#i owe you my life but youll never forgive me
umbillicalnoose · 5 years
i think that you would think im pretty and would like my poetry and i want to share it with you. im shy.
to be honest, im very apathetic these days. im not the nice “cutesy baby flower petal boy” i used to be. a lot has happened & im bitter & sullen & all in all, a pretty shitty friend/person to know. i used to possess some redeeming qualities, believe it or not, even if they were construed by the subconscious in an attempt to be likeable - a facade, even tho its only a facade, is still tangible, still there, is still something, even if not authentic. is poorer character forgivable in the name of presenting more authentically? but nah. that makes it sound like im putting effort into being a better person, which im not. im just sort of fried & done. its been a very long time since i played the role i built for myself on here of the “small fawn boy who wants to help girls” lmaooo. how embarrassing. altho, i was just a kid, & i guess, if you had a tumblr as a teenager, you went thru some cringe (i know the use of that word has fallen in on itself & adopted its own definition but for lack of a better one) ass phases, whether it was kinning or malingering mental illness or oh fucking christ, all that gender bullshit, etc etc. from what ive observed, tho, loosely following kids im still casually friends with that i met on here, i think we’ve all managed to Grow The Fuck Up, at least a little. most of us have jobs or r in school or have partners - growing up & moving on is a very surreal experience to watch/go thru. im moving at my own pace & ive accepted that - im still currently using & starving myself & concocting a suicide plan every day but at least i use clean needles as much as possible, i actively & honestly do strive for the bare minimum calorically, & um able to work with the mentality of “well ill have this when i need it but todays not that day” a lot more readily, in relation to suicide shit. ive finally found a therapist who Really Gets It, is a frontrunner internationally on ritual & extreme abuse & mind control. its pretty incredible what a few years with a good therapist can do. anyways. im sorry, i know you didnt ask for all this & im not even sure why i divulged. i guess, what tipped me off, was your attempt at sounsing “cute” - dude, cut that shit out, i promise youll be a lot better off. & i know everyone interchanges aspects of their personality based on who theyre talking to/who they percieve themselves to be talking to, but i feel like not a lot of people give enough credence to the internet & its hand in shaping/molding young people, kids, vulnerable dumbasses, especially tumblr (tho, i get that its a relatively new phenomenon) - u get a bunch of the “weird”, “alternative”, ““ostracized” kids together on a website, of course its gonna nurture a culture of hypervalidatoon & pretending to be sick in order to fit in to the point that its not an act anymore & exacerbation of symptoms & basically, just sucking each others dicks, sitting in ur own shit, & never ending coddling. & then, you have the older group of kids, who have played this game before but instead of helping or ignoring the Dumbshit kids, they indulge their own normally-buried-but-unleashed-by-internet-anonymity sadism/human instinct to just be fucking dicks & so now you have this vicious cycle of anger & hatred & fucking melodrama up the urethra. im sorry, i know im comig off as/am being harsh but god fuckin dammit yknow? also, this isnt directed at you, specifically, more of a generalized thing, @ myself included. so uh. i mean, if u still wanna share it with me after reading all this, id be happy to read ur poetry. i used to be over the top nice & then reverted to Major Asshole & am now trying to find that sweet middle spot - honoring & allowing myself to share my pain without putting it on others. which is really hard!! cuz becoming a Dick was difficult in that it forced me to be more honest with my true self & as such, more vulnerable - now in trying to become Kinda Nice again because despite being a pulsating scrotom, ive had the intense desire for friendship & human interaction, while simultaneously doing things that i was consciously aware was pushing others away - but then, if i pretend to be nice, where does that authenticity i worked for & was so scared of go? & i dont mean telling someone their new haircut looks nice even when it doesnt - thats just not being a dick. but i guess, those r the normal trials & tribulations of any relationship & adolescent developing identity. which is weird too - dealing with “normal” issues, i mean. whats the point if your life/limbs/breaking point arent