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some of y’all and the media is so disgusting and overwhelmingly sexist it’s ridiculous. justin bieber spent 2-3 years being a massive dick to everyone for no reason, putting people’s lives in danger by speeding down streets, and sleeping with underaged girls. he goes on stage singing “sorry” and crying and all is forgiven. he still sells a ton, still has huge concerts, no one cares. but ariana grande literally has 22 of her fans blown up in front of her and people only gave a fuck for 3 months? she is groped at a FUNERAL and all people can talk about is how short her dress is. she leaves a toxic relationship with a substance abuser and SHE is blamed for his death. y’all really hate women!
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this is so aggressive and what’s with the chives
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true crime/creepy stuff recommendations?
buzzfeed unsolved - true crime & paranormal investigations; shane & ryan are both really funny & in my opinion, make things less scary 
bedtime stories - narrations with very well drawn illustrations on true crime, the paranormal, & other similar topics (includes captions on every video) 
nightmare expo - covers weird or creepy things from around the internet, such as other youtube channels or popular topics 
reignbot - similar to NE, covering things from around the web, along with other topics like ‘the true crime community’ & debunkings of various videos 
night mind - like NE & reignbot, though some videos are much longer & can be hard to focus on if you have trouble with things like that
cayleigh elise - wonderful reports on true crime cases, especially those of unidentified people; fantastic narration & very very respectful 
merc - mostly unsolved cases, a lot of ones i was not familiar with & a little gem, in my opinion, that deserves more love 
top5s - first channel i subscribed to in the ‘creepy’ genre; videos covering true crime, paranormal, odd recordings or photos, really anything you’re interested in 
lazy masquerade - mostly just narrated stories taken from real life persons from around the web; if you like scary stories but not always true crime, try this!
vintage files - a lot of unsolved or bizarre disappearances, though things like time travelers get thrown in from time to time 
scaretheater - covers just about everything; true crime, internet debunks & hoaxes, cryptids, cattle mutilation; he also does some on scene investigations of some locations 
i dont follow a lot of true crime accounts on here but @bundyspooks & @luciferlaughs are both really good & from what ive seen, never turn cases into an example of apologies or fetishism; though some imagery is graphic, please be warned 
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songs dedicated/have references to Dylan, Eric, and columbine <3
pigs - Tyler, the creator (my fave <333, seems like beginning is about Dylan and the ending is about Eric and both boys)
teenwitch - by bones (whole album is dedicated to columbine, mostly Dylan.)
rampage - Nicole Dollanganger (about Eric)
fear the nobodies - Marilyn Manson (about the boys)
disposable teenagers - Marilyn Manson (about the boys)
killing strangers - Marilyn Manson (about the boys)
me and my gun - KMFDM (Eric’s ashes are shaking😳)
classtime horror - Mad maxx (about columbine)
wicked young man - Alice Cooper (about Eric)
cassie - Flyleaf (dedicated to columbine victim)
hallway homicide - The orwells (about columbine)
mastermind - Mindless self indulgence (about columbine)
playing columbine - team death (about columbine, a mf bop)
nobody thinks about me - Michael graves (about the boys)
rap god - Eminem (reference to columbine)
im back - Eminem (reference to columbine)
severeweatherwarning - Bones (Mentioning or referencing to Eric)
Broccoli - lil yachty (columbine reference hehe)
There’s more but my fingers are OOFED from typing too much
(I’ll add more later on)
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biologically speaking, gays have a certain drive to play dnd
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Wikipedia Collection: Bizarre Bodies
Alien Hand Syndrome | Dimples of Venus | Accessory Breast | Human-Animal Breast Feeding | Mellified Man | Enumclaw Horse Sex Case | Gurn | Dancing Plague of 1518 | Bristol Stool Scale | Koro | Maggot Therapy | Male Lactation | Tooth in Eye Surgery | Trepanning | Uncombable Hair Syndrome | Cello Scrotum | Lithopedion | Parasitic Twin | Puppy Pregnancy Syndrome | Jeanne Calment | Lina Medina | Anton-Babinski Syndrome | Adam Rainer | Charles Bonnet Syndrome | Tarrare | Alexis St. Martin | Cotard Delusion | Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity | Stubbins Ffirth | Leprosy | Fatal Familial Insomnia | Marie Antoinette Syndrome | Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome | Munchausen by Proxy | Prader-Willi Syndrome | Chandre Oram | Kluver-Bucy Syndrome | Human Penis Size | Photic Sneeze Reflex | Jenkem | Black Hairy Tongue | June and Jennifer Gibbons | Twins | Superfetation | Superfecundation | Cryptophasia | Doppelganger | Schmidt Sting Pain Index | Mary Toft | Homicidal Sleepwalking | Mariko Aoki Phenomenon | The Truman Show Delusion | Rosemary Brown | 
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Family Relationships
La madre mother
El padre  father
Papá dad
Mamá / Amá  mom
Los Padres the parents, or if you have two dads you could call them this 
Papás fathers, or parents
El Abuelo grandfather
La Abuela grandmother
Los Abuelos grandparents
El Hermano brother
La Hermana sister
Los Hermanos siblings
La Tía aunt
El T��o uncle
El Primo cousin(male)
La prima cousin(female)
Los primos cousins
El novio boyfriend, in Chile, this means fiance
La novia girlfriend, in Chile, this means fiance
El pololo Boyfriend, but this is only used in Chile
La polola Girlfriend, but this is only used in Chile.
