#i personally think they got divorced but some ppl think otherwise ig???
annoyinglesbian · 11 months
apparently there's different interpretations of That Line so here
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coralsgrimes · 3 years
Argh, I'm going to cling to the belief that J and her hubby had separated but not yet made it public, because I don't want to believe that Ben got himself into a home wrecker mess. And that's just because I don't want to believe that ANYBODY would willingly get involved with a married/otherwise committed person. I know it's incredibly naive and blue eyed of me, but I just don't understand people who cheat, nor those know that the person they're getting involved with is already in a monogamous relationship. It's so alien to me, I just can't wrap my head around it, and I desperately don't want to believe that other people can do such things either. I know, I know. Stupidly naive. (And you have at least two anons here, because I've sent you some asks, but not all of them!)
<3 would not say naïve and we know nothing for sure. And since I'm still somewhat bored I'm gonna do a lil quick timeline of the last years:
Mid April 2020 - Ben and Jules are papped by Backgrid (eheheheheeh) they been lookin like they just rolled out of bed. The photos were taken near her LA house and then they got into the same car and... all this while she was gushing over her hubby Brooks Laich on SM and selling her bullshit. MORE? She was in LA for weeks and Brooksy was on a farm in Idaho.
April/May 2020 - Jules and Brooksy are still 'fighting' for their marriage. She comments on his photos on IG and then couple days later...
28/29 May 2020 - joint statement for gossip mag about their amicable split ;c
July 2020 - Brooks and Jules celebrate her birthday together, Nina posted bout it obviously...
Late August 2020 - they were reportedly working on their marriage and having lunches together.
September/October 2020 - they were OFFICIALY reconciling on a farm or god knows where but there were videos of them, including some in her LA house... was looking good for them and poor Benny Boy was in Canada and UK (Shadow and Bone reshoots I think?) back then doing very sad 'please come back to me' covers.
November 2020 - Jules files for divorce which was actually going to be quick case cuz Brooksy was smart enough to get pre-nups.
December 2020 - Brooksy has a new girl in his life. Took the new flame to Iceland, Jules all but forgotten. She can’t bear that LOL Then a Blind Item comes out of nowhere about Jules using Benny to get back at her husband and Benny as the empath he is, follows his queen to the bottom.
Christmas 2020 - Benny went to UK to be with the fam. He posted and then deleted the ridiculous stories on 23th December. Clear the stories were meant for close circle and not whole IG.
New Year 2020/2021 - The Montana Shenanigans. He was in Montana most probably straight from the UK at least since 28th December. He was pictured in restaurant with Jules, Nina and her BF. Then we have Ninas stories where she ratted him out. Let me add that HE MADE SURE NO ONE FINDS OUT HE WAS IN MONTANA! 
Later when the news broke he was deflecting and blocking and deleting and being dickless per usual. 
Late January 2021 - Benny and Jules are papped second time. Ice cream FRIENDS outing where they exchanged... ekhem cones and fluids x.x
March 2021 - there was this family award show with Ann Margaret. Jules was posting about it constantly, hyping it up. Then the show happened and;
a) Ben was her plus one but made sure he was not pictured
b) she was seen being uncomfortable as fuck and Ann Margaret gave her some shit too
c) after the show she went silent on all socials, but before that she posted some sad stories where she cried and then deleted them. 
End of May 2021 - Benny had a rough day and fan videos made him feel better. Ppl been speculating that no label wanted his music or that his twin flame informed him about her upcoming trip to Italy where she will be keeping company to rich guys. 
June/July 2021 - Jules goes with Nina to Europe to do some good ol' yachting and husband shopping. (numerous blinds about the second one...) and more importantly the dreadful emoji shitshow starts while they are ocean apart. 💖Star-crossed lovers one might say 💖
There was this one time too when some fans though that he was in France with her because she was somewhat quiet on social BUT our lovely Benny Boy posted another sad cover song (video was from his house) and not suspiciously at all added in the description that it was recorded over the weekend that ppl were speculating he was with Jules. 
There might be some more stuff in between I forgot about but that's the gist, courtesy of twitter/ig/some other places detectives. Do what u want with it but it stinks AF if I might say so.... Not the John Mulaney & Olivia Munn kind of stink where he explains the timeline on live TV but still. 
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