at risk? whats the point when your best friends already dead. im sick of people calling "survivors” (despise that word, so fucking female-originated & overdramatic) “brave” & “strong” - surviving is not brave or strong. its just survival. you wouldnt call an animal brave for running for its life from a predator but you would call a dog courageous for going into a burning building to save its owner. premeditated action on the notion that you are probably going to be hurt is brave. being subjected to pain with no choice is not. theres no “silver lining” or anything “good” to be drawn from it either - sure it may have made x a more compassionate person or made y more introspective & gentle but you know what would have been even fucking better??? if the shit hadnt happened in the first place! let x be an asshole & y be self absorbed - the “benefits”, so to speak, do not outweigh the cost, not by a long fucking shot. its not only patronizing to hear garbage like that, but a slap in the face to know that anyone could possibly see anything good coming from that nightmare & that the characteristics, good or bad, you developed either in response to or as a result of, are worth praise. dont tell me im strong for doing what i had to to escape a torture chamber - tell me im perseverant for studying my ass off & passing that test last week. in the words of one of my dearest & most fucking brilliant friends, “pain doesnt owe me/you purpose - the need to intellectualize & assign meaning to pain & death is not only futile, but harmful.” & honestly, i think that it stems from weakness (in most cases - i realize theres a plethora of other reasons such as those who r just desperate for something to hold on to or r hyperintellectual & analytical or who have been pressured by external “support” systems to find the “good” etc etc) - while the majority of people view the person who “can find the good in everything” (strictly speaking only in relation to trauma/tragedy here & more in denunciation of those that celebrate this trait as opposed to vilifying “survivors” who respond this way, though in my experience, its very very very rarely the “survivor” that perpetrates this ideology ) as strong, i sort of see it as a weakness - their inability to sit with & absorb their own pain or that of others is so strong that not only do they have to frantically pull rainbows out of the teeth of a meat cleaver, they also have to exist within this strange (tho, not malicious - more subconscious) superiority complex. like, nah, dude, some times shit is just awful. you cant tell me anything fucking good came out of a four year old girl being kidnapped, gangraped, & tortured for two years, before being impaled & left to die on a stake. her mom opened a non profit organization? oh well thank fucking god for that!!! those that believe the latter to be more “enlightened” or whatever the fuck r the same people who say shit like “dying is easy - living is harder” & i get that that its supposed to be interpreted metaphorically for the most part - giving up is easy, trying isnt (which also.....isnt true??? admitting defeat & fully accepting the fact that ur fucking helpless is beyond hard lmao???) - but pretend youre somewhere, anywhere outside ur sunny little fucking yoga studio full of white women whos biggest issues r the pta & johnny whos failing math, & lets say your life is in real, imminent danger, a gun is to your head & i want you to not scream or cry or beg for ur life since dying is “easier”. if dying is so easy, why do the majority of ppl cling to it with such desperation - why is suicide illegal? why do some ppl go thru 100s of chemo treatments even tho the doctors say theyre just prolonging the inevitable, ppl who cut off a diseased arm so it wont spread, those who walk dozens of miles every day for food & water, etc? & i know & understand the survival instinct better than anyone, even when i wanted to die more than anything, my natural instincts would kick in with no conscious neural input & id do what i had to do. im not condemning those who cling to life (ok - a little. ur wasting resources out of ur own fear. but i also realize thats just me being a Fucking Asshole As Always cuz technically, im doing the same thing tho its more due to lack of opportunity rather than fear. i just think, societally, death should be more normalized, discussed, & not made out to be so unknown & scary), instead just reprimanding those who say shit like that (inspirational facebook quotes). especially cuz most of the ppl who do spew that shit have never gone thru anything even remotely difficult - their worst nightmare is a Big Scary Black Man grabbing them on the street, mugging them, & touching