#i need the uncensored version of nanami
hello-kuni · 1 year
Please for the love of fictional men's dick look at this twitter account, it's godsend!!!!! I couldn't choose one post because everything is amazing
thank you nonnie 🫶 this is just what i needed
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tommybaholland · 3 years
their s/o does the ‘walking into the room naked’ tiktok trend
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featuring: yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, satoru gojo, kento nanami, and toge inumaki
Patreon saw this one first but here’s the sfw version! check out the link below if you’d like to see the uncensored and extra spicy original writing...
he is on tiktok but he doesn’t have an account only and really goes on it to look at dogs or other cute animals
he also really enjoys slime videos, especially the ones that people make to look like real food
so it’s safe to say that he’s not really on the relationship side of the app
but you are and have seen several videos like that so you decide to take part in making one of your own
after coming home, you find him lying on the couch, watching something on tv
he’s always happy when he gets to see you for the first time after not seeing you for a long time, “babe, yay, you’re home! now we can watch that movie, right?”
you nod and say that you just need to change into something more ‘comfortable’
he agrees and you smirk as he’s fallen right into your trap
you retreat to your room, taking off all your clothes and opening up the tiktok app on your phone and setting up the camera mode
you realize that you probably weren’t gone too long but figured he wouldn’t care by the time he’d see you
you walk back out into the living room and tell him that you’re ready, pointing the camera at the back of his head
he keeps his eyes on the tv as he switches back to the netflix menu, “okay, let me just find it...i thought i saved it on here. do you think it was on hulu, maybe?”
you had to keep from laughing as you kept the camera filming and pointed at him while he continued not to look at you, as if he knew that you were naked standing there
although, if he knew, he’d definitely be looking
finally after a few more seconds and about to hit the minute cut-off of the timer, you get his attention and he looks over 
the camera only catches his gasp before the video hits the time limit
and he’s pretty speechless but he’s also not complaining
“w-whoa, baby. this is, uh, this is quite unexpected….not that i’m complaining.”
you explain that it was a tiktok trend you had seen going around where people film their partner’s reaction of them walking in the room naked
he’s like, “oh? haha. interesting. well, again, this is definitely working for me right now.”
he pulls you down by the wrist onto the couch next to him, his face coming extremely close to yours
he notices and pulls away while grabbing the blanket next to him, “are you cold? here let's wrap this around you so you’re nice and warm.”
he squishes you close to him with an arm around your shoulders while kissing your temple
“can i see the video by the way?”
you show it to him and he laughs at how he didn’t even look once until the very end, giving you permission to post it
everyone on tiktok loves it too as it gets to almost a million likes in two days with a lot of lovely comments as well
one caught your eye which said, “so whens the wedding??” 
he’s never been on tiktok and doesn’t plan on it so he’s really not expecting something like this to happen which makes him the perfect victim
you find that it’s really fun to tease him and even though he might act annoyed by it, you know that he secretly loves it
he’s also not someone who gets distracted by another person’s presence so more reason to do it and see what happens
luckily, he was simply sitting and reading when you saw him next, almost feeling bad as the poor boy didn’t know what was about to happen
you got yourself ready with your phone in hand and walked into the bedroom and stood at the foot of the bed
interestingly enough, he glanced up for a split second without you saying anything
you ended up catching him do a double-take as he realized that you were not in normal attire or lack thereof
“um, hey. what’s going on?” he covers his obviously red face with his book
you simply reply that you wanted to film his reaction of you coming into the room naked
“why would you do that?”
you add that a lot of people on tiktok are doing it before ending the video and climbing onto the bed with him
you sit right next to him, still nude as he tried to move away 
it wasn’t that he was uncomfortable but he just wasn’t expecting it and therefore wasn’t prepared for the massive embarrassment and flustered feelings he was having
you got under the blanket on the bed to cover yourself up a little bit and so he could have an actual conversation with you
he looked over to you, scowling slightly, unamused by your little prank, “let me see the video.”
you show it to him, watching with him for the first time as he looked horrified once he did that double-take
you couldn’t help but laugh as he tried to hide a smile, “please don’t post that.”
you continue to laugh but reassure him that you weren’t going to anyway
he pets the top of your head as you rest on his chest and continue to scroll through your phone
then he gets an idea and quietly excuses himself to go to the bathroom, only to return now completely naked as well
he gains a memorable reaction from you as well, “see? now you know how i felt. but i will admit...it was fun. now, c’mere.”
he has a fairly large presence on tiktok but rarely posts and when he does, it’s usually to just troll his followers with his appearance and to react to all the edits he sees made of himself
but that doesn’t mean that he never goes on there to look at videos
he enjoys seeing videos of couples because it gives him fun ideas of things that he could try with you, with or without tiktok involved
this trend was one of those ideas
so when you got the idea to make a video of your own, he basically knew about it
you came out of the bathroom and entered into your shared bedroom with your phone in hand, recording as his back was turned to you
he didn’t even have to turn around to know what was happening, “lover, what are you doing?”
you prompt him to turn around so that he can find out and his reaction is less than funny or exciting
“well, what do we have here? these challenges are getting quite...daring.”
