#i promise i won't wonder that ๐Ÿ’œ so no more worrying about me during everything ok?
jimmymcgools ยท 2 years
anon: ๐Ÿซ‚๐Ÿซ‚๐Ÿซ‚๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿซ‚๐Ÿซ‚๐Ÿซ‚๐Ÿซ‚
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Dear Hazel Chapter Twenty
Damn this one was tricky to write... I hope you'll like it!๐Ÿ’œ
"Miss Emerson?" David looked at Lucy, giving her a friendly smile. "I was wondering if we could have a talk."
Lucy looked at the boy in front of her, recognising him as one of the teens in Max' store. She gave him a wary smile, but nodded. "Are you alright? How do you know my name?"
She had assumed that those kids were just having fun causing trouble, but by the way this boy spoke to her she realised something was wrong.
David smiled, sitting down across from her. He had seen her order some food, so he knew she would be here for quite some time still.
"The widow Johnson is a friend of ours. I believe she's dating your father?"
Lucy blushed, nodding. "That explains a lot. Nice to meet you-"
"David. I'm Lucy, but I assume you knew that already."
"I did."
"What was it you wanted to talk about?"
"I've come to ask your help. And to warn you."
"For what?" Lucy frowned, thanking the waiter quietly as he put a glass with some wine in it down on the table. David was about to continue talking, when he noticed Hazel shyly walking up to them.
"Please keep an open mind as we tell you this. I know certain things will be hard to believe, but I need you to know who Max really is."
"I'll try," she nodded, looking at Hazel with curiosity and a hint of worry in her eyes.
"Good," David nodded, moving to the side so Hazel could sit down as well. "This is Hazel." He stopped for a second or two. "My daughter."
"Your daughter? How's that possible?"
David smiled, before telling Lucy everything. How they were alive during the earthquake in 1906, how they were changed info vampires and how from the first second Max had tried to get rid of Hazel. The girl became more and more quiet the longer he spoke. David told the strange woman everything that Max had done to her, from being locked up to being beaten to almost being poisoned. She hated it. Hated that he had to tell her, and hating that she had to listen to it.
"Is- is this true?" Lucy looked at Hazel.
"I am so sorry all this happened to you."
Hazel mumbled a quiet thank you, moving closer towards her father, who gave her a hug.
"Max is an evil man, Lucy. He prays on the weak, or on weaknesses of people. I've heard stories about your former husband - and I am telling you, you don't want this. Max will use you, change you - possibly put your sons through a similar thing as he did Hazel."
"How can we stop him? If he's a - a vampire -" she whispered the last part, "How can I stand against him?"
"You won't have to do it in your own. I'm just asking for your help, the boys and I are more than willing to end his miserable life, and so are the widow and your father I presume."
"I get why you want to kill him - I do, but isn't there another way to end this?"
David shook his head. "He forced Hazel to drink his blood, and if she turns while he is still alive, he can control her."
"I'll - I'll think about it, I don't know what I can do or how I feel about all this I just- Thank you for telling me and warning me, David. It's nice to-"
She stopped talking as David froze.
"Lucy, take Hazel and get out of here. Max knows, and he's pissed."
"No, papa, I don't -"
Hazel looked at David, fear and disbelieve in her eyes.
"Haze, you will be fine. I promise."
"I want to stay with you!" Hazel had tears burning in her eyes. She didn't trust this Lucy. Yeah, she was terrified of Max, but being forced to stay with some random woman?
"Hazel, please. I'll see you tomorrow night. Be good," he hugged her tightly, giving her a kiss on her forehead, before turning to Lucy. "Please keep her safe."
Lucy nodded, hurrying Hazel out of the restaurant. She rushed her to her car, helping her get in.
"You have your seat belt?"
Hazel looked, and nodded quietly. She wasn't sure but she thought she did. Lucy gave her a soft smile, before racing off towards the house.
Lucy knew that Hazel must be scared. Hell - she was. She could only imagine the horrors and nightmares this girl had been through. She felt sorry for her, sorry that her childhood was taken from her in such a painful way. As she stopped the car, she noticed the teen was shaking a bit, probably on the edge of crying.
"Is there anything I can do for you?"
Hazel shook her head quietly.
Lucy sighed, letting her out of the car. "We have a spare room you can use. Do you know Charles as well?"
"I've seen him before..."
"He's here during the day, if you need anything."
Hazel nodded, quiet still. She was scared. She didn't know what was going on, she didn't know if her dad and uncles would be alright... It terrified her, more so than she liked to admit. She followed Lucy inside, thanking her quietly as she was showed to a room.
"How the fuck did he find out?" David growled to no one in particular.
"Star's gone - she disappeared after she stopped talking to that boy."
"You think Max has her?" Paul looked at Marko, who shrugged.
"Could be. She knew, a little anyways. If he has her, he could definitely find out."
David looked at Dwayne, feeling a little troubled. "I can't put Hazel in anymore danger."
"We know."
