Suddenly you felt warm touch on your shoulder, looking at him you saw marksman's uncertain eyes. He must sensed your internal fight with yourself.
"Cmon just let it out, I ain't gonna judge you"
He didn't need to say that you knew he wasn't like that. You looked at him trying to form right words. The worst part of your meltdown was that you didn't even know why you have it. Noting particularly bad happened in the last weeks so why you can't be happy.
"have.... have you ever felt bad because you feel good?.." he kept looking at you without saying anything so you panicked
"I know it may sound stupid it just that.. I was miserable for almost my whole life and since I'm working for mann.co my life had changed and I got better but I just keep going back to the past I guess the sadness is all I know and thought of pretending that all those years of miesry didn't happen and leave them just terrifies me you know? I mean so why were they for at all? I gained nothing from them, only wasted years I can't jusy forget about it" you bursed out with all your emotions and thoughts that were taking your day in attempt to explain it to him but imdiettlu regretted your words. The constant silence made you feel even more stripped form everything you wanted to burry yourself alive.
"no it's not" your overthinking was cut off by his stoic voice "Its not stupid I get what you mean.....you could say I feel like that sometimes.. sorry I needed time to process that" you felt relieved. 
"And dwelling on your past can take even more of your life.. Try focusing on the present moment and future possibilities mate" He stopped for a minute and continued " it's important to understand that the past doesn't define your entire existence, Life is always going to be a bitch you just have to accepted it" he pulled you close to him so that your bodies were touching and his warmth radiated towards you. You were kind of taken aback from his words 
"Thanks Mick that's.. actually a great advice" He Hid his face under a hat 
"don't mention it but also don't act all surprised cuz I might that that as an insult" he said we with a little chuckle.
"you know I didn't mean it that way" you gently leaned on his shoulder, snuggling into his scent- the smell of gun powder mixed with cologne and a bit of his sweat was weirdly comforting. You hoped you could stay like this forever but tonight you realize that everything passes and you have to move forward.
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leorawright · 2 years
Hi! I just recently saw your stuff and I absolutely adore it, so I was wondering if you could do the tf2 character’s final moments with a reader that’s terminally ill (and who’s death is certain perhaps)?
I imagine some very hardcore angst to come along with this, so if you’re not comfy with angst, I apologize in advance!
I'm perfectly fine with angst and it's nice to have a change!
Warnings: death, angst, mentions of drinking in demomans part, lots of tears
Mercs with a dying s/o
Trying so hard not to let you see he's crying
He's trying to distract you by telling you all the things you would have done together
It doesn't matter what Medic says he will cling to you until your body is cold
He can't let you go you he doesn't want to
He thinks letting go is giving up hope but medic can bring you back right!?
He was avoiding you
He wasn't trying to be rude or mean he just didn't want to acknowledge you were dying
When he finally sees you he asks you in a choked voice why you aren't training
He barely gets the sentence out before he collapses into you sobbing
You can't leave him! He finally found someone who cared and he can't lose them!
At your funeral he will start sobbing as soon as he calms down
He just misses you so much...
He tried so hard to be sober for this moment
He doesn't want his last moments to be clouded by alcohol
He can drink after you die to fuzz out the sadness
But now he wants to remember you clearly
He'll sit by your bed and rub your hand as share memories
He's definitely crying
When you die he goes to try and numb the pain then thinks about what you would want
He decides to go work on some bombs
*faint muffled hysterical sobs*
Pyro is absolutely devastated your dying
You were their best friend!
It's doesn't matter the engineer can read them stories and draw with them it's not the same!!
They will cling to you until medic says it time to leave for your funeral
They'll sit through you funeral sniffling the entire time
I think they might be one of the few who accepts you death and tries their best to remember you and not let you memories get crowded by smoke
He also accepts it with grace
He will stay with you and make you your favorite meals until you die
He was always so caring and it doesn't stop even on your deathbed
At your funeral he has the best speech about how much you meant to everyone, especially him
He loves you and won't stop even after your gone
It takes him a while to realize your dying since he's buried in work
When he does find out he won't wast a second and is by you side till its over
Even though the tears don't stop his words are surprisingly clear
He's so thankful for all the time he got to spend with you
He hopes you are dying happy because he wants you to be happy
Always and forever❤️
Immediately starts looking for a cure
He will spend all his days in his lab looking for a cure
When he inevitably doesn't find one he walks over to you bed and collapses onto you sobbing
He'll apologize for working so much and for not being there
After that he won't leave and when you do die he'll accept it after millions of tears
Incredibly sad but doesn't cry
Don't get him wrong he's sad but he just doesn't cry
He was saving this for when you both got older but he'll show you now
It's a scrapbook of all the times you were together
You first meeting, his confession, the first date and all the ones after that
That's when he starts crying
He doesn't show up for a long time
He's lost many people and sure he sad he just thinks you don't want to see him
It isn't until all the other mercs force him to that he goes to see you
When he sees you he's incredibly quiet and apologizes for not coming earlier
He stays by you but almost never says a word
When you die he goes to his room to sob
He's lost many people but why did one have to be you?
Hope that was angsty enough that was my first angst prompt
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
The mercs + Miss Pauling and what pets they would have
I was given this idea by my lovely friend who has no idea this blog is a tf2 x reader blog
TW: Ask to tag
A dog! Yes it's been said a million times but it's right! He's a very high energy guy and needs a pet that can keep up. I can imagine him with any kind of dog really, but if I were to specify I'd say a Boarder Collie. They are very high energy dogs who love to run around and I feel like he would love it. He would probably name it Spot or something along those lines.
