#i named him blelele
fadedcamroll · 2 years
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i've finally done it. he's finally mine.
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icykalisartblog · 4 years
Thoughts on “Little Achievements!!!”
I finally mustered the strength to watch the intense sweetness that was “Little Achievements,” written by @almaasi, all the way through! I loved it so much. What follows is an attempt to try and express how I felt about the story! I already made a post describing how I feel about the wonderful acting and queer representation from Siddig and Robinson, so here are my reactions to other aspects: —I really appreciate that the entire story is about continuing to grow (Garak says as much, he loves poetic garden metaphors here, lol). It caused me to realize that, despite how much trauma characters in DS9 experience, they rarely ever acknowledge or name it. And even though Bashir describes his experience with disability in the show and is a doctor, I don’t think he ever actually says the word, so it was striking to hear in this performance. 
—In addition to “Little Achievements” addressing that unaddressed element from the show, it was wonderful to see Garak as the ideal husband, being there for Bashir through his struggle and search for meaning. Obviously Garak has cared deeply for Bashir for a long, long time, but the show cowardly shied away from showing how tender he would certainly be toward him. 
—In the same vein, it feels wonderful for Garak to finally be there to help Bashir address the lasting impact of his parents’ abuse. After Bashir supported Garak with Tain, this was the obvious direction for the plot to go in, but of course the Garashir relationship got censored so we never got to see Garak meet the Bashirs in the show... this feels like excellent recompense.
—...On a much lighter note, I completely lost it at Garak’s computer making a “blelele” sound and Bashir’s making a “beedlyboop” one XD Garak must blelele for his husband often! :P —Garak’s constant usage of human expressions was also hilarious, as was Bashir calling him out on his loving infuriating behavior every step of the way!
—After how long Bashir was written poorly and forced into roles he did not fit, plus all the weird doubt that the crew kept casting on the obvious fact that Bashir knows he and Garak are in love, it felt really good to hear Bashir stop Garak and say that he needs to be the one to say everything he has realized out loud. 
—I appreciate that there’s no explanation for why Bashir and Garak have been married for years and why Bashir lives on Cardassia. Not only because these were clearly the natural places for the characters to end up and there shouldn’t have to be an explanation, but also because this way, the fans who have been fans of Garashir for so long can imagine their own version of the courtship!
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Some of you have read ao3 comments or heard that I have some snakes!! 🐍🐍 I thought I would share my lovely scaly friends with you if anyone was interested in meeting them!! I’ll introduce them to you in order with their pictures! 🐍
-- The first one is my Honduran milk snake named Faerynn! She is an adult, and she is the BEST eater out of my entire snake collection. She started out very flighty and scared, but she’s improved so much! I’d say she has the most beautiful colors of any of my snakes: she is red with orange and black bands.
-- Next we have my Miami corn snake named Cato after my favorite character from the hunger games! He is my calmest snake, and he often sits in my lap and rests while I’m writing THF (he knows all the spoilers so DONT ASK HIM). he is giving you all a big snek smile 
-- Now we have my pastel ball python, Nagini!! She is my slowest and most curious snake, and she gives off B I G James Madison in THF vibes for some reason. She was underweight at first, but I am working her back up to the right weight for a ball python (one and a half cups of noodle pile and snek mush 🥰)
-- Finally I’d like to introduce the most recent addition to my collection, my red-tailed boa constrictor. I named her after Randolph’s snake in THF, Ossidiana!! She is very sick, and is quarantined at the moment. We believe she has a respiratory infection and possibly some other illnesses, but today she ate her first meal like a CHAMPION!! Congrats to her!! 
If ANYONE has any questions, PLEASE ask me!! I LOVE talking about snakes, as I am about to add 15-30 more snakes to my collection this winter 😃😃 Thank you all for saying hi to my danger noodles!! they all say *blelele* : translation-- “hi”!! ❤️🐍❤️🐍❤️🐍❤️
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symflash · 5 years
Ultimate Spider-Man Symflash headcanons
Because I can’t write, I can’t draw, and I can’t pay other people to do it for me.
* The symbiote that's with Flash is a fragment of the larger chunk of symbiote that went down with the Helicarrier in season 1, episode 26, and not the brand new symbiote created in season 3, episode 2. Consequently, they remember Harry, but not the time the Goblin injected Peter with Venom (different fragment).
* Also, in this continuity, "Venom" is actually the name the symbiote picked for themself.
* Venom was a blank slate at their birth, like an infant, with zero concept of morals or social mores. They might've been able to suss it out by osmosis from their hosts' brains, if their most long-term host hadn't been Harry "I hate my dad and I wish he was dead" Osborn.
* Flash's and Venom's first dance as Agent Venom went something like this: Venom: “Okay, I think I've cracked the code. Every time I assert my personhood separate from my host, I get electrocuted to smithereens. So maybe if I... pretend to be an inanimate object, act super low-key, this new host won't notice, and I can delay my next near-death experience.” Flash: "This is awesome! You're awesome! What's your name? I'm Flash! Do you wanna be friends? Do you like football? Do you know what football is?" Venom: *tears streaming down their metaphorical face* "wHAt tHe fUcK Is goINg oN"
* That was not the moment Venom decided to bind themselves permanently to Flash, though. That happened after Beetle tried to hit them with a sonic blast. Venom was in pain, and Flash was telling them not to be scared, because Spider-Man would help them, they could trust Spidey. That was Venom's first exposure to the concept of trust. And after they saw that trust paid off, they decided to trust Flash. And their trust paid off. Flash: "Did you hear that, buddy? You won't have to leave after all! Isn't this great?" Venom:
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* Flash's training period at SHIELD was mostly dedicated to teaching human morality to Venom and training himself to not refer to himself as "we" (it gives the people with the sonic guns twitchy trigger fingers).