El esposo husband
La esposa wife
La Hija daughter
El hijo son
El Padrastro stepfather
La madrasta stepmother
El Hermadrastro stepbrother
La hermadrastra stepsister
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spanish summer vocab
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based on this post by @malteseboy​
el verano summer 🌞🌻🍯🍉
junio  june
julio  july
agosto  august
septiembre september
el mar  sea
la playa  beach
la orilla del mar  seashore
la ola  wave
la gorra  cap
la luz del sol  sunlight
la sandia  watermelon
el agua  water
la limonada  lemonade
el helado  ice cream
el pícnic  picnic
la parrillada  barbeque 
el castillo de arena  sandcastle
el traje de baño  swimsuit
las gafas de sol  sunglasses
el aire acondicionado  air conditioner
el bloqueador solar  sunscreen
el océano  ocean
divertido  fun
la arena  sand
el calor  heat
el clima, el tiempo  weather
temperatura  temperature
las vacaciones  holiday
el viaje por carretera  road trip
vacaciones de verano  summer holidays
el sol  sun
calor  hot
veraniego  summery
cálido  warm
soleado  sunny
seco  dry
nadar  to swim
zambullirse  to dive
pescar  to fish
broncear  to get tanned
descansar  to rest
asolearse, tomar el sol  to sunbathe
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midwest public school gothic, or something similar
“we bleed red,” the huskers chant as if to remind or to convince us that they are human as well.
there are sirens outside. “it’s the wednesday tests,” a teacher reminds you quietly, before you can even comment. it’s always the wednesday tests. you can’t remember what the other days are. it’s wednesday.
they say the empty room is for storage. they don’t say anything about the frightened faces you see as you pass by the doors.
he is blasting rap through the open windows of his muddy truck. from below his camoflauge baseball cap, he stares at you, dead-eyed, until he can drive off. it is a traffic-heavy parking lot. he has been in front of your car for hours now. you turn your head and weep quietly.
“there must be blood,” the blood drive posters whisper silently as you walk by. they cover the walls from floor to ceiling. there must be blood. there must always be blood.
it is a pep rally. more students are packed into the gym than previously thought possible. the cheerleaders tell you to make some noise. dissonant howling is heard throughout the town. they know.
you don’t understand the symbols you are writing down, but you must, you can’t fail algebra. you are writing in ancient languages forged by the elder gods. the teacher cackles at your folly.
there is an outdoor classroom decorated sweetly with flowers. no one has made it out of there alive. you see blood on the petals. the doors are never unlocked.
“kahoot,” they hiss, and tables rattle. it turns into a chant, a scream. the teacher is fearful. “kahoot,” they whisper silently, surrendering. music plays. the teacher lets out a scream, terrified. it is the last sound the world has heard them make.
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spanish summer vocab
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based on this post by @malteseboy​
el verano summer 🌞🌻🍯🍉
junio  june
julio  july
agosto  august
septiembre september
el mar  sea
la playa  beach
la orilla del mar  seashore
la ola  wave
la gorra  cap
la luz del sol  sunlight
la sandia  watermelon
el agua  water
la limonada  lemonade
el helado  ice cream
el pícnic  picnic
la parrillada  barbeque 
el castillo de arena  sandcastle
el traje de baño  swimsuit
las gafas de sol  sunglasses
el aire acondicionado  air conditioner
el bloqueador solar  sunscreen
el océano  ocean
divertido  fun
la arena  sand
el calor  heat
el clima, el tiempo  weather
temperatura  temperature
las vacaciones  holiday
el viaje por carretera  road trip
vacaciones de verano  summer holidays
el sol  sun
calor  hot
veraniego  summery
cálido  warm
soleado  sunny
seco  dry
nadar  to swim
zambullirse  to dive
pescar  to fish
broncear  to get tanned
descansar  to rest
asolearse, tomar el sol  to sunbathe
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Family Relationships
La madre mother
El padre  father
Papá dad
Mamá / Amá  mom
Los Padres the parents, or if you have two dads you could call them this 
Papás fathers, or parents
El Abuelo grandfather
La Abuela grandmother
Los Abuelos grandparents
El Hermano brother
La Hermana sister
Los Hermanos siblings
La Tía aunt
El Tío uncle
El Primo cousin(male)
La prima cousin(female)
Los primos cousins
El novio boyfriend, in Chile, this means fiance
La novia girlfriend, in Chile, this means fiance
El pololo Boyfriend, but this is only used in Chile
La polola Girlfriend, but this is only used in Chile.
