#i never tagged the evil brooke maddie au in any way that may have been a dumb of me
calebs-hangout-corner · 7 months
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Evil besties hatching a plan. A silly little (evil) plan.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Cordonian Wags
Part 15- Malice
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In a world full of Professional footballers and their demanding wives- can their football team nicknamed the ‘Cordonian Apples’ succeed? An American female physiotherapist joins the club. Will this cause issues with the footballers wives?
*This series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch*
Tags: @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @whenyourheartskipsabeat @jovialyouthmusic @nz1091 @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @cordonianroyalty
Myself and Olivia have been socialising all day. If myself and Leo are going to elaborate on our relationship, I’ll need to get to know his sister in law. She’s a snotty wag, but deep down she is friendly if you get to know her. I wouldn’t piss her off though. I’m debating returning home to New York, the original plan was to come short term after my kid sister was an emotional wreck. And that was before all the drama with Xavier had occurred.
We have an early brunch, Olivia’s type of brunch is opulent - it had to include sparkly champagne along with appetisers, why not? They can afford this luxury.
A few hours pass by, Liam and Leo return unexpectedly early. Their faces are like thunder. Noticing Leo’s swollen hand, I dread to think what has happened at training. Leo explained what my brother in law had done. My heart sunk for Drake and Riley- I’m not sure if I’m disappointed in Leo for interfering or whether I’m proud that he can defend my sister.
Later that night, Leo is asleep. The house is quiet. I am going to use this situation to pay someone a visit- I am ready to wreck vengeance.
That bastard really hit me good and hard. If he and Kiara were in a boxing match, I honestly wouldn’t be able to predict who would be the champion. Riley was fussing over me as we were leaving the stadium. I needed to contain a slight bit of masculinity, I now know that she loves me and this is the reasoning for her caring so much. She is an angel. I would take any bit of pain to ensure that she is safe. I insisted on her staying at mine or for me to stay at hers- but she said she would see me in the morning before the match. I am going to spoil her in the morning- it’s the least she deserves. I’m excited about giving her her birthday presents. I hope she likes them.
Laying in bed, I send Riley a goodnight text- when her name appears on my phone, my heart flutters. When I asked her if she would marry I didn’t expect a response- but her answer has been lingering in my mind ever since. Maybe in the future. Maybe if that arsehole divorces her- if he loved her as he says he does he would do the right thing. Thinking about Xavier and Riley riles me up, maybe i am feeling jealous- I don’t know? But just the sight of him and Constantine makes me feel sick. They are both as bad as each other.
Getting in my truck, I need to fix this mess. I need to prevent Riley from gaining more heartbreak.
Myself and Lindsey had become close since I had offered for her and Leo to stay with us. We live in a mansion- there’s plenty of room for strays. I had my doubts about the homewrecker sisters to begin with- I slightly felt a touch of empathy towards Kiara and Maddy but the Brooks sisters are better suitors. And that is hard for me to admit. My husband and brother in law arrive home- early. Rolling my eyes back, I wondered what trouble they had caused. After their explanation- I am so proud of them for sticking up for our misfit group of friends. I’ve never liked my father in law, and I most certainly will never like my other brother in law. How Riley is still here I don’t know? I’m ready to murder the two men- how is she not?
Myself and Liam have passionate sex later that night, I watch him fall to sleep- knowing that I had fulfilled him. Sneaking out of the house, I knew I was the only person who had the balls to express my true feelings to the bastards that hurt my family. No one messes with a Nevrakis.
I can’t help but feel guilty for my previous past decisions. My boyfriend, and my brother in laws all had my back. Drake had been through enough trauma with Kiara, and was now dealing with my estranged husband. He wanted to spend the night with me, but I just wanted to relax before the match tomorrow and my birthday. I promised to see him in the morning- a smile came across his face which made my heart flutter. Since we have become official, he always sends me a goodnight and a good morning text - the simple gestures such as these are all a girl needs to feel loved. My eyes feel heavy, but my brain won’t shut down. I need to speak to him in person, I need closure- so myself and Drake can live a happy life. I need revenge for all the hurt I have received. Getting in my car, I know where I’m going.