you stop recording, letting your phone fall by your side in your hand, looking unamused at him
he may have six eyes but he certainly can’t read minds
“oh, babe. i’m just teasing. i’m very pleased that you went to the trouble of doing this. we should post the video.”
you’re not even in the fun mood you were in earlier
sometimes it was fun when he knew what was going on but it gets annoying sometimes when you genuinely try to surprise him, especially with something that you thought he would have no knowledge of beforehand
he grabs your wrist before you can leave to go put some clothes on, “baby, wait--”
you ask him to please let go of you so you can put some clothes on
“of course, sweetie. i’ll be in here when you’re done,” signaling that he wanted to talk more about this later
once you exited the bathroom a second time, now wearing you sleeping clothes, you silently got into bed with him
he doesn’t waste time with his apology, “i’m sorry that i ruined your surprise. i’m very happy that you were thinking of me.”
you look over to him, asking to confirm his statement
 “mm-hmm, i’ll try not to be so intuitive next time.”
you roll your eyes at him playfully before accepting his apology and sealing it with a kiss
then his tone lowers seductively when he pulls away, “also...did you think that i was going to stop you from doing it?”
he’s a busy man and doesn’t really have time for his own tiktok escapades but he doesn’t mind if you send him a few
but he’s not familiar with any of the trends on there
once you saw this one, you contemplated over if you should do it to him or not
he’s hard to read sometimes or a lot of the time but you find that he’s pretty easygoing
you decide just to do it for fun but to gauge his reaction, you send him one that you saved
he first only replied with the embarrassed emoji but then said “is this a warning?”
now you felt like you definitely couldn’t do it because he’d be expecting it so you tried waiting a little while longer
that lasted about three days because you kept seeing videos of couples doing that trend on your for you page
he was currently in his home office, doing some work so you felt that maybe he’d be distracted enough that he wouldn’t notice it
you decided to wait until after he took his lunch break as he usually didn’t have too much to do later in the day
you were still somewhat nervous as to how he would react but literally what was the worst that could happen?
you entered his office, armored with your phone, and called over to get his attention
“yes, dear-- oh. w-why are you-- sweetie, what’s going on?”
you explain the concept of the video to him and all his can do is grin and shake his head
“that does sound entertaining...but are you aware that all of our neighbors can see you right now?”
you suddenly become more aware of the many floor length windows in the room, saying that you didn’t think that part through and turn to leave before he stops you with a gently hand on your arm
“here, my love. take my jacket.”
he drapes his suit jacket over your shoulders to cover you up, making you smile up at him over your shoulder
“would you like to join me? i don’t have that much more to do but i could use a little company.”
you agree but would at least like to put on some sort of pants before you sit in his lap
“fair enough, darling. whatever is most comfortable for you. you’ll have to show me the video you got too.”
he definitely has an account and posts on it regularly
he treats it like a vlog which might seem strange because he doesn’t talk much but he likes using the siri voice feature a lot
people seem to love his videos and he has a good amount of followers so he just continues to do whatever he wants with it 
he was actually the first between the two of you to find out about the trend
you had been in some of his other tiktoks so of course, he felt like he needed to participate in this one, especially since most of the videos were of girlfriends doing it on their boyfriend
you were shocked, to say the least even though you knew it was probably a tiktok prank with his phone held up in front of him
behind the camera, he’s just smiling and waving his other hand with a singsong tone, “tunaaaa!”
you weren’t expecting it but you thought it was funny and gave him permission to post it
but you weren’t going to let him off that easy and decided to give him a little surprise of your own
you took the challenge to the next level and instead of just walking into a room to show him that you were naked, you decided to casually walk around your shared apartment completely naked, acting as if nothing was off
coincidentally enough, he was actually sitting on the couch, filming a tiktok, and actually caught his own reaction on camera as you walked by him and waved casually
and he said, “tuna with roe?” as if to say “what the…?”
he saved the video to his drafts to see what you were up to as you were still naked, just strolling around the house
he followed you into the kitchen where you pretended to ignore his presence
“kelp,” he greeted before gesturing his hand up and down your body
you reply that it’s just a little payback for his own prank, you just decided to do something else with it
he types a message out on his phone before showing it to you, “well, you certainly have my attention”
you chuckle before saying that it was just for fun and that you’ll go put on clothes but he stops you, turning you around to face him seeing that his collar is already pulled down to reveal his lips
he leans in to kiss your cheek, looking deep into his lavender eyes as he pulls away, “beautiful,” he says softly before leaning back in to capture your lips with his
before things get too heated, you pull away and tell him you’ll go put on clothes
he grabs your hand, pulling you back over to the couch area where he wraps a blanket around you before pinching your cheeks with his fingers
“tuna, tuna,” he coos while stretching your cheeks slightly, telling you that you’re cute
then he types on his phone, “may i help you get dressed? :P”
you agree to let him help, leading him by the hand back to the bedroom with the blanket still wrapped around you
once you both return back to the couch, he decides to post that draft of him seeing you naked, unedited (except for the siri voice)
it later warrants many comments about how eager he looked and what happened after that and some people even commented how they would’ve watched what happened after
you both find them comical but he likes to troll by answering only in emojis or his safe words and for some reason, people just eat that right up and go crazy for it
how does it feel to have a famous tiktoker for a boyfriend?
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