#i noticed how yellow the vanilla grass and trees are and couldn’t unsee it
mohgwyn · 2 years
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Messing with ReShade settings to get nice reds and greens ✨
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hoodie-lover · 5 years
My Multiverse Part 24
Nightmare was rummaging around Ink’s room looking for some kind of memory wiper. He desperately needed to unsee whatever was going on downstairs. Though he cursed Ink for his messy room, he lived in a tree house for thousands of years and slept in a tree for longer, and he kept his living space cleaner. With no help from Dream he might add. When he was about five feet up in the air, having stacked boxes on top of eachother to inspect the top shelves, he heard a loud thud on the door. 
“What are you doing?” Ink asked, eyeing Nightmare. 
“Looking for brain bleach.” Nightmare responded, not looking away from the shelves. 
“Get down.” Ink commanded and when Nightmare’s eyelights blinked out, he obeyed. 
“I don’t understand why he even puts up with you. I only put up with others because I need to stop Error, and it’s fun to play war. But I don’t see how anyone could have any fun with you.” Ink monologued, gripping Nightmare’s chin.
“But you’ll be no problem soon enough.” Ink said, and with a snap of his fingers Nightmare trudged on to the room he was kept in. 
“Dream!” Ink called, tapping his foot impatiently. 
“Yeah Ink?” Dream said, walking up the stairs and turning towards the creator. 
“Do you think we can win?” Ink asked, walked to Dream.
“Yes. We just need to-” Dream started, but Ink shushed him.
“No. We can’t. There are too many alternate Classic timelines, we need to RESET the multiverse, and therefore, RESET everything. Even the original world.” Ink explained, and Dream flinched at those words. 
“How would that even work?” Dream asked, still processing Ink’s words. 
“We just need to turn the multiverse into an anti-void. Then we’ll wait a while, plan things out, and then we’ll recreate the multiverse.” Ink said nonchalantly. 
“How do you know this?” Dream asked, though he already knew the answer. 
“The multiverse got overcrowded an imploded, I was the only survivor.” Ink said, and Dream began to shake. 
“What about Nightmare?”
“We’d let him die with the multiverse.” Ink replied, confused as to Dream’s anger. 
“Why?” Tears began to well in Dream’s eyes. 
“You know he’s boring now, right? No fun, and with all these Classic alternate timelines running around we can’t achieve true victory. So we need to purge the multiverse and start over.” Ink said, and Dream nearly collapsed on the floor. 
Ink noticed that Dream was shaking and rolled his eyes. Ink grabbed Dream’s shoulders and dragged him to meet the creator’s eyes. Ink tried to drag the squirming guardian into a kiss, but Dream resisted. 
“Stop.” Ink commanded, but Dream only struggled more, against Ink and the order. 
“F-forgive me, Nighty.” Dream muttered, and fell limp as Ink embraced him. 
With a sharp breath, Nightmare, Cross, and Fresh awoke. They fell to the floor and memories flooded back. 
“Are you ok?” Nightmare asked his boys, using his tentacles to wrap them lovingly. 
“Yeah. Are you?” Cross asked, bringing Fresh in for a hug as the smaller skeleton nearly sobbed. 
“I am.” Nightmare said, shivering. 
“Why were we let go?” Fresh mumbled.
“I think Dream’s in trouble.” Nightmare responded, standing up on quivering legs. 
As Dream was lost in his own head, Ink pressed on more and more, trying to reach into the guardians mind. But something kept the creator locked out, something he couldn’t quite place. But it had a taste, a sweet taste, chocolate and berries, with a hint of vanilla. It was disgusting. He always hated the taste of love, but he would cleanse the pallet of his dear friend soon enough. 
“Let me in, relax. You only need me, remember?” Ink said and he forced all the memories of his punishment for Dream back into his mind. 
Screams of pain and agony echoed throughout the house as Ink dropped his taller counterpart and watched him sob on the ground. 
Nightmare turned his head at the sounds of his brother’s cries, rage burning. 
“Stay here, get ready to run and fight if need be.” Nightmare told Cross, who was rocking Fresh as the young skeleton shook and clutched Cross’ complicated clothes. 
“Ok Dad.” Cross said and he nudged Fresh slightly, making him look at Nightmare. 
“Will you come back for us?” Fresh asked, and Nightmare rested a hand on the now crying skeleton’s shoulder and nodded. 
“I will always come back for my boys.” Nightmare reminded Fresh, and with that he walked out of the room. 
Careful not to make any noise, the guardian of negativity traversed down the hallway. A chill ran up his spine as he took each step, a sense of dread, pain, and anger clutched his soul. It didn’t surprise him that the layout of the hallway changed, this was a house made by Ink. But as he was about to turn a corner, he heard a loud scream. 
