#i need to make a tag for them this is dfgd fa hoot
pontevoix · 2 years
shirabu & goshiki
ship meme | @pridewon​ in conversation with this post
Who cooks meals for the other?
goshiki is considerate. goshiki is too kind for his own good apparently & he’s learned to predict shirabu’s energy levels & schedules even while there’s a layer of unpredictability in goshiki’s own schedule. it’s a good thing, shirabu thinks, at 2:00 in the morning when he picks at some of the mackerel with miso on his plate. because shirabu’s own cooking is unreliable & when he’s particularly caught up in his own mind . . . he’s prone to making less healthy meals. quick, easy, & salty —- those are his standards. that or . . . rice with eggs & salad. but shirabu can’t play that game with goshiki. he hasn’t said it aloud (in exact words), but he does care for goshiki’s professional career. he’s invested, so on the days he’s feeling proactive he has spoken to a classmate studying nutrition & then wondered if he should ask someone professional & then demands goshiki get recipes from a nutritionist associated with his team. shirabu tries to cook those things when it’s his turn to cook. when both goshiki & shirabu are caught in a hectic schedule though? it’s a lost cause. they resort to unseasoned batches of food more often than they’d care to admit.
Who spams the other with memes?
for the record, shirabu does not try to boost his own ego by sending memes that goshiki doesn’t fully understand or think of as funny. for the most part, he actually doesn’t question anyone else will find them funny at all. he usually sees memes when he tries to navigate app windows with one thumb when his mouth is half-crammed with lunch or when he’s midsip of coffee or when he’s on the bus. if he thinks it’s funny , then it’s worth being shared with even the most . . . minimally typed enthusiasm ever. that being said, he does find it funny when goshiki just either reacts with a “!!” or a thumbs up because then he does realize his mistake & he doesn’t regret it. sometimes if shirabu laughs, he doesn’t need someone to laugh with him. he just wants to share his amusement.
shirabu meanwhile does understand the memes that goshiki sends him & he doesn’t really laugh. sometimes he just thumbs down reacts but accidentally heart-reacts the explanation gives & then follows up with a text “lol.” that being said, he likes getting memes from goshiki. even if he thinks they are literally… the worst made jokes in the world.
Who likes to tidy around the house?
neither of them likes tidying, but they are both used to cleaning ritually. on most days, shirabu usually tidies first thing in the morning, so the mess sorta . . . accumulates until goshiki does his ritual round of the apartment to tidy up here & there. they rotate taking turns doing deep cleans of the bathroom because they’ve both seen too much hell in communal bathrooms, but the way it shakes out? goshiki does the cleaning that makes a visible difference in the day to day. shirabu handles the cleaning that accumulates — dishes, laundry, sweeping, taking out the trash. & then shirabu goes hypermeticulous & decides it’s time to deep clean if he wants to get his act together —- it’s lucky when those days overlap with goshiki’s busy periods, & otherwise they just give goshiki a bit of a break. that being said, they do go through messy periods together & when one notices that the other has finally started a clean up . . . it’s time to join in. it’s a bit of an unspoken ritual, & shirabu makes tea for them after they finish a joint cleaning session. they take their tea while watching tv, & shirabu ends up tangling ankles with goshiki.
Who likes to play pranks on the other?
neither plays pranks. goshiki thinks that shirabu is capable of unspeakable acts of retribution. shirabu also think that he is capable of unspeakable acts of retribution, but none of that is really predictable. all they know is that shirabu without doing anything or saying anything is capable of making the energy in a room . . . so . . . tense that both of them feel as though they’re working on electrical wires. shirabu is very proud of this. goshiki is very confused by this. that being said, shirabu doesn’t actually prank goshiki. if he accidentally flusters goshiki with a question or a topic ( ‘ wasn’t it your mom’s birthday yesterday? ‘ or ‘ you told ____ you’d bring a plus one to the wedding last week ‘ ), he lets goshiki sweat it out & then genuinely laughs. goshiki always complains a little, but that’s because there are worse things.
Who asked the other to move in with them?
so in answer to your own response: shirabu without a doubt does actively try to find his own place after 6 months - 1 year when he goes through another phase of “i need to get my act together,” & until they have something articulated, he’s in this mindset of “i need to move on; i need to be my own . . . my own (blank). ‘ so moving out sounds so tactical & purposeful. if they have an articulated relationship, then it’s a whole freaking mess because shirabu can’t plan or justify moving out unless they have some sort of problem and & he keeps laying out “roommate vs partner” guidelines so that they maintain a distance. also within that world . . . he may see potential conflicts of rooming logistics if/when goshiki is doing a lot of traveling matches — he’s not sure it’s a problem if he ends up commandeering too much of the apartment when goshiki is gone. shirabu is susceptible to shame. the way he moves in ( discretely ) makes him jittery until they talk about it.
