#i need to check if I didn't miscall it
mask131 · 11 months
On the one hand I am monstrously sad to be living in a time when the extreme-right and the extreme-left coexist as threats. On the other hand, I am kind of glad, because it allows me to see the exact workings of each of the extremes, and despise them both as much.
I mean, for the extreme-right it is very obvious why they're bad, ever since World War II we know what we're getting. But the extreme-left? It could be a bit harder to see, especially since the left defends the "good" principles like defending minorities, fighting against oppresors, equality for everyone, diversity everywhere... And yet we now have the extreme-left right in our face, showing how it can take those good principles and twist them, abandoning the "equality" and "diversiy" part for hypocritical ersatz.
The most revealing example - which was discussed about and evoked as a threat LONG BEFORE the whole Israel-Hamas conflict reignited itself - is how the extreme-left is known as antisemitic. You start thinking "Heck, why? It makes no sense! The extreme-left defends racial and religious minorities, and the Jews are known as one of the most persecuted and hated minorities in the world's history, so the left couldn't possibly be against them!".
But here's the twist... The left is against the "elite". Real or imaginary. The left is like a Robin Hood defending "the poor, the weak, the helpless", and will as such attack those that look wealthy or seem powerful, even when they're not. Comes in nice Lady Antisemitism, and the extreme-left starts shouting the same conspiracy theory and insane beliefs that the extreme-right used to shout. "There's too much Jews in the finances and the politics" ; "Jews are wealthier than regular folks, everybody knows that!", "Everybody knows the Jews control the media". And so, the extreme-left turns the persecuted minority into yet another elite of wealth and power who secretly controls the media - and decides they are an enemy to be taken down. Resulting in the exteme-left becoming a twin of the extreme-right.
This "We fight against the elite" mindset can explain a lot of what is wrong and awful with the extreme-left, and a lot of its dangers. For example how they actually "pick-and-choose" the minorities they want to defend and that are "worth" taking care of. I already talked about Jewish people, but there's a reason why the extreme-left keeps talking about Black people and Arab people... but almost never talks of Asian minorities and ethnicities. Because they're "too white", because they're "not persecuted enough", because they're too "well-implanted" or come from "too rich, too powerful, too Western countries". And as such, in this same blind and warped, out of reality logic, the extreme-left considers them to be too, part of the "elite" and thus rejects them as a "valid" minority.
And this dangerous anti-elite movement doesn't just have racist repercusions, but also terrible cultural ones. Everybody points out the anti-intellectualism of the extreme-left, but as a literature student who went to a university, I have to support this: yes, the extreme-left has a problem with traditional culture, classic literature, and simply higher-education that isn't about one of their personal topics. They deem that studying Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome for example is a proof of being colonialist, or that by being interested in any classical European author you are inherently racist. Again, it comes from a good and positive logic such as "One should be interested in many cultures, just not their own" or "It isn't because someone is uneducated that they are not a worthy person". But this is twisted into: "Since our candidate was not elected, we will attack the symbol of this hateful elite that obviously rigged the election - like universities, and we will especially destroy precious and rare books from ancient times, or degrade treasured pieces of art, to show that our rightful leaders have been denied their throne". From "You don't need to have an education to be worth something and a good person", we went to "You don't need an education, period. Culture is useless".
Again, the appeal to the masses that believe themselves to be the mass when in fact they are more of a minority. Fucking demagogues who rely on the "blind and mindless mob" to get in power - that's a technique found equally in both extreme-right and extreme-left, and the recent decade has proven us that. When a extreme politician is not elected by a vote, their supporters will start rebelling and rioting and shouting angrily the election is rigged, because "they" are the majority, "they" are the voice of te people, and as such it is impossible for them not to win... And in this blind senseless anger they refuse to admit that, simply, maybe they didn't win the vote because they are not the "majority" they like to think themselves as, but just a loud minority, or a mass of people not as big as the mass of people opposing them.
To return to the extreme-left, I can even extend the topic to genders! This was denounced heavily by the mockeries of the "wokism" movement and its ridiculus excesses, but I will forever recall this incident where someone tried to create a social and working group exclusively for women and "trans people" from which all men were banned - before realizing the problem that, by banning all men, they also banned trans men, and created the paradox of, by accepting trans people denying them any masculinity. It was at the time shared as a ridiculous story to be mocked at, but honestly it was very revealing of the entire warped "goodness" the extreme-left puts into place, and it shows how, as the saying goes, "Hell is paved with good intentions".
The right wants to maintain traditions, a culture, offer peace and security - leading to an extreme-right of xenophobe and racist fascists.
The left wants to put down the elite and care about minorities and open itself to diversity - it becomes an extreme-left of antisemitism, transphobia and book-burners.
I always knew all extremes were bad, but now I actually see in real time how good principles and ideas are warped up into dictatorial and hateful behaviors, and as I said before, it makes me both sad and glad. Sad for the monsters we will have to fight, but glad that I know how the monsters came to be and what their anatomy is.
