#i need to draw art of my ocs that aren't just like.....really shitty profiles
shitty-fallout-art · 4 years
Rambling about fallout au concepts
-Instead of shaun being father of the insittute, it’s the player characters spouse (I’ll call her mother just because opposite) The institute originally planned to get shaun but uh.....well babies are fragile and don’t take to well to tug of war as it turns out. So they go with the backup.
-instead of synth shaun theres a child clone of Mother meant to be like a replacement for shaun. 
-deacon and danse’s backstories are pretty much the same because they are fairly similar in concept, only their responses were swapped. Instead of Chanson seeing the paranoia of synth bigotry as the cause of his wifes death and wanting to make up for it, he blames synths themseleves. Vicar on the otherhand sees cutlers death as more of the brotherhoods fault then the supermutants (the brotherhood executed cutler on site for being exposed to FEV, but he hadn’t even turned yet). 
-John did kill his brother in retaliation for selling him into slavery, but the institute set up a replacement synth that works as Mayor Geneva's secretary. John doesn’t know this at all and just assumes guy is dead.
-Betsy’s parents are still alive and kidnap people to sell to the institute. 
-Preston is “evil” but he’s not like evil evil
-more like he’s just tired and puts on a more harsh bravado in the hopes that it will deter people from fucking with him or others. Less “hopeless but still trying” and more” almost completely given up so not taking any more shit” kind of approach.
-The institute isn’t even subtle in their approach anymore, commonwealth is fair game and everyone there knows it. They have the entire commonwealth on lockdown so nothing goes in or out. People are way the hell more paranoid and aggressive because of it cause they all feel like caged animals. 
-Maccready is basically the same except he only left the gunners due to money, he does not care about being a better person for his son.
-he still cares for his son, but like, only his son.
-kent is an incel in this, im sorry.
-The institute caused a widespread famine from experimenting with plant growth that killed 90% of the fauna in the commonwealth. 
-People are a lot more hostile and closed off due to supply shortage. Caravans are Not A Thing.
-Most people resort to cannibalism, human farming is definitely a thing. The institute may or may not be subtly encouraging this and actively preventing things from getting better.
-The minutemen are human hunters that distribute “rations” to settlements that support them. Don’t ask preston how he feels about it.
-I am.....lowkey considering adding in some sort of mutation element specifically cause i want to do some fucked up body horror shenanigans idk what you ya’ll think. 
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