#i often wonder what would have happened if he was by cesare's side at navarre
ducavalentinos · 7 years
In Piombino Cesare had left Michele da Corella as his governor. This Corella was a captain of foot, a soldier of fortune, who from the earliest days of Cesare's military career had followed the duke's fortunes ―the very man who is alleged to have strangled Alfonso of Aragon  by Cesare's orders. He is generally assumed to have been a Spaniard and is commonly designated as Michelotto, or Don Miguel; but Alvisi supposes him, from his name of Corella, to have been a Venetian, and he tells us that by his fidelity to Cesare and the implicit manner in which he executed his master's orders, he earned―as is notorious―considerable hatred. He has been spoken of, indeed, as the âme damnée of Cesare Borgia; but that is a purely romantic touch akin to that which gave the same designation to Richelieu's Father Joseph.
Rafael Sabatini - The Life of Cesare Borgia
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