their tits. & i also know that these stupid ass sayings are to be applied to bullshit like exercise & fitness (“no pain no gain” is another one of my Favorites) & not fucking torture or even just ur run of the mill rape, even that would probably smash the rose tinted banana republic shades off their beverly hills tanned faces. but ive heard the no pain no gain one a handful of times in the last few weeks, specifically from doctors performing procedures in preparation for my bottom surgery. & i know its supposed to be encouraging & they have no way of knowing, but its just like, buddy, u have no idea who youre fucking talking to. & im starting to understand what THEY mean when they say it - pain with a reward is infinitely more tolerable than pain just for the sake of pain; like, a tattoo, it hurts, but u know, when its done, its gonna be sick as fuck. when u r able to fall back on the idea that its for something u rlly want, its A Lot easier to handle as opposed to pain thats Just Pain - theres no reward for it except, i guess, that the more u experience it, the closer u r to the end of it lmao. i mean, i still hate when ppl say it cuz for most of my life, pain was just pain, & the “reward” was the opportunity to go home at the end & so whenever ppl say that, my mind just immediately resorts back to that & im just like haha fuck u. but im trying to remember my experiences r definitely not universal & im starting to sorta understand what they mean i think. but, flipping gears here, & going back to the sentiment of “everything happens for a reason”, the base philosophy of psuedo deep Fuckwads - a girls dad didnt fuck her “for a reason”, everything doesnt happen “for a reason”. like ok, hypothetically, the kid he impregnated her with & that she was forced to have at 12 may surpass all odds & not become a homeless junkie & instead become a world renowned doctor who finds the cure for cancer. but she wasnt raped repeatedly from the age of six for that “reason”, no matter what anyone says & honestly, the liberation of the masses does not justify the suffering of one, especially a child. in my eyes at least. but again, im a bitter asshole. sorry i just Went The Fuck Off here oh my god.....if u read all this, thanks, pal. if not, thats cool too. but yea, send me ur stuff, id totally be down to read it. as for me potentially thinking ur cute, i have to look at my disgusting shitstain of a “face” every goddamn day so everyone else to me is fuckin aphrodite. but im also tryin to not put so much worth into physical appearance- its not something that should be complimented cuz its just smth a person was born with which is the same reason it shouldnt be insulted. this is gonna sound gay & stupid but i personally find that a persons essence & personality really permeates. you can meet someone who, objectively, isnt all that great looking, but once u get to know them, u really see their beauty - how the sun catches in their hair, their dilated pupils looking up at u from under long eyelashes in the dark, the birthmark on their right shoulder that they despise but that is so Them, the gap in their teeth, etc. & idk how to phrase this without it sounding like “well ur ugly but at least ur a good person”, cuz that only reiterates the societally indoctrinated emphasis on appearance & my kneejerk reaction to assure the person in question that thats not what im saying is only another result of that!!! its inescapable!!! but no, really, its not just a matter of “its on the inside that counts” - physically, they change or maybe, actually this is more likely, when i first meet them, my “default” eyes r just looking for features that i know im immediately attracted to (tall, blonde, sickly as in sunken eyes sticklike pale but still looks like she could & will beat the shit out of me) but as i fall in love or get to know them better, my eyes adjust & i notice & adore the beauty that was there all along. so uh. idk if ill think ur “cute”. but probably, yes, ill think ur an angel.
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gwisingegooli · 6 years
so everything with brian is over
he finally realized how toxic and cruel he was being to me >:(
like yeah ok i can be toxic, like i was mean sometimes and i went off on him. but what HE PUT ON ME IS AN INSANE HELLISH EXPERIENCE that he felt fucking entitled to and didn’t even understand what he was asking me to do, he just needed me to do all this crazy shit for him
and i saw him on tinder lol it’s like. you’re still such a piece of shit human being. last time i see him i’m going to fucking let him know and i want him to feel awful about who he is and feel ashamed and really drill in how much he sucks so maybe he’ll change.
