#i never want to confuse ppl or make them feel stupid fjfkdl i just... i just rly like words idk
piplupod · 2 years
also i miss my extensive vocab i used to have when i was in grade 4 and younger :(
i was made fun of (bullied? idk) for how overly formal i spoke though so now im just a fucking goober who talks as if theyre trapped inside a tumblr meme 24/7 bc kids-teens in school wouldnt make fun of this way of talking. but now im in the adult world and i have to find a middle ground to avoid trouble but thats so impossible for me esp bc i have such terrible word recall now (thank u memory issues)
i just miss how clear i used to speak and how much i delighted in expanding my vocab and finding new words and putting together sentences in really pleasing ways. sobbing wailing crying pounding my fists on the ground etc :/
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