Any kind of reptile but most likely a snake! Snakes love heat and would love Pyro, they would stick to him like a magnet. Pyro would probably pick a ball python because they're just so cuute! They love to snuggle up with their little snake after battle and watch them slither around. Pyro would totally name them Noodles because why would an animal look so much like a noodle? Its destiny!
He already has his raccoons but I think he would find a little baby skunk one day and add it to his army. Everyone is worried about it stinking up the base but Soldier reassures them that it will only spray those to un-American! That doesn't reassure anyone. But he keeps his word and surprisingly no one has been sprayed. The little guy's name is Sargent Nibbles! Because the little cutie just loves to chew on Soldiers fingers.
He would want something that didn't need attention 24/7. So he gets a black cat! He believes the myths surrounding black cats are just scary stories and the little kitties shouldn't be so hated. Heavy is very good at naming his guns but couldn't seem to think of a name that suited the little cat. So he just calls her Kitty. He loves it when he sits down to read a book then Kitty jumps up and immediately starts purring. Her fur is so soft he can't believe it! But every now and then he does get startled by a black mass with two glowing eyes staring at him in the middle of the night.
He doesn't have much time for a high maintenance pet, so he gets a hermit crab! He keeps the tank in his workshop since that's where he is most of the time. He makes sure the tank is up to par so the little guy can live comfortably. Sometimes he just sits in front of the tank to watch it scuttle around just to relax. He probably names it something normal like Dave or something really weird like Bike Pedal [B.P for short]. When it comes time for it to change shells he alwasy makes sure it has options that are big enough for it.
Demo loves aquatic creatures, so he gets a Fire-bellied toad. He wanted something that could keep him company while making his bombs or just relaxing. A main reason he got a toad is because it looked super cool and he had been wanting a pet for a while. Names the little guy Fireball because of his stomach is a bright fire red. When hes drunk hes alwasy mesmerized by Fireball's movements. It's just crazy how such a tiny little toad can jump around so much!
He already has his doves and he has his baboon if you count that as a pet. He doesn't exactly have the time to take care of a cat or a dog so he decides on a bunch of fish. Mainly exotic fish in a massive tank he has built into a wall. He cleans the tank on a regular basis, makes sure to feed then when necessary and decorates the tank with items that match their natural environment. He doesn't name all them because he believes it's unnecessary to name them.
I think he would have a bird. I'm not sure what kind of bird but he would have one. He loves the thing to death. I like to think hes terrible at naming stuff, especially pets, so he just called it Birdie. Often talks with Medic about how to care for birds because he knows the basics but needs some advice sometimes. If Birdie ever got hurt or sick Sniper would be running straight to Medic. He's hesitant about bringing Birdie to Medic but no one else really knows how to care for a bird so he just deals with it.
Everyone expects Spy to get a cat or maybe those dogs old women keep in their purse but he has a pair of rats. He finds the "rodents" adorable and surprisingly have simple care routine. He doesn't mind if they climb on him while he wears his suit, one of the few things he doesn't mind on his suit. He named them after his favorite flowers, Wisteria and Daffodil. He makes sure he spends lots of time with them and makes sure their cage is spacious with tons of enrichment for when hes not there.
Miss Pauling
I cant really imagine her with a pet. Even if she didn't work for the Administrator I dont think she would have a pet. But let's say she did have a pet. I feel like she would take excellent care of it, spend time and love the hell out of it. She would name it something like Blue despite the animal not even being blue.
[Sorry for Miss Paulings part being so short, I will try to write more for her next time]
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arilovescocoa · 2 years
INTRODUCTION after I haven't posted in 383920911 months :OOO
I'm back from the dead, did anyone miss me? Pfft! I'm Ari, I'm nonbinary and go by any pronouns!! :DD I decided to make an intro cause' I was in another account and saw these blogs doing their intro, so I'mma do it toooo!
Oh boy, where do I start?! I love listening and wearing anything 80's related. IDK, I mean the colors and shows at that time were super funky and I LOVE IT! I'm sort of a Simblr right now? And my special interest is The Sims franchise! But my gaming PC is spoiled, so I gtg buy a new one. DD:
I love writing, doing random dumb sketches, playing TF2, simping over Kuro from Voltron & Morgyn Ember from The Sims 4: Realm of Magic! I also love making new friends too!!!
Right, so I haven't mentioned this until now, but I may suspect I have DID? (One of the criteria for DID is that you need trauma, but I'll be suuuuuper honest: I don't remember it at all. I don't remember a lot of bad memories.) Not because of TikTok or anything like that. I just had really bad memory gaps and it feels like I've time-traveled all the way from 2019 except my only irl friends don't talk to me anymore?? ):
I don't feel like I match my current age in 2022, it feels like I'm still a clueless 17 year old ready to explore life and all the opportunities there are! I was thinking of pursuing a career in the arts if I could! Maybe related to 3D art? I know Maya and Blender exist! Ooh, or a cartoonist!
Also, related? I found a bunch of blogs when my laptop was signed into another account like what I've mentioned earlier!
Here they are! Feel free to follow @caseyisaloser (Think this is the "host" of a DID system or the one managing my life these days?)
@iamnotreal-nothingis (This one goes by the same name as mine. Idk why and I don't remember making this blog. Kinda creepy. :O) @its-just-lola (For some reason, I can't tag it? But this brings back so many memories!)
@gyaruux (Ooh, really cute but sad blog!)
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