“NO! Please not again!” Dream cried out, clearly crying. 
Against all instinct, Nightmare peaked around the corner and saw the creator on top of Dream, but this wasn’t like whatever he saw them doing a while ago. Dream was scared.
“We don’t need to get rid of him! Please let him live!” Dream begged, and Nightmare was very close to storming right at Ink. 
“No. The only reason I’m keeping you around is the fact that you have my power as well, that’s the only reason I won’t let you die with your stupid boring brother.” Ink spat, forcing another kiss onto Dream. 
Nightmare cringed as he saw his brother violated. Dream’s eyes were fluttering as Ink rubbed the guardian’s ribs, and a bright yellow blush running across his face as Ink continued the kiss. 
“We’re kings. And we have to be able to realize when our kingdom is falling apart and needs to be reborn. You’re living in the past, refusing to let go of someone who had outlived their purpose and entertainment value, and you need to be taught that that is not ok.” Ink whispered to Dream, and with those words, Nightmare utterly lost it.
“How. Dare. You.” Nightmare said as he revealed himself to Ink and his twin.
Dream sighed in relief but Ink merely laughed.
“You do realize I can make join in on your twin’s punishment with a snap of my fingers? What gives you any power in this situation?” Ink mocked as he shifted his eight to one side of his body and crossed his arms.
“He’s my brother. And I may be a hypocrite when I say this, but don’t hurt him.” Nightmare demanded, growling.
“HA! Hypocrite is an understatement, though your worst atrocities were done under my control, you’re no angel yourself Nighty.” Ink continued to mock, taking a step over a limp Dream’s body, sprawled out on the floor. 
“Nothing I did was this bad!” Nightmare cried out, backing away from the insane skeleton.
“True, but soon, the only thing you’ll care about, is that you haven’t hurt him enough.” Ink stated, and with a snap of his fingers, Nightmare clutched his head in pain.
“No!” Dream screamed, and Nightmare gave Ink a swift punch in the face. 
“I...won’t...let...you...use...me!” Nightmare screamed through the pain. 
He tried to focus, to ground himself in reality. But a smiley hand gripped his mind and kept trying to lift him from the ground and throw him into anti-gravity. But a shining light, a small memory caught his attention, it was warm and comforting. He latched onto the memory, letting it’s light fill him.
It was a sunny day, long before the village was built. Dream and Nightmare were playing in their tree. 
“Your too fast brother! Wait up!” Dream called, struggling to climb the large tree. 
Nightmare on the other hand, was halfway up the tree when he heard his twin’s cries, “Sorry Dream. I can’t hear you. Maybe if you come up here, I’ll be able to!” Nightmare called out to Dream, the latter was very aware he was heard.
“Get back here!” Dream cried out, finally getting a foothold at the bottom of the tree as he began to climb. 
“You need to learn how to climb the tree without my help. What if I’m not here for whatever reason and you need to sleep?” Nightmare asked, laying on his stomach, kicking his feet in the air, and checking his reflection in one of the apples. 
“You’re always here! You literally never leave!” Dream countered, a few feet up the tree, out of the hundred foot tall tree. 
“You never know Dreamy.” Nightmare teased, giving his brother a smirk. 
“Please help me Nighty! I’ll practice more but help me this time!” Dream pleaded, and Nightmare relented.  
“Ok. Hang in there.” Nightmare said as he climbed down roughly 70 feet in merely a few seconds and landed on the grass next to his struggling brother. 
“Thank you!” Dream cried out, jumping down and wrapping his brother in a large bear hug that knocked the negativity guardian to the ground. 
“There there Dreamy boy. It’s ok, I’ll always be here for you.” Nightmare comforted as he patted his brother’s back. 
The memory filled Nightmare with love and joy. He wasn’t the best, and probably one of the worst brothers, but he did care about Dream. He may not know what was him, and what was Ink, but he knows that he does love Dream. Dream may have manipulated him mind and memories, but all Dream wanted was to spend time with him. They had some issues, but Nightmare wouldn’t let Ink hurt him like this. 
Nightmare looked at Ink’s face, contorted with rage. 
“Insolent, boring, toy. I’ll make you, your boys, and your brother pay for that.” Ink mumbled as he stood up. 
“No you won’t.” Nightmare said as he readied himself for a fight.
“Funny how you think you can beat me.” Ink said as he summoned his brush. 
But before anyone could react, a portal opened up beneath Nightmare and he fell into the anti-void. 
“Where am I?” Nightmare asked when the portal closed and he landed. 
“Hello NIghtmare! My name is Maxie, and I have something to explain.” Maxie said, her voice youthful and cheery. 
Characters belong to their respective owners
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