#i missed writing kami and baku so here we are ;^;
kbstories · 3 years
time (a Baku & Kami drabble)
After an hour, Kaminari decides to go looking for Bakugou.
It's fine, right? An hour on the phone with Kirishima should be enough time. To find out how he's doing, how the others are doing, if the raid truly was as disastrous as it looked on the news.
One hour, sixty minutes, three thousand six hundred seconds. A lot of time when spent in anxious suspense with the rest of the class; Kaminari just can't sit still and wait anymore. One possible casualty among the Heroes, the anchor on TV had said, and Kaminari goes looking for Bakugou.
There's only one place he could be, actually, so it's not looking as much as it's following Bakugou's invisible footsteps, up to the fourth floor and three doors down.
And it feels weird, to walk towards Kirishima's room and past it knowing he's not there. Knowing Kirishima is somewhere out there in some hospital, finally conscious enough to pick up the phone Bakugou has been ringing over, and over, and over again.
He's never been quiet, Bakugou. He can be calm but he's never quiet. From the moment that report came on he hadn't said a fucking word, pacing back and forth, pulling at already-messed up hair, rubbing his chest like there's an ache there, like he's suffocating. Kaminari will never forget the expression on Bakugou's face when the call finally went through. When he stopped in his tracks, and slumped against the wall like all his strings had been cut and he'd be free-falling otherwise.
So Kaminari goes looking for Bakugou.
The hallway seems to stretch endlessly past Kirishima's door even though it's just a short few steps. It's only standing right in front of Bakugou's room — that sacred space barely anybody has had the privilege to see — that Kaminari hears it. Muffled to indistinctness, and yet: Soft sniffling, halting breaths.
With his heart sinking to the soles of his feet, Kaminari gets even closer, the hand he'd raised to knock coming to rest palm-down on smooth, cold wood. "Fuck", comes from the inside, incredibly shaky, "Fuck fuck fuck", less and less comprehensible.
Because Bakugou is crying all alone in his room, and an hour was definitely too long to wait.
Kaminari swallows, blinking away tears of his own because God. God, this isn't... Bakugou isn't supposed to sound like that. He's never supposed to give up, never supposed to break. Stuff like this is only supposed to happen when Kirishima is around to cheer him back up.
But Kirishima isn't around, and Bakugou is hurting, and Kaminari can't stand letting him carry this weight by himself for a second, a minute, a fucking hour longer.
A careful knock. "Hey, Blasty?" Kaminari asks just as cautiously. "It's Denki."
The noises immediately stop. Closing his eyes, Kaminari nudges his forehead against the frame.
"Sorry, dude, I didn't mean to— You've been up here a while. Got me kinda worried so... Yeah."
A long bout of silence. Kaminari expects that to be the extent of it, but—
Quiet steps. Bakugou's presence announces itself with a subtle shift of shadows under his door. "Kiri's on some stuff", croaks a voice from the other side, so much more gruff for it. Then, after a beat:
"Hurt pretty bad but recovering. Went back t'sleep b'fore I... Sorry."
Okay. Kaminari tries to breathe deeply, in and out. That's... there's a lot there that he doesn't know how to touch without breaking things even more. Don't lose it now, Denki.
"S'okay, Baku. Thanks for telling me. Hey, can you maybe come out here for a sec? Just a sec, promise."
An even longer silence follows and yeah, it was a high, fragile hope from the very start.
Kaminari's hands clench to fists, the helplessness from these past few hours, this entire day that started so carefree and turned into their worst nightmare, compounding in his chest. There's nothing he can do for Kirishima and now, with a little more than an inch of wood between them, there's nothing he can do for Bakugou either. They're his friends and here Kaminari is, useless in every way.
Damn it, though, Bakugou is right there.
Softly, Kaminari repeats, "Promise, Katsuki", unsure it's even his voice with how faint and desperate it is. "Just... please."
He's looking at his feet, tears dripping freely to the carpet between his toes; he doesn't watch the door swing open as much as he witnesses a second pair of socked feet show up in front of him.
Kaminari's gaze snaps up and catches liquid red, mostly hidden in the half-dark. Any other day, Bakugou would be doing that to seem more intimidating, growling What?! or any of his many nicknames for Kaminari before giving him ten seconds to state what he wants, or get lost. There's none of that in a gesture that's so defensive, so clearly hesitant.
And it's pointless, to try to explain any of the thoughts wreaking havoc in Kaminari's mind, the emotions welling up so strong and sudden they're a chokehold on his vocal cords. Sniffling, Kaminari instead gives Bakugou a wobbly smile — and holds open his arms.
Bakugou just stares. At the wet trails down Kaminari's cheeks, at his arms like they're a trap about to tear him down and drag him into the abyss.
Then he sniffs sharply, rubs at his eyes. The door creaks open the slightest bit more to let Bakugou through, and Kaminari is getting strong-armed into the roughest hug he's ever experienced. Bakugou practically crushes him close, muttering something about "Only doin' this once, Jolteon."
Despite everything, Kaminari laughs and hugs him back just as hard.
"Kiri's gonna be okay", he tells Bakugou, a hopeful whisper that started as a question but feels better, more right, stated with confidence. "Yeah? He's gonna come home again. The others too." Bakugou's shoulders start to shake, Kaminari's shirt growing damp where his face is tucked against it. Gently, oh so gently, Kaminari sways them back and forth.
"He's gonna come back, and you're gonna yell at him so much."
Bakugou huffs wetly. "No. M'gonna yell at h-him. At the hospital."
"Yeah, exactly, and— Wait, what? I thought the hospital's off limits, or something?"
Surprisingly, Bakugou doesn't push out of their embrace. He merely turns his head to glare up at Kaminari. "Yeah, and?"
Again Kaminari is speechless, only for a little while. Then he wipes his arm across his face until it's dry and grins.
"Cool. When do we leave?"
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your-denki-kun · 3 years
Finding Out
Katsuki Bakugou x Denki Kaminari   &  Eijirou Kirishima x Izuku Midoriya   Izuku and Denki are brothers
A/N: No idea what this is, but I had fun writing this. It doesn’t make sense so don’t come at me. Requests are welcome, no smut however. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I try my best. This has also been posted on my AO3 account, go check it out.
What: Funny, mood-swings,
Word count: 3256
~3rd person pov.~
There are many things people don't know about Izuku Midoriya and Denki Kaminari. The two are very a like for example, but no one really notices since Denki and Izuku don't hang out in public or around others all that much. Katsuki and Eijirou do however know how close and different these two are from what they let on.
