#i need to draw a pic of klara's tattoos or smth as a ref methinks
hibernationsuit-remade Β· 5 months
πŸ’­πŸ’πŸ–ŠπŸŽ»πŸ©ΉπŸ’―πŸŒ΄ for both tobias and klara pls :3πŸ‘
THANK UU!!! 🀍 details abt ocs ask game
πŸ’­ THOUGHT BALLOON β€” what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
Tobias is an ENFP which, well, yeah definitely fits him :') Easy-going, optimistic, never shuts up, hides his feelings and a huge people-pleaser (against his own good). That said, Toby also tends to prefer using thinking more than emotional side bc he's used to do that more often :3 His enneagram is 2w3 which also suits him somewhat well? Without the preference for things staying the same, guy needs change in his life and is surprisingly adaptive.
Klara is an ENTJ - energetic, self-confident, stubborn and loves her to-do lists and planners. That said, she's a more "healthy" kind of ENTJ that isn't scared of showing her feelings (in safe places, that is) and isn't cold or arrogant. She's a 3w4 hehehe <3
πŸ’ RING β€” does your oc have any piercings? do they want any (more) piercings?
Klara has two navel piercings, ear piercings & nipple piercings :3 She'd definitely want to have more and those that are more visible, but the problem is that she sadly works in a serious office job so that isn't allowed :/
Toby's not into piercings bc while he is fine with needles he is Not fine with whatever they're using to make them. No he hasn't even had his ears pierced sbdbfnfbffk
πŸ–ŠοΈ BALLPOINT PEN β€” does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
Tobias has two tattoos, one of which is a set of very small cat paw prints on his stomach. It's based on him walking out of his dorm one day feeling very awful, and seeing these little paw prints in the snow made him feel really happy πŸ₯Ί
The second one is related to a bet he lost skdkfbfkfkfk He and his lab buddy were betting on one test result and he lost, so he had to get a tattoo of the last compound he mentioned in his thesis, which was...dimethyl sulfoxide πŸ‘ It's on his right shoulder and he kinda likes it tbh &lt;;3 probably spooked Phin w it when he dragged his body out of the hope or smth LMAO
Klara has many, also mostly on the parts that won't be visible in an office environment. She has a big one that starts on her hip and goes to the ribs, a wreath-like thing though instead of laurels there's leaves of coast redwood. Then there's a flying relict gull on her right hand, and a black-billed gull on her left hand. Then there's Saturn & stars on her left thigh, and a small heart on her lower stomach. Some others too but I haven't decided on them yet :'3 Girlie likes her tattoos.
🎻 VIOLIN β€” does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
Klara plays several instruments very well, but she's mostly fond of bass guitar <3 She played in a band during her first years at university :3 she ran out of free time to do so later on bit still plays it every now and then!
Toby always wanted to learn but didn't have the chance to do so due to too busy childhood/teenage years. After that he just wasn't really that interested anymore tbh 😭 He wanted to learn play piano!
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE β€” does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
Tobias definitely has lots of problems w his lower body due to professional figure skating 😭 He basically did it several times a week (no he didn't want to, he hated it :/) for like 10 years and bc of that 1) has broken some bones too many times and 2) his joints are fucked. badly. Now our poor guy is constantly haunted by knee problems, hip problems & gets his ankles strained very easily :(
I don't think Klara has any disabilities other than having tension neck pain often.
πŸ’― HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL β€” share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
Comes from a family full of corporate workers that have high status in those ccorporations, and she also works in one of them. That said if you look at her bookshelf there's a few anti-corporate books, some of which are even almost "banned". She personally says that she works there only bc it is possible to change them from the inside (definitely not working).
Goes through one to-do/planner journal in like a month, always has a big supply of them somewhere so they won't end. Doodles a lot next to her to-do lists :3
Has a collection of crop tops and sports bras she likes, and wears them very often <3
Knows how to swim but is very scared of bodies of water where you can't see the bottom 😭 If you take him to the beach he will keep at least six ft distance from the water.
Loves coffee but would never drink it black. Can't drink tea without milk either (green tea is an exception).
Really loves going on long walks to think about things. Often buys a croissant and a coffee during them, as a treat.
🌴 PALM TREE β€” does your oc have a green thumb? do they enjoy gardening?
They're both not really good at it but they definitely can keep some alive!
Toby is less good at it, especially if something requires getting his hands dirty, but he is good at remembering how to water them. Klara has more knowledge abt plants and thus does everything else ajdjjxckxkxk
They have a few plants at home, a big monstera and a few cactuses.
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