I’m furious with my father, and with Xavier. Why would they want to hurt Riley even more than they already have? I’m glad Leo taught him a lesson, because I wasn’t ready to start beating him to a pulp. Olivia would potentially berate me for it. But if anything else occurs- I’ll be ready and waiting. Debating whether to class Constantine as my father anymore, I know that karma will haunt him eventually. To myself and Leo- he may as well be dead. He’s never really loved us- all he wanted was the fame due to our talent. I will never be a father like he is, and I most certainly would treat any family member like he has. He is despicable. He is evil. One day someone will murder him- and I won’t blame them.
Madeleine -
I feel so lonely in this mansion on my own. I’ve signed the divorce papers at last- I am worth more than Leo anyway. I am going to steal everything that I am owed. He never truly loved me anyway- the feeling wasn’t mutual to begin with, but I’ve learnt to find something else to love. Someone else to love. He knows all about my flaws. He may not return my love, like Leo did. But I can easily get him into bed. I am his drug- do I feel sorry for Regina? No. I am Madeleine, I get what I want. Due to the humiliation from Leo, I am going to be stronger than ever and not accept anymore shit. If the person I love betrays me in any way- he will be going to hell.
Living with my parents is a nightmare. Self infliction some people may say. I love Drake. I regret hurting him. My fingers always seem to type Riley Lopez into google. It irritates me but I can’t help it. I see a picture of her and Drake all loved up at the forgotten falls. I’ve lost him. But I intend on getting him back - il est à moi. Some people may think I’m psycho, yes maybe I am. But there’s always been that one person who has supported me, in an odd sort of way. We have a past. A secret. That only the two of us and Drake knows about. I need to see that someone as soon as possible. I need to get my life back. Au Reviour, Riley.
They say you can choose your friends but not family. That is true. Thankfully I have Liam. The only family member I can rely on. When I first met Riley, I was attracted to her- thank goodness it didn’t go any further. She’s my sister in law, and I intend on killing my father and other brother for hurting her. I found out that Madeleine had signed our divorce papers- I’m thrilled. I can finally live a life not being the playboy- I’ve fallen hard for a girl. If I have to commit murder to protect her and her sister, I would do it in a heartbeat. Lindsey must be in the bathroom, I’m going to sneak out and have words with the people who betray any members of my family.
Those set of bastards. They should be supporting their brother and manager. I knew it would be hard to settle anywhere new, especially after my past. But I have changed. I’m going to prove everyone wrong and make amends. Walker is nothing special, Riley will still soon get bored. She thought she could run away- but now I’m back, I will prove I’m a changed man and make her fall back in love with me- ella es mía. Til death do us part. I’m going to resolve this issue, we both have a job to do. One way or another- I need to remove the burden and I know who I need to talk to about this. Heading out of my apartment, I hope that person is in.
Those girls have been part of my family since they were born. When I had found out what had gone off at training, I knew I needed to support the two of them. The team has always had issues with affairs, drugs, any scandal you could imagine. I hope the press don’t blame Riley and Lindsey. Those two girls have a heart of gold and don’t deserve to be treated this way. They deserve every bit of happiness and I hope that Drake and Leo provide that. The tip of the ice burg for all this mess, is probably sat smirking - not giving a care about the issues surrounding him. Arsehole. He’s going to be taught a lesson tonight.
Breaking News-
Constantine Rhys - The chairman of the apples has been found unconscious. Sources have suggested that his drink has been spiked, causing the black out. It is unknown if the match will go ahead tomorrow. We will let you know as soon as possible!
Riley drove straight over to Liam’s house, concerned about what she had seen on Twitter. Wondering if the others had heard, as Liam organised for everyone to meet there. It was 1am, usually on her birthday- she would be in bed at this time.
Walking through the doors, she received a cold reception from everyone.
“What’s up?” She asked, feeling paranoid.
“Have you been to the stadium tonight?” Bertrand had information about who had been to the stadium that day. Now Riley was here he needed to ask her. He had asked everyone else. Everyone else had been there between the hours of 9pm and 12am.
“Yes. I needed to have words with Constantine. But I didn’t make him collapse. I had left and he was fine, Bertrand. Where’s Drake?” They all looked concerned, wondering if he was the reasoning behind Constantine’s collapse due to his absence.