And in moments like these it's that they are reminded of those facts again. Eijirou and Katsuki are hanging out in Katsuki's room, just playing some games on Katsuki's PS4. As they're about to start another round the door to the dorm bursts open, a scared Denki running inside and jumping onto his boyfriend.
''Kat! Hide me!'' Denki exclaims as he shakes violently.
''The fuck did you do?'' Katsuki asks as he places down his controller and turns to his boyfriend, back to the door.
''Well, I was hanging ou-''
''Denki Kaminari, get your ass over here right now.'' A low, threatening voice growls from the doorway.
The three boys inside the room look at the door slowly, eyes widening in fear when they see the seething Izuku who's standing in the doorway of the dark and clean room in which the three boys are seated. Denki shrieks as he clings to Katsuki while Eijirou slowly gets up, holding his hands out in front of him as he approaches his boyfriend.
''Izu, Bunny, calm down please.'' Eijirou tries, hoping Izuku will calm down.
''No. I told him to be fucking careful, yet he wasn't.'' Izuku growls as he looks past Eijirou at the terrified Denki.
''Spark plug, what did you do?'' Katsuki whispers, eyes never leaving Izuku who's shaking in anger.
''I was reading one of his All Might comics and accidentally made a minor rip in one of the pages!'' Denki exclaims, never letting go of Katsuki nor looking away from Izuku.
Eijirou and Katsuki slowly turn their heads towards Denki, faces pale as their eyes widen further if that's even possible. Izuku takes a step into the room, it's heavy and makes all boys look at him once again. Eijirou jumps at Izuku and holds him from behind, arms over the greenetes to prevent him from doing anything with them, as he hardens his arms.
''Run Kami!'' Eijirou exclaims as he wrestles his boyfriend for the sake of his bro.
Denki jumps up with a nod and runs away while screaming a thank you. Katsuki slowly gets up and walks over to Izuku who's starting to trash less and less, seeing the blond is getting further away by the second. Slowly, but carefully Eijirou loosens his hold, looking at Izuku intensely to make sure he doesn't make a run for it.
''I'll buy you a new one from his money, now calm the fuck down.'' Katsuki groans as he places both hands on the shorts shoulders.
''Swear.'' Izuku says in a low voice as he stares into Katsuki's eyes without blinking.
''I swear.'' Katsuki says, looking him straight in the eyes.
''Okay!'' Izuku cheers as he starts smiling again as his eyes sparkle in happiness.
''Damn your mood swings.'' Katsuki grumbles as he removes his hands from his shoulders and turns away.
''What was that?'' Izuku asks softly.
''That's what I thought.'' Izuku smiles as he turns to his boyfriend and hugs him tight.
Eijirou smiles and wraps his arms around the smaler’s torso while his arms are around his waist. The redhead buries his face in the mob of messy green curls while Izuku buries his face in the taller's chest. Katsuki looks at them silently for a few second before taking out his phone and texting Denki that it's safe.
''I'm sorry Izuku.'' Denki says softly as he carefully walks into the room, keeping his distance from the green haired male.
''It's fine. Kacchan swore he'd get me a new one from your money.'' Izuku smiles as he skips over to the electric blond and hugs him.
''Kaaaaat! Whyyyyy?!'' Denki whines as he hugs Izuku back.
''You asked me to help, so I fucking did.'' Katsuki shrugs nonchalantly.
''You're not doing it?'' Izuku asks with puppy eyes as he looks Denki in the eyes, a dangerous glint in his eyes.
''I'm doing it!'' Denki shrieks in fear.
''Good.'' Izuku smiles as he lets go of Denki and walks back over to Eijirou. ''What did we interrupt anyway?''
''Nothing much, we were about to start a new round.'' Eijirou shrugs as he plants a kiss on Izuku's forehead as he looks up at him.
''Hmm, cool. Well, me and Denki will leave you guys again.'' Izuku smiles as he skips over to the door. ''Bye Kacchan, Eichan!''
''Bye Bunny.''
''Bye Deku.''
''Denki.'' Izuku smiles sweetly.
''Bye guys.''
Denki follows after Izuku as they leave the room and close the door behind them. The two of them go to Denki's room and just talk with one another and make some homework, seeing Denki was stuck on some questions. When dinner rolls around the four of them sit together with the rest of the Naku-squad and talk, the Deku-squad also joining them.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
''Hey, Deku-kun?'' Uraraka asks, three and a half week after the incident with the comic book.
''Yes Uraraka-san?'' Izuku asks as he looks up from his homework and at his friend.
''You've been hanging out with the Baku-squad a lot, is there a reason?''
''Ah, well, Kacchan and me are on good terms again and Eijirou is a part of the Baku-squad, so I guess that's why I hang out with them.'' Izuku hums as he taps his chin as he thinks about it.
''I see....'' Uraraka mumbles as she looks down again.
''Is something wrong Uraraka-san?'' Izuku asks worriedly as he moves closer to his friend.
''You just barely hang out with us anymore. I guess I just miss you.'' She admits shamefully.
''I see. I'll try hanging out with you guys more. I guess I have been hanging out with you guys less.''
''Thank you Deku-kun.''
''No problem Uraraka-san.''
The two of them get back to homework and once they're done Izuku leaves and goes up to Eijirou's room. As he gets there he just walks inside without knocking and sees Eijirou and Denki sitting on the ground as they play some game and Katsuki sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone. Izuku smiles and flops down onto the bed.
''Finaly fucking done?'' Katsuki grumbles without looking at the green haired male.
''Yeah. Sorry it took so long. She was complaining about me hanging out with you guys too much. It's only natural considering, but I guess she isn't the smartest, so yeah.'' Izuku mumbles as he looks at the TV screen.
''Izu, be nice to your friends.'' Denki scolds without looking away from the screen. ''Mom hates it when we're mean.''
''I know Denki. Ei, can we cuddle later?''
''Sure thing Bunny.''
''Kat?'' Denki asks in a hopeful tone.
''Yeah, yeah. We can cuddle as well. Damn you affectionate people.'' Katsuki grumbles as he still doesn't look away from his phone screen.
''There is nothing wrong with wanting affection Kacchan.'' Izuku huffs in an offended way.
''Shut it nerd.''
''Be nice to him Katsuki.'' Eijirou sighs.
''Fuck off.''
''Kacchan.'' Izuku says in a low, warning voice.
''Protective much?'' Katsuki grumbles softly.
''I heard that.'' Izuku giggles.
''You know we both are Kat.'' Denki points out as their round ends.
''I know.'' Katsuki sighs as he puts down his phone.