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hanrinz · 2 years
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secret bf! bakugou brainrots & after party runaway !! showing you to the world will always be one of the best decisions he have ever made.
content. pro-hero! bakugou, female reader, fluff, kinda ooc. secret relationship! wrote this in an hour and i just can't find it in myself to proofread :(( wc. 1.0k
notes. i luv katsuki sm it hurts, someone give me recs of katsuki fluff. I feel like im dying
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running away with katsuki at the after party and trying not to get caught by the paparazzi which proves to be quite impossible, but that doesn't really stop you from doing it. the both of you managed to slip away with your long gown in one hand and your other hand clutching kasuki's.
hastily, climbing his car and driving away from the scene, leaving with a middle finger out for the press to see.
it was exhilarating, it made your heart race, you can hear the blood pumping into your ears.
your giggles are heard throughout the night and his mouth quirks up with a small smile. he looks so handsome in his black-red suit, with his jacket around your shoulders, his cuffs unbutton and rolled up to his arms, showing his muscles. his hands are so pretty on the wheel, as he steps on the gas, driving faster on the road.
feeling the cold air on your skin, your heart warm and fuzzy, as you look at katsuki making you smile so wide, that your cheeks hurt. your managers would definitely throw a fit in the morning, but they didn't matter right now.
all you can care about is you're here with your lover, enjoying your time in the middle of the night, as the moon witnesses your rendezvous.
it all flew like a blur the night itself was to be remembered only by the two of you.
you were awakened by the multiple calls from yours and katsuki's phone, the name of your managers displayed both who had hundreds of miscalls and a few angry texts accompanied with it.
it was 10:45 in the morning. immediately, answering the call, you were hit with a loud nagging voice, "y/n where the fuck are you?"
"m' at home," rubbing your eyes, letting out a yawn indicating you've been disturbed in your sleep. "have you seen the articles? i thought both of you and the company agreed not to be out on the public?!"
you can definitely hear her frustration, you almost feel bad. well, almost.
checking the web for the latest news, your face and katsuki was definitely the first thing that popped up with the words of the news of your relationship.
and so on, the media is having a field day with both of you as the topic. with your manager still ranting and panicking in the background, begging you to at least leave a statement or help her out. you couldn't care less about what the media thinks.
immediately, hanging up the phone cutting up her voice, you could only imagine her fury, definitely not the one you would like to deal with.
but, maybe your idea would ease her worries about the press. opening your camera and propping up in your vanity, snapping a picture of yourself in the mirror in katsuki's well known black skull shirt with his sleeping figure showing a little in the photo. not enough to see his whole face, but enough to recognize that it's the well known hero.
posting the said picture, with a caption 'party afterglow <3' and the minute you upload it, your phone was already blowing up again with people in the comments and likes.
moving to the bed again as you silence your phone and katsuki's, reading some of the comments before you close it.
deku_ i was always right and no one believed me!!!
⤷uravity you didn't tell us tho?!?
red_riot congratulations y/n-san & bakubro!!
⤷chargebolt when will it be my turn?? :((
pinky:3 the fucking audacity! i need all the tea!
⤷ cellophane i fucking knew it!
it has you chuckling, shaking your head as you dip deeper into the covers where bakugou sleeps peacefully. wrapping your hands around his waist, as you nuzzle your face into his chest. his arms coming around you as a reflex as he pulls you closer to him.
his eyes opening slowly, with a groan leaving his lips from the exhaustion from last night, parties have never been his thing. though, it was bearable whenever you were there.
giving you a kiss on the side of your head, following with a small 'good mornin' with his morning raspy voice. you smiled at him and it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, he could get used to waking up beside you. "did you sleep well, angel?"
"mhm," you hummed softly as you traced his face with your hands. "your manager was calling you a while ago, he seems mad 'suki," you snickered.
he huffed, clearly annoyed with his ever loving manager, always up on his ass and whatever shit he was doing. "oh, fuck him" he breathed out and that just makes you laugh more.
and he doesn't give a fuck of whatever his manager concern was, your melodious laughter dying down as you look at him in the eye, uttering the words he would always hear whenever you're alone together,
"love you 'suki," your eyes now glinting with love, as you whispered those words to his face, huddling closer to him. you don't know what you're doing to him, and it's driving him crazy and everything you do just gets him so worked up and it's not even funny anymore.
"i know you do, baby" he knows, and he really did want to say it back to you too, but your cute pouting face whenever you beg him to say it back would be an offer that is hard to pass up, and that is exactly what he did.
"katsuki say it back!" his smirk widened as he hears your pleading voice, you were a little too easy to tease, but he really can't say no to that cute face of yours.
"love ya too, more than you could ever imagine." he says as he leaned in to capture your lips with his.
and it was perfect like how you would always be perfect in his arms, perfectly his and as he was to you.
he was thankful that your relationship doesn't have to be a secret anymore, he can't really stand the press any longer with their fake news, and well.. he can't really stand your relationship being in the dark too.
it was all definitely worth it, because it's you.
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likes & reblogs are highly appreciated! i'm gonna cry i suck at writing dialogues <;/3
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