Drake was about to leave to head up to Liam’s after the ‘emergency meeting’ text. Closing the door, Kiara was stood in front of him. The crocodile tears began to stream. Brushing past her, he didn’t want anything to do with her. She had come to his home- breaking her injunction rules. He knew if she didn’t leave he would have no option but to inform the police.
“Drake please, I need you back. I’ll marry you. We can have children. The family you always wanted.”
“What does she have that I don’t? You’ve known her all of two minutes. I can be like her.”
“You will never be like her. I love her, Ki. I loved you but you hurt me beyond words. Now please leave or I’m calling the police.”
“Can you see a future with her?”
“Yes. Now if you are done I need to be somewhere.”
“You know what Constantine did to me as a child. It’s messed with my head. I will be a better partner to you.” Before Drake could react, Kiara flung herself at him. Wrapping her arms around his neck- she dug her nails in- leave a little mark, Riley will leave you now.
“Get off me now! We are over!” Pushing her away, he witnessed sorrow in her eyes. Shaking his head, he got in his truck. I love Riley.
No one could get in touch with Drake, they started to panic. The atmosphere in Liam’s living room was like a murder mystery ‘who done it’. All being questioned by Bertrand who was berating them all.
New sources from cctv, have shown that a few members from the Cordonian Apples team visited the stadium between the hours of nine pm and midnight. They were; Liam Rhys, Leo Rhys, Olivia Nevrakis-Rhys, Lindsey Brooks, Riley Brooks, Xavier Lopez, Drake Walker. There were also three other people, who cleverly disguised their identities. It is unknown if any of these people were involved in the chairman’s collapse.
“I know it’s not Maxwell, Hana, Zeke or Penelope. They all have alibis. Whoever it was I need to know. I don’t blame whoever did it. I can help whoever did it.” They all sat stunned in silence. Until they heard the door swing open, nearly taken off its hinges.
“Walker! Nice of you to turn up fashionably late!” Riley turned to Drake, smiling.
“Happy Birthday baby. I love you.” Placing a kiss on her cheek, she was happy to see him. All of them felt like they were in detention and Bertrand was the demon headmaster.
“Thank you. What happened to your neck?” Everyone turned to Drake, noticing dried blood on his neck, all assuming it was he who was involved with Constantine.
“Kiara. She came to mine.” Riley’s heart sunk, she felt sick- hoping there was a decent explanation and that she wasn’t about to become heartbroken.
“Wait? Kiara did that? Haven’t you got an injunction against her? Have you called the police?” Leo demanded an answer, still contemplating if he was telling the truth.
“No I didn’t call the police. I think they are a bit busy tonight- and besides I told her to leave, because you needed us all here.”
“You should have still called them you moron! Are you that stupid? What did she want?” Olivia now interrupted.
“She wanted me back, she said she would marry me, have my children.” Holding Riley’s hand, he witnessed her begin to shake. “But I don’t want that- I don’t want her, I told her that. I’m yours Riley.” Brushing her hands away, she needed some space. Wiping the tears away, as she walked into the bathroom. She knew he was being sincere. But it still hurt.
“Hey. Are you okay?”
“Yes. Sorry. I’m coming back.”
“He means what he says you know. He loves you. He would do anything for you. Bast has just arrived, he wants to talk to you.”
“Thanks Leo.”
Riley composed herself as she walked downstairs with Leo, overhearing Bertrand and Olivia argue- this wasn’t the start of a birthday she had been hoping for. Bastien ran up to her, pulling her in for a hug.
“Happy birthday baby girl.”
“Thanks Uncle Bast.”
Bastien cleared his throat, demanding that Bertrand and Olivia put the daggers away.
“As you all know, it is technically my nieces birthday. Riley you have turned into a beautiful young lady, you have a heart of gold. I know life hasn’t been easy for you- but you are so strong. Your parents would be so proud of you. As we all are. I’ve supported you and Lindsey all of your life’s, and I will continue to protect you. I was the last person to see Constantine. I watched as you all visited him, I don’t think that he knew how much he was truly hated. But Xavier will be gone. Here. I managed to get Constantine to terminate his contract. I told your parents I would look after you. That bastard isn’t going to ruin your life anymore. Next step, is to get your divorce papers signed.”
