#i only wanna drink tasty drinks theres nooo way im drinking something just ta get drunk skjfhkdjsf
spaciebabie · 9 months
Its so strange watching you muse over how you'll act when drunk, thats such a "never drank before" thing to do 🤣 /lh
Just so you're aware, its a Thing where different alcohols can result in different types of drunk, you're not gonna feel the same from every drink. Like for example, whisky makes us crazy sleepy, its the chill drink, we're gonna end up dozing off on the couch after just one or two drinks, there is no energy or party from that shit. Wine (white) is our drink of choice and we're a mess on it, especially the strong stuff, we're a chatterbox and a weirdo on it and there's a brief window of time between the drink hitting us hard and the exhaustion hitting us hard where we dance a bunch and fall over a lot (the exhaustion isn't caused by the dancing, it'll happen either way and is completely inevitable). And vodka (our second choice in drinks, though still a definite favourite) makes us LOUD, we yell A LOT on that shit, whatever comes to mind, and we get pretty kooky on it, its the funnest drink for sure, if we're down to party (solo party with 30+ people in one body because we have no outside friends) vodka is the drink of choice for sure, the energy lasts the longest and the Vibes are great.
Similarly to this, different drinks get different hangovers. For us whisky has no hangover (mostly because we can't stay awake long enough to drink enough to cause a hangover), wine FUCKS us up and we feel pretty nauseous, and vodka makes us the endless void portal pit to another dimension where the residents demand food sacrifices and if the food stops coming they will start chopping heads, we eat EVERYTHING in our hangover munchie rampage, normally we cant eat unless we're craving the food but those munchies make us tear through everything in sight regardless of what it is, its an expensive disaster
Good luck finding out how you respond to various drinks, its gonna take a bit of experimentation and no it cant be done all in one night, that's a bad idea for sure
oh man! i did not know this. thank yall for the information :>
i definitely dont plan on going too hard on my first time dkjfdkfjdf im probably just gonna have a tasty wine and relax :]
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