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride?
lmao they do the coin flip or no music compromise regardless of who is driving. shirabu doesn’t keep a car in the city, but in the scenarios he has a car . . . he lets goshiki drive often, & he prefers being the passenger. he doesn’t know why, & he thinks it’s dumb . . . but honestly? he just likes forms of transit where he isn’t responsible &/or behind a wheel. that being said, if the traffic is bad or if it’s a longer ride . . . shirabu will propose a podcast as a compromise after fifteen minutes of silence. it not really a compromise because both of them are bristling ( & a little blue ) after a 15 minute news update, & they debate what to listen to next if anything. it turns into listening to a radio update about the baseball teams, which neither of them are invested in.
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?
1 ) here’s the fun thing. the extremely fun thing. shirabu is ticklish. not terribly, but being tickled beneath his jaw makes him shrug his shoulders up & turn his face. he doesn’t break composure, & there’s not an audible laugh or shout or anything. but without fail, he always ends up squeezing his eyes shut & scrunching his face. to shirabu, it feels like he’s making a sneezing face. he’d rather that no one know this about him but . . . oops! 
2 ) shirabu tickles goshiki, but it’s largely incidental. most of the time it’s little jabs & pokes to the ribs to get goshiki’s attention / get him to focus / guide him to something or / to annoy him. other times . . . shirabu grew up with younger siblings who are bad with boundaries & then with the familiarity of teammates. when he’s comfortable or not hyperfocused, he is a bit more tactile. not wildly so, but he might wind up drumming his fingers against goshiki’s arm or knee if he’s nearby & if he’s trying to say something. he might wind up wiggling his toes beneath goshiki’s leg if he’s trying to hog more of the couch. he might blow a stream of air against the back of goshiki’s neck to make him jolt. no one can say that shirabu doesn’t have fun.
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies?
again, shirabu is accidentally tactile in ways he doesn’t notice. for most any other netflix binge or movie night . . . he does tend to have some form of contact with his couchmate. touching elbows, legs outstretched on the couch, etc. of course, shirabu is entirely unfazed by scary movies & actually finds rom-coms/comedy films more frightening than horror films. that said, shirabu winds up sitting pretty compactly in the corner of the couch for comedy movies. for scary movies, he . . . notices goshiki’s tendency to hold onto a pillow & the way his spine is ramrod straight. he notices goshiki sometimes inches closer, & shirabu doesn’t really make it easier for him. neither of them really subscribe to the “clinging when afraid” mentality, & shirabu doesn’t expect it from goshiki. however . . . he is semi-curious to see if goshiki will initiate contact. it’s kind of a challenge?
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology?
for any technology that’s actually complicated or accidentally complicated ( the washing machine they bought works the opposite way of what any rational person would expect ! ) . . . they refuse to read the instructions. shirabu says his eyes are too tired to try to read something he shouldn’t have to read, & goshiki just kinda forgets that the instructions exist. they tackle a technology problem in a frenzy for 30 minutes before giving up, taking a breather, & then returning to the task at hand. they’re always much more efficient at their second attempt.
that aside, they have . . . really weird social media. idk why i’m continually blending technology with social media but it needs to be said — goshiki has a professional social media page & then a really private personal that’s full pictures that he thinks are cool but really seem like shitposts with friends. goshiki sometimes hears shirabu laugh aloud in a different room when shirabu stumbles across one of goshiki’s recent social media posts. meanwhile, shirabu’s social media is simultaneously . . . awful & goshiki doesn’t understand it & it’s very clean. shirabu goes through a phase about twice a year where he deletes all of his old posts & so there’s only about six posts at a time & they’re really impersonal —- he’ll post a picture of something he’s doing with friends where either he’s not looking at the camera or he’s not in the picture & he’ll caption it with the date & the activity. goshiki tags him in pictures where shirabu’s actually smiling though, so he doesn’t look exactly like a bot.
also, shirabu is really bad at texting. he often leaves things on read or really just responds with a voice memo lmao. it backfires on him with goshiki if shirabu recorded the voice memo half asleep.
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting?
both of them veto that. it’s never even been a conversation, but neither of them think it would be fun for themselves or for the other. privacy is a concern, & consequences are a concern. & even with that, pda has never really been shirabu’s thing — which is not to say that (in an appropriate setting) he doesn’t do … affectionate things without thinking, it just can’t really be called to attention because then he’ll start thinking about it. but that aside although frisky behavior is vetoed in public settings —- there are days / moments / special scenarios where they might be at a public place & shirabu will just decide that he’d much prefer if they were alone. sometimes, he communicates this by stepping on goshiki’s toes a little —- goshiki does not really translate this lmao. other times, he might send a text to goshiki that really says says something like “time to go” followed by a “lol.” & again, this isn’t always about the frisk — there are moments when ( in public, but sufficiently alone ), shirabu just tips his head against goshiki for a second and calls it a day.
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?
goshiki is more regular about his sleep schedule than shirabu, but it’s really dependent on his calendar. as i’ve talk about before, shirabu kinda rotates how his schedule works throughout the month. they have about a week every month where their sleep schedules pretty much overlap, but beyond that? they work it out day by day — goshiki texts to find out the answer, shirabu sends sometimes voice memos, or periodically tries to share his calendar with goshiki so that he can prompt goshiki to share his too. however, goshiki’s calendar is not . . . entirely helpful because goshiki usually writes his schedule out by hand somewhere.they are firm believers that one person’s being awake does not mean that both of them have to be awake. but they do sorta try to be each other’s alarm clocks on days where it’s possible. this is partially to try to thwart the ceremony of repeatedly hitting the snooze button . . . but also it’s just ( sometimes ) nicer to wake up to a person. not that either of them are particularly gentle at all about waking the other up. shirabu ranges from tossing a pillow at goshiki to get him up, tapping the bottoms of his feet, laying next to him &/or threatening to throw out goshiki’s lunch if he doesn’t get up.
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?
goshiki’s out here thinking he’s mighty sly. shirabu tells goshiki that he’s got eyes on the back of his head & knows when goshiki’s camera is out. it’s not always true —- goshiki probably has the most terrible pictures of shirabu of anyone . . . but he also probably has some of the best pictures of shirabu. meanwhile, shirabu is the opposite. he’s really good at sneaking pictures because sometimes he’ll act like he’s narrating a voice memo text or something while he does it —- goshiki will periodically find pictures of himself on shirabu’s phone that he has no recollection of. they’re usually decent pictures, too, which surprises him because he only sees shirabu take out his camera when goshiki’s doing something embarrassing.
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?
lmAO the truth comes out. goshiki forgets his wallet frequently, & shirabu used that as justification for how slowly he eased into paying rent. that aside, he likes paying for goshiki sometimes anyway — shirabu’s pretty good with budgeting money. he’s always kept an eye on what he owes & his bills . . . but he’s also not afraid to spend. so while he makes sure that he pays what he owes, he sometimes gets a bit confused when goshiki tries to pay him back for something in cash.
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night?
goshiki’s snoring has woken shirabu up —- & shirabu doesn’t actually snore or move around too much in his sleep, but he does steal the blankets. this is something he denies, but get used to having some cold feet, goshiki. besides that, shirabu only really calls out goshiki for snoring if it’s particularly loud on a given night. otherwise . . . he doesn’t actually mind it. but there are days when shirabu wakes goshiki up for snoring & neither of them are sleep & goshiki tries to get a second blanket in the meantime &
shirabu ends up hogging that one too. then he presses cold feet against goshiki’s calves as goshiki starts to complain.
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?
so here’s the thing — they don’t play against each other at video games often, but they both backseat drive for one another while the other plays. one can be sitting there, knee deep in an intense & difficult part of a game, & the other is sitting with a snack giving recommendations for literally no reason & watching pretty intensely. though they don’t play against one another, they’re both pretty competitive when they do play games, so they get invested no matter who’s playing. in co-op games, they coordinate magnificently though verbally they never sound like they’re agreeing on anything. if goshiki starts to tell shirabu to do something, too, shirabu’s already doing it & vice versa. again, they’re really competitive about it & feel smugly triumphant at their success. but after one or two successes, they’re ready to call it quits for the night because they each sit there, pointing at the other, saying can you believe the nerve of this guy?
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other?
lmao shirabu’s slightly convinced goshiki sleeptalks because of the number of times goshiki 1) has started to ask if things are okay when accidentally woken by shirabu & 2) then has immediately fallen back asleep. shirabu does always apologize for waking goshiki, though . . . & goshiki never hears. at this point, if he’s feeling particularly sheepish, shirabu will drag the blanket (that he previously stole) back over goshiki & figure that goshiki must have kicked the blankets off in the night.
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