''You two done?'' Izuku asks as Eijirou turns off the PS4 and the TV.
''Mhm.'' Denki hums as he climbs onto the bed and sits in Katsuki's lap.
Izuku softly whines as he looks at Eijirou with sad eyes. The redhead chuckles as he gets onto the bed as well and pulls Izuku onto his lap, holding him close. Izuku immediately smiles as he cuddles up to Eijirou. Denki and Izuku look at each other and smile contently before closing their eyes again.
''Comfy?'' Eijirou asks softly as he pulls his hand through Izuku's hair.
The four of them sit in silence for a while, both couples in their own little bubble. They get snapped out of it however by knocks on the door. They all exchange glances before Eijirou gets up and walks over to the door. He opens it to reveal Sero and Ashido, the both of them smiling brightly.
''Hey Kiri!'' Ashido cheers as she waves.
''Hey Ash, Sero. What brings you guys here?'' Eijirou smiles back.
''We were wondering if you are up to join us for a shopping trip.'' Sero grins.
''Shopping trip?!'' Denki and Izuku exclaim as they jump up and run over to the door.
''Yes.'' Ashido says with a bright smile.
''Can we go?'' Denki and Izuku ask their boyfriends as they make puppy eyes.
''Sure.'' Eijirou smiles as he gives Izuku a kiss.
''Whatever.'' Katsuki grumbles as he gets up and walks over to the door as well.
Ashido, Izuku and Denki cheer while Eijirou and Sero smile as Katsuki just grumbles softly. They all head downstairs and put on their shoes and coat before walking out. Denki and Izuku practically skip as they smile brightly and talk with each other. The rest follows them as they keep talking, keeping an eye on the two overly happy boys.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
''Have you seen Ei? I can't find him.'' Izuku asks denki as they walk around outside.
''No, have you seen Kat?''
The two look at each other worried. They look around in search for their boyfriends. Eventually they can faintly hear Katsuki yell something. They look at each other, nod and start sprinting to where they heard him. As they get there they see a few people whom they don't recognize picking on Katsuki and Eijirou.
''The two of you will get nowhere. You are a weakling and you are too much like a villain to become a hero.'' One of the guys taunts.
Both Denki and Izuku see red when they hear that. They storm over as Katsuki yells at them to shut up. Izuku stands in front of Eijirou while Denki stands in front of Katsuki. They glare at the group of five student with their deadliest glare, causing the five students to gulp. Their hair shadows over their eyes as they grin evilly.
''What did you say?'' They both ask in a low threatening voice.
''That they won't get anywhere. That the redhead is weak and the blond is too villain-like.'' The brown haired guy from before taunts.
''I see.'' Denki says lowly as he glances at Izuku.
''Sparkplug, calm down.'' Katsuki hisses worriedly.
''Bunny, don't do anything stupid.'' Eijirou pleads softly.
''Don't worry.'' Denki and Izuku say, getting into fighting positions as they keep looking at the group of students.
Both Izuku and Denki start up their quirks, causing sparks to surround their body, never do they stop glaring at the students. The students take a step back in shock while Eijirou and Katsuki look at each other for a few seconds. It's very silent, the only thing that can be heard is the sparkling electricity. Eijirou and Katsuki turn to the students.
''Run.'' Is all they say before Izuku and Denki charge at the students.
The later group of people turn around and start running for their life, running past many other students, including 2-A. Izuku and Denki glance at each other and nod once again as their grin widens. Izuku grabs Denki and starts running while using his quirks power, causing Denki to fly after him.
Once they get closer Izuku throws Denki at the five students as he runs after him. Denki activates his quirk and shocks all the students, causing them to fall to the ground. Izuku stops beside Denki and smiles sweetly at the five students, Denki doing the same. Class 2-A and Katsuki and Eijirou reach them, seeing they ran after Izuku and Denki.
''Don't mess with my boyfriend.'' They both say in a innocent tone before turning away and walking over to their boyfriends.
''Are you okay Eichan?'' Izuku asks worried as he inspects Eijirou.
''I'm fine Bunny.'' Eijirou smiles as he hugs the smaller male.
''Kat, you good?'' Denki asks as he looks at Katsuki intently.
''I'm fucking fine.'' Katsuki sighs as he too hugs his smaller boyfriend.
''Uhm, what just happened?'' Uraraka asks as she looks at the four males.
''They said mean things to my boyfriend.'' Denki and Izuku state in a dead serious tone as they turn to their classmates.
''Okay, but why shock them?'' Todoroki asks in his usual monotone voice.
''Because they said mean things to my boyfriend and only four people are allowed to do that.'' Senki and Izuku deadpan.
''And who are that?'' Tokoyami asks.
''Me, Izuku, Eijirou and Mitsuki.'' Denki shrugs as he hugs Katsuki again.
''Me, Denki, Kacchan and Aizawa sensei.'' Izuku shrugs before hugging Eijirou again.
''Why Aizawa?'' Denki asks with a frown.
''He can be scary when angry.'' Izuku explains as he shudders.
''I guess that's true.'' Denki hums as he nods.
''Ah! Denki.'' Izuku all of a sudden says as he walks away from Eijirou and pulls Denki away from Katsuki.
''Come with me.'' Izuku states before dragging Denki off.
''What's that about? Kero.'' Tsuyu asks as she looks after the two boys.
''No idea.'' Eijirou shrugs as he looks at Katsuki shrugs as well.
The two boys walk up to Izuku's room and sit on the bed. Denki's brows are knitted together as he looks at Izuku with his head slightly tilted. The green haired boy gets up from his bed and walks over to his desk, opening one of the drawers and rummaging through it for a bit before grabbing a tube and walking back over to Denki.
''Your quirk must have hurt you somewhere.'' Is all Izuku says.
''Ah, yeah.'' Denki says as he takes of his shirt, revealing some red marks on his shoulders.
''The cream might be cold.'' Izuku says to which the blond hums.
Izuku moves closer and gently rubs the cream onto the red lines. It's something that always happens when Denki uses his quirk too much. The blond just sits there and lets Izuku do what he needs to do in order for the lines to fade. As the green haired male is done the blond puts on his shirt once again.
''Thanks Izu.''
''No problem Denki. The class will ask a lot of questions'' Izuku sighs as his figure slumps.
''I guess we can tell the class if they want to know.''
''True, true.''
The two sit in silence for a while. It gets broken by knocking on the door. Exchanging looks they shrug and Izuku walks over to the door. He opens it and sees Eijirou and Katsuki, causing him to smile brightly as he steps aside. The two of them walk inside. Katsuki walks over to Denki with a slight frown as Eijirou hugs Izuku tight.
