#i promise i'll give charlie some soft fluff soon
voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@evildecd​ said,  ‘ your nose is bleeding. ’
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     Charlie’s words reached Remi through a fog, registering only enough for him to reach up with one tremulous hand and press a finger against his upper lip, being met with warmth that trickled further down. He licked his lips on instinct and was left with the taste of copper pennies. Pennies...
      He couldn’t remember what had happened. He couldn’t remember if Charlie had been there, or if he had only just arrived... the longer Remi thought about it, the more he realised that he didn’t remember much of the last day at all. He only knew that his body felt like ice, his very inner being weighing heavy inside of his guts, and his thoughts were hazy. And, apparently, he was bleeding.
      For a moment, he said nothing, staring blankly at his fingers. Finally though he managed to lift his head, blinking at Charlie with a tired gaze, an unnameable sensation of relief warming a small part of his frigid chest at the sight of the other. As long as there was Charlie, everything would be okay. “I don’t kn--don’t remember... rem...” A few heartbeats of silence. “... why am I s-so c-cold... where am I?”
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pixie88 · 4 years
Last Night of Freedom
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Chapter 12 - Together - Adam & Ellie.
A/N: This chapter I wrote at 2 AM this morning my little one had a bad night but I’m glad I wrote this. I hope it makes sense I hope I got all the mistake. I didn’t plan this chapter it just kinda happened. There are quite a few of my own stories in this chapter but I won’t give away what! I hope you laugh as much as I did! I hope you like it! 😘
I am only tagging those who have asked to be tagged in this series from now on as I don’t want to annoying people with tags. So Let me know if you would like to be tagged or untagged and if I missed anyone sorry just let me know!  
Find previous chapters HERE under Together - Adam & Ellie.
Word count: 1676
WARNINGS: ⚠️ Fluffy fluff, Talk of male and female body parts & Mild NSFW
Pairings: Adam x Ellie.
3 Months later.
I found my wedding dress, now I know what brides mean when they say once they find THE DRESS they know! You really do know! It's now 5 months before the wedding, and we decided to do the Hen and Stag do's now because Nina can't take anymore holiday off until the wedding.
We pull up to mum's club, Nina, Elaine, Amy and Kerry have already gone through 4 bottles of Prosecco in the limo ride over here, but we did get stuck in traffic thanks to road works.
"Ready for your last night of freedom El's?" Tom asks.
"Why do people say that? It's not like once you're married you're locked away forever, never to be seen again?"
"OK, I was just asking!" he pulls an awkward face.
I shove him "I know, I'm messing with ya! Looks like we are here finally"
We pile out of the limo and into mum's club "Ellie!! Ready for your big night?"
I roll my eye "Yeah, because I always wanted L plates on my chest and in my hair!"
"Don't forget the tutu and feather boa, El's" Tom laughs.
"Right, because how could I forget them, they are bright pink!" I laugh.
"I really don't get the whole L plate thing? She knows how to drive I thought?" Elaine looks confused.
"Well, she must do she's already taken Adam out for a test drive!" Amy winks.
"Oi, you! Stop it! I won't have my husband spoken about like that!" I giggle.
"Who wants cocktails?" Mum asks.
"Mum, Nina loves a blue lagoon. Don't you Nina?"
She gags but laughs.
"El's you choose!" Mum says.
"Nah, I can't drink too much I've only expressed enough for 3 days..."
"Argh, El's can we not talk about your tits please" Tom protests.
I laugh, "Mum, make these guys anything I'll just stick with soft drinks and a couple of Prosecco's"
Yup that didn't go to plan.....I'm currently struggling to get a jelly shot out of plastic shot glass and I have Nina shouting "SUCK IT" at me...that's not something you hear your mother in-law shout at you everyday.
I finally got it out "I did it!" I shout!
"El's, here!" Tom passes me something green in a shot glass.
"Tom, I can't..."
"Oh, come on El's 1 more! It's only Apple Sourz. We all have one!" Tom pleads.
"Actually, I think I'm with Ellie on this one" Elaine says. So, Tom reaches to take the shot glass off her, but she turns away, so he can't as she takes tiny sips.
I laugh, "Fine! But no more after this!"
He winks "Pinky promise," he hands one to Nina who has just come back from the toilets.
"Ewww, who got Hulk to piss in a cup!" Nina looks at the shot glass in horror!
We knock back the Sourz "Oh, that was actually quite nice! Can I get a pint of that?" Nina asks.
A little while later I'm at the bar with Elaine, "How do you feel about having the same penis forever?"
I choke on my water "Excuse me? Elaine you did not just say that!"
I feel a tap on my shoulder I turn expecting to see one of the other Hen's but I'm greeted by a man with jet black hair and a toothy smile "Last night of freedom ay? Your husband to be is a lucky man. Can I buy you a drink?" he winks as he looks me up and down.
I roll my eyes! There's that saying AGAIN! "Actually, no I'm already married and no I wouldn't like a drink thank you and also you aren't my Adam, so I will not be wasting my last night of freedom with anyone other than my Adam thank you" I usher Elaine away and we join Nina and Mum
"The nerve of that guy" Elaine hisses "Anyway Ellie...hiccup you didn't answer my question!"
