#i need to find an hq hq copy so i can make big ass gifs of my wife
therukurals · 3 years
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“That’s why you are the right choice, Yogi. Only you can pull it off.”
[ID:4 gifs of  Yogitha Kabaleeswaran in Tamil film, Kabali. In the first gif, she gets out of the drivers side of a black car. In the second gif, its a closer shot of her she glances to the left at Veerasekaran off screen then to the right. The third gif is similar, her gaze is straight at the camera with an angry expression pointing at her face. The fourth gif is a a shot of her sitting down on a pile of rocks playing with the sunglasses in her hand, with her legs spread apart looking to the left. /END ID].
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violetnotez · 3 years
When They Taste Their s/o’s Chapstick| HQ Edition
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Welcome to Hannah has no sleep schedule lmao-but I remember I did these HC for BNHA and they did really well, so I thought I would do some for HQ too! I might do more characters and not make the HC so detailed, but I hope you like these! 🤍
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Music Genre: Acoustic | HQ
Characters: Atsumu, Yamaguchi, Bokuto
Warning: cursing
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
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Atsumu: Cherry
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The bright ass teacher who thought it would be smart to put your boyfriend right behind you was realllllllyyyy smart 🙃
Okay sarcasm aside this dude is annoying in the cutest way possible????
This guy gets bored super quick, and knowing his dear, sweet s/o is gonna take all the notes he needs makes him use the class period to just mess with you
(Also him not paying attention in class secretly gets him to be able to have study dates with you, so yeah, Atsumu isn’t learning nothing from the teacher 💀)
Some days it’s bad-he will kick your chair just to laugh at your pissed off face,
He’ll air drop you memes, cute puppy pics,,,sometimes shirtless pics if he’s reallllyyyy bored 🙃😳
But some days he’s a little better and not so annoying,,,,like playing with your hair, passing notes to you, or just casually texting you about random things that are on his mind
But today he was poking your back like his life depended on it
You tried to ignore it for as long as you could, trying to just focus on the teacher droning on about some random war-
Until this fucker flicks your head
You instantly swivel around, pissed written all over your face as he gives you a smug ass look
“Took ya long enough,” he whispered, clearly enjoying bugging you, “but ya got some chapstick?”
Kinda wierd and not what you were expecting but-whatever
You just roll your eyes and nod yes, quietly shuffling through you pencil bag
Poor Atsumu lost his a few days back and hadn’t been able to get more, so he’s really feeling it on his fifth day of no chapstick
He takes it, putting it on and going to hand it to you but soemthing stops him
Cause whoa-this tastes just like you
He hand sit back, kinda just mesmerized...cause this taste is exactly what he tastes everytime he kisses you, like he’s eating candy
No wonder why to him kissing you was addicting cause you tasted like a lollipop lmao 💀
But anyways, after class he decided to test this theory of his out
He walks you out of class, shouldering your backpack for you as you two walk to the cafeteria
“Cmon, lets go this way today,” he says with a small grin, leading you down a more secluded hallway
The moment you two seem to be alone he attacks
Atsumu is a fricking good kisser maybe a little rough but UGH he is gooooddddddd 🥴
He grabs ahold of your back, pressing you against him, you feet slowly rising to meet his lips
He pulls away, loving how surprised and flustered you look as he brushes his thumb against your lips
He’s really happy, cause yup, you taste exactly like the chapstick-sugary sweet but still tart, just like a cherry
you will never find your chapsticks ever again he will always be stealing them so he can taste you 24/7
Yamaguchi: Mint
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Practice had finished, but today it was pretty cloudy
And of course, the moment the gym was cleaned up and everybody was ready to head out
It was pouring buckets
Yamaguchi was always a big softie, but he was also super protective over you
So he always makes sure to walk you home everyday
Fricking cuteeee 🥺
He was getting all of his stuff under the awning of the gym when he saw you running towards him in your uniform
You were smiling, trying desperately to keep your backpack dry as you ran through the rain shower
The way this boy yelled your name 😂💀 you would have thought you were dying
Yamaguchi can be really protective he has tooooooo
He doesn’t have an umbrella, so he unzips his black volleyball jacket and just starts running towards you like his life depends on it
His white volleyball tee cannot survive this amount of water and is soaked, but he really doesn’t mind,,,,
Your confused on why he took of his jacket, until this sweet guy uses it as a makeshift canopy and shields both your heads from the rain
You start to chuckle, cause he just looks so cute, his cheeks red from being sheepish making his freckles more prominent but this proud grin on his face
“Yams, you didnt have to get all wet for me,” you say with a smile, your digits wiping away droplets of water from his cheeks
*cue him turning even redder
and then you give him a quick kiss on his lips
this guy gets flsuetred so quickly ITS SO CUTE😭
But something is much, much different about that kiss than before-
His lips are tingly and ticklish and he’s like WTH
But it feels-nice?? Like it almost makes the kiss feel like its lasting longer on his skin-
You dont even notice him being totally just dazzed out as he tries to figure out whats going on and  grab his hand, leading him inside the gym to wait for the storm to pass
As your digging in your backpack to make sure none of your notes got wet from the rain, Tadashi noticed that something rolled out of your backpack
And lo and behold! Its chapstick! ☺
Before he hands it to you, he notices its a Mint flavor-
and it allllllll makes sense to him
After he walks you home he guiltily SPRINTS his ass over to the convivence store
He was in there for a good hour searching for hat same brand+flavor
After he found it he is now obsessed with it and applies it like crazy cause it reminds him of you 🥺
Bokuto: Strawberry Sorbet
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Bokuto has just gotten out of class, Akaashi right next to him as he went to go meet you by your locker
You three were lowkey like the Three Musketeers-
just two of the musketeers happened to be dating lmao
Anywayssss the man was already jumping around just from the idea of seeing you
It had been 5 whole hours since he last had contact with you-the horror 💀
Akaashi was pretty much used to this behavior, as Bokuto always needed a dose of y/n love every other hour to keep him preppy and up beat
Once Bokuto saw you, he immeditaely bounded over time you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder
“Hey baby birdie, missed me?” He said eagerly, placing a kiss on your lips
Usually after kissing you he’d just cuddle you close to him as the three of you waited for the rest of the team to go to practice....but soemthing was off
But in a good way
You tasted reallllyyyyyyyyyy yummy to him-but he had no idea what it was
This man has no shame
Like at all
He just starts kissing you
Over and
Over again
He can’t figure out why you taste so good! He can’t even figure what the flavor even is...So of course he has to keep “taste testing” 💀🙃
You have no idea the hell is going on, your face flushed you were in school still lmaooo
The dude was just attacking your poor lips at this point
Poor Akaashi is just as embarrassed as you 😂💀
“Bo!” You finally were able to muster out, gasping after the assault to your airwaves you just had
Poor guy looks so defeated and confused, still not knowing what was going
Sad baby bird look 🥺
“B-but babe,” he said, almost whimpering, “I don’t know why you taste good,,,”
You give him a “the hell you talking about face”,,,until it dawns on you that you had bought a new chapstick
Your just laughing, cause who knew Bokuto would be so intense over some damn chapstick
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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