''Why did you take Denki?'' Eijirou mumbles into Izuku's hair.
''When he uses his quirk too much he gets red lines that can become scars if we don't put the cream on it. So I took him here to look for lines and treat them.'' Izuku explains with a bright smile.
''I see. That's manly of you, Bunny.'' Eijirou purrs softly as he holds Izuku tighter.
''Did those fuckers hurt you?'' Katsuki asks Denki as he looks at him with slight worry.
''No. Just some faint mark from my quirk, but Izu put the cream on it so it's fine.'' Denki smiles as he hugs Katsuki.
''We should explain everything to the class now. They are confused and want answers.'' Eijirou says as he slightly pulls away from Izuku.
''Yeah, we probably should.'' Izuku and Denki sigh in sync.
They all walk out of the room and head downstairs, asking people to get everyone down in the common room. Izuku and Denki stand beside each other as Katsuki and Eijirou sit on the couch with the rest of the squad. Once everyone is down they look at the two brothers expectingly. They look at each other and sigh.
''You must all have questions.'' Izuku smiles as he looks back at the class.
''What did we witness?'' Ojirou asks.
''Me and Izu beat up some students because they hurt Kat and Eijirou.'' Denki hums with a content smile.
''Why are you two so close?'' Hagakure asks.
''Well, mom adopted Denki a while ago, so we're brothers. Eijirou and Kacchan know because Eichan is dating me and Kacchan grew up with us, and he’s dating Denki.'' Izuku smiles brightly.
''But Kaminari has a different last name.''
''I wanted that.''
''How come we didn't know?''
''Well we have different friend groups, but seeing Eijirou is part of Denki's friend group I hung out with them more. So I hung out with Denki more too.''
''You two aren't alike at all though.'' Shouji comments.
''Because I'm his adoptive brother.''
''No, well, yes, but like. You two don't share the same interests or hobbies and don't act alike.'' Uraraka clarifies, understanding what Shouji means.
''But we are very alike.'' The both of them say.
''No.'' almost everyone replies.
''We are!'' Izuku exclaims as his eyes tear up.
''Oh god, Izu calm down. They just don't know. It's okay.'' Denki is quick to shush him.
''But, but-''
''Shh, it's okay.'' Denki whispers as he hugs Izuku who hugs him back tight.
''Uhm, what is happening?'' A few classmates ask.
''Shut the fuck up.'' Katsuki growls as he and Eijirou get up and help comfort the cinnamon rol.
''Izu, Bunny, it's okay. Just calm down. You two are alike, they just don't see it yet.'' Eijirou shushes as he massages his scalp.
''Don't listen to the fucking extra's Deku.''
Slowly Izuku calms down, but he doesn't make a move to break his hug with Denki. Eijirou and Katsuki smile before sitting back down. Denki moves slightly so he's facing the class while rubbing Izuku's back as the later nuzzles his nose against the blonds neck, causing him to chuckle softly.
''Sorry about that. Izu has mood swings. He hates it when people say we aren't alike because in his mind it means you guys think he's lying and he hates that.'' Denki chuckles as Izuku tightens his hold on him.
''How bad can it get?''
''Bad. I once accidentally made a tiny rip in one of his comic books and he was chasing me and being scary, he called me by my full name and was cursing. Eijirou held him while I made a run for it and Kat said he'd buy him a new one. Izu made him swear it and once he did he was his cheerful, bubbly self again in a second.''
''Yeah. You'll get used to it eventually. Anyway. I'll hand Izu over to Ei for now so they can cuddle. And I want cuddles from you, Kat.'' Denki whines as he lets go of Izuku and opens his arms as he makes grabby hands and pouts.
''Spoiled brat.'' Katsuki grumbles as he gets up and hugs Denki.
''I'm your spoiled brat.''
''Of fucking course you are.'' Katsuki mumbles as he picks up Denki and walks off.
''Okay, come one Bunny. We're getting cuddles.'' Eijirou smiles as he picks up Izuku who holds him koala style and walks off as well.
''What did we just witness?''
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sirimirihiro · 4 years
Ok so I love your writing, I think I remember you doing 5 characters, and if you dont do x readers ignore this! Ok so, could I have headcanons for the Bakusquad(mina, baku, sero, kami, and kiri-) bringing their girlfriend to an amusement park cuz they know she loves amusment parks as a date? Thank you :DDDD
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Waah, thank you for requesting again so quickly! And thank you for the compliment, too. I’m glad that you like that.
And it’s okay! I realize that not many here don’t do female reader, so that’s understandable. Hope that you enjoy reading these! Sorry that it took me this long ><
Bakugō Katsuki:
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- We all know how Bakugō can be when it comes to.. Well, almost anything. Grumpy and not exactly seeming all that excited as his s/o in the beginning.
- But when they once mentioned that it had been a while since they had been to a park because of studies and they were sort of missing it, he spark of inspiration hit. Even if his first response had been something in the sense of, " Hah! That’s stupid.
- I headcanon that he might be one of the richer one of his class. Have you seen this guy's house?! Might need a couple of weeks to pull it off, but Bakugō ends up taking them to an amusement park, even if it wasn’t a traditional invitation?
- " Just come one, idiot! You said that you wanted to go to one of these, right?! "
- Something in that sense. But anyway. Once that you both get inside, he’d probably want to go around of the whole park with you.
- Buys spicy snacks popcorn, likely. It’s popular to have flavored popcorn in Disneyland in Japan. Also, you only need to taunt him once, and he’d be ready to beat any booth here to get you whatever gift you could want.
- Different and more chaotic trip to a park they’ve been to, but one to be remembered.
Kirishima Eijirō:
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- The sweetest person in the whole world I love him so, so, so much y'all don’t know-
- He's pretty excited when he heard that you liked amusement parks. It actually made him plan to spare up money do that the two of them could go together.
- If it’s a park that his s/o has been to before, he would love to go all out. Trying the rides that they liked the most, get the best food there - everything.
- Notices their eyes lingering a bit on that one cute plushie a bit long by the booth and of course he ended up getting it for you. He honestly loves to spoil his s/o a lot.
- Holds your hand the whole way around of the park, chatting and holding onto it tightly while on the rides. Even if you both weren’t afraid or if it was boiling hot, he’d keep them close.
- Really wants to see the fireworks show they do. They will not be disappointed with how utterly adorable that Kirishima can be when he is excited.
- Willing to follow them the whole way home. Even if they had said no, he’d still want to, since it has gotten so late that the sun had gone down for hours ago, without either of them realizing it till the last bound of fireworks had gone off.
