#interactions > evildecd
longtxts-a · 4 years
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    “ ash, stop ignoring me challenge. “
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@evildecd​ liked this post for a halloween/autumn starter, part II
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       Sneaking out had been a success, much to Remi’s relief as he crept along his lawn and made his way down a few streets to where he was meeting up with Charlie, flashlight in hand and perhaps comically large warm jacket on. (It wasn’t his fault he didn’t regulate body heat well, was his general retort to anyone who teased him about the matter.)
      “Our house got TPed.” The words were slightly out of breath from the fast pace at which he had walked, but that didn’t stop the grin that played across his features. “Mom and Dad were pissed but I thought it was kinda funny.” He glanced up and down the street, more or less abandoned by now, despite how active it must have been earlier in the evening with trick or treaters. He didn’t care that he had been forbidden from taking part in the festivities; all that mattered was he got to see Charlie, even if he had to sneak out to do it, and here he was, feeling safer, happier, and more at peace than he had all day. “So... where’d you wanna go?” 
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wickedlehane · 4 years
@evildecd​ asked “What happened here?”
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“Wish I could tell you,” Faith said, picking viscera out of her hair. “I’ve never really seen a demon like that one before.”
The Slayer rarely admitted when she was outclassed- though she so rarely ever was. And while she hadn’t exactly failed here- the lifeless corpse at her feet would attest otherwise- Faith couldn’t recall a time she ever fought something as determined and disgusting as this one. No matter what limbs she severed, what apparent arteries she pierced with her stake, this thing wouldn’t die. No dust, no crumbling, no implosion. Just more blood, and relentless approach. Its extremities even had some life in them before she’d stomped them to kingdom come.
Some sort of half-zombie, half-vampire, half-alien. Three halves- a nonsensical number for a monster that just didn’t quite make sense.
She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, an involuntary spasm of disgust passing through her spine at the smell of the thing all over her. Faith looked over at the man who’d approached- she wondered how much he saw of the whole fight. Not much, judging by his confusion. 
Pulling out a cigarette, she lazily balanced it on her lower lip and pulled out a lighter, shooting the stranger a quizzical look. “You seen this shit before?”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@evildecd​ said,  “Now, you’re going to do exactly as I say, aren’t you?”
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      The harder Dean attempted to cling to the memories from mere hours before, the more difficult it seemed to be to grasp them at all. Little things could be deduced from his surroundings; he knew he wasn’t in his hotel room anymore, he knew he wasn’t anywhere he recognised, he knew that Ash... Ash was here but it wasn’t Ash... but why wasn’t he Ash? How had he gotten here? Why did it feel like everything inside his head was fading and folding in on each other so that all he could focus on was here and now and Ash--
      Dean’s muscles were tense, as though he was poised to strike... but why would he be? A frantic sort of buzz crackled down his spine, remnants of adrenaline that he didn’t understand. He lifted his gaze to see Ash. His heartbeat quickened, but his body relaxed. Ash. A familiar face. A face he was entirely devoted to and one that soothed the pesky sensations of dread and panic.
      He didn’t know why he was here. He vaguely remembered snippets of things - Sam, the Impala, his job - it all seemed so insignificant and silly now. It was laughable that he had ever been so preoccupied with those things when Ash was right there.
      Somewhere within Dean’s chest, some writhing creature made of alarm, of fear and a deep sense of wrong, the nagging little itch of something he had forgotten that teetered just on the edge of memory. 
      But Ash was talking and Dean didn’t want to focus on anything else. “Yes, I am.”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@evildecd​ said,  “And I have news for you: you must obey me.“
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      He had no idea it was coming, but then again, that of course was the entire point. For a few moments after every touch or trigger word, he would have a few moments of fleeting clarity - the sensation of some part of himself struggling to swim to the surface as a heavy blanket of... well, nothing was the best word to describe it, settled slowly over him, pushing him further and further back until very little remained.
      And then he would have no shred of realisation that he had been placed under Ash’s spell; no memory of any of it happening either when he snapped out of it. Just a lingering feeling as though he had awakened from a dream, or broken free of an intense moment of deja vu.
      Dean had a few seconds of those thoughts, just long enough to remember what was happening and to grasp the knowledge it had happened before, and then everything faded and his eyes focused, gaze fixed on Ash’s own eyes.
      “... you must obey me.“
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      Warmth of a peaceful, proud sort - the feeling of knowing you had a purpose, and knowing you would do anything to achieve that purpose for the person before you - washed over him. “I will.”
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longtxts-a · 4 years
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         the nephilim takes one glance @evildecd​, raising her brows. “. . .how do you feel?” she wondered curiously, tilting her head to the side. “you were pretty banged up a few days ago. . .”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@evildecd​ said,  “It’s okay, there’s no damage. See? It’s okay.“ for the ‘ol beejmeister which i am adding because i love that nickname for beej so much
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      It wasn’t like he cared. Beetlejuice didn’t c a r e about anyone, much less humans, any interactions he had with them was purely one of fascination and occasionally an attempt to get one of them to break his mother’s stupid curse. His intense reaction to Ash getting caught in the crossfire of the fight between himself and a couple other demons from a much nastier part of the netherworld than he cared to visit was... whatever, it wasn’t fear or anything. Even if it had been, it would have been unwarranted because unlike most humans, Ash could take care of himself.
      After a brief minute of stammering and incoherent hand gestures, Beetlejuice managed, “I don’t care if there was damage done, it, you--” He pursed his lips, decidedly done with his extremely conspicuous facade and giving up on trying to deflect his clearly shaken up reaction. “Don’t scare me like that. Jerk.”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@evildecd​ said,  ‘ your nose is bleeding. ’
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     Charlie’s words reached Remi through a fog, registering only enough for him to reach up with one tremulous hand and press a finger against his upper lip, being met with warmth that trickled further down. He licked his lips on instinct and was left with the taste of copper pennies. Pennies...
