#i need him and tori to kiss nd hold hands and
jkgnggj · 11 months
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a lil drawing of the baby boy kei, an oc belonging to my friend @yeageryann <333 she let me draw him like months ago (and even let me brainwash her into shipping him with tori pfft)
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nobarangel · 4 years
clingy, soft s/o
characters: kenma x gn!reader, ushijima x gn!reader, tendou x gn!reader
warnings: few swear words, but nothing heavy
word count: ~530 
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-kenma isn’t the one for PDA
-he likes to keep most of your relationship private
-but when it’s just the two of you he loves it
-please please backhug him when he’s playing video games
-he will melt in your arms <33
-denies it but likes nicknames and pet names
-his favourite is definitely kenken
-he blushes real hard if you call him that tho
-if you’re clingy in public he just 🧍‍♂️
-he lets you do whatever you want but he wouldn’t return it until you’re at home
-but then he cuddles you and tells you that he likes it when you’re clingy with him, he just doesn’t want kuroo to tease him cuz that smug fucker totally would
-wouldn’t say it out loud, but really appreciates your affection
-ok listen, kenma can be clingy af if he’s in the mood
-like he’s just playing on his nintendo and then two secs later he’s cuddling you while burying his face into your chest
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 -he’s a blunt dude so he would tell you if he thinks you’re being too much
-keyword is if, because he doesn’t mind PDA or affection in general
-hell, he enjoys it when you cling to his arm around his teammates
-yknow most of the people are intimidated by him so it’s nice to have someone as cute as you showing him some love
-tendou would tease the shit out of you but honestly he’s so happy for ushi
-in private he kisses you a lot
-not necessarily on your lips, he likes kissing your forehead, temples and knuckles just as much
-if you’re shorter than him, he’d kiss whichever part of you is the closest to his lips
-also he wouldn’t bend down, he’d lift you to give you a smooch
-okay he’s such a good cuddler istg-
-like he’s BIG so he can easily wrap you in his arms and it feels so warm ‘nd safe 🥺🥺
-and if ushi wants his cuddles, he get his cuddles
-“y/n, can i hug you? like last time, when we watched that movie. it felt nice”
-ugh i love him my heart can’t take this i’m sorry
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-thought YOU were clingy? then you don’t know your boyfriend
-loves PDA!! he wants to show you off, since who would believe that a precious person like you would date him if he wouldn’t brag about you?
-whenever he sees you in the hallway he screams something like “bABYYY!! COME CUDDLE ME, I DID SO WELL ON MY TEST”
-holding hands? cuddling? kissing? he isn’t embarrassed to do any of them in public
-and when it’s just you and him he wouldn’t let go of you
-you are like “baby i need to use the bathroom” and he’s like “ok and?” 
-i pray for you 🤲
-loves to tell you about his day or listen to you talking about whatever while hugging you
-call him tori or miracle boy and he’s getting on one knee!!
-he’s just a baby who needs a lot of love and affection so you gotta give it to him unless you want to listen to his whining for hours <3
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a/n: i love them so much uGH-  n e ways hope you enjoyed!! <3
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b1mbodoll · 4 years
hello- im 4'9" and i was wondering if you could write for either tendou/yamaguchi/ushijima having a small s/o
omg babie!!! ur one inch shorter than me 🥺🥺 so cute . ANYWAY i chose satori bc i love him sm n him w a short s/o ... im Sad he’d be so soff for U
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- tendou absolutely adores your height, thinks its perfect for giving forehead kisses nd loves when u get on ur tippy toes to kiss him
- his favorite thing to do is pick you up n hold u against the wall with ur legs wrapped around his waist so he can kiss u
- however, he also loves when u straddle him while ur making out cus he loves seeing your pretty lips swollen n slick w spit <3
- he teases u about your height but its sweet n playful
- he used to be a lil meaner about it but he learned his lesson
- one day you were getting lunch with satori and the old shiratorizawa team, sitting between him and reon, playing with his hands
- “y/n is perfect, they’re short and pretty and so kind, they’re like a little fairy. how’d you get so lucky, satori?” joked semi, sending a soft smile your way when you thanked him
- “hah! a fairy? yeah right semisemi, they’re more like a little troll especially with how clingy they are,” he laughed, not noticing how you’d stopped pulled your hands away and placed them in your lap
- you excused yourself soon after, saying your friend called needing your help with something and said goodbye to the team not making eye contact with your boyfriend
- tendou was shocked at your sudden departure, especially because you always gave him a goodbye kiss
- “wasn’t y/n acting weird just now? did i do something??” questioned tendou, genuinely confused as to why you were behaving differently
- “you upset them with the remark about their height, tendou, it’s quite obvious really,” commented ushijima, continuing to eat his food
- “yeah dummy, why would you call them a troll? no wonder they left,” scolded shirabu, smacking tendou’s head
- “what? oh god, i gotta go talk to them,” he said, grabbing his things and texting you to ask where you were
- when you didn’t reply he felt even worse, mentally scolding himself for being so mean to you
- he went to your house first, entering through your bedroom window when he noticed your small frame cuddled into your blankets
- “baby?” he called out softly, not wanting to upset you further
- at your lack of reply he slid into your bed, pulling you into his arms and kissing your head
- “i’m sorry baby that was so rude of me, i shouldn’t have said that. semi was right you’re my little fairy and i didn’t mean to upset you, please forgive me”
- you turned to face satori, pouting
- “ ‘s okay tori..jus’ didn’t expect you to say that...and ‘m sorry for being so clingy,” you whispered, eyes glossy as your bottom lip trembled
- his heart broke seeing you so sad, petting your hair as you cried into his shirt
- “no baby dont apologize, i didnt mean any of that. i’m so lucky to have you and i love everything about you, you’re not clingy at all! i’m sorry for making you think that”
- you looked up at him, “i love you too tori, ‘m sorry for crying...i accept your apology”
- he smiled softly, thumbs wiping your wet cheeks as he leant down to kiss you
- yeah, after that he layed off with the teasing
- although he still rests his arms on your head
- and sometimes takes your phone so he can watch you struggle to take it back, even making you give him a kiss before giving it back
- tendou is very protective of you, he’ll glare at anyone that makes a comment about your height no matter who it is
- once a boy in your class stole your notebook during lunch and was laughing at how you were jumping to try to get it back
- tendou heard about this and left his lunch with ushijima, heading to your class
- when he saw the boy that took your notebook and you close to tears he wasted no time ripping your notebook from his hands and glaring down at the shorter boy, anger evident on his face
- the boy was scared, he wasnt expecting your strong, tall volleyball player boyfriend to be so intimdating
- he bowed, apolozing quickly before running out of the classroom
- tendou took your bag, holding your hand with the other as he led you to where he had been sitting with wakatoshi, setting your bag down and sitting you on his lap
- he’s so soft for u and only u, always checking in on u and sneaking into ur house for cuddles n makeout sessions ♡
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