- Being in an amusement park with Kirishima is a fun ride. Something the would be cherished for long. Exactly why they planned their next visit to be soon.
Kaminari Denki:
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- You know that Kaminari knows all the good date spots. Amusement parks were one of those were if you went together, it was bound to end up being a romantic, cute day.
- He will actually beg them to get a set of animal ears when they pass one of the things at the front. He’s always seen couples do it and really wants to try 🥺
- Screams on the rides. His s/o almost thought that he had fazed out of reality when they came back down again. Luckily, he did manage to snap out of it before long.
- Please give him a hug afterwards. Denki really needs some reassurance after that last ride, with the loop in it.
- Wants to share an ice cream/milkshake with them. You know, one of those with a cute mascot theme that look so pretty. With one to share between the two. But, he definitely wants you to eat more of it.
- Takes his s/o up in one of the feris weels. Yes, I stand by that this man is both cheesy and romantic. You two watch the luminous park light up around of you, eyes sparkling over the long horizon.
- Yes, he did kiss them. And yes, Denki would without hesitation go on another day again with them if asked to.
Ashido Mina:
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- You know how Mina is essentially one of the most energetic people in all of the class? Yeah, her reaction would be similar to how she would usually react. Peppy and full of excitement, to know that her s/o shares the same passion as her own in amusement parks.
- She,, She really wants to go to Sanrio world [Hello Kitty theme park] or Disneyland 🥺 please, do you know how happy that would make her?
- When the day did arrive, the both of you got there early, so that you both had lots of time to look around and try all kinds of different things. It also happened that there wasn’t that much people in line.
- Oh, you best believe that there is going to be selfies involved! Mina would want to take pictures of her s/o being cute and all kinds of sweets that the two would get together through of the visit.
- Screams and laughs during the rides, as well as holds them so tight so that they both wouldn’t be so afraid not that either of you were complaining about that.
- When the day ends and on the way home with the train, Mina finds herself snuggled up and resting her head against of her s/o's shoulder, tired from all of the adventures, dreaming of the future visits they’d have together.
Sero Hanta:
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- Sero has never been the extreme fan of amusement parks. Yes, he did enjoy them and have fun with it. But it isn’t that he enjoys every part about the, though. Do you know how many people that there can get on a weekend or during vacation?
- That was why, when his s/o brought their love for it up one morning that they were walking together, that it had seemed to have hit him a little bit. That he might’ve been a little bit to hard on the idea of it.
- He suggested that the two of them should go when they were free at one point, which had finally seemed to be that day now! One where there wouldn’t be too many people that Wallis be there.
- Lets his s/o walk him through most of it, looking around and trying a ride here and there. For the bigger ones, he would maybe try one of them, even ending up having some fun, despite being a bit terrified.
- He has now also fallen in love with chocolate crepes that you could get from there, despite him usually being to healthy food. The ones that had cream and strawberries in them, with something that he would guess was caramel. They would have to pull him away from buying another one.
- The team-up they had with the laser shooting on that one ride was incredible. No virtual mutant stood a chance for the upcoming hero and his lover!
- Sero definitely has a new love for amusement parks, one which he shared by the one he loved so deeply. In the back of his mind, he’d be reminded to do this more often. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the day they had together.
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Im only messing with you 😘 while im here though could i have some fic recs puh-leaaase - 🍍
Ooh honey, you have no IDEA the can of worms you just opened :D (since this list is so long I’m gonna split it up into SFW Complete, NSFW Complete, SFW Ongoing, and NSFW Ongoing)
SFW Complete:
The Invisible Girl [sonamae]: OK SO it’s Hagakure-centric, with background Hagakure x Shouji and KiriBaku. My favorite part about this is that the romance is important, but not the focus. The focus of this oneshot is on the family she creates with Bakugou, Satou, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Tokoyami. Go read it, it’s great. BIG BROTHER BAKUGOU FTW!!!!!
Ground Zero [sonamae]: Speaking of Big Brother Bakugou, this is the next oneshot in the same series as the above one, but from Bakugou’s pov. Again, the romance is important but not a focus, and that’s so fucking refreshing and I love it so mUCH idk what else to tell you. Just go read these two. The rest of the series isn’t complete, but these two specific fics ARE, hence why they’re in the Complete section.
Lighting The Beacon [M3zzaTh3M3z]: This is one of the first bnha fics I’ve ever read, and I’m so glad this was my introduction to the fandom!! It’s a pretty fluffy oneshot, starting off with Kiri asking Baku out and Baku rejecting him because “who ever heard of a gay hero?” Aizawa hears about that (the basics, no details like names or anything), and things…start to change. Mic says he’s married to a man (its Aizawa), All Might comes out as pan, ace Midnight…and at the end, Bakugou asks Kirishima out very publicly. It’s so near and dear to my heart, and it honestly deserves more attention than it gets.
You’re only relevant until you’re older (they’re gonna talk about you over and over) [futurehearts]: Pro-Heroes Red Riot and Ground Zero are happily married and Baku has a reputation to slowly destroy :D (he’s soft, mainly for his husband, and he knows it…and now so does the rest of the world lmaooo).
Love Notes [PurplePersnickety]: Kirishima gets really, REALLY sappy love notes on his desk for a week or two and works to figure out who it is (spoiler alert, it’s Bakugou being a Soft Bitch). When Kiri asks him about it, he confesses everything and they date in secret for six months before telling the whole class (oneshot).
Sonder [Maplefudge]: I bet this bitch thought she wouldn’t get a shout-out well guess what you write good and there’s nothing you can do about it This is the first work of maple’s I ever read, and it’s perf <3 I’m love. It’s a look at the “totally platonic” (how much sarcasm can I add to two words?) Kiribaku from members of the class, over the course of 13 chapters. It’s full of fluff, useless mutual pining, obliviousness, and “platonic bro kisses”. Read it if you need to scream at some useless gays.
Anger Management [Julietwasanidiot]: The entire fandom is gearing up for S4 by writing hurt/comfort KiriBaku post-raid fics, and I am HERE for it. Because of when it’s set though, there’s going to be spoilers so if you’re anime-only you migt want to steer clear of this one. It’s got an ICONIC rice-and-anger line, though.
Stupid Mistakes [lemxnfox]: Kirishima and Bakugou got in a fight! They fight a lot, but this fight they’ve been fighting for six months and the class is #OverIt. They concoct a plan to lock the two of them in a room and force them to make up– and they DO. Side ShinKami and TodoDeku.