      He couldn’t remember what had happened. He couldn’t remember if Charlie had been there, or if he had only just arrived... the longer Remi thought about it, the more he realised that he didn’t remember much of the last day at all. He only knew that his body felt like ice, his very inner being weighing heavy inside of his guts, and his thoughts were hazy. And, apparently, he was bleeding.
      For a moment, he said nothing, staring blankly at his fingers. Finally though he managed to lift his head, blinking at Charlie with a tired gaze, an unnameable sensation of relief warming a small part of his frigid chest at the sight of the other. As long as there was Charlie, everything would be okay. “I don’t kn--don’t remember... rem...” A few heartbeats of silence. “... why am I s-so c-cold... where am I?”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@evildecd​ said,  “I’m gonna find him, take my chain saw, shove it right up his ass.”
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      “Oh, please do, mate. That’d be a bloody sight for sore eyes.” Quite literally, too, if the latest beastie in their sights was any sort of corporeal. Which according to the evidence they had compiled so far seemed quite likely - whatever had been carrying out these killings was good ole flesh, bones, and blood. “Might be a glorious way to take out all the frustration. Just don’t muck up my coat.”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
beetlejuice continued from this post with @evildecd​
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      “Oh, no, yeah, I know.” Beetlejuice nodded perhaps a little too enthusiastically, already regretting having been so open. Not because Ash had made him feel uncomfortable - as a matter of fact, he felt very safe when it came to being honest around Ash - but more that... well, Beetlejuice didn’t really know, actually. He supposed it might be because that meant he was becoming closer to the other, and being closer to others had never worked out for him.
      Strange how it all came back down to fear; how ironic that fear had coiled its way deep inside a being meant to be the one doing the scaring! 
      But he had already come this far, so the rest of what he had wanted to say came rushing out, hair going blue - pesky excuse for a mood ring, and who made blue the official colour for nerves anyway? “Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate you being willing to go through with the whole marriage thing, but I figure you’ve got things to do, places to be, uh, people to save and stuff like that. You’re not gonna be around forever. I guess it’s less me being afraid to know what not being lonely is like so much as it is now I know what it’s like, and I’m afraid of going back. You have a whole life out there, and human or not, it’d probably be kinda weird to have a living ghost hanging around.”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@evildecd​ said,  ❝ stop acting like you’re happy .  i know you’re not . ❞
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      With a sheepish expression, Remi looked away, unable to maintain eye contact with Charlie as he rubbed the back of his neck and responded, “I am happy...!” The words faded off as even he realised they were a lie, and that he wasn’t fooling Charlie one bit.
      The truth of the matter was, putting up a mask was almost the only thing he knew to do. He had grown used to it with his parents, to keep them from sending him to more therapists and more doctors that wouldn’t help, and he had learned to do it in all other social interactions to hopefully stave off the amount of people who saw him as “the weird kid”.
      He let out a sigh, glancing back up at his friend. “I know. I just...” Remi shrugged. “I figured life’s real hard already, and I know you’re goin’ through a lot, so I don’t wanna make things harder by bein’ sad all the time. I wanna be... like...” He gestured aimlessly with his hands, animated as he struggled to put his feelings into words. “I wanna be somebody you can get away with. Not have to deal with everything with. Y’know?”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@evildecd​ said,  ❝ you’re not as empty as you lead others to believe.❞ for beej
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      It wasn’t that Ash was wrong, it was that Beetlejuice didn’t want to admit that Ash was right. So to speak. 
      “Yeah, well, when you’re the kid of the meanest demon in the Netherworld, you kinda gotta put up all sorts of fronts.” He shrugged, feigning disinterest to hide the uncomfortable, nervous twinge that pricked at his chest. He scratched his head, searching his mind for something else to say to fill the silence. “But yeah, you got me.” He feigned a blow to the chest, grasping at the front of his striped jacket for a moment before speaking again. “Figured being empty would be easier anyway, especially down there.”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
dean winchester continued from this post with @evildecd​
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      Christ, Dean hated this. He hated it. Despite all of the shit he had been through, nothing compared to the pain he had been in since Ash had lost all of his memories. Losing somebody was one thing. Losing them because they suddenly had no memories of ever loving you? That just... felt different.
      Sam hadn’t said anything, because of course he hadn’t. Because he knew that this was something Dean needed to do. He could feel his eyes stinging, and hoped that tears weren’t visible. Imagine how confusing that would be to poor Ash, trying to figure out why this stranger was crying like a baby.
      The question hit him like a train, and Dean cleared his throat, finally lifting his gaze to meet the other’s eyes, brow furrowing slightly in faint confusion. “Uh... well, I mean... I figured you’d want to leave, you know? Rather than just... you know, live with a couple total strangers.” He hesitated, glancing at Sam, communicating silently with expressions and receiving an encouraging nod in return. He looked back at Ash. “If you want to stay though, we’re not chasing you off. We’d, uh... I’d love it if you stuck around honestly, but I figured you were already planning to leave. Which, is, uh... why I said that. If you don’t want to though, or even just wanna visit or whatever, you’re always welcome here.”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
continued from here with @evildecd​
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      “Wh--hey! I’m not that small... anymore.” Remi reached out and gently shoved Charlie’s shoulder, brow furrowed in a mock expression of anger. He took no offence at the comment though, expression brightening into a grin a few moments later. Anyone else, and he would have been hurt, but this was Charlie. He knew Charlie didn’t mean nothin’ by it.
      “Whatever. Just means I’m faster’n everybody else.” He smirked, arching both eyebrows as he grinned at his friend, simply enjoying being in the other’s company.
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