i also realized though that this is what i want to do, if possible, understand each other and fucking get through to each other. he’s such a fucking idiot, and it took ridiculously long though holy shit!!
daniel was really there for me during the whole thing. he told me to cut him out from the beginning, and put myself first. the thing is, that’s not who i am, and it honestly felt like he prevented me from being who i am. of course i don’t blame him or anything, but sometimes people helping accidentally isnt helping. like you should just help people figure out who they wanna be, what their needs and wants really are. but i mean he saw me crying and suffering all the time and just wanted me to do what would stop me from hurting so much.
i also hate that people brian talked to will NEVER fucking know what i went through. i just wanna make him fucking go to every person and tell them how much of a piece of shit he was being. nobody who hears only his side know what the fuck even happened yknow? lol brian didn’t even understand what was happening ever, or was even close to THINKING about what he fucking put me through.
i literally fucking went through examples of his behavior and his mindset and how it shows he didn’t fucking regard me at all. he was so incapable of listening to what i was saying and not being close minded and stubborn for a second enough to understand.
literally... “when you tell me you’re going to vegas no matter what, and thats the only option, you’re not considering what i want at all.”
and him: “well i spent like half a grand”
me: “so yeah, you don’t care what i want at all and you’re just trying to do what you want.”
him: “no i consider what you’re saying”
me: “you literally said it’s NOT AN OPTION for you. that means you dont care. “
i’m literaly trying to make HIM understand. he’s like no you dont understand, but i’m like. no. this is fucking about ME. you asked me to fucking explain how i feel cause you want to understand. and you’re the fucking toxic problem, not me.
i just said i only get so mean because he fucking refuses to listen, which ive said before. but suddenly it just clicked for him and he realized how he was even putting me through anything. fucking piece of shit.
i was like you better fucking think about everything youve ever done, reflect on yourself and fucking change if you don’t want to be that way.
but i definitely was so done and tired so i just cooled off and... i fucking let him off the hook way too easy!!!! i’m still fucking mad!! now that i’m justified in being right i hate him extra!!! i can’t believe that piece of shit was on tinder!!! i feel fucking used!!!! i am being used!!!!!
so when i see him i’m going to fucking destroy him and then never fucking see him ever again, i’m going to make him feel bad about his ex and actually feel remorse for what he did to her too, people dont fucking owe you shit you dumb entitled trash, have some fucking empathy you retard, you’re not the shit and you’re actually hella immature so think about what you’re doing. and sure everybody has feelings and they feel things but amy is right and sometimes those feelings are fucking WRONG, honestly, and the actions you wanna take based on them are WRONG. like you’re literally like a pedo tryna justify himself. no no. thats not the right thing to do at all. you should fucking try to keep that shit in CHECK and be aware that its something to struggle with on your own. be aware of your fucking power in a situation and dont throw it around to get what you want, thats called TAKING ADVANTAGE OF PEOPLE. you actually dont deserve any of this shit, even me explaining to you angrily, you think i’m mean but i dont fucking owe you anything and you refused to let me fucking go when i didn’t want to talk to you so now i get to feel fucking closure for all the dumb shit you put me through, and you’re just going to listen cause you know you’re wrong and you dont even know how wrong you are so listen the fuck up cause this is good information. you’re the one who’s toxic. i know how i get in relationships and what shit i cause, and fucking NONE of that other shit was from me. its all you. fuck you, and honestly i hate that i’m so nice i’ll eventually forgive you because you’re the worst. just be better because the way you are rn destroys peoples lives when you have serious relationships with them. figure out how to understand and express your emotions better. dont misapply logic, use empathy and figure out what would be UNFAIR and UNREASONABLE and CRUEL. you’re NOT a nice person right now, although i genuinely believe you’re trying to be. it doesnt matter if you have good intentions if your actions put people through hell. feel fucking BAD. you FUCKED UP my life and youll keep fucking up people if you dont change.
yeah freal i mean it
jeez i cant wait to be done with this baggage and get all this shit off my chest
just dump all the toxic energy back on him and finally make him feel regret and remorse. smh
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kakashisshadow · 6 years
I don’t know why, but I always self sabotage near the end of something. I don’t know why. Whenever I feel the near of the end of a relationship or something more concrete like a semester I do something to fuck shit up. 
