#i obviously wasn't recording BUT I HAD A WITNESS HOLY FUCK
answrs · 9 months
not my mother having a fucking meltdown at me solely because I recounted the pain doctor's appointment slightly differently to her to the psychiatrist.
maybe it's for the best she didn't stay for the gyn because then she'd probably be actively gaslighting me about how all the disgusting things that happened in that room didn't "really" happen that way, stop lying to make people look bad. that stuff didn't happen but even if it did it didn't happen like that and even if it did I'm just overreacting over nothing.
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iammarylastar · 4 years
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1. Alone amongst brothers.
"Cal! Hey mate where are you?" Snowballs clicked his fingers under his nose, startling him.
Bad idea. Never startle an ex cop ex Marine who hadn't slept for years.
Chris -his real name was Chris- came out of his reverie and offered a poor smile to his brothers. Obviously missing his goal to reassure his squad.
Who was he kidding?
He hadn't been here for years. For 3 years. 3 fucking years.
He hadn't been the same since he came out of prison. Since his brother, his real brother fled to Canada, to never return.
Since Oyster, his little brother killed that asshole in a bar.
Thinking about it, all this shit had started after their mother died.
Big, huge mess she had left behind.
He reluctantly came back to the world, that world without his mom nor his brother, that world where he's a useless piece of shit, forbidden to serve his country in any way.
Reverie couldn't have been more inappropriate. Living nightmare would have fit better.
"Next round on me." Jaeger announced with too much enthusiasm.
"Same?" He quirked an eyebrow at Cal, who just nodded, not bothering to say a word.
He didn't need another beer. Alcohol free. Taste free too. He'd been nursing the same bottle since he settled his ass in the bar, mind absently scratching the corner of the label with his nail.
He had been sentenced to 6 years and spent 3 at Pittsburgh Correctional Institution. He got a release, good behaviour. He'd been lucky, somehow, half of the prisoners were there because of him. Death had waited for him at every corner, but freedom hadn't tasted better.
A lot had happened in 3 years. Life had gone on whilst his had stopped behind the bars.
Snowball found his soulmate Carlo, Jaeger finally got Claire back, they married last year and were expecting their first child. Milk spawned two boys, fuck he'd been out for a long time.
Brotherhood meant leave no one behind. He had Oyster's back, he did what had to be done to save his brother from jail. Sentencing himself, ruining his own life.
He got nothing left. No wife, no family. Sure, his bros had always cared, hanging out, working out, having him in for all their kids birthdays, family barbecues, even last Christmas when Claire and Jaeger announced the good news.
They all exploded, hugging Claire and clapping Jaeger's shoulder, whooping and cheering like madmen.
He was genuinely happy for both of them and tried to ignore the stab in his guts.
For once he wanted and was in the mood to celebrate. Till his eyes landed on the blessed couple's wedding pic pinned on the wall, then spotted another showing his brothers in uniform, proudly posing with the groom.
He wasn't there and it killed him.
Claire told him they got a seat settled in his honor and it hurt more deeply.
He had missed so many events, so many people.
He had spent most of his miserable life to raise his little brother -half brother but who cares?- kicked his ass every morning to have him secured at school, kicking his own ass to quit both grief and booze and pass his exams to assure them a future.
Look what future both fucked up.
If only he could have the slightest news of him, knowing his brother was fine and safe somewhere in Canada, a letter, a call, an emoji on whatever social media... but no. The cops were still looking for Oyster for Ben Daley's murder and as a cop -ex cop- he knew he and his mates have been under surveillance since day one.
Oyster had been MIA for 3 years with no chance of brightest days.
And he was left alone with nobody to care for and nobody to love.
His sentence had him kicked out from the police department, along with his staff sergeant status. No job. No rules to give rhythm to his days. No incomes but a few light works here and there in the neighborhood. The people he knew always put in a good word about him and hopefully people didn't ask for his criminal record before hiring him for fixing their roof, painting their fronts or uprooting a tree stump.
Yeah he had a lot to add to his resume: by-the-book cop, dauntless staff sergeant in the Marine corps, 2 rounds in Iraq, baby sitter and groundskeeper. Impressive.
"Man, look at this chick over there." Milk nudged him. "She's been eyeing you like she's willing to drop her panties for you."
Cal finally lifted his eyes and glanced at the girl in question. Thin, sexy, a blouse full of goodies, gaudy red lipstick, prying eyes.
Maybe he needed to get laid. He hadn't had sex since he came out of prison. His mates planned a party to celebrate his freedom and got him a working girl for the occasion but he wasn't in the mood.