El esposo husband
La esposa wife
La Hija daughter
El hijo son
El Padrastro stepfather
La madrasta stepmother
El Hermadrastro stepbrother
La hermadrastra stepsister
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So, since I’m using @languageoclock​‘s vocab lists for German, I’m probably going to translate and integrate more of these in the future, both in Italian and in my target languages. This one was inspired by this!
el águila* - eagle el aligátor - alligator la alpaca - alpaca la anguila - eel el antílope - antelope la ardilla - squirrel el avestruz - ostrich el babuino - baboon la ballena - whale el bisonte - buffalo, bison el buey - ox el búfalo - buffalo el burro - donkey/ass el caballo - horse el caballito de mar - seahorse la cabra - goat el camello - camel el cangrejo - crab el canguro - kangaroo la cebra - zebra el cerdo/chancho (AmL) - pig el chacal - jackal el chimpancé - chimpanzee el cobayo/la cobaya - guinea pig el cocodrilo - crocodile el conejo - rabbit el delfín - dolphin el elefante - elephant el emú - emu el equidna - echidna el erizo - hedgehog el erizo de mar - sea urchin el facóquero - warthog la foca - seal la gacela - gazelle la gallina - hen el gallo - rooster el ganso - goose el gato - cat el geco - gecko el gorila - gorilla el halcón - hawk, falcon el hámster - hamster la hiena - hyena el hipopótamo - hippopotamus la iguana - iguana el jaguar - jaguar el jerbo - gerbil la jirafa - giraffe el koala - koala la lagartija - lizard la langosta - lobster la lechuza - owl el lémur - lemur el león - lion el leopardo - leopard la liebre - hare el lince - the lynx la llama - llama el lobo - wolf el loro - parrot la mangosta - mongoose el mapache - raccoon la marmota - groundhog la medusa - jellyfish la mofeta - skunk el mono - monkey la mula - mule el murciélago - bat la nutria - otter el ñu - gnu, wildebeest el okapi - okapi el ornitorrinco - platypus el oso - bear el oso polar - polar bear la oveja - sheep el pájaro - bird el pájaro carpintero - woodpecker la paloma - pigeon el panda - panda la pantera - panther el pato - duck el pavo real - peacock el perezoso - sloth el perro - dog el pez - fish el pez dorado - goldfish el puercoespín - porcupine el pulpo - octopus la rana - frog la rata - rat el ratón - mouse la raya - ray el reno - reindeer el rinoceronte - rhinoceros el sapo -toad el serpiente - snake la suricata - meerkat el tejón - badger el tiburón - shark el tigre - tiger el topo - mole el toro - bull la tortuga - turtle el tucán - toucan la vaca - cow el venado - deer el yak - yak la zarigüeya - opossum el zorro - fox
* technically feminine, but takes the masculine article since it begins with “a tónica”. The feminine article will be used in the plural form and if there’s another word between article and noun.
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Got the idea from @istudywithtea She did one for French so check that one out if you’re interested!
el arcoiris -  rainbow  el bebé; el nene -  baby  el brillo  -  glow  el cobayo; el cuy -  guinea pig  el cojín  -  cushion  el conejito  -  bunny el cuento de hadas -  fairy tale  el/la gatito/a -  the kitten el hoyuelo -  dimple  el osito de peluche -  teddy bear     el perrito; el cachorro -  puppy  el pingüino  -  penguin el moño  -  bow  el ratón  -  mouse el unicornio  -  unicorn    bonito/a; lindo/a; precioso/a  -  pretty adorable; lindo/a; precioso/a  -  cute  imaginario/a  -  imaginary la alegría  -  cheerfulness  la canción de cuna; el arrullo -  lullaby  la estrella  -  star la flor  -  flower la luciérnaga  -  firefly     las coletas -  pigtails  los polvos mágicos  -  fairy dust sonreír (v) / la sonrisa (n) -  smile 
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Periods in Spanish
La Menstruación  Menstruation
El Período  Period
La Regla Means Period, but more specifically, rule or regulation
El Ciclo Menstrual Menstrual Cycle
La Pubertad Puberty
Los Senos Breasts
El Sangre Blood
La Vagina Vagina
El Cuerpo Body, but is also used as, Corpse
El útero Uterus
El Ovario Ovary
El flujo menstrual Menstrual Flow
Las trompas de felopio Fallopian Tubes
La síndrome premenstrual  PMS, Premenstrual Syndrome
El Tampón Tampon
La Toallo Higénicas Pads, or Sanitary Napkins
Estar embarazada  to be pregant
Los Calambres Cramps
estoy con la regla  I’m on my period (LITERAL: i’m with the period or rule)
¿Tienes un tampón? Do you have a tampon?
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Personality Traits
aburrido/a boring
artístico/a artistic
atrevido/a daring
athletico/a athletic
bueno/a good
cómico/a funny
deportista “sporty”
desordenado/a messy, or disorganised
divertido/a fun
enérgico/a energetic
estudioso/a studious
gracioso/a funny
impaciente  impacient 
inteligente inteligent
ordenado/a organized
paciente pacient
perezoso/a lazy
reservado/a reserved
respetuoso/a respectful
serio/a serious
simpático/a nice, friendly
sociable  sociable
talentoso/a talented
trabajor/ora hardworking
timido/a shy 
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