No More Fragments [Ischemia]: Canon-compliant…to a degree. Shinsou takes his place as the Superior Purple in Class A, gets himself a boyfriend (Kaminari) and a squad (the Bakusquad)…and loses it. Or does he???? Canon-typical violence, side Kiribaku, mystery plot.
Caught In My Own Web [anxioussaliorsoldier]: SHINSOU IS IN 1-A!!!!! And he fucks up when trying to use his capture weapon lmao. Kaminari finds him and they recreate the iconic Spider-Man kiss…and then Shinsou passes out from the blood rushing to his head. It’s cute guys.
Be Selfish For Me [A_Reflective_Projection]: WARNING– the entire thing is Aizawa asking 1-A to be careful as pro heroes, by taking them to a hero graveyard. It’s painful. It’s sad (especially when Aizawa brings up a classmate of his who died in their first year as a pro). It ends bittersweet, and there’s some good Dadzawa content in there. The most present ship is Erasermic, and that only really makes an appearance in the last chapter.
Closer [MikeWritesThings]: Fluffy Erasermic, canon universe, where Aizawa starts calling in to Mic’s radio show cuz he misses him. It’s sweet af ❤️❤️
Meaningless Holiday [dysonQueer]: It’s a sweet Valentine’s Day fic, canon-compliant, with established Erasermic for the soul. I highly recommend it if you’re having a rough day and you need some feel-good fluff
Come Back Toe Me [Milligramme]: Aged-up, Pro Hero fic where Kiri has a shit day heroing, but he isn’t physically hurt. Not until he breaks his toe on the coffee table, that is. He can’t stop laughing, and Bakugou can’t stop worrying about his dumbass boyfriend.
Kiss Me Through The Screen [Ischemia]: Aged-up fic with ShinKami as the main focus and some side KiriBaku, but…uh, most of the Bakusquad aren’t full-time Heroes. Kami dropped out of UA completely, and Shinsou never went in the first place. So, Kaminari is working at Jirou’s cafe and works as a SFW camboy at night, while Shinsou is a teacher and watches the stream nightly. Later there’s a plot around a stalker, again please keep yourself safe Pineapple Anon!!
If I Don’t Act… [SilentNorth]: This is gritty and painful, but don’t worry! There’s a happy ending :D (I rarely read/write/recc pure angst, you’re safe here my child). Kiri is a college dropout working two jobs, living with Mina as his roommate, and with a hero complex the size of Texas. Enter art student Bakugou, who can save himself thank you very much. Some mention of depression/attempted suicide, as well as slightly less than canon-typical violence, please keep yourself safe and skip it if that’s going to trigger you, Pineapple Anon.
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all [theroyalsavage]: A Kiribaku “10 Things I Hate About You” AU where Todoroki asks Kirishima to fake-date Bakugou so he can date Midoriya. Everything is going smoothly until Kirishima accidentally falls in love *gasp*!!
The Skeletons Inside Of Us [firelord_zutara]: Erasermic, quirkless AU where Mic was the lead singer of Aizawa’s favorite local band in college. Aizawa has a crush on him, they lost touch after college, and they didn’t meet again…until their nephews (Aizawa adopted Midoriya, Shinsou is Mic’s sister’s kid) meet and by extension, the uncles. Background ShinKami and KiriBaku, written for EraserMic week (7 chapters).
Life’s a Drag(on) [PurplePersnickety]: FANTASY AU!!! You know, the Fantasy AU from the third ending. But altered, juuuuuust slightly. Bakugou lives in(? ish) a village and helps a dragon when it’s hurt. A day or so later, a (hot) new guy comes to town named Kirishima, and the dragon keeps coming around. Shenaniganery follows. :DDD
Space Dust [PurplePersnickety]: Do you like Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly, and/or Men In Black? Then you’re gonna fuckin LOVE this :DDD It’s got half-alien Kirishima, cyborg Bakugou, mention of a larger universe outside of the planet (outside of the oneshot too, lbr). It is a oneshot though, even if it is a long one, with canon/typical violence and mention of kidnapping and child experimentation. Please put your mental health and well-being above everything else and skip it if it’s gonna trigger you!!!
Achromatopsia [PurplePersnickety]: DID SOMEBODY SAY SOULMATE AU???? No? Well hAVE ONE ANYWAY!!! Kiribaku soulmate AU (oneshot), where you only see in one color until you touch your soulmate for the first time. Fun fact, achromatopsia is the complete inability to see any color!! I’m sure that’s not gonna have any bearing on the story whatsoever…
NSFW Complete:
A Cast for your Heart [KTG]: Heads up, this is LONG. 90 chapters, 268k, it’s magic and sex and drAGONS and angst and almost-dying!! The fantasy system is completely original, set in modern times, and the OCs??? Don’t get me STARTED. Kiribaku, Tododeku, and Seromina are the bnha ships present as well as a lot of OCxOC ships. There’s also a sequel set to come out this month (July 2019)!!
Long Time Coming [Madam_Muffins]: I’ve probably recc’ed this before, but I just. I just love this one so much, ok? It’s massive Kiribaku slow burn, outlining what might happen if Bakugou is just a little bit more emotionally constipated. Baku fucks up, gets help, he and Kiri get together (and fuck a little), and there’s elements of the Reincarnation and Fantasy AUs in there towards the end!! Go read it, madammuffins is my amazing tumblr mom and I love her to bits.
SFW Ongoing:
Engraved In Your Mind [Hejter]: FACEBLIND BAKUGOU KATSUKI!!! It’s canon-compliant, except for that little detail, but she writes it so WELL that now I can’t look at canon!Bakugou without thinking that he’s faceblind. Kiri finds out and starts working to build trust with Bakugou and help him on his path to becoming the top hero, and it’s GREAT. Slowburn Kiribaku. Like,,,SLOW.
Define: Oblivious [PurplePersnickety]: I bet you thought I was done with the Purple reccs. I’m never going to be done reccing Purple. Deal with it. I mentioned, in the summary for Love Notes, that there was a six month time skip? This is what happens in those six months. SeroKami and MomoJirou are side ships in this one.
The Right Thing [TuesdayTerrible]: Established Kiribaku where they’re graduated from UA, and living together, and being pro heroes…and then one day Baku finds a little girl who tried to kill herself cuz she was quirkless. Needless to say, this strikes a chord in Bakugou (cuz…yknow, he kinda told Midoriya to kill himself in like episode one and then it was never addressed again). He can’t stop thinking about her, and while we haven’t gotten there YET it looks like it’s gonna end with him and Kirishima adopting her and Bakugou apologizing for the bullshit he put Mido through. There is mention of a suicide attempt (clearly), skip it if that’s gonna trigger you!!!
