#i only really know the mp characters from world of thedas but i love this
anneapocalypse · 1 year
(do multiplayer characters count because I'm obsessed with these Ralaferin children who ran off to follow their own paths only to be reunited in the Inquisition, Cillian who somehow found the Arcane Warrior path by wandering around and meditating??? and Neria who seems a lil stuck up but also is involved with rediscovering Dalish history in the Inquisition and keeping track of it in the footsteps of Gisharel!!) (and Amund, who is just so chill and kind and is our first glimpse of an Avvar Skywatcher before JoH, who cares for the spirits and the Lady's Veil and has a nice sense of humor and seems perfectly reasonable as he just tags along watching after the misguided Korth wannabe, and joins the Inquisition and just seems so amused and good natured with a band of young ne'er do wells on the MP adventures ajdkdldldjdmsla)
They absolutely count and this is wonderful. ❤️❤️
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