#i only really wanted stimulants for my adhd but because i'm bipolar they won't give me vyvanse without a mood stabilizer
actuallyadhd · 7 years
I'm currently on Strattera and the only thing it's doing is giving me side effects that I'm not okay with like random ear pain, really bad menstrual cramps, and fainting or feeing like I'm going to faint every time I stand up. The problem is my psychiatrist won't give me stimulants because I also have bipolar disorder, but I've tried all the other meds that aren't stimulants and none of them have done anything. I don't want to stay on Strattera but I don't really have another choice.
Some people who have both bipolar disorder and ADHD are able to take stimulants. Talk to your psychiatrist about your options and ask if you can please try it with the understanding that if something goes wrong you’ll stop.
Either way, do stop taking Strattera. You don’t have to take it if it isn’t helping.
You might also look into an ADHD coach. Sometimes if you can’t find a medication that will help, a coach can help you figure out ways to manage your life without meds.
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