"Huh?" I ask her.
"How do you feel about having the same penis forever?" she asks.
"MUM!!!" a tipsy Nina laughs "She clearly enjoys my Adam's pen...."
"OK!! Can we stop talking about my husbands genitals, please?!" I shout.
"Genitals? Who's talking about genitals and why wasn't I invited to this conversation?" Tom asks as he joins us.
"No one was!" I hiss.
"Well, actually we were talking about Adam's..." Nina laughs.
"Argh, OK maybe I don't want to be a part of this conversation" Tom says. 
"Well, El's you were the one that brought up the word genitals.." Mum chimes.
"Yes, because I didn't want to say the word..."
"Penis?!" Elaine cuts me off.
Tom Howls.
"Yes!" I shook my head.
"So, Ellie...." Elaine says.
I give in and answer her question "Yes, Ellie I would like to have Adam's same penis forever!"
"Well, it's clear you enjoy it! Mel and I have seen and heard proof of it" Nina laughs.
"She sits on it enough" Tom jokes.
"Yeah, and you aren't the only ones that have heard and seen it!" Elaine chips in.
I look at her in shock "What? When?"
She blushes as she takes a sip of her drink "It was just after you moved in together...you hadn't got the curtains for the living room yet. I was upstairs in my bedroom about to close my curtains..well, obviously you guys are opposite and you did have that hedge but I could see into your living room from there. Adam was in his boxers dancing on your lap I turned away as soon as I realized what he was doing. I phoned him to tell him that you two could be seen. He answered, but I think he did it by mistakes as all I heard was moaning. I think you may have given the whole street a show"
Oh god that was the night he gave me a strip tease,and we burst one of the blow up sofas.
"Oh, El's you exhibitionist!" Tom chuckles.
"I'm not! I didn't know!" I hiss at him.
"Nothing wrong with being an exhibitionist. The times me and your dad got caught in Bella!" she laughs.
"Wait...Bella? My car Bella?" I ask, hoping she means a different Bella.
She laughs, "El's, she was your dad's car first! We did clean the seats, bonnet and the boot. Like you haven't done it in that car!"
I gag at the thought of my parents having sex in my car "No! Actually, I haven't"
"But you and Adam christened your new car!" Tom winks.
"TOM!" I shoot at him.
"What? You never said I had to keep it a secret!" he laughs.
"I remember Al and I getting caught once. It was on his Nan's sofa, they came back from their holiday early. We were living with them at the time I think I fell pregnant with Adam on that sofa...Not that time, another" Nina tells us.
I look to Tom for help "El's lets go and see Amy and Kerry," he pulls me with him.
"Thank you!" I kiss his cheek.
"That's what big brothers are for," he smiles.
It's nearly 2:30 AM when I sneak in, I get to the top of the stairs and our bedroom light is on. I quietly open the door just incase Adam has Charlie in there.
When I get through the door, it's just Adam with the TV on, he smiles when he spots me "There's my beautiful already wife! Did you have a good night?"
"What are you still doing up?" I ask.
"I can't sleep without you," he winks.
I flop on to the bed "Aww, you fluff ball. Has Charlie been OK?" I ask.
"As good as gold! He went down in his cot at 7 PM and woke for a feed at 11 PM" he smirks.
"I have a confession to make" I give him my best pout.
He smirks " What have you done?"
I bite my lip "I kinda had more to drink than I planned too"
He chuckles "Is that it?"
"I wasn't supposed to have that much, but then there were shots and jelly shots and your mum was shouting at me to suck it..."
He looks confused "Wait? What?" he's laughing.
"I couldn't get the jelly shot out the plastic shot glass so she started shouting suck it at me" I laugh.
"God! What else happened?" he asks.
"Nan kept asking how I felt about having the same penis forever, then I found out my parents christened every part of Bella and did you know you were conceived on your dad's parents' sofa? Wait, that's not the best part Nan saw your strip tease and heard the after show. Also, some guy tried to buy me a drink but I told him I only wanted my Adam"
He looks half shocked and half amused "First question first what was your answer?"
"To the penis question? Yes, I am very happy to only have yours" I blush.
"Second question, how did parent sex even come up?" he asks.
"This was after Nan had explained she saw us from her bedroom window after we moved, then you pressed accept instead of decline when she phoned you and she heard us"
"Last question, your Adam?" he smirks as he pulls me on top of him, so I'm straddling him.
"Yes, my Adam" I wink "I bet on your stag do, you'll have all the girls falling at your feet"
He chuckles "They can fall all they want there is only one woman that gets my heart racing and my dick pulsing! She is the mother to my child, my beautiful wife and my sassenach!" he smirks.
Pulling me tightly to him, claiming my lips before rolling us, so he's on top "Adam, Charlie will wake up soon!" I giggle as he trails kisses from my lips to my chest.
"We better be quick then," he whispers against my inner thigh.
@lem-20​ @aussieez​ @shewillreadyou​ @khoicesbyk​ @txemrn ​ @irisofpurple​
He pulls down my skirt with my underwear and continue his trail up to my core...
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 13.
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