Hands Off! [PullingAllMighters]: Much like Kiss Me Through The Screen, Hands Off! is a non-canon compliant aged-up AU where not everyone is a full-time hero. Kiri is, Kami and Sero are his sidekicks, Ochako is in a different agency, and everyone else is doing Other Shit. Bakugou hasn’t revealed his full backstory yet, but it looks like he was a Pro Hero until a year or so ago when something bad happened and now he’s got PTSD. His old apartment building burned down so he’s living in Ochako, Momo, Jirou, and Mina’s guesthouse until he finds a job and another place to live. This has a fresh take on the hero system, and I really really enjoy it so far!! There is, however, a fairly detailed scene of Bakugou being triggered so if reading that would trigger you, please don’t!! Keep yourself safe, Pineapple Anon!!! Endgame Kiribaku
Blood of my Hand [PurplePersnickety]: Is it obvious yet that I LOVE purple’s writing??? This, I believe, was the gateway work, and I’ve dived headfirst in and not looked back. Fantasy AU, slowburn Kiribaku, and it’s. I can’t even sum it up. There’s too much. It’s too good. Game of Thrones WISHES it could be what BomH is. There’s mention of slavery and past child abuse, please skip that if it’s going to trigger you!!
A Boy and his Dragon [VanHan]: Oh look, another fantasy AU. Have you figured out that I have a type yet? Kiribaku but the Kiribaku hasn’t really happened yet, cuz Bakugou is a literal child who got kidnapped and is probably gonna get sold. He doesn’t even know Kirishima is Kirishima, he just knows him as the cool dragon in the cage. This one just barely makes the SFW list, because there’s no explicit mention of fucking, but there’s a really really gross pedophile that shows up fairly early on and hasn’t died yet. There’s also graphic depictions of violence in the first chapter, and once you combine those two things I would absolutely understand if you decided to give this one a pass, too.
Everglow [Maplefudge]: ANOTHER fantasy AU?!?! In MY fic recc list?? It’s more likely than you think. This one just started, and it’s got that enemies-to-lovers shit going on. Dragons plus my favorite tropes = FUCK YEAH!!!
Crimson [Crocodillia]: I bet you thought I was done with the fantasy AU reccs, didn’t you? Well, HAVE ANOTHER!!! This one has strong HTTYD vibes, and I’ve literally never seen anyone try that before with these characters!! So far there’s only two chapters, but I am HOOKED and if you like HTTYD…you’re gonna like this, too.
Becoming Human [FoolishFortuna]: Demon!Bakugou becomes Human!Bakugou when he refuses to take a kid’s soul. I think we’re three chapters in and he just got to earth and met Kirishima, as well as a few holy people (Midoriya, Ochako, Iida, and I believe Tetsu). Now he gotta find his daughter and keep her safe. Kiribaku with some fairly graphic descriptions of torture and cannibalism in the second chapter, don’t read it if that’s gonna trigger you!! Also he pretty brutally rips apart the girl’s abusive parents.
Surviving for Second Chances [SilentNorth]: TWEWY Kiribaku AU!!! There’s some differences between the original game and the fic, for pretty obvious reasons (medium, objective, and character differences being a few), but this got me to FINALLY watch a playthrough of the game cuz I’m too broke to go and buy it myself!! Kirishima as Neku and Bakugou as Joshua, plus Mina as Shiki and TodoDeku as Rhyme and Beat. Canon-typical violence, and we just finished up Week 1!!
Love And Other Allergens [thefrailtyofgenius]: A Quirkless AU where Todoroki is a lawyer with a flower shop underneath his apartment. Todo finds out he’s allergic to one of the plants, buys a different bouquet every week instead of, yknow, asking for help like a normal human being (I say, knowing damn well I’d just buy allergy medication and not even try to figure out what I’m allergic TO), and accidentally falls in love with the cute (and absolutely fucking ripped) flower boy (Midoriya lmao). It’s LONG. The TodoDeku is extremely slowburn, and there’s a fuckload of side ships. An incomplete list: Erasermic, Kiribaku, ShinIida (Shinsou and Iida), and MomoJirou. Bonus Endeavor’s Bad Parenting, Midoriya Hisashi’s Bad Parenting, and both of those assholes getting locked up forever :D (I’m so serious about the length tho, it’s like 40 chapters or something).
NSFW Ongoing:
Mixing Signals [Shippeh]: Kiribaku aged-up, but they’ve tried to date multiple times and every time Bakugou fucked it up. Every time they broke up, they pretended like they’d never tried in the first place (which…oW), but this time. THIS time, Bakugou swears he’s gonna make them work.
Heartbeat Thunder [Shippeh]: This is one of the few ABO fics I’ll recc, because it’s not just “ooh heat sex fun times”. This has THOUGHT put into it. They’re confused kids goddamnit, let them be confused!!! Basically Kiri doesn’t ever want to rut so he’s suppressing everything about being an alpha, while Bakugou thinks that trying to hide from your secondary gender is stupid. They do fuck tho, which is why the fic is in NSFW Ongoing.
Take a Chance On Me [FanficIsMyThing]: The other ABO fic I’ll happily recc. Kiri is an alpha which lets him be a hero, while Baku is an omega so he’s gotta be a vigilante until the laws get changed. They run into each other on patrol a few times, Baku helps Kiri and crew out a few times, and every time Kirishima *mysteriously* fails to catch the vigilante Chemical X. They haven’t actually fucked yet, but there’s been enough sexy times to put this squarely in NSFW territory. And it’s not just sex!! I don’t wanna spoil, but it’s good I swear.
Opposed to the Typical [Heronfem]: A model/fashion designer AU featuring HoH!Bakugou, model!Bakugou and designer!Kirishima, as well as a metric shitload of others. Basically Kiri is an intern with Fatgum who gets called to help another studio with their fitting, gets assigned to Bakugou, figures out he’s HoH and handles it like a champ. Because he does it so well, whenever Bakugou needs to get his measurements taken again, they immediately call for Kirishima. And ofc they gonna fall in love :3c But its more complicated than that, and I don’t wanna give too much away, but make sure that you pay attention to any trigger warnings at the start of the chapters!!!
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empanadadooblez · 7 years
Prompt you can talk about about! In the AU verse, What as their first date like? Who said I love you first and how did it happen? How do their friends feel about them being a couple? 8D
aaah!!! I wasn’t sure if you meant AU as in Aged Up?? or the Dog!AU, but we’ll go with the original Aged Up, here we gooo!! and thank you for giving me something to write for
So I guess it’s kinda the same start as with the Dog!AU, except without the whole scenting concept. 