Riley held the paper, shaking- remaining silent. Lindsey came over to her providing her with a smile. Explaining that Bastien had done it for her, she had forced him to help her with her plan and to not worry about the consequences.
Bertrand cleared his throat.
“Thank you for informing us Bastien. We all stick together as a team. If you need to, use each other as alibis. Liam, Liv we will all leave you in peace. See you all at the match!” Everyone said there goodbyes, all agreeing to stick by each other. Riley felt a bit of relief, but still needed Xaviers signature. Thoughts were roaming through her mind on how to convince him that the divorce was needed, were interrupted.
“Leave your car here. I’ll drive you home.”
“Drake, I’m fine. I’m capable of driving.”
“I know you are. I want to come back with you please.”
Riley nodded, Liam said he would get Olivia to drive her car to the stadium for the match.
Arriving at Riley’s apartment, she opened the door. Drake lingered in the living area as she got her nightwear back on. Walking over to him, her eyes gazed on his neck. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but she still had concerns regarding Kiara’s motives. No one had heard from either her or Madeleine in days.
“Drake? Do we need to be worried about Kiara?”
“No. I dealt with her. She tried to kiss me but I pushed her away. I’m telling the truth. You’re my girl now.”
Drake pulled her towards him into a tight hug that provided warmth and love. Forcing his lips onto hers, the drama that had occurred was a distant memory that would fade away every time she was around him - nothing in this world, felt as good as the sensation of his touch.
The kiss became more passionate before Drake began to remove her clothes, seductively. Once he had finished, his hand rested below her ear, his thumb caressed her cheek as their breaths increased in sync. She ran her fingers down his back, pulling him closer until there was no distance left between them. Feeling the rapid beating of his heart against her chest, she led him to her bed - teasingly stripping him out of his clothes. Pulling him down on to her as she laid on the bed, her hands explored his bare chest- whilst his hand gently glided through her curls. Slowly moving his hand down her curvy body, his fingertips met and circled her already soaking clit. Smiling at her as she let out a a shaky breath, he kissed her passionately as his fingers began moving rhythmically inside her.
“Drake... Oh...”
“Are you enjoying it?” He smirked, already assuming that he knew the answer.
“Yes....” she whimpered, whilst gripping his back- digging her nails in deeper at every movement he made.
“Do you want your first birthday present?” Drake asked in a seductive manner.
“I’ve already got my birthday present. That is you.” Drake noticed the sparkle in her eyes, staring at her his heart filled with joy at her appreciating him for who he was.
“I love you Riley. I’m going to be the man you deserve. You’re my number one priority- and today is all about you.” Before she could respond, he lowered himself on to her- feeling the skin to skin warmth. Slowly he entered her allowing her to adjust every inch of him- both moaning each other’s names. After the first few thrusts of a slow yet loving pace - he drove himself harder into her. She couldn’t contain the moans that escaped her lips, every deep move he made - she would climax again immediately, which made Drake even closer. He was almost there, but didn’t want it to end- he couldn’t help it. Slowing his movements down, she could feel his hot sperm spill into her. Shit we were supposed to be careful.
Drake removed himself off her, laying next to her cuddling her, and kissing her shoulders delicately. Their chests both rising and falling in sync, their breaths in unison, and the warmth coming from each other’s body provided comfort.
“My beautiful girl. I love you.”
“I love you too. But I really need sleep- unlike some I have to keep an eye on the ball in a few hours- no pun intended.”
“Well maybe if you weren’t so damn gorgeous- I could have concentrated and avoided getting distracted and injured.”
“Shut up! Night.” Riley snuggled into his embrace and fell asleep immediately, Drake shortly followed.
Waiting impatiently at the secret location which Constantine had advised him about, he couldn’t help but wonder if she would go through with it. Constantine had warned him that she would do anything for him. After seeing the breaking news regarding the man, Xaviers mind pondered if she was linked to it as she was late. A cab pulled up and he was relieved. Hoping she would bring some positive news.
“Did you do it? Did you see him?” Xavier whispered to her.
“Of course I did. I want him back as much as you want Riley back. Make sure no one has seen us.” Kiara snatched the envelope off him, scrutinising the area before she made a step forward to leave him.
“Don’t go spending that money stupid! If I don’t get my wife back I’ll be expecting it back.”
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