He hadn't been interested in sex, not after what has happened in prison, not even a quick handjob while watching a porn. No. Scratch that. He's been forced into lame and painful wankings when his balls threatened to explode, but it was no fun at all. Far, far from it.
A slight nausea invaded his throat of the reminder and he forced the thought out.
Double sentence. If he hadn't suffered PTSD after what he did and witnessed in Iraq, then he got his trauma.
He might never use his cock again. Playground out of order. Broken.
"Nahhh... She looks cheap. Guys I don't need another blind date, you know. Your Tracy girl was crazy, she scared the shit out of me with her earlobe-licking... fetishism." Cal rubbed his earlob with a disgusting frown on his face, having all his skwad laughing out loud, wiggling all tongues out.
"Listen Cal. You need to get laid. You need a good fuck to come back to life. You're hot stuff still, you just need to pick up some gorgeous chick and have some fun! Before your dick just deceases from dehydration." Jaeger joked, hilarity ensued.
He looked around the crowded bar, tired. Tired to pretend he could be interested in that kind of date.
He didn't need a one night stand. He didn't need some cunt to fuck. He needed someone to love. And be loved in return.
Like the ol'time when he lived with his mom. Or with Oyster. He needed someone who cared.
"Thank you guys but I'm tired. I better go home and get some sleep. Need to wake up early and..."
His lame excuses got cut off by an angry Milk.
"Oh yeah, because you do have so much to do tomorrow, don't you? Cleaning up the house and walk Mrs Riley's pet? That's why you're leaving your brothers now? Cal, when are you going to get rid of this shit and be alive again? It's been 3 years already, move on for fuck sake!"
Cal didn't blink. He deserved to be scolded by his gang. He's been no fun, nothing more than a burden for them. A big piece of shit, whining about all he'd lost. Poor thing. Soon he'd lose them.
He was whining again. He's got the best friends he could dream of, people he could call his brothers, who were totally devoted to him, heart and soul.
His family. His home.
Those guys made it all easy for him while his time in prison. Paying him a visit each week, twice a week when they were off. They paid for his lawyer, his loan for the house so he wouldn't be homeless when he got out of prison. So he didn't have to break into his savings and get ruined in 6 months.
They did it in a heartbeat, without thinking nor asking for his permission. They told him it was the right thing to do. The same way Cal had them home, safe and sound after their tour in Iraq. Beside Jaeger's leg, abandoned there. How guilty he had felt, and still.
He owed them... everything.
He leant on his elbows and rubbed his face. He considered staying and trying to relax and have some fun, but his mood was definitely shitty.
Time to shake his thoughts and his big ass. He survived the war, survived in jail, he could survive this night.
"OK fuckers. But I don't want to bury my future here." He emptied his drink, slammed it loudly on the table.
"Let's get home and shake the walls!"
He grabbed his other beer and clinked glasses with his mates, and chugged it whilst his bros cheered and downed their own drinks.
"Last one at my mailbox is a loser!" Cal jumped on his feet and started running through the door.
"Ohhhh, you bastard!" Milk shouted, running after him, quickly followed by an enthusiast Snowball.
Jeager rolled his eyes and took out his wallet to pay the bill. He wouldn't win anyway, his fucking metal leg was no match for those big machines.
The three guys were messing around by the front door, playfully wrestling to pass first.
Cal jammed Milk's head in between his bulging biceps and disheveled his neat hairstyle, having him struggling even more for his freedom, grunting with rage. Snowball was stuck against the wall, the two heavy guys struggling were keeping him to head towards the door.
In a joint effort to get free, Snowball and Milk pushed Cal with all their strength until he popped out like a Champagne cork, sent flying against the wall. Just as the door opened on someone coming in.
Cal ended up glued to them, pinned on the wall, crushed against his broad chest.
"Whoah, whoah, whoah! What the hell?" A muffled voice came from underneath Cal's body.
"Holy shit, I'm sorry!" He apologized, peeling his body from a smaller and thinner one.
His hands flat against the wall, each side of a face. A beautiful face. Still blurry, he was too close to focus.
Never too close... he thought. Her smell itself made him stop.
"I'm sorry!" He uttered, forcing a step back. Finally able to focus on delicate features.
"I'm fine, I'm fine...uh, hey... I'm Jessica. " She said in a big grin as she rearranged the strands of hair away from her face.
"Nice to meet you..." She started, inviting him to introduce himself.