The following will be just a general rant~ 
So a bitch is tired. Im tired. Im tired. Im tired. On top of that I feel sore, emotionally. Physically. Spiritually. And here’s the thing. I don’t know how to recover. 
The fact of the matter is- this is the most normal my life has ever been except for the fact that someone near and dear to me, my mother, is dying. She’s not even dying normally, oh no. She is dying and she is simultaneously exceeding all expectations that any medical doctor has for her. And I can’t be away from her, it’s too depressing. It’s too strenuous. But I also can’t be near her all the time. I feel so fidgety. So up and down all the time and I just dont know where to put myself. 
And damn. 
Here comes the PTSD. Here comes the looming reminder that I won’t be graduating with my friends this semester. And the fact that no matter what I do- I can’t escape. Or at least it feels like I can’t so why not? Why not just throw it away again? 
And damn, Im not sorry for reacting as any normal girl would after discovering that her PTSD was used as a gimmick. That “being able” to get me to have sex with you was somehow a trophy. But isn’t it funny? Isn’t it funny how I was never there? I mean you were clearly fucking me, but you could always tell the moment I zoned out. I wasn’t. I wasn’t there anymore. And I told you why. I told you, it’s not you- it’s just the flashbacks of past abuse. But still, I could never understand how it was you were comfortable continuing to fuck - to go in and out of a person who wasn’t there. I tried. I tried to ground myself during sex with you- by saying your name, by yelling ow, by grabbing your back- but it didn’t work. I tried to overcome my flashbacks. My depression. Because I felt you deserved better. Only to find out I was being used. 
Like seriously, not even a piece of shit would do that. When you did what you did- my father was trying to kill me, physically beat me, my mother was sick- and you saw. Saw how I fought to work and do work well. Saw how I fought to be there for my friends. Saw how my rapist came back into my life just to taunt me. And THAT. Those were the beautiful factors that led you believe- this one. This is the one that Im going to use to cheat on my wife. 
You were my friend. And you used me. The only reason you hurt so much to this day is because not only did I have 1 miscarriage during the course of our relationship but another that almost cost me my life. YOU ALMOST COST ME MY LIFE. FOR WHAT? SO YOU CAN CHEAT ON YOUR WIFE? 
I had two lives inside me, growing, building and then suddenly give way. Tell me, how I was supposed to react. And still, you mocked me. Still you belittled me. Still, I found out that not only did you use me- but you decided to use the two lives lost as a gimmick. I swear if I ever find out youre using my children, even if theyre dead, as a gimmick- youll fucking wish you had killed yourself. Ill have you seen as you really are. You think youre a piece of shit but nah- even a piece of shit has worth. You? Don’t make me laugh. 
What do I expect? You couldn’t respect your family. I can’t expect you to respect what would have been ours. 
 I would never want to hurt another person but damn you came close. The resources I have and the ability I have to make your life miserable- but did I do it? No. Because I don’t believe it that. 
But best believe that my friends did a thing or two. Think of it this way, Im like the corpse bride and everytime someone new finds out what you did- they do something to make a pillar in your life collapse. And I am not responsible for their actions. Small repairable actions sure. They hold back because they know I might be the one to pay.  You cost me: sleep,  peace, happiness, time, effort, friendships, relationships and almost cost me my life. 
Strangest thing? You tried to keep me around. Tried to make sure the door was held open. When I realized this I knew what had to happen. I had to say goodbye for good. You didn’t want that. Oh? You did, but you didnt because you had “hope.” Hope for what? You didnt know. I knew I had to close the door. For good. No way was having a toxic person like yourself good for my well being. I told you I needed to meet you in person. To say good bye for good. My plan? Was to give you an ultrasound of our 4 month son. You didn’t know this. I don’t think it would have changed anything if you did. I don’t think it would matter right now- when Im dealing with all the bullshit you left behind. 
