#i only like cosmic horror and eldrich shit in a depersonalizing way. it's my PTSD gawking at smaller monsters like i'm @ a zoo
fairymint · 1 year
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any? (for Felix)
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Ghosts in the pokemon world are kind of a reality, but it doesn't really change Felix's attitude towards them- that they're nothing special. Honestly, he doesn't 'get' as in sympathize or see the point in things like fear and worship- a ghost, like a god or legendary, is just another person. An animal wrapped in intelligence.
So basically, his reaction to any negative connotations is that of venom- nobody has the right to be unpleasant, so any ghost that comes after him is in for a bad time. The subject of a horror story isn't something to be respected and feared with special rules, it's just another shitty person that gets karma.
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