* Sure, I could NOT shoehorn in Flash's comic book backstory. But I'm a slut for cheap angst, so I'm gonna. ** Flash didn't so much live at the gas station as he squatted there after running away from home. ** The smell of alcohol is a trigger for him. He drops off the radar on his 21st birthday because he's terrified his friends will try to take him to a bar.
* Flash and Venom converse telepathically more often than they let on. They like to do Mystery Science Theatre 3000 running commentaries during boring meetings. They also do a psychic duet of Bohemian Rhapsody whenever a known mind reader walks into the room. Just in case.
* Venom thinks the fact that Flash was The Very First Host They Ever Took is the most romantic thing ever. ("It was destiny!") Flash is just embarrassed that their first meeting was so inauspicious. ("You came out of a toilet and I tried to feed Pete to you.")
* Venom can do a bang-up impersonation of Harry, and you can bet they use it to make fun of him at any opportunity. ** "Hurr burr, I have a limousine, a penthouse home and billions of dollars, and when my favorite Spider-Person doesn't reciprocate my gay crush *choking up* I don't cry about it."
* There was a brief period after "Anti-Venom" where Venom was too weak to speak to Flash, and Flash wasn't sure if they were dead or alive. ** Of course he cried; slut for cheap angst, remember?
* Flash has undiagnosed dyslexia. He didn't figure it out until Venom asked him why letters wiggle for him but not for Harry.
* Venom likes dandelions, especially ones growing out of cracks in the sidewalk. ** "They're considered weeds and eradicated on sight, and yet they're strong enough to break through rock, and hardy enough to survive in environments that would be inhospitable to all other plants. It's just... poeticcinema.jpg." *** "Buddy, you can beam a crisp and clear mental impression of any picture directly into my brain. There's literally no reason for you to say 'dot jay peg' out loud, ever."
* Peter & Co. keep making references to stuff Venom did that Venom has no memory of (because there's an entire branch of symbiotes that diverged from them, so they literally weren't around for those events). Flash decides to investigate and pulls up all SHIELD case reports about Venom. That's the first time he finds out how many symbiotes SHIELD has killed or attempted to kill. Venom can only shrug their metaphorical shoulders. People have been trying to murder them nearly from the moment of their birth. They didn't have a point of reference, so they'd just sort of assumed it was a normal part of life. They don't really understand why Flash is crying. And that makes Flash cry harder. ** And that's the story of how Flash got over his crush on Peter. *** Venom doesn't see much point in holding grudges. After all, if they ever express anger or try to retaliate over their treatment, they'll be stuffed in a jar at best and incinerated alive at worst. Luckily, Flash is a finely-tuned rage producing machine; he can be angry on both of their behalf.
* Flash encourages Venom to have their own hobbies separate from him. To facilitate this, Venom has permission to drive around Flash's body while he sleeps, provided they don't stray away from SHIELD headquarters and wake Flash up if there's an emergency. ** Venom likes looking up video tutorials for random things. And because they share a brain with Flash, he ends up learning things by proxy. (The morning he woke up fluent in American Sign Language was a trippy one). *** They're also into videogame speedruns, of all things.
* Scarlet Spider would very much like to forget the time he got up for a midnight snack and found Flash, with solid black eyes, hunching on top of a vending machine like a goblin, attempting to insert three chocolate bars into his mouth at once.
* Venom is the only one allowed to call Flash "Eugene". They're very territorial of their monopoly.
* Venom has a dim, dim view of father figures. Their genetic progenitor tried to murder them multiple times, and their only second-hand experiences of fathers are, well, Norman Osborn and Harrison Thompson.
* What's the point of having a foot long tongue if you don't use it to lick the bottom of your ice cream carton?
* Venom and Flash have such divergent music tastes, they need to have two separate playlists. (Flash likes punk rock and hair metal, Venom's into eurodance and chiptunes.)
* Incomplete list of animals Flash unironically thinks are cute: tarantulas ("Fuzzy!"), snakes ("Their tongues go blelele!"), amblypygids ("They cuddle their babies!"), velvet worms ("Their feet are so stubby!")
* Flash is actually pretty insecure about being Venom's host. He feels the only reason they stick with him is because he was the first person to be nice to them, and they could do better. ** Flash: "I mean, you give me superpowers, the means to get away from my old life, the opportunity to be somebody... but what do I give you in return? Maybe Doc Ock was right... maybe I AM a parasite." Venom:
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* Actually, Flash is insecure about a lot of things. He's afraid Peter secretly resents him for the years of bullying, he fears that he's just fooled everyone into thinking that he's a good person and really he's just as much of a monster as his father, he's scared he's too stupid to make anything of himself and he'll become a deadbeat... it's a bunch of separate but interlocking self-esteem issues. ** Venom helps, though. It's useful to have an outside perspective to your own brain.
* Flash initially calls Venom an "it", because they're genderless and he doesn't have a lot of insight into gender politics and pronouns. He later learns about they/them pronouns, and asks if he can use it for Venom. Venom, who's used to being called "it" and knows even less about personal pronouns, is confused. They have a long discussion about dehumanizing language that ends with Venom shrugging their metaphorical shoulders and going "Sure, if it makes you feel better".
* Being a couple kind of sneaks up on them. In their defense, both of them have little to no experience in giving or receiving affection; they have trouble distinguishing different kinds of love (hence why Flash thought his giant gay crush on Peter was just wanting to be his best buddy).
* Cons of wearing actual clothes instead of a shapeshifted symbiote: Doing laundry. Pros of wearing actual clothes: Nobody can tell you're giving your boyfriend a fullbody cuddle under his shirt in public.
* They're both super affectionate and flirty. They both get super flustered and embarrassed when receiving affection and being flirted at. Together, they are a disaster.
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