#i only rlly keep contact w the same few irls n they have more friends than me so. i really doubt T_T
sunnysidewrites · 7 years
92 Questions Tag
tagged by the lovely @kakaotaeks​ rIP I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY IM DOING THIS BUT,,,, GET TO KNOW ME!!! 
drink: water
phone call: my dad LOL
text message: my irl friend
song you listened to: honeyst - like you wHICH IS A BOP STOP SLEEPING ON HONEYST
time you cried: i dont remember,,,, i cry quite easily,,,,,,
dated someone twice: lmAO GOOD ONE
kissed someone and regretted it: LMAO!!! GOOD ONE!!!
been cheated on: i have to date someone in order for this to happen
lost someone special: a relative :((
been depressed: not depressed but there have been times where i just felt useless!!!
gotten drunk and thrown up: no
light blue
aqua green
made new friends: yes a few but not much!
fallen out of love: no what does it feel like to be in love,,, i wonder,,,
laughed until you cried: i woulDNT BE SURPRISED IF I DID
found out someone was talking about you: um,,, idk,,,,, but i also definitely wouldn’t be surprised,,,,,,,,,,,,,
met someone who changed you: hm not sure i got really close with a few people tho
found out who your friends are: uhhhhh,,, i guess???????
kissed someone on your Facebook list: i never kissed anyone, period
how many Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all
do you have any pets: no cAN SOMEONE PLS GIVE ME A PUPPY!!!
do you want to change your name: there were times where i thought other names sounded better but at the end of the day i love my name!!
what did you do for your last birthday: i bought a cake,,, that’s it
what time did you wake up: i have summer class so i gotta wake up at around 9, 8 sometimes, but usually i wake up at like 10
what were you doing at midnight last night: ,,,,,tumblr,,,,,,,, gdi why am i like this
name something you can’t wait for: to master what i wanna pursue
when was the last time you saw your mom: like an hour ago or smth?
what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: me LOL :(
what are you listening to right now: im listening to my calming music playlist sooo,,,
have you ever talked to a person named tom: no wtf lmao wHAT KIND OF QUESTION
something that is getting on your nerves: a lot of things,,, just a lot
most visited website: idk i go on tumblr a lot but there’s also youtube and my email
mole(s): yeee
mark(s): yes,,, i think
childhood dream: i wanted to be a lot of things lmao be a teacher, writer, actress, the list goeS ON
hair color: dark dark brown i find the color nice when the sunlight shines on it bc it looks like regular brown!
long or short hair: LONG HAIR FTW
do you have a crush on someone: not really i just find one or two guys cute but not worth investing my time in
what do you like about yourself: nothing lol im trash????
blood type: i DONT KNOW WHAT MY BLOOD TYPE IS :(((
piercings: i have earrings!
nickname: ill keep that a secret
relationship status: married to 6 husbands im single
zodiac: cancer!!!!
pronouns: she/her
favorite tv show: well i love kim possible a lot and for kdramas the list never ends :)))
tattoos: none
right or left handed: right
surgery: none
sport: um?? lol??? im athletically challenged
vacation: i’ve only been to hawaii aND ITS SO BEAUTIFUL I MISS IT!! i wanna go to a bunch of european and asian countries there’s a lot of places i wanna go,,,,
pair of shoes: converse, vans, combat boots, running shoes (lmao i dont exercise tho,,, i just had them for PE)
drinking: i like drinking water and anything with mint chocolate or just chocolate or mocha,,,, you get the point
I’m about to: do my assignment uGH I WANNA KMS
waiting for: me to get my life together smh
want: food,,,, and sleep,,,,,,,,,,
get married: i mOST DEFINITELY WANNA GET MARRIED but i dont have to worry about that for a while
career: something involving computer science!!
hugs or kisses: I AM A STRONG ADVOCATE FOR BOTH and it also depends on the person,,, obviously if its with my s/o both but anyone else is a hug and it also depends on the kiss iDK IT JUST DEPENDS LMAOO
lips or eyes: eyez eyez 
shorter or taller: tall but not way too tall
older or younger: same age or older!!
nice arms or nice stomach: idk i dont really care that’s not the first thing i think about??? y not both idk???? idc????
hook up or relationship: relationship always!!! i only wanna do long-term
troublemaker or hesitant: um idk??? i would say both in appropriate conditions, but rather than troublemaker i would say adventurous i dont want a troublemaker lmao
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: lmao yes but it was at a wedding so like,,,, and that was my only time
lost glasses/contact lenses: no
turned someone down: no one likes me???
sex on the first date: N TO THE O SPELLS NO!!!
broken someone’s heart: not that im aware of,,,, :((
had your heart broken: well yes but not like that
been arrested: no
cried when someone died: yes
fallen for a friend: eh when i was younger but not atm
yourself: ,,,,,,,well,,,,, depends,,,,,,,,,,,
miracles: yes sure!!
love at first sight: idk this is where it gets fuzzy,,,, more like attraction at first sight bc thats real dont lie
santa clause: no
kiss on the first date: sure!! depends on how comfortable i am w them but i would like to take things a lil slow
angels: sure??? idk??
eye color: brown im boring
favorite movie: dont rlly have one,,,,,, but i like disney movies,,,, :’)))
ok who to tag um i dont really have a lot of ppl to tag so this list is gonna be pretty short: @mintyjihoon @justkpopjokes @mansaeboysbe @7teentexts @chanilovehours and anyone else reading this!! mention me so i can see it!! :)
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