"Lucy is in on the plan, but we need to hurry."
The boys nodded - flying to Josephine's place. They had a plan, and they needed her help to set it all up.
"Hazel? I got you some tea," Lucy knocked on the door, stepping in. "I know this is hard, but I'm sure your father will be alright."
"You don't know that," Hazel mumbled, "Max always has the upper hand."
"He cant always win."
"He did for the past eighty years. What's changing now?"
"What are you exactly afraid off?" Lucy sat down.
"He'll kill them. All of them. And then he'll trap me again."
"Why would he do that?"
"He is the devil."
Lucy gave the girl a small smile. "I assure you that they'll be alright."
"You don't know that."
"I'm a mom. I know these sort of things."
Hazel sighed, glad to see Lucy leave the room again. There wasn't anything wrong with the woman, she was nice enough, and David seemed to trust her. Hazel was just wary of strangers - and Lucy was still that. A stranger. She was mad at her father for leaving her. He knew how much it scared her - the thought of losing them again. And yet, here he was, dumping her with some random lady. Of course, a part of her understood why. She knew that if they were going to fight Max that she couldn't be there. And yet, it hurt. A lot.
"What the fuck is your damage?" Star hissed, looking at Max. It had only been two hours ago since he told her who he was. Her sire. It was his blood she'd drank. His call to kill her if she didn't change soon enough. It was also two hours ago since the torture started. Subtle at first. A slap. A punch. And now? She felt her stomach turn as she looked at her bloodied hand, three nails sticking out of it.
"You told me they wanted me gone. Now I need to know how and when. It's not that difficult of a question, is it?"
"But I don't know! I don't know, alright?"
"Cut the screaming," Max growled, slamming the hammer down on her hand. "Girls don't scream. Girls should be quiet, seen and not heard. And above all girls should be obedient. So tell me, Star. How do they plan to kill me?"
"I. Don't. Know."
Max walked away from her, walking back with a knife in his hand. Without warning he forced it in her leg, twisting it. "Think about it. I want an answer when I'm back."
"And if I don't have one?"
"For every hour you keep your mouth shut, I'll kill one family in town."
"Alright, so let me get this straight - you'll lure him into the trap, all four of you go at him at once, and then you just hope he'll get killed?" Jo looked at the boys.
"It's not the best, but what else can we do on such a short-"
"I expected better from you, David. Knowing you I thought you'd be planning his demise since the 1920s."
"I did. But I can't - he has Star. He can still find Hazel."
"Well, anyways. You might have a shot at surviving this. Just wait with the attack until Charles and I are there. We can help."
The boys began to protest, but Josephine shushed them quickly. "He can't win again."
She turned around, ignoring the one trying to disturb her sleep.
"Hazel, mom sund me up to wake you. You want breakfast?"
"Go away."
"No. You need to eat, and then you can join Mike and me to the beach. Or the comic book store - I haven't decided about that yet."
"Wha-" Hazel sat up, frowning a little. "Lucy is your mom?"
Sam nodded. "She kind of told me what happened. Your brothers are actually -"
"My uncles and my papa."
"Sorry to say this, but your life really sucks."
"She told you everything?!" Hazel looked horrified.
"The being hunted down by a video store owner part, yeah."
Hazel sighed, burying her head on her knees. "Why?"
Sam shrugged. "She meant well."
"I don't like it."
"Do you want to get out of the house?"
Hazel nodded, thanking Sam as he handed her some clothing. She looked at it, realising it was her own.
"Grandpa brought it home with him form the widow Johnson. He eh- he said he wanted to talk to you as well."
Hazel got dressed, not saying much, as she followed Sam down the stairs. As they entered the living room, two grand wooden doors slid open, and Charles Emerson stood there, a flashlight in a headband on his head.
"C'mere girl, I got something to give you."
Quietly Hazel walked towards him, following him inside his office. Charles gave her an encouraging smile, motioning for her to sit down.
"Jo asked me to give you this," he handed her a book. 'Interview with the vampire ' the title read. "She said to wish you a happy birthday."
"Not much of a birthday like this, hm?"
"Things will get better, you hear me? Now go out there and eat that bloody breakfast before my grandson knocks down this door."
Hazel smiled thankfully, walking outside his office to the kitchen to eat something. She ate, before Sam and Michael practically dragged her towards the beach. She sat there, trying to stay in the shadows, trying to read - but she couldn't focus. Sure, Sam really tried to get her attention. So did Michael, by showing off. But it was of no use.
"Sam, I'm going to the bathroom."
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
Hazel walked off, walking past the bathroom stall, through the forest, all the way until she reached the caves. Quietly she made her way down, down the familiar stairs into the lobby.
There was but one reason why she came here. She had a bad feeling and needed an answer - she needed to know her family was okay. She carefully stepped inside, lighting the two bins standing in the side of the entrance. She looked around, freezing as she saw four bodies. She screamed, sinking down to her knees. This couldn't be true.
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