I sure hope Karma doesn’t exist for your sake. 
Whoa, sorry. That came out. And im glad it did. It was liking throwing up a curse. And it feels great. I feel better now. 
I work everyday to undo myself of this toxicity growing inside me. Until I realized no- this is a good boundary. If I hate a person who doesn’t respect life - then Im good. Like Im okay living with that. I don’t have to forgive. I have a right to be mad. Angry. Betrayed. Everything. I have a right to feel the way I feel.
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maybenot-ever · 5 years
The idea of owing 180k in debt actually terrifies me. Ill never lead a full life. I’ll never feel like i can breathe. If i fuck up my parents will pay the price. What if this covid19 thing makes us be quarantined and i cant find a job.
I was praying this job would work out and the universe was like no. I saw a way out and theyre like oop sorry youre just gonna sit on the precipice of a panic attack fir the rest of your life while you dont do anything to help your situation. Youll forever be a failure be of your own design. Youll forever make bad choices and fuck yourself over and be a victim of your own inaction
One day your friends will move on and go after what they want and youll forever be a finanical and emotional drain on your family, only good for being around the peripheral. Youre gonna die being nothing but a weight people feel responsible for. You dont contribute to anyone and youre just being kept around because they all think maybe youll get your shit together but secretly they know that youre a failure. Youre not a disappointment because none of them expected anything from you anyways. Youre sad and stupid and fragile and will forever be a waste of existence
Im terrified that life has been too easy on me and itll being me something i cant handle or deal with and ill be useless to be supportfive to the people around me. And all the while feel resentment for them not giving you the support you dont. Know how to accept. Because you cant accept anything good in your lofe you destroy everything because youre an ungrateful waste of space.
The only reason you cant kill yourself is because the idea of nothingness is fucking terrifying and because even if you die they wont alwaya forgive your loan. Youre here and if you dont grow up quick youll kill everyone around you slowly.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
How I Paid Off $31,000 Of Student Debt In Only Two Years
I carried over $31,000 in loan repayment after undergrad. Paying it off took two years, but it was barely dented for the first six months. This was when I realized I had to make some drastic adjustments to ever whittle it down. The rate was not very impressive or efficient, but it helped me differentiate between necessities and luxuries.
Life before and after loans has been pretty stark in contrast. You no longer feel guilty for traveling across the world. You can choose to engage in grown-up sounding pursuits like investing in mutual funds, ETFs, & individual stocks! Saving for a house now just became a reality! You could buy all the fair-trade coffee to your little hearts extent.
I had to get creativemany of these ideas may not be applicable to you or painfully obvious! Regardless, theyre simple in theory, yet oftentimes overlooked in practice. My first job out of college involved contractual quality assurance work for a large tech company in Cupertino. I could have chosen a position in a cheaper residential market, as in anywhere outside of the Bay Area. However, Silicon Valley was an environment where I knew I would be challenged to grow. The pay was relatively meager for the industry, so I had to get creative and quite shameless!
1. Live at the cheapest residence you can tolerate
Live at home with parents if feasible. However, for the most of us, thats boring, or not aligned with our goals. I settled down at a room of a house in San Jose, California for a year. The home was owned by a sweet, blissful lady in her 60s. She occasionally made meals for me and rent & utilities came out to only a flat $500/month. Sounds amazing, right? Of course, there was a catchno overnight guests allowed!
2. Purchase food in bulk
Growing up, I had assumed that Costco was economical only for nuclear families. Breaking it down on paper, it may be profitable for unmarried folks too! Share large consumableslike giant bags of ricewith your roommates, if feasible.
