#i never used polls much even tho i promised i would so you're getting poll blasted
risingsunresistance · 5 months
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marylairre · 5 months
Hey I just wanted to let you know that adding the disclaimer to the poll wasn’t a call out or a personal attack or anything, what you said was valid I just didn’t want to be the cause of anyone potentially purchasing something that could be unsafe without making them aware, you know. I’d feel awful about it. Thank you for the info tho and tbh I’m kinda jealous. I would love to own a Muggan lol <3
Hey, no worries about it! I don't really look at anything online as a personal attack unless it is genuinely aggressive and aimed at me personally. Adding a disclaimer to a post that is yours originally is also completely fine, it is your post, do whatever you want with it ^^
Reason I removed my reblog/comment is because I don't want to get caught up in discourse, which might occur. It wouldn't be the first time and I pretty much broke my personal rule of don't be a know it all online in commenting, which I didn't much fancy. Personal choice, I wasn't mad at you, promise.
As for the mugs... I personally feel like the lead paint thing has kind of been blown out of proportion by the internet, almost like a meme. I understand the concern but as far as I am aware, the mugs are fine to use. From what I remember of the brief period I followed a study involving ceramics is that the lead of the paint when fired right gets absorbed by/baked into the clay and the glaze seals it off, basically. Only if you properly damage the glaze could you potentially inhale lead when drinking from it. And even then, that is a calculated risk with mass manufactured processes, as the amount of lead is so small you'll need to be really unlucky to get poisoning from it. Again, this is a mass manufactured set of mugs licensed by the BBC. I couldn't decipher the exact dates of release but most websites that list them are from 2013. Rules on lead paint use were already much stricter by then. I doubt the BBC would have gotten away with selling these en-masse if there was a genuine health risk involved. I've also never seen a report anywhere of anyone having suffered serious health consequences as a result of using one of these. If it had happened, we would likely have heard of such a thing by now. If there has been an incident I missed it and was unable to find anything on it, I wouldn't mind hearing it (genuinely).
Though, all that aside, I can more than understand people wanting to be careful with them, especially as awareness around these topics has grown over the years. To each their own. If it doesn't feel safe or you have doubts, just don't use them.
Anyway, if you want one even if just for decoration, some shops still sell them. I got mine from TheWhoShop when I visited them. They ship out, but don't have their entire catalogue online as it literally is too much to list. You could always shoot them a message if you're curious. Their response time is ridiculously fast on most days and the staff is very kind. I've been a happy customer of theirs for several years now.
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