Bakugou was.. Bakugou at his start at Yuuei, he was aggressive and rude, all this would be canon compliant of course, Sero was his nonchalant, laid back self, and like half of the class, not intimidated by Bakugou’s aggression, if anything Sero found it endearing, if not amusing. 
The older they (and the whole squad) got, the more mature they all became, and the closer they became as well. By their third year, Bakugou’s aggression faded into something akin to diligence, he allowed himself to be fueled by his goal to become a hero rather than his anger and bottled up emotions.
But through that span of time Bakugou and Sero shared experiences together, had their share of team ups through class exercises and Sero always proved himself, always proved himself to Bakugou that he will have his back, be the safety net below him even if he was still a bit to stubborn flustered to admit it. 
And Sero admired how much Bakugou has grown, not that he’s become soft or anything he totally has but even when he says nothing at all, Sero relishes in the approving or reassuring contact Bakugou gives not only him, but the rest of the squad too. If Sero felt inadequate after a training session, one look from those scarlet eyes made him straighten his back and leave the pity party for another day. A soft hand on his shoulder or slight ruffle through his hair (in moments when Bakugou could reach omg) just gave them both a stronger bond than before.
Again, Sero was always affectionate with his friends, always the reassuring one, but Bakugou was really the only one to give that feeling back to him. But turn right around and Bakugou was a mess himself with his own feelings for the tape boy. 
He’d talk to Kirishima about it, he was the closest to him and always got the “it’s manly to express your emotions, Blasty, you’ve got this, just take your time, you’ll get it!” but Bakugou was too hesitant. He’d fight a hundred battles, but letting his feelings known, feelings that he’s never felt for anyone else, was the hardest thing for him. He had opened up so much over their years together as a squad, as a class, but he wasn’t willing to let all that fall apart if he was rejected.
Sero was very much the same. He was always the type to not let things get to him, hold things in and that included some feelings for a certain explosion boy. Neither of them were willing to take the first step. And soon enough they graduated and became pro heroes, the squad managed to stay in as close proximity as possible while still going to their ideal agency (and maybe eventually start an agency of their own).
This might sound a little repetitive since it’s about the same as my Dog!AU post, but
They’d only really see each other when the group got together or rarely during missions. Out for dinner or drinks, lounging at whoever had the biggest apartment (or the most food asdfgh) when they all had time to spare, which really wasn’t all that often. But to make it a bit easier for them, Baku and Sero were the closest in proximity to each other, maybe in adjacent cities or the same one if you wanna shoot for ideal /////
Maybe one night when the squad wants to get together, suddenly they “can’t make it” it was all Kiri’s doing, the evil mastermind which left Sero and Bakugou to themselves. It was never awkward between them, it had been a while but everything was as natural as it could be, drinking at their usual bar for a while, swapping stories. Bakugou’s heart feeling like it was gonna explode when he’d get Sero laughing, and Sero going weak in the knees when Baku would do a half hearted impression of some old lady who was yelling at him to get her cat back from a tree monster.
Bakugou even showed him battle scars from where the cat scratched his neck and tried not to look like he was ready to fall out of his chair when Sero reached out to gently caress his thumb around the area with a soft “Aww, poor baby..” which he’d get a punch in the arm for.
They were the quieter ones from the group (when Bakugou wasn’t angry omg), they enjoy each other’s company, not daring each other to join for karaoke on stage, or compete for who could down the most alcohol. They enjoyed their playful back and forth banter, able to slowly enjoy their drinks, relish in the soft buzz letting their inhibitions falter just slightly. Allowing Sero to wrap his arm around Bakugou’s shoulder, knead his fingers into his tense shoulders and for Bakugou to lean into the touch and shiver, hiding his face in his forearms resting on the table.
They’d walk home, Bakugou hesitant, but quietly urging Sero to stay the night, that he shouldn’t be walking home drunk without him there to protect him, earning himself a punch in the arm this time. He let Sero take his bed, having to haul him into it and trying not to let him see the flush of his face when Sero stroked a hand over his shoulder, resting their foreheads together and humming low that it sent Bakugou’s legs quivering
“Missed you, Katsuki.“
He’d nod shakily and get Sero to rest back down, using all his strength to not crawl into bed next to him, finding his way to the couch to curl up and try not to think about how things will be like in the morning.
And when morning came, he’d find Sero in nothing but his too tight briefs cooking them breakfast like it was his own home and Bakugou knew that everything was fine, that he didn’t mess up, but his heart would still pound when Sero turned around with one of those classic grins, hair all mussed up but nothing compared to Bakugou’s, sticking up at all angles like it would every morning. 
They’d eat in comfortable silence, music from a radio in the background, Sero convincing Baku not to set it to metal this early in the morning, settling for some soft rock they both enjoyed. When it was time for Sero to leave, Baku would try not to replay the whole scene like some cheesy romantic comedy. Sero throwing on his shirt and pants right in front of him, poking fun at his Cellophane briefs before they were covered and Sero pretended to rush out the door window like some bad break up scene. 
Bakugou leaning against the door frame until Sero came back with a lazy grin and an “I forgive you, Blasty”. He’d get his jacket tossed at him with a “See ya, lightweight” and Sero would flash one of those smiles “Soon, yeah?” and Bakugou would nod, watch Sero leave but not having the ache in his chest like he usually did when they’d part.
He’d call Kirishima to yell at him about standing him up only to be met with that hearty laughter. 
And things just progressed. He and Sero would try to have nights like that just about every week until one night, completely sober he was pushed against his own door and kissed breathless, big hands shaking along his waist by the time they pulled back. Sero would apologize, avert his gaze and try to get away as fast as he could, the risk so great but he had to take it. But before he could take one step, arms were around his neck, tugging him into a warm, firm kiss that sealed everything that’s been going on between them for the past 3+ years.
They’d share the bed that night, Bakugou still hesitant to share his feelings, but Sero was patient, warm and understanding, allowing the number 2 hero to cuddle up into his arms and just relax for once in his life, let him feel safe with him, lean into the kisses gently pressed between them.
Only a few days later, the squad would meet at their usual booth again and the first thing Bakugou would do was plant himself right in Sero’s lap and glare at them with a low “Mine.” and watch in fury as two 50 dollar bills were slid towards Kirishima because he bet since their first semester at Yuuei that they’d get together in the next 5 years, Mina bet 8 and Kami bet 10
….. and Bakugou and Sero lived happily ever after, the end
- Panda ❤
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