3. Cook your meals whenever possible
A staple I loved in college and early adulthood were egg & soyrizo tacos. Theyre inexpensive, delicious, stupidly easy to cook, and surprisingly healthy! Find your staple. (I make other things too, sometimes..)
Ultimate Soyrizo Tacos
Heat oil
Drop soyrizo in skillet, and cook till slightly charred
Scramble up some eggs in the same skillet
Roast up corn tortillas
Try making something new every week, its extremely therapeutic.
4. Only eat out with friends
Dont feel guilty for eating out with friends & family whenever if the occasion calls for it (celebrations, happy hours, networking, catch-up sessions). Just minimize eating out by yourself. This includes take- out/Munchery/Doordash/UberEats/Caviar, those extra expenses really consume your budget!
5. Avoid consolidation
Loan consolidation combines multiple, disparate loans into one, singular loan usually with a higher interest rate than its smaller counterparts. This may be more convenient in regards to forecasting payoff time and ease of payment. However, most borrowers end up forking more money over in the long-run.
6. Compare & stack up your individual loans
If you have multiple loans, take the annual interest rate for each one and multiply it by the amount owed to get the total yearly interest (TYI). Stack up each TYI with one another and assign your next payment to the loan with the lowest TYI. Repeat your calculations for all additional payments you make.
Loan A has 6.5% interest with $7,500 outstanding, amounting to $487.50 TYI.
Loan B has 4.5% interest with $9,800 outstanding, amounting to $441.00 TYI.
It makes sense to make a payment toward Loan A first at this time, to reduce accrued interest.
7. Leverage your local public transportation network to get around town, if available.
It may feel like a waste of time because driving around is so much more efficient, but you most likely have a phone! The bus commute is the perfect time to listen to podcasts, read e-books, and rekindle old friendships/connections over messages.
8. Embrace minimalism
This might be regarded as a trending fad amongst yuppies, but with all good reason! Minimalism can be succinctly summed into one mantra: Reflect on what you are considering to purchaseif you dont believe it will contribute to the productivity & overall quality of your life, dont buy it!
9. Leverage loan forgiveness programs
There are many loan-forgiveness programs floating around, albeit each one has a set of requirements you have to meet. One for the government & non-profit sector. Another one for nursing. Heres one for teachers!
10. Automate your budget
No one enjoys passive-aggressive notifications/emails from personal finance apps alerting that they are over-budgeting AGAIN this month. Luckily, Personal Capital has been optimized to focus on praise over guilt-tripping as a motivator. Their dynamic graphs & charts featured in the app have helped me determine which areas Ive been slacking off on maintaining thriftiness.
Credit card interest rates are usually higher than the average student loan: around 14% vs 47% respectively. Calculate the total yearly interest of your credit card debt and stack it up against your student loans.
11. Invest in yourself
How much you make can be a hard limitation on how much you can save for loan repayment. When you find some genuine passions and work towards them, youll naturally end up earning more in the long run. Most people never accomplish this in their lifetime, and I certainly am still on the journey. To try to hone in towards my passions, I consume knowledge. I pick up and read countless books of any topic that I have the slightest bit of interest in. Ive gone back community college to expand my programming knowledge. I leverage online courseware religiously. Learning new things for the sake of personal growth is always a noteworthy investment.
12. Cheaply travel on your vacation
In my opinion, travel (on a budget) is something you should never sacrifice in lieu of saving up to pay for loans. The benefits are immense to the soul and body. The Flight Deal posts travel deals, but they focus more on extreme anomalies.
For example, a buddy and I ventured off to Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Berlin, & London round-trip from Los Angeles for only $600 total. Most cities have hostels that run rooms for only $15/night (including free breakfast)! Im sure theres countless other ways to accelerate paying off your loans. Share your ideas with others struggling to crawl out of debt, and find out what works out for you!
Read more: http://tcat.tc/2j7UQAT
from How I Paid Off $31,000 Of Student Debt In Only Two Years
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