"Milk, nice to meet you gorgeous." The bastard spoke first, getting on Cal's business, more than happy to embarrass his mate.
"And this is Snowball" he continued, shamelessly stepping on Cal's toes and bluntly pushing him to the side.
"Ma'am!" Snowball bowed before an amused Jessica, glancing at the three boys with a smirk. "Please, accept our sincere apologies. I hope this giant idiot didn't hurt you when so roughly trying to get your attention."
Jessica let her eyes wander at the big stud's body and face, making sure it didn't turn into a stare. The man was built like a brick house, huge arms, solid chest, his short hair suggested he was a cop or a soldier, his handsome face obviously annoyed by his friends' demeanour. His gorgeous self nodding his head while pressing his so soft looking lips together. She felt her heart stop and her inside melt when they locked stares. His blue eyes were captivating and something slapped her in the face. Through his hilarious expression and attractive features, he looked so... sad and lonely. So much she wanted to pull him in in a hug and never let him go.
She forced her eyes back at the two dummies still making the show for her.
"And this!" Milk nudged his pal, "this is Chris Callahan, the man you need.
The thoughtfulness itself, well, when it's not nearly killing you, this guy is not only strong, courageous and handsome, thanks God he's also single."
Cal wanted nothing more than vanish from embarrassment after getting rid of that motherfucker of a so called best friend. On a definitive way.
But the more Milk was blurting his shit out, the more Jessica looked amused and kind of interested in him.
Eyeing him. The cutest smile on her lips. Which she bit when she finally was caught staring.
"This big sweet heart is to take darling, and you'd be a fool not to try your luck with him."
Milk got a little closer and lowered his voice "I heard he's got amazing skills, like... look at the size of his feet!"
The 2 guys barked a laugh, clunching at each other while Cam just chuckled and sighed, more uncomfortable than ever. Jessica shared the guys big laugh then winked at Cal, before glancing down to judge their size by herself.
Milk wiped the tears from his face, oh Lord he loved making fun of his mate so very much. Calming down his panting, he stepped back, still hooked to an exhilarated Snowball.
"If you want to excuse us mylady, we're up for a male race contest, where the loser will have to walk butt naked the entire week." He said, bowing out at Jessica, then stepping out of the bar with renewed loud laughs.
Cal just shifted uneasily on his spot, figuring out a way to stop looking like the dumbest guy on Earth.
"Sorry... That was... pretty awkward, wasn't it?" He shyly tried, mentally kicking in own ass to not have found something clever to say.
"Found it very funny actually, you guys made my day!" Her genuine smile cheered him up a little.
"Those guys are total weirdoes, please do not believe a single word of what they say." Cal flashed one of his best smile, pretty sure it would work for him.
"Seems your friends think very highly of you. The resume they made of you is quite appealing, you know." She made it sounds like a joke but couldn't help wondering about that nice guy, nice looking guy all in embarrassment in front of her.
And the size of his... feet.
"Yeah... Well, wait to meet them once they're not drunk and you might hear a different story." Cal shoved his hands deep in his pockets. Looking so cute.
"So... Cal, I'm looking forward to hang out with your smartass group of friends, and hear all kind of stories about you, I bet each more embarrassing than the last!" Jessica's fingers were playing with a strand of her hair against her will, flirting.
And it seemed this didn't get unnoticed, by the way Cal's stare lingered on her delicate features.
"I... I've got to go and look after those drunken asses before they get into more trouble. I won't stop hearing of it if I don't beat them tonight. It was so nice to meet you and again, apologies for so rudely bumping into you."
Chris scratched the back of his neck, torn between two options. Stay and risk to embarrass himself more and more, or leave and risk to never see her again.
"It's OK, Chris I'm fine. We would find a way to make it up for nearly knocking me down earlier. Go get them, we could meet another time. I'm new in town but I'm here for some time, let's catch up later!"
Chris chuckled, mumbled a cocky "sure!" through an enormous grin, dared to throw a wink at her before turning heels and walked out of the bar.
"I hope you lose!" She shouted at him as he reluctantly started to jog towards his mates.
"Thank you...?" Chris turned to face her again, walking backward, wearing an astonished expression. That was not the kind of support he expected.
"I may not know much about you, but I figured seeing you walk up the streets butt naked could be fun!"
Chris couldn't help the large grin taped on his face to turn into a big smile, that charismatic pant-dropping smile that had been MIA for years was finally back.
As he jogged back to his drunken brothers, in absolute no hurry, a light in heart, he felt like that stupid smile wouldn't leave his face for quite a while.
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