#i needed some joy after go2
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Stede doesn't swallow!!! 😡
Spitters are quitters!!!!!! 😩💦
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solemnart · 1 year
The thing about spoilers (and tags)
is that, if you don't do proper tagging or other means of hiding said posts or tweets, it's on every dash ripe for viewing.
Case, and thusly the goddamned point:
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these here are 17 distinctly different tags attached to massive spoilers of season 2 posts. Gifs, screenshots, text posts etc. Discounting some personalized tags, discounting also completely NON-TAGGED posts. Generally only 1-2 tags per post, pretty much at random, not under read-more's or anything.
("Go2 spoilers" is the one Neil uses and "#GOS2Spoilers" is the one used on twitter by the Good Omens Prime account, though this list is made from tumblr posts.)
You could filter half of that list and still see massive spoilers.
I found these all in under 2 minutes at the very top of good omens search. Mind you, I did this cursory look after watching to illustrate this point. This problem had in fact manifested on my own dash without any prompts whatsoever. And I got spoiled the entirety of all big twists and events and scenes and the ending barely- BARELY 6 hours after launch. Most of them, untagged or tagged as inconsistently as above.
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This did not happen when the previews dropped the week before. Whatever leaked was swept under the rug right away, collectively, to preserve other people's enjoyment.
The second the official release happened? All gone with the wind. A complete sham. An embarrassement of a spoiler-free zone.
Use proper tagging. Use general tags. Use the tags that official sources or other people have announced to favour. Do not personilize spoiler tags. Use Read More and twitter's sensitivity filters to hide your texts and pictures. Go to private discords to vent and use discord's censor features to vent about it. Shield your kin.
You really, really do not need to post spoilers from minute goddamn one on a public platform. You can schedule posts. Write them before hand. do DMs and watch parties or bloody wait a day or two. AND EVEN THEN TAG AND HIDE AND MIND YOUR SPOILERS.
The callousness around caring for your fellow fans enjoyment has given me beef the likes of which I have never experienced with this fandom before.
Vague venting below. If you want an un-sullied experience, I'd recommend not looking, lest my emotions stain yours.
Please, enjoy season 2 unspoiled in my stead.
Anyway here's wonderbeef:
Imagine carefully cultivating your experience and filtering good omens tags right until the night before launch, avoiding trailers and other season 2 posts and the preview leaks successfully for months. Only for it to be ruined immediately. Imagine, if you will, how robbed that person(me) feels. Imagine how many tags were blacklisted and succesfull and yet?- and yet.
You spoiled season 2 for me. You took my wonder and joy away. The most delighted, non-spoiled moment I had all season was 6 minutes in the first episode. Even Neil's wonderful writing could not salvage my enjoyment of spoiled scenes. There were things that surprised me and delighted me still, but as a whole?
I felt absolutely nothing at the end. Can you imagine? Knowing how I would've felt had I seen it organically? I was robbed of that catharsis before I had any chance to experience it on my own. I had to sit there in that void of a spoiled experience. I had to sit there and think about what you had done to ruin something we'd waited for years. What I would've given for a meere trickle of emotion at the end.
My experience was so utterly voided by spoilers, that I don't know If I can manage any art of season 2 ever.
And if I do, I'm not sure I want to share with you.
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lucky-dyse · 1 year
The Nice And Valid Criticisms of Dyson Bradley (bitch)
General warning for Good Omens Season 2 spoilers
Please heed this warning before reading further, thank you.
I just binged the entirety of Good Omens 2 (which I will refer to as GO2 for simplicity from now on) and I had a few thoughts about it.
First of all I want to preface this by saying I loved it. I'm not writing a long hate speech bc I enjoyed every moment of it, there are just some thinky thoughts I need to throw into the void. For example, the writing was superb. Gabriel's "Jim" character was my absolute favourite. I'm a sucker for 'scarecrow' type characters and he was my silly little guy. I wanted to pinch his cheeks. I loved how Aziraphale and Crowley inadvertently adopted him for a solid minute.
The diversity of the show in its entirety was refreshing to see (as a personal complaint, though, I wish we could've seen at least one trans man). Especially the disabled angel. There were only two slight rough spots about the disabled representation that I felt.
1. I did not like how the disabled character kept being forgotten and meant so little to the season that if you removed them nothing would change.
2. I did not like that, despite all of the representation of queer people, people of colour, we only got one visibly disabled character. It felt sort of tokenized, like "hey look at me there's a wheelchair user! Okay onto more of the other minorities that we care more about."
I liked to see the reality that is the fact that queer people can have toxic relationships or be toxic in a relationship. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. Nina having a genuinely difficult relationship with Lindsay was good for the fact that it was very real and kicked all the lesbian fetishism a bit by saying "these are people in a relationship, not sex appeal." Which was fucking amazing. So tired of seeing lesbian relationships be perfect all the time. I also absolutely loved the fact that they didn't end up together and did the mature thing. They communicated and decided it wasn't a good idea to date right after Nina got dumped.
Gabriel was a joy to watch and I loved the mystery of what happened to him. Somehow, despite how sudden it was, the relationship formed between Beelzebub and Gabriel didn't feel sudden or forced. It was actually really sweet and I was happy they got to be together. I didn't like how Gabriel's memories came back in a fly, I wish Beelzebub had taken the time to slowly remind him of who he was and ultimately make him a more optimistic and better person from the transition of Jim's experiences to Gabriel's. Though I understand it was a subplot and limited to 6 episodes of already hectic storylines. You can only do so much, especially with the strikes.
Shax was a pretty flat character, which is fine. She made a good antagonist, I just wish there was more of a sense of danger like in the first season. It felt a lot calmer and more love focused, I'd love to see aro representation here too.
Which brings me to my final criticism.
Now I have no degree in literature, I am literally [REDACTED] years old and fresh outta highschool. This is mainly just my opinion. As the rest of it has been.
But it was my interpretation that the entirety of GO season one was to represent Aziraphale finally accepting the fact that he is not on the Angels' side nor the Demons' side, but on Crowley's side. I had thought it was quite clear that he and Crowley officially made their own little corner of nice living outside of the binary.
However, this seems completely erased in GO2. It's not clear until the last episode, but Aziraphale still wants to be on the Angels' side after everything. It's like GO1 never happened. It felt like a soft reset of his personality in its entirety. Same with Crowley and the whole "nice" thing. I had thought that he was accepting his niceness enough to tolerate being called it every once in a while.
But neither of them changed. In fact they got worse. They didn't communicate with eachother about their relationship (which, I understand), and then the show ended on a cliffhanger after Aziraphale seemingly completely reverts back to when he first met Crowley. Maybe I'm not understanding something, but it just didn't feel right. I'm not Neil Gaiman at all but it wasn't in Aziraphale's character in my opinion.
That all being said, if you haven't watched it and for some reason you read this anyway knowing there would be spoilers, please go watch it if you have access to it and if you enjoyed the first season. The characters are still so very well written and they feel like real people with real experiences which you don't see often in queer media. It's good representation of real people. I can't wait to see what happens next ♡
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