#i promise i didn't mean to make kitty cat anakin and padme
Your random OC is... Fallensmoke!
Fallensmoke is a gray-and-white molly with teal eyes, long claws, dark whiskers, and faded scars on her back and on the back of her neck. She is the other half of Weaselfur, whose alternate description was used.
Meaning she technically has a sprite.
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She is Kestralflight's sister, known as the more rebellious type. Mentored by Webfoot, who very much had his paws full with her. She was quiet, but she had the tendency to question everything, and be a bit of a boundary pusher. Where Kestrelflight fully believes in Starclan, Fallensmoke had quite a few doubts for a while! However, she is extremely family oriented and would do anything for her beloved brother. If he needed her to send a prayer request to the Moonpool because he was too busy, she would be marching down there in a heartbeat.
Also, her name was not always Fallen-suffix. She was originally named Fawnkit until she was grabbed by a hawk a little while before her apprentice ceremony. She slashed at the hawk's belly with her long claws and it let her go into the camp. Not only were the scratches it left quite pretty when they scarred up, but the fall left her completely unshaken!
She sat back, let the older cats fuss over her and asked Onestar "So, when is my ceremony again? Sorry, I didn't catch what you said."
He made her and Kestralkit apprentices on the spot.
She became Fallenpaw, then Fallensmoke during Long Shadows, as she did not participate in the Eclipse battle and failed a hunting assessment.
But later on, during Omen Of The Stars, she fell for someone during those long, warm nights when After-Gatherings ran late. Someone she probably shouldn't have.
Fallensmoke falls in love with Redwillow. His passion endears her to him, he talk of revolution, about how much he wishes the Clans would change, about his grief for his recently passed on mother, died during the Drought.
She listened to him, and they spent a lot of time together. They fall in love and Redwillow swears that he will protect her, he will make the Clans change.
Fallensmoke didn't realize how serious he was. She soon after found out she was pregnant, carrying his kits. He responded to it well enough, but began talking about how exactly he was planning to change things. His Dark Forest mentor, Rushtooth, was going to help him destroy the Clans, to put them back together of course! He began pointing out more Dark Forest Trainees, naming their mentors, more and more horrifying historical figures got name dropped, more and more would a chilling glint form in Redwillow's eyes...
She ran. She never attended another Gathering again. She kept to herself and when the Great Battle came, Fallensmoke heavily pregnant, Redwillow found her again, begging and pleading to just listen to me and please come with us I swear I'll fix it
She didn't say anything, what was she supposed to say when Redwillow looked at her, fur matted and faded like he hadn't taken care of himself in ages, his eyes desperate and pleading and full of love but paired with something Fallensmoke couldn't out to words.
She hid behind Lionblaze, who quickly drove Redwillow off. The last Fallensmoke would hear about him was that he had been killed by Rowanclaw after murdering Blackstar alongside Ratscar.
5 day laster, Fallensmoke gave birth to 2 kits. A tiny white kitten with gray flecks, named Goosekit, and a mottled brown and ginger kitten with a large head, a little copy of its father.
She names it Willowkit.
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