#i played in one-hour increments because my steam deck would overheat and shut down after that
madmaryholiday · 6 months
i've tried multiple pacifist runs on sons of the forest, including one where i didn't touch any trees, stayed away from the cannibal camps, and didn't even hold any weapons when they raided (instead brandishing a skull, which i was told would spook them).
every time, by day 5 or 6, they'd be showing up in groups of like 6 and attacking me anyway. the first couple times they hit me, i tried to just brandish the skull at them and dodge, but then one of the big guys with a club showed up, and i gave up.
the frustrating thing for me is that even if you set the enemy aggression/armor/health/raid frequency to low, it still increases over time until aggression and enemy types are the same as if you're playing on normal. i mean the reason i'm setting these levels to low is because i am stupid bad at real-time combat, but i don't want to completely forego enemy encounters. sure that big guy with the club will go down in fewer hits, but he still swings as fast and hits as hard and shows up in every goddamn raid after the first few days.
anyway, i saw someone made a mod to customize raid sizes/aggression/etc., so i'll be trying that out later. maybe it